Pain Management Dr. Around Nashville, Tn (Page 8)
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I just moved to Nashville and need a Dr. to continue writing my Oxycodone 30mg 4/day. I have medical records & MRI showing I actually need the medication. I can get a referral if needed. I appreciate ANY help. Thank you!

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looking for pain doctor that takes my government insurance in Nashville,tn if any ones know please let me know been in pain many years..

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Hi I have osteoarthritis in my back,both knees, had one replaced need the other one done, I have degenerative disc disease,torn facets and much more and I need a pain doctor so bad, I went to Dr. Cochran for 6 yrs and he retired. If you could help me it would be greatly appreciated, and they want to fuse my spine and I won't let them

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i have a question about the pain management group in murfeesboro tn i have been in pm for 9 years and this will be the thrid one i ever tried my first one closed down i had been going four years and the one i go to now is great but its a little far for me and plus they have suddenly after i been going almost 6 yrs they cut everyone med in half so i was on oxy 30 and now 15 three a day and morphine 30 it was cut to it was 60 x3 a day i tried to make it on that for almost a yrb but my pain is so bad and i told them it wasnt under control and i am having to lay down alot of days but i was told thats to bad they told me by law you have to take less than 240mg of pain meds a day like i was on 60mg of morphine x3 and 3 30mg of oxy a day and she said that was way to much now even though she was the one that put me on it but i wanted to know two things if anyone knows anything about pmg in mursfreeboro tn and if yall know if that is truly the law

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I don't know if you'll see this, but I just moved here from Houston TX area. I have been treated for chronic pain for about 3 years. Hydromorphone 8 mg every six hours as needed and I rarely ever even take my total daily amount. Since moving to Nashville I've heard horror stories about getting on a good pain mgmt regime. If you know of a doctor, please let me know. {edited for privacy}

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Kdog I need one too. They fired a good PA I had. Wanted to go to the PMG. But some HMO crap with their doc.

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I'm disabled due to fibromyalgia and disc disease & bulging disc; plus facet syndrome arthritis. I use to have a great pm Dr in AL but he moved. So now I've been looking in TN where I live for one that actually listens to me & doesn't treat me like a stereotype. I'm hurting bad & can't carry out my daily living activities.. My email is {edited for privacy} so if anyone has suggestions plz let me know. Thank u

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Hello is there anyway that you can help me with your Dr's information. I have had cancers and bone tumors and am in seriously to much pain on a daily basis and honestly can't take it anymore. I am new to the area and would love an awesome honest Dr with a HEART.

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Help!! I desperately need a pain management dr. I was in pain management for 6 yrs with now mess ups. As I had no reason to mess up. But due to the fact that I wouldn't leave my dying father to go to my appt and I took 2 Percocet that wasn't prescribed to me I was put on probation for 6 months and then I moved out of town where I have been unable to find any help. Also after a couple of months of not being able to find a dr I got the bright idea to go to a suboxone clinic to get subutex as a means of pain relief. And as I have been a nurse for years and I have had patients who were on buphrenophrine patches for pain. So after months of looking for a dr I went and yes the subutex helped the pain but its not the result I am looking for as I feel I need a dr to continue to assess for changes to my condition etc. and thats not gonna happen at the sub clinic. I have had arthritis chronic pain and fibromyalgia since I was in my teens. Any info would be helpful.

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Kdog. If you still check this page. Thanks for your list. I would be interested in the doctor you've been with for such a long time. The places I've called are Not accepting new patients. My email is {edited for privacy}. I've been on a wild goose chase for over 2 years with 3 mris, xrays, surgeries, inj's. & now my ortho says I have to find a pain management doctor since he isn't certified to treat chronic pain. Thanks again for your help!

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Can you please help me. I just moved to bowling green and cant find anyone who will write me what I need to help the pain I'm having. I really appreciate it. Thank you. {edited for privacy}.

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Hey k-dog. Thanks for all the help. I'm pretty sure I know & was considering changing to the Dr. You were referring to. Just answer if its 1of these 2 places. I'm going protect theirs n your annonimity by using abbre/initial. Is either of these H.H.&W. well that's an acronym for the name of the office the head Nurse practioner's initials are C.S. that's the 1st, now the second all I know is one of the Nurse Practioners initials are D.F. & I can jus abbreviate this Aff. Is in the name. If either one makes since to you or maybe they both will & if so let me know if either 1's this wonderful Dr you speak of. BTW I'm battling RA, SLE, Lupus amongst several other things like Scoliosis. So, I will put any information to great use. Sincerely struggling & searching

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Been relocated to Smyrna from Knoxville Tennessee, would appreciate any suggestions if you know local clinics taking new patients kdog. Thanks for your time.

{edited for privacy}.

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Here is the list that I had but I notice that the date is back a ways. I know some of them are still in business though and the one I have been seeing for over 6 years is also on there, here is the list:

They're very good, I have never actually seen the Doctor but my Nurse Practitioner is excellent. Very kind, understanding and helpful. When I first started going I had a difficult time finding the right pharmacy to fill my medications but now since I've been going to the place that I found a while back I rarely have a problem getting my medicines filled except sometimes the price (I have to pay cash for everything) It is also pretty close to the Clinic as well. Yes, they do take new patients where I go, you have to have a recent MRI and have your most recent pharmacy fax your most recent list of prescriptions. I am not quite sure but I do think that I had to have my Family Physician fax my records as well. You have to call to get their fax number to the clinic get everything to them (except office visit-that must be made either with credit card or debit card of money order at the time of your first visit) then you wait for them to call you with an appointment date. They are prompt though, if you don't hear from them in a week or so, call them back and they really good about checking into see what the hold up is.

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That's a good idea and I have another pretty long list that has a lot of Pain Management Doctors and Clinics in fact there's actually info on there that I was going to share. I really don't just want to share it in the open forum for legitimate reasons. I've seen some posts on this forum that sort of don't look like they are legitimate reasons for wanting to get pain meds. If I felt someone was trying to get for any other reason that what they were intended for it wouldn't make me happy. I know how hard it is to get help for actual health reasons and also how I've been made to feel over the past 20 years trying to get that help. I know that just talking to someone for a couple of minutes over the internet I'm not going to know for sure either but just posting my information out here and people going where I am going it could mess it up for people that are sincere and actually need the help, not wanting to cash in.

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Could you please get in touch with me kdog? I need help. Serious pain problem. Not being taken seriously.

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Have you found any help yet? I am female 57 and have been going to a great place for 6 years. They are also taking new patients. I'd like to get to chat with you though if it's ok. I don't want to post my email because I would get a barrage of email.

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I need help finding a pain management doctor. A good one. A doctor that cares about their patients and listens to them. A doctor that is not afraid to treat his patients as individuals, not as a group. I worked for HCA and Parkview Hospital when it was Parkview Hospital. I have worked for Dr. Frist, Dr. Huston, etc. in the Nashville area. I answered all their patient calls and have my medical terminology and coding certification from HCA. I say that so I will be understood when I say this: I have been in pain management going on 5 years. My primary doctor sent me because I was eating Tylenol and Ibuprofen like it was candy 6, 7, to 8 times a day for the pain in my legs. It is arthritis. All my family has had it for generations. My sisters, brother, mother, all of us. It has now spread to my neck, spine, ankles, feet, and beginning in my hands. I play classical piano and have my own cleaning business. My uncle lives with us and has stage 4 bone cancer. My husband is disabled (a veteran from Vietnam) and I have a 13 year old son. My 19 year old has tumors in her feet. I HAVE TO WORK. But I cannot find a pain management doctor to help me. I have been on Methadone 10mg. 2, 3xdaily, for apprx. 7 years. I do not feel high from it. I do not have to increase my medication. I can work every day with a clear head and I feel as close to normal as possible with rheumatoid arthritis as I can. But I cannot find a doctor to continue prescribing my medicine for me. My formal pain mgmt. wanted to bring me way down, and I can barely operate on this dosage. Or every doctor wants to put me on Morphine. MORPHINE. Last week Dr. Miller at Pain Management Group said he would not prescribe methadone to me because he believes it is too easy to overdose on. I have looked at the statistics, and 3x more people DO overdose on morphine than methadone every year. State and country wide. I need help finding a doctor that will treat and help me. I can barely work and my family is going down slowly. We can hardly pay the bills because I cannot work. Not to mention the pain and now going back to taking Tylenol and ibuprofen like it was candy again. Spreading out my last few pain pills to try and get through every day life for my family as preparing dinner, washing clothes, cleaning the house, etc. Can someone please help me? PLEASE. Sincerely, slt in Tn.

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Have you been able to find a decent pain management doctor? I just relocated to Nashville for work from Birmingham and am having to leave my pain management doctor there who I absolutely love. Like you I've had a spinal fusion but still suffer a lot of pain from it and pain from additional degenerative discs. I have been on 5-6 Lortab 10mg per day for years along with steroid and RF procedures which has been a very effective treatment plan.

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This is so sad What pain management had come to. I have a failed spinal surgery with residual nerve damage that can't be fixed because there is no cure.e beeninpainover

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Thats same I heard, i even had an appt with them and they said, "good luck getting them filled." Hemel Mehta is good but try to avoid the nurse practitioner. I told them last month that the low dose of oxycontin kept me in withdrawal and she said, "gee wonder why he made it so low?" So she upped the mg and a week letter i got a discharge letter for overtaking my meds

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