Ptsd Severe Anxiety On Suboxone/ Xanax (Top voted first)
UpdatedI've had PTSD for 2 years and severe anxiety most of my life. It seems to be getting worse. I've been on Suboxone for 11 months and will be out of the program within 8 months. I'm in Ky. Lately, probably for the last year, the anxiety has turned into something else I can't even begin to manage. I'm having paranoid thoughts that people are going to kill me. The only place I feel safe is at home when the house is full of people. I can't go to the store anymore because I have this strong feeling that any body there could "get" me. I'm crying right now typing this because I feel so helpless. I KNOW its stupid and no one is really going to get me, but the feeling is so strong when it comes that I just freak out and think I'm having a heart attack or a nervous meltdown, or both. I've talked to my Sub doctor about it and he thinks its the PTSD manifesting in a different way and not schizophrenia, which is what I was afraid of because I'm 28 and from what I've read, it usually shows itself around this age. My question is, and my fear, will I not get treated properly because of my being on Suboxone? I was prescribed Xanax when I was 18 and it helped with my anxiety then, and I've been on other medications since that haven't worked as well. If I were to bring up my experience with Xanax, would I get shut down as another "junkie" drug seeking? Please understand that I'm not asking this for the wrong reasons...I really am unhappy, afraid, anxious and miserable and can't even leave my house. Thank you for any responses..
4 Replies
i went through your exact same story and thats how i got addicted to pain pills which turned into H... i was on suboxone as well... to be honest, i think xanex and other benzos are garbage to take for anxiety because you become too tolerent to them and just pop them like candy and makes your memory horrible.
i got clean and now i am perscribed Prazosin for my PTSD. ask your doc about it, its not a narcotic, its a blood pressure pill and it works great for nightmares and ive even taken it during the day for when my "senses are extreamly hightened" .
i know exactly what you are describing, i too couldnt leave house and if i did, every noise would seem like its a billion times louder and feels like ppl staring and just major paranoia. You probably recently had something very stressful happen that worsened your anxiety or PTSD(if thats what you have) .... just try to get counseling and please stay away from any addictive narcotic because it is easy to get hooked on a substance when it takes away all of your anxiety feelings and then absolutely the worst hell youve ever experienced to get clean, if youre that lucky.
dont overload yourself with stress or push yourself to do things that are out of your comfort. baby steps. .... when i was in your situation, i had an errand that had to be done and when i got to the place i was going to, just the sheer fear of having to talk to someone in public overwhelmed me to the point of fainting out cold.
you also probably dont have a good appetite, (and dont want to shop) ... i lost a significant amount of weight and so i got a friend to bring me Ensure's or meal replacement drinks, they were the only thing i could stomach.
good luck and dont forget, it wont last forever
I have PTSD and anxiety 2. I've been on suboxone and klonopin 4 years now. And the klonopin works great. I use 2 go through a lot of what u r going through. It wasn't always like that. I had 2 work with my Dr. 2 get on the proper med and dose. U need 2 talk with you're Dr. And maybe let him know what works best 4 u. Maybe a change of meds. Or the dosage? U can't keep suffering like this. I know, it's not a way 2 live. If worse comes 2 worse maybe switch Dr. But, I think if u really have a heart 2 heart talk with you're Dr. He or she will listen. Any other??? I'd b glad 2 help if I can. Good luck!
I have PTSD and was on methadone when I first started subutex.I waited 36 hours and thought I would be ok I wasn't I went into the worst withdrawal I went into respiratory failure and had to have the ambulance take me to the local Hospital where they were good enough to let me lay there and suffer,After hours they let me go and luckily my son had some morphine I took some and was fine,Not high straight
The next day the doc put me on Oxycontin and over 2 weeks took me down I tried the subutex again and was ok ,s so you don't go into precipitated withdrawal .This can BE very careful break the pill or film into little bits and try that. I would recommend discussing the anxiety issue with the doctor and work together on this,Good luck I have walked in your shoes. BE CAREFUL
Thank you so much. It's comforting in a way to hear from someone who went through this and made it through the light at the end. I feel like there is something REALLY wrong with me, but I feel so helpless. I'm afraid to talk to my doctor because I'm paranoid that he will call CPS and the state will take my kids from me...again I know it's unlikely, but the fear is still there. Everyone has told me not to worry and as long as I'm trying to get treatment and not a danger to myself or others, I should be fine to confide in him. I've been taking Ciprazolam (and antidepressant,) for a couple of years now but it isn't helping, obviously :) I agree with the sentiment of Xanax becoming useless as some point and more of a problem than a cure in the long run, but it has been the only thing (that I've tried) that has helped. Admittedly, I haven't tried low blood pressure meds, so it is reassuring that there are other things I haven't been prescribed yet that could help in a different and less dangerous way. Thank you so much for your response and it really was helpful to get advice from someone who went through this. Your story sounds very familiar. Thanks again.
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