Pain Management Dr. Around Nashville, Tn (Page 6)
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I just moved to Nashville and need a Dr. to continue writing my Oxycodone 30mg 4/day. I have medical records & MRI showing I actually need the medication. I can get a referral if needed. I appreciate ANY help. Thank you!
God knows I need a good doctor.I have spinal bifida and the pain is unbareable.please help me kdog
John my name is John too. I am also looking for a place to continue my meds,OC 60mg and ROX 30 mg each x 3 a day. I was injured in the gulf war then placed on 100% disability by the VA after the military medically retired me several years ago. I am very unhappy with the pain doctor that Ive been going to and was discharged 2 months ago for having some THC in my system after a drug panel. Now I must start all over again. Have visited two other pain doctors who won't take my case. I don't know how to contact you other than here and really hesitate to post my phone number. Think you can help point me in the right direction so I can continue my meds? The federal government is intruding on our lives more and more by the day and it is hurting the people who really need their meds to have any kind of quality of life. I tried the VA and they are so back logged it will take forever to see them. Please help if you can. Thanks.
Anyhow didn't he just go on extended vaca after getting arrested for domestic assault? I just tried to look him up and read horrible reviews
John you wanna post it again? I haven't seen anything and can't find any who take United Healthcare
CC not the law! Just a guideline. Yet the new CDC guidelines are that pain docs aren't supposed to check for THC since folks who smoke take less pills..PMG loves injections, I went one day to them and they prescribed 3 7.5 perc!!! I handed them their script and got a patient initiated withdrawal due to insufficient pain control.....I'm looking for a new one now. CPS is good but they put me on Fentanyl patch and it sucked my adrenals and trashed my thyroid.....I went off the patch but overtook pills to avoid horrendous patch w/d, so they fired me....2 months and still can't find a doc that takes my ins and will prescribe what I was on...
Dr Macorone in Clarksville. He will take care of you
I find myself in a similar condition to you, age 60, female and 6 years in pain Mgnt. I'm unhappy with my current mass production Clinic and would like to find a compassionate Dr. I hate the accusatory questions, I'm an honest person worthy of trust. Could you please refer me?
John, I have not seen a post from you, but am very interested. I have my first appointment Tuesday, May 10, at Pain and Spine Management in Brentwood. I am terrified they are going to change my regimen. Please email me {edited for privacy}.
I would love some info @ kdog please and ty!
Looking for pain management in Chattanooga been on 30 for 2 years and 30 moriohine just had surgery on my neck in more pain now and they have cut my meds don't understand I need to go back to work any one know any real pain managment doc in Chattanooga please help in pain
Good luck i weigh 170 and was told 15mg was a lot. i once again woke up in tears and was trying to find me a md. Try vanderbilt i am.
Where John? I don't see that info.
This place in Manchester...will they prescribe anything over Percocet? I was on 30 mg oxycodone x 4 daily for 3 yrs prescribed by my Pcp...had to go to pain management and was dropped down to Percocet... can't function like this. I'll pay cash if I can see a 31st that will give me back my meds that allows me to function again.
John I still haven't had any luck finding a good caring dr in the franklin, murfreesboro, nashville area. Can you please help me???
{edited for privacy} please email me. I need a pain clinic that will prescribe oxycodone 30 mg/×4 daily.
Kdog, would you share with me any md's you know? Here is my post from earlier. I'm really concerned about what will happen in May:
As of May 1, my PCP will no longer treat chronic pain. I developed rsd/crps several years ago after surgery. I was referred to a pain clinic; PT; several modalities. Finally got pain manageable with Fentanyl Patches and Hydrocodone. Multiple weaning attempts, but pain was too much. Almost 2 years ago, I was able to wean off of the patches. So now, just taking hydrocodone. It keeps pain tolerable most days. I am awake, alert and fully functional. I take 20 mg four times a day. As a critical care and hospice nurse for 30+ years, I know risks and ramifications. I also know I CANNOT tolerate 24/7/365 pain. I just need someone who will continue the regimen that has worked for me for years. I have done it all; biofeedback, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, etc.. I am on full term disability due to this condition. Can you recommend an MD in the Nashville area who will continue my current treatment?
K dog, I have scoliosis and recently my meds were cut, more than half. After going there for 4 yrs. I need to find a good dr asap. I am having trouble standing up straight, sleeping, the pain is down into my legs. Also going up my spine causing bad headaches. Email me please {edited for privacy}. Thanks
931-728-3712 Manchester, I would go here, but they don't accept ins. & it's an hour away from me. They seemed very nice & helpful. If you find anyone close to franklin please let me know.
Need help with a doctor who will help with a plate in my neck from a hit in run accident in Nashville!! Just been released from Vandy and now doing physical therapy..need pain meds..accident was on October 2015..eating Tylenol and excedrine extra strength!!! Help please!!
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