Pain Management Dr. Around Nashville, Tn (Page 7)
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I just moved to Nashville and need a Dr. to continue writing my Oxycodone 30mg 4/day. I have medical records & MRI showing I actually need the medication. I can get a referral if needed. I appreciate ANY help. Thank you!

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Does anyone in know of a good pain clinic besides of CPS, CPI? I discharged myself from CPI due to changing one of my pain meds. I am on oxycodone 30mg 4x daily and oxymorohone 2x daily. The oxymorohone I can do without but need my oxycodone. I need to find one quick where I run out next week. I live in nashville. Thanks

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Hey I actually just seen your post that you have been going to a good place. I have been going somewhere for 4 yr given oxycodone 10 mg 4 day and today I just got a prescription for oxycodone 7.5 mg 3 a day. I need to find a dr quick that accepts tncare/amerigroup. Help me please. I am afraid of being miserable for a whole month. I'm in franklin, tn

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Please tell me a place that I can get my meds back. I was going to hope health and was getting 5 15mg oxymorphones and 4 30mg roxicodones due to me falling 32' feet into a concrete floor breaking both my hips and 4 discs in my lumbar spine...I was dismissed because I was arrested in Williamson county for possession of a drug...which was my wife's phenergan...what a joke well the case was totally thrown out and hope still wouldn't take me back its ridiculous...any help would be greatly appreciated. Again thank you from a crippled up old man.

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John, I'm VERY INTERESTED in the PM Drs. you know! I'm new to Nashville and I don't want to waste my time w/ Drs. who do not care/help their patients! Please get ahold of me

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Hi john what is the process to be referred to a Pain Clinic. I just moved here from MT and need to find a Dr soon. Thanks

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Please help me find a doctor in nashville who will prescribe Lortab 10. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I am having myoclonic seizures. I have a neurologist and a Neurosurgeon and my PCP moved.

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I also am trying to find a pain management Dr, I had back surgery back in 2011. If you could help me I would really appreciate it. My number is {edited for privacy}.

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Everyone keeps asking kdog when I've put on here best place to go to get pain meds written, np, first visit get em.

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{edited for privacy}. kdog, can you email me the name of the pm doctor? I've been in chronic pain for years. I had a great doctor in the Houston area. Now I live in Nashville and don't know where to go.

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I need a new doctor. lower tabs don't work. can you help me with a new doctor?

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Could you please tell me drs name that you said was so good? I live in Nashville and have been having to drive to this Dr, and he wont write the pain meds I use to be on, and I'm still in alot of pain and can't do daily things my life has gone down hill. I'd appreciate it you could help me with your drs name. I wont give it out to anyone else. Thanks alot for being so helpful.

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Kdog, can you please get in touch? My pm clinic no longer accepts my ins. New pm won't prescribe my meds. New pm suggested I go somewhere else. {edited for privacy}

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Excellent doctors there, I totally agree!

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I'd love to help you but they keep blocking out the email addresses. I am not going to post it in the open for fear of the wrong people getting the info and flooding my doctor and making it harder for the ones that really need the help. I don't know how to get ahold of the ones that really need it, any suggestions?

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Got ra in hands, KNEES MOST OF MY JOINTS need new dr anybody no of any goodones

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Nashville pain and wellness center in brentwood,tn on corothers parkway.

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Whats the # and name & location for a Paim clinic that will give me same meds oxicodone 30 mg & oximorphone 15 mg and also valium Ive got recent mri

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Please help me. {edited for privacy} is my email. I need help finding pain clinic in nashville.

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Call the Center for Spine & Muscular Rehabilitation Cener they also handle Pain Managent. The doctors and NP's are great make sure you bring your Medical records, and recent X-rays if you have them and / MRI reports. They have zero tolerance for doctor shopping. and they do there job. NOT a pill mill. Call (615) 872-9966 for appointments.

1605 Westgate Circle Suite 200
Brentwood, TN

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Hey kdog, I found your post very helpful and have downloaded your list of doctors, you mentioned the one you see is on here. Anyway can you me which one, as there are quite a few on the 12 pages :/ My email is {edited for privacy}. Thank you in advance.

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