Oxycontin Op Not Working (Page 3)
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80 mg op received this month. What the heck is purdue doing to me my stomach hurts, my pain is almost all they way back. I'm in agony. Why don't they take whiskey off the shelves and make them put plastic in it. It takes 3 hours for it to work if it does? I've had a headache also. They lost my almost $1500 a month and need something for pain. Anyone have any ideas???

65 Replies (4 Pages)

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To Get a life, Its people like you and your drugy son that has ruined the name of this medication! There is people, terminally ill people who need this medication simply to get through the day! Me included! So before you get on here running your dicksucker about other people learn the facts. Do you have cancer or any other terminal disease? I bet not, so dont tell us to DEAL WITH OUR PAIN when you have no idea what your talking about! I'd like to see you with the pain of spreading colon cancer and DEAL WITH THE PAIN! Garrantee you'd be begging Doctors for painkillers.If all your here to do is try to make the people who need this medicine feel bad about themselves then go to a different site!

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I'm shocked at some of the negative responces that there are to chronic pain people. And to the person who said every body is in pain its not true, and certian kinds of pain nsaids work. What's the deal with bashing people who are suffering with chronic pain and even cancer? Do you like the feeling you get when other people are suffering and you call them names or liars? I think there are some bitter people out there that are sadists and have to make somebody already suffering feal worse. Don't listen to this idiot who's mad at the world I don't even know why somebody like you would even be on a chat for people that are really suffering. You like to feel big right?

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THE MEDICINE IS THE SAME. YOU JUST DON'T GET THE BIG RUSH WHEN YOU COULD CHOP THEM UP AND SNORT OR SHOOT THEM. THEY aren't ffun anymore. More money for the heroin dealers, instead of Medicaid, who pays for all this bull crap in the first place. My sister just had her breasts cut off and she takes freakin' ALAVIL for her pain. You are a bunch of big babies, who got used to free dope that you could snort, shoot, or SELL. And the taxpayers paid for it all! Get over it. Take some tylenol (unless you already have hepatitis from using dirty needles). then you need to stick to the non-tylenol stuff. No more free or nearly free highs for you. If you can't chew, snort, or shoot them, they just aren't fun anymore. Drag your dead butts out of bed, and clean your house, take care of yourOWN kids, get a job. You are a bunch of whiners. I hurt every day-that is part of life. Better yet, try going to an N/A meeting.

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Get a life:
I hope that some higher power reaches down and grabs hold of you and shows you love soon. This is not the place, in the presence of true chronic pain sufferers, to take out your hatred for other living beings. I wouldn't take advice from an enabler, which is what you are while you are supporting your addicted son...I think your thoughts and words of hate have become NULL AND VOID. I hope you can transform that negative energy into something good for you and your family, because ultimately, that is your concern - not innocent pain patients on a message board. I hope you are not supplying your son with those med's. Please pipe down and look at the bigger picture...hooray for you and your ability to manage your pain - why wouldn't you want to encourage someone else to do the same in a POSITIVE manner?? We are all human. Addiction is a disease. Diseases will ultimately kill a human. Do you get what I am saying? You're wasting your efforts here while your son is killing himself. I hate to be too harsh, but it doesn't come close to what you have displayed. May God grant you the knowledge, patience, intelligence, and love to fight your own battles.

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to: get a life practice what you preach you get a life, then step back and realize there are thousands and thousands of legitimate chronic pain patients out there, i need my meds and do take them right not all people that takes the meds abuse them ive had 13 surgeries and need mine. If you want to be foolish and suffer pain just cause your son has no self control and made you hateful, now you want to take it out on others, look to him look to yourself where did you go wrong.Pray to god you never suffer real pain, a couple sore knees dont qualify, shame on you for your attitude and you hateful disposition, now have a great evening.

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If you would only realize that almost EVERYONE has pain. DEAL with it. I need two knee replacements and my hands hurt like heck. I take an anti-inflammatory and go to work everyday to support my son, who is addicted to oxycontin, and uses them the wrong way! Just like you fools! Take them AS prescribed. Get over it. Life hurts. Your body is SCREAMING for more dope. They should just ban them 4ever, right along with cigarettes, pot, and all the other bullcrap. SUCK it up. I am 62 years old, and have arthritis and lots of PAIN. But, I just deal with it. You are all abusing the stuff, and then whine about it! You want to revel in your pain, and feel sorry for yourselves. Get a real life. Learn to cope with pain, happiness, sadness, etc. It is part of life. (and death) In the meantime, us suckers have to pay for your laziness and selfishness. Get up with your kid, lady! Instead of snorting or shooting up your oxycontin. Take them as prescribed. Yeah, you had the kid, so take care of HER, instead of her taking care of you.

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We need more responses by people whether they like the new OP version or not.Fact is that nothing will change without more opinions on this subject

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Yeah, its me again..i'm just wondering how many On's are real & if any r placebos. For 2 days taking per along with op I had relief...HAD...now pain has returned while taking both..I wonder if FDA or Perdue read these threads..probably not..maybe we should copy & paste our complaints to both when we write these..then maybe they would get the WHOLE picture..I really feel bad for the people who don't use computers & can't figure out what's happening to them! And right now I feel the way I did right b4 I was hospitalized for pneumonia,dehydration and liver , pancreas and kidney problems. By yhe way that happened a few days after I started on OPs instead of ocs..

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Why is testing being done on otherwise healthy people that probably never has took an opiate before they started testing?Today was a wake up call! I have Colon Cancer and this medication has not helped a bit. I have overwhelming back pain and its almost to hard to get off the couch! A massive mistake has been made over this particular medicine and from what I've read on this site and others is that it's effected a lot of people in a negative way.

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To Mikeee
What else would you guess? I guess your idea of an persons medical treatment should be put to a vote so we can all throw guesses, and opinions of how a person shouuld be treated is a BAD idea. However when you get back to talking about a medication and it's issues let me know. The rush to market a medication that in my opinion hasn't been throughly tested is fair game! I fined it very strange when reading the bioequvialance testing that testing was done with normally healthly people. I would have much more confidence if and when the testing is done with people who a familar with the illness and have first hand knowledge of a medication that is being tested so as to get an objective test result. This Medication is intended for opiod tolerent patinets and not normaly healthly people.

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I have been on the same medication and dosage for 5 years.480mgs of Oxycontin a day and never have I had a problem with breakthru pain untill recent. I find myself hurting more and it takes alot longer for the OP brand to work and still it isn't as strong.I find myself taking more percocets for breakthru pain than I ever have! I never had this problem with the OC brand which seemed to work just fine. Sometimes I even took less than prescribed and,now I find myself taking more because the OP brand to me isn't the same as the OC brand and what really gets me I had no warning they were being changed.The OP's dosen't work as quickly,dosen't last as long,and when the do work they don't help as much as the OC's did! I just feel like the people who need this medication is being punished because of the headlines on prescrption drug abuse! So the next time you go and change a prescription on people thet depend on the medication simply to get through the day give us a little warning first! Thank You.

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Getting alittle more relief by taking a perc.10/325 & then 15-30 min. Later taking an op60.. Maybe helpful to anyone else out there if u have breakthu meds. All I can say is try...since perdue or pharmacists don't or won't give any info I thought I would try taking meds that way and for 2 days it has helped. Also b4 going to bed I take the last daily dose of breakthru and Sony wake up with migraine..Good Luck! God Bless. And Mike I am sorry for wishing pain on u but after going thru this I was angry. NO One deserves chronic debilitating pain but when you do have it, get relief thru meds or any other way, then its taken away it takes the wind from your sails. And then anxiety sets in thinking about the pain u lived with for so long returning..

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Mikee, why are you accusing a potentially bed ridden chronic pain patient? You don't have the facts/studies/accurate understanding of the components of the new form of oxycontin. An addict wouldn't contact the manufacturer or pharmacist about the inactive ingredients that interfere with the proper pain relief. That's what I see every day. Before you judge, or make such rude accusations, you should have a better reason - but there are none (reasons) of which I could see; especially in this cyber environment. True pain patients have to be their own advocate; that's what I saw in her statement. BE WELL

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please post the report on the medicaion exaglo and exactly what it is i am hoping that there is something better beause i have taken oxycontin 80 for 16 years and for me i have suffered in pain and side effects from the op version i wish i was a lucky one. what about the opana that is out is it related to the exeglo

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After DIGGING online for any info on the OPs, I finally found this:

I'm as mad as the rest of you about this change and can't believe my pharmacy didn't tell me about it. They can tell me everything else as they're inputting the info...

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Truthspeaker sounds like you got lucky! Glad they work 4 u! How long have u used the ops? And also every 8 hours? They r supposed to be a 12 hour med. I've been on 60's bid...4 percocets prn for break thru... Maybe I wod have better luck if I was allowed a higher & more frequent dose..but then again how many more illneses would I end up with if I did take more...and I thought this site was to help each other =NOT BASH others..enjoy your higher extra dose and remember its not for us to determine who the abusers are. Our Pain mngement drs know who needs it. But after more than a month on the ops I am hurting more, and headaches r almost 24/7. Still vomiting up sometimes blood other times dry heaves. And no= Notvwithdrawels...I've had the. B4 when I was over prescribed meds and decided to go off all meds myself. That was b4 withdrawl meds were available...and now from what I hear, those r used to get a high too. Lol..the drug companies do know what they're doing..after all animal testing causes protests so just test us instead.l

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first of all to (mikee) people like you make me sick ,ive ran into to many $#%$ holes like you in my life ,before.i would only ask that you speak with your heart and not your $#%$.and feel fortiunate that you lead a healthy life.to everyone else i have also recieved the new op,s. I never even questioned given them a try as my pharmcist said its totally the same exept for the (obvious) reasons. three weeks later i am experiancing exteme stomach aches with very bad constipation . as far as the pain relief much of my bone problems are slowly reacuring. im willing to give it a while longer but a dont want to go to far as the chronic pain i went through 8 years ago was intollerable.

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mikee, id bet my last dollar you dont know wat the hell you are talking about you clearly had or have known a person that had a ruff time controlling themselves and now you blame the pill. I have had 13 surgeries and was brought back from death, i take my meds right and have for ten years, and they do nont work as well and have drastic side effects, i suggest dont comment on what you know nothing about!!

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the new formula when taken as prescibed works just as well if not better than the old formula for me, just a little longer waiting time for it to initially kick in in the morning but after that, good the rest of the day as long as i follow my 8 hr schedule. i've experienced withdraws before and for someone to say that the old one's worked and new one's don't sounds odd. the same main ingredient is used, they changed ingredients that have nothing to do with the pain part just the time release part. you're still getting oxycodone just with a different time release so the idea that the new stuff just doesn't work at all sounds more and more like someone who used to get all of the 80 at once and now only gets it spread out over time like it was meant for. who knows, that's just what it looks like when reading some posts. thanks and may you find peace and comfort somehow.

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To the person who said give them a chance, you will be pleasently surprised...heard that before..2 years of silastic sheeting in jaw joints causing extreme pain and body rejecting the silastic sheeting, ended up with giant cell reaction , leading to 2 different jaw joint replacements and over 30 tmj surgeries...and the FDA approved the silastic sheeting that caused the problem. Guess what? Silastic sheeting is still being used today & ok'd by the FDA....my settlement for all i went thru and continue to go thru was a whopping $1200.... so back to OP..do you really think the FDA cares...Perdue is only looking to patent the formula to make money. A company as big as that doesn't care about life or quality of life a person has, just how much profit they can make...sorry after all i have been thru...i dont trust any of these B!?&8?/@ ....I called perdue and left messages like their recording said, they would contact you by 4 the next business day....well i'm wondering what year? I wish the best to all chronic pain sufferers, and so we dont get a bad name, all scripts should be taken as directed..as hard as that may be. Maybe if we all stick together, one day the drug addicts will stay on their s*** and we can have our meds...But also the md's that prescibe these to anyone should have their license pulled...Chronic pain patients have proof of pain...drug addicts only have withdrawls...also to the person who talked to a Perdu Pharm...who do you know that you can get thru to them, or are you a pharm from perdue, maybe a rep...

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