Pain Relief Forums (Page 913)

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I'm looking for a pain clinic in knoxville tennesse with a good doctor giving good numbers of 30mg and 15mg oxy's. That takes out of state patients and a pharmacy that will fill them for me. Can someone please help me. ## In regards to finding a local pain management doctor/clinic, I have listed below a couple websites specific to locating pain management doctors in a given area. All you have to do is input your city or zip code for narrowed results: {link removed because site no longer exists} You can give this other page a try too if you come up with different results for some reason or another: Many of the results you find (in one or both of the links above) also list a phone number for that specific doctor; I'd consider ca...

1 REPLY Updated

hydrocodien watson lower tabs ## I'm not sure what are asking, are you trying to ask about information on the lowest dosage of these tablets? The lowest dosage listed as being available of Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone is 5mgs of Hydrocodone with 325mgs of the Acetaminophen. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. Read more: ## Is this drug used for a pain medicine after a kidney surgury,can it cause high fevers to occur,what should be done if the drug is causing the fevers?

2 REPLIES Updated in Acetaminophen

I HAVE A M358 PILL HOW MANY MILLIGRAMS IS THIS PILL ## i need to know what this is and how many milligrams it is. ## Pill Image This is Acetaminophen 500mgs and Hydrocodone 7.5mgs. ## its basically a hydrocodone 5-500 ## Thanks I was wondering and had no where else! :) ## it's generic for lortab it's 7.5 Mg's. ## What's the difference between Vicodin. Hydrocodone and loratab?

6 REPLIES Updated in Hydrocodone

Hello, I have been on Oxycodone for two and a half years. I take 80 mgs for a bad back and recent gall bladder surgery that went horrible. Because I have such a high tolorance for the Oxycodone. I now get no feeling and it is starting not to work. What can I do to rid my body of this medication so that I can bring the work part of it back and the euphoria as well! ## The only way to really do that would be to stop taking it for a period of time, which may mean several months, or longer, since you have been taking it for such a long time. You should also be informed that the feeling of euphoria has nothing to do with whether or not the medication is working for you. That is just a side effect and it is completely normal for it to wear off, as your body gets used to the medication. Have y...

2 REPLIES Updated in Oxycodone

I can't remember what kind of pill this is: abouta 1/2" diam. white with GPI on top line, then a line, then a G5 underneath the line. I think it's a strong Tylenol but don't have vial anymore. ## Did you mean GPI A5 as you stated in your subject line? If so, yes it does contain 500mgs of Acetaminophen and is a generic, or store brand of Tylenol. Side effects may include: headache, drowsiness, stomach irritation and nausea. Learn more:

1 REPLY Updated in Tylenol

Around 4 years ago our American Eskimo Spitz was diagnosed with an enlarged heart. We treated him for nearly a year for that problem through our family vet., but the medicine he was on didin't help. Finally he referred us to a specialist in Gathersburg, MD. At that appointment he was diagnosed with COPD, and the medicine he was treated with could have caused kidney failure. That vet put him on the tussigon and it does help some. The reason I am writing is because I see that several people have written in that they have the same breed of dog that we have. Just make sure that your diagnoses is correct and your dogs are being treated for the correct illness. I also see that people are having a hard time finding Tussigon.Why aren't your vets providing this for you? It is expensive, ...

Updated in Tussigon

i suffer with chronic pain and am on fentanyl 50mg, my next perscipyion will be for 75mg, My question is do they make fentanyl in any other form because i seem to be allergic to the glue on them. Or is there any other drug as strong as they are that are possibly timed released. Thankyou ## I have been on the 50mg patch now since July 2012. Last month I was one patch short of my refill cause one fell off the same day I put it on. I figured well it is only 3 days till I can get my refill. MY GOD the first day was so so the second day was JUST AWFUL! I was never so sick in my life! I was at Walgreens the second I could get it refilled. The withdrawl was so bad I wanted to kill myself! Had i not been able to refill my patch I was going to the ER that is how bad the withdrawl was. I want to ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Fentanyl

I have been taking oxycodone 10-325 three times a day for about 6 months I stooped taking it for a week. Took a urine drug test. Would there still be some in my system ## Hi bb, If you gave yourself a week before your urine test then you should be fine, as Oxycodone generally takes 3-4 days to be out of your system for a urine test. Keep in mind though that there are other individual factors, such as metabolism, diet, weight, etc, that play a significant role in the time it takes to leave your system completely. But in my opinion a week should've been plenty of time; especially if you drink lots of water (oxycodone is excreted in the urine). I hope this helps!

1 REPLY Updated in Oxycodone

I found a small round pill that's sky blue with p 20 on one side and blank on the other side. The p is located over the 20. I couldn't find out what it is I googled it with no luck. Some say its oxycontin 20mg. But how do you know for sure? Does anyone know??? ## Oxycontin is only available as the name brand and the 20mg tablet is pink, with the marking OP 20 on the new formulation and OC 20 on the old formulation. This tablet, with the P over 20 contains 20mgs of Propranolol, which is a beta blocker that is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in OxyContin

A doctor prescribed me the medication clonidine and said r when I took the drug screening that I tested positive for oxycodone. Could this medication cause a false positive? ## No, Clonidine isn't known to cause a false positive for anything. Have you taken anything else, even over the counter products?

1 REPLY Updated in Oxycodone

Is it possible to smoke vicodin? If so is it worse for you than smoking oxycodone or oxycotton? ## It is actually not safe to 'smoke' any of them. Tablets contain fillers, especially time released ones like Oxycontin, and not all of them are meant to be broken down by the human body, they are normally just expelled as waste. However, trying to use it in a manner for which it is not intended places these substances into your body in a manner in which they cannot be processed out. This creates the risk of blockages, which could lead to respiratory arrest. Are there any other comments or questions?

1 REPLY Updated in Vicodin

oxycodone hydrochloride 30 mg and oxycodone apap 5-325 both be the same on a ua ## Yes, the active narcotic that would be detected in a drug screen is the same in both, it's Oxycodone. However, if your doctor is doing the test, what you may run into is your levels being off. If you are prescribed a certain amount to be taken at certain dosing intervals, then the levels in your body should fall within a certain range. Anything outside of that range may alert your doctor to a problem. Are there any other questions or comments?

1 REPLY Updated in Oxycodone

I have a valid perscription for Morphine, but I took significantly more than perscribed the day before the test. will the urine test be able to determine exact quantities of the morphine or will my script be enough. Please help. I have been losing sleep for 2 days, and my results are not in yet. thanks. ## What is the drug test for? Is it for your employer, or your doctor? In most cases your employer, parole officer and etc. will only go a general test to check for the presence of drugs. They don't actually look at the levels of it. Your doctor, however, knows where your levels should be and will usually look at those, as well, so they will be alerted if you took more or less than you were supposed to.

1 REPLY Updated in Morphine

are these 100% oxycodone? ## This tablet contains 30mgs of Immediate Release Oxycodone, and no other drugs. Depending on the manufacturer however, there are probably fillers or what they call inactive ingredients that help bind the pill. Other than that you can be rest assured that the only drug is Oxycodone. You can view information about Oxycodone by visiting the link below: I hope this helps!

1 REPLY Updated in Oxycodone

trying to identify white round tablet scored with S on top and 8 below scored line ## is a white round pill with 8/S hydrocondine or not ## From what little information I was able to find, I think this is a fake pill, with unknown ingredients. Reports from two other users (in another forum) note that this pill was "purchased in Belize City at a Pharmacy there and was told it was Vicodin 10/500. One side is blank, the other side has an S on one side of a score line and an "8" on the other side." These pills were reported to be in a plastic ziplock baggie and contained no contact information to the said pharmacy. I was also unable to locate a pill with the description provided. Because of the lack of information on this pill, it is going to be difficult to determine what t...

5 REPLIES Updated in Vicodin

I have been taking Oxycodin and Kadian for two years. Your opinion on how well the work together, and is it likely I may become addicted. How long can one take these for chronic pain and feel safe about it? ## I can speak from experence only from the point of oxycodone, check you'r family backgroung for alcholism or drug addiction and your self for an addictive personality, I warn you of the caution, but if you are truely in pain take it only AS PERSHRIBED DEXTOX IS HELL!! you will be O.K. if you do not abuse it. GOOD LUCK!!! ## if there is any way possible, i would try something other that oxycodone or oxycontin for pain. they are both so addictive!! i know. i had a terrible time coming off it. ## Its true very very additcive so good but ohh so bad ## I was hurt in 96. Without pain...

11 REPLIES Updated in OxyContin

I took enzomac tablets as prescribed by a doctor, 1 three times a day for knee swelling with great results. However the swelling has now returned after 2 weeks. Is it safe to take another course of enzomac. How long can it safely be taken for? Also does enzomac work as a painkiller as well as an anti-inflammatory, or should I take painkillers alongside this? I am British and currently travelling around India. I don't know the cause of the knee pain and swelling but will have an MRI scan when I return home. Until then any answers to my questions will be much apprecaited. Thanks ## MR.FRANCES,TAKE PHLOGAM,IT IS BETTER THAN WAT U R TAKING NOW.PHLOGAM IS THE 1ST TRIPLE COMBINATION LAUNCHED.TAKE PHLOGAM 1 TAB 3 TIMES FOR 7 DAYS.IT IS AVAILABLE IN ABROAD ALSO AS PHLOGENZYME OK. ## YES it ...

4 REPLIES Updated

I found this white round pill on one side it has FR 9 the other side is blank nothing is there together with one of those pipes u get high with on my husband's work jeans is that safe to use or what is it please help!! ## From what I've found, this is an over the counter pain reliever that contains 250mgs of Acetaminophen, 250mgs Aspirin and 65mgs of Caffeine, it is a generic or store brand of Excedrin, which is commonly used to treat headaches. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Acetaminophen

I've taken 5 lorcets this week if i stop today because I have a drug test it to 2 weeks will i pass ## Lorcet contains Acetaminophen coupled with the narcotic Hydrocodone, which like most other narcotics is usually detectable in a standard urine test for approximately 4 to 5 days, after last dosing. There is no way, however, to give a precise time frame, because it will always vary from person to person, depending on individuating factors, such as your metabolism, overall health, activity levels, fluid intake and etc. Are there any other questions or comments?

1 REPLY Updated in Lorcet

I am currently taking 600mg Lyrica and 60 mg Cymbalta. 10 mg Tramadol as needed. How long does someone have to stay on Lyrica for FM, DDD, Stenosis, Pain Management (from MVA 30 year old Cervical & Back Injuries). ## There is really no set time that anyone has to stay on it, per se, it's really dependent on how well it works for you and what you and your doctor decide is right and safest for you. Has it been helping your pain? Are you experiencing any problematic side effects? ## Its seems to be working. They got me up to 600mg per day. Weight gain is scaring me as I have always been thin. I do get the electric buzz'es up my neck if you know what I mean. (Like Gabapentin). Will I have to take this for life?

2 REPLIES Updated in Lyrica
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