Oxycontin 80mg Op Are Going Back To Oc (Page 5)


switching back to original form

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Thats not true.i work at a lab and there has been studies that prove the new oxycontin is not absorbed the same as the old.Purdue lied about studies on oxycontin to get it on the market and past FDA to begin with.do you really think they are going to tell patients the new one is not as strong?of course not patients would not want them.thus PURDUE would lose billions of dollars

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You are mistaken. It was not only Purdue Pharma that did the studies comparing the OC formulation to the OP formulation. There were independent labs doing many of the studies and the results remained the same: BIOEQUIVALENT IN EVERY WAY - this include blood levels, time to reach peak blood levels, and half-life. The ONLY difference between OC and OP (which pisses some off) is that you can't abuse OP. Well tough!

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Please remember that Oxycontin is, in most literature, released into the body as an instant release of "approximately" 40mg of narcotic with the remaining medication released over a period of time. I emphasize "approximately". The studies that have been done are standardized. They all have statistical margin of error, as all studies do. This margin of error accounts for the anomalies found within the study. Also, please consider the matter of each person having their own physiological response to anything put in their body. Be it food that can cause allergies, fluids, or medications; we all digest and metabolize things differently. Although Purdue Pharma in the US continues to state the company has no intention of returning to the OC formulation, the quality control division is encouraging all people who are taking or have taken the OP formulation and had legitimate documented adverse health effects due to the OP formulation to report it to the company. As far as the OP formulation being tamper proof...HUH ... within 48 hours of this formulation being available you could find numerous ways to override this tamper proof formulation. Thankfully, I did have an adverse reaction to the OP formulation. If it wasn't for this reaction I would not have found the Opana ER that I am on now. This medication is also tamper proof, so all of those out there that think I didn't want the OP formulation because of that reason ...you are simply wrong. I have had much more consistent pain control with the Opana than I ever had with either formulation of the Oxycontin. One other note...as some other people have written..abusers are abusers....they will find something or a way to abuse something. That is why this topic is on the board to begin with. While the federal government is considering the idea of decriminalizing marijuana, thus making it available as an open market much like cigarettes and alcohol, they continues to write and approve legislation limiting the ability for doctors to treat patients as they see fit. By forcing things like the OC to OP formulation and quantity limitations for pain medications, the government is forcing caregivers to defy two of their ethical obligations --- to care for patients to the best of their ability and to do no harm. I understand the situation of medication abuse in this country as well as other places. I am not saying the issue does not need to be addressed. Let the DEA and other law enforcement agencies do the job they are hired to do to address this problem. Stop forcing people to live in pain that is unrelenting everyday. As with me, I am sure the pain meds for many of you doesn't make you pain free, but we do have periods where the pain is tolerable and try to live life as normal as possible.

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In the previous post I was referring to the 80mg Oxycontin regarding the release of 40mg of narcotic into the system. Also, one must consider what ingredient changes were made to achieve this tamper proof medication. It may not ultimately be the narcotic itself that people are having a problem with. It may be the mechanism used to achieve the result that was wanted by the company.

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In response to the post about the rate of release of oxycodone into the system between OxyContin OP vs OC formulations, this has been verified by both Purdue and independent labs. The result iss same for each dosage firm: OC and OP release at the EXACT SAME RATE. As fat as fillers, binders, and all other ingredients in both pills , that did not affect any of the pharmacokinetics of the formulations. Some people find OP to be rougher on the GI system, though. OP has a higher rate of adverse effects like nausea and abdominal pain.

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Here in Canada we have Oxyneo and it works exactly the same as OxyContin if you really have genuine pain. I know some had adverse effects to it. But the majority switched because they couldn't sell it or abuse it. You all know it's TRUE. All of a sudden everybody was switching to Hydromorphs because Oxyneo didn't work for their pain. Bull s***!!!!!!

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Absolutely right! Here in the US the old abuseable formulation was OxyContin OC. It's been renamed to OxyContin OP. OP is the same as OxyNeo. Those who "need" the original formulation are probably looking to abuse it, which can't be done w the new OxyContin OP. Same drug, works identically but it can't be abused. Total BS with people saying "it doesn't work". Likely not working because you need to swallow it rather than misuse the powder

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This is to #77 Olivia's ,insulting Justin's spelling; You damn snob! Justin's spelling has nothing to do with the point he was making ;So, if anyone sounds stupid, it's you, you're getting off of the subject! I understood everything he was saying ,and that's the point right? So shut the hell up with your criticisms!

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my hats off to you,thank you so much for your two cents worth,as someone who is allergic to 2/3 of the meds. on the market I was unable to take opana.oxycontin op's have a silecone binder (which I'm allergic to)after many yrs.of taken this form the silecone may build up in their system. can anyone tell me what happens when silecone gets in your blood stream for a long period of time?It is not good and it has permant effects which can cause death thats the 1 thing that has not been released,this drug was'nt made for long term use.do the research I have and its scarey.I know this because I worked for one of these so-called research Labs who did studys for purdue.

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Nowhere is it described that OxyContin 80mg (either OC or OP) provides an instant release of 40ng of oxycodone. Rather, the 80mg, like all strengths, delivers the oxycodone at a consistent rate over 12 hours. That means the 80mg strength releases approx 6 2/3 mg oxycodone per hour. Not 40mg all at once.

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You stick to your guns, Olivia! Poor Diane! So sensitive! Hmmm...I wonder why. Methinks she doth protest too much! One of the surest signs of an illiterate person is that they are incapable of speaking or writing without using swear words. If the shoe fits....

The point is, it's hard to believe that someone is intelligent enough to know what they're talking about in regard to narcotics if they sound as though they never got past the 4th grade. And if the most mature way someone can communicate their disagreement with someone else is to throw a tantrum and swear profusely, it's really quite impossible to take them seriously. Perhaps you could try again. And this time, try to rise above the level of a 5-year-old.

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to those of you claiming that the studies show the same for op and oc formula obviously are not in pain. the studies were never done on me and it is NOT NOT NOT THE SAME!!! i have had 3 spinal fusions and have horrible nerve damage. i need another fusion and then i am getting 2 spinal cord stimulators implanted to help with my pain, but it is in no way fair to force pain on people just to control abusers. the abusers will find something else we won't!!

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This releases process was explained to me by my pain management specialist. No, I personally did not look up medication information itself to find this answer. The specialist pointed this out to me in response to my question of the medication wearing off about 2 to 3 hours sooner than the 12 hour release depending on my activity level. I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused. That was not my intention, and I shall discuss the issue with my Dr. during my next visit.

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Dear OPUser: I understand your rather certain thought that anyone complaining about the change of OC to OP is an abuser. There is definitely a problem with the abuse of the drug in many areas. But I would simply ask that you consider this:
1. All studies have a statistical margin of error, studies of a few hundred or even a few thousand people can not account for the many that actually take the med as prescribed ( meaning orally). Most studies are in a controlled factor- not in real living circumstances. That is why subject are required to qualify to participate in the studies.
2. Every person's body does not metabolizes things in the same way or rate. These factors are affected by other disease processes that may be going on at the same time.
3. Making a simple statement that anyone complaining about the OP not working must be an addict, not taking them properly, or must be abusing them in any way is simply unfair to those of us that do take our meds as prescribed and have good relationships with our health care providers in attempting to have a tolerable pain level to enable some quality of life.
4. I remained on the OP even though I was having adverse side effects until the point of vomiting blood. It was only then that I changed my medication after being diagnosed with medication induced gastritis. We are not all addicts or abusers.

I am happy that the OP works for you. That is great, because there are not many other medications out there that can cover the level of pain most of us have to require the Oxycontin to begin with. But please don't generalize, as this only perpetuates the problem of those of us in pain, including yourself, from getting the help we need.

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The OPs can be abused... easily. All one has to do is {edited for public safety reasons}. Even if you're not an addict just prepare them like this and swallow the pill matter and you're good to go. Problem solved.

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Generic drugs may contain the same
Ingredients as brand name drugs
But changes in the dyes and binders
Can have an effect on how the drugs works on an Individual and this is more
Likely ro happen in sustained release medications. I am not an abuser but clearly the op oxycontin does not provide the same relief as the original
Unfortunately they are not going to bring the originals back

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friend of mine who has Medicaid also take the 80s 3 times a day. They do not have much income, medicaid did not cover the OC and they were being charged 1200 dollars at the pharmacy. They spoke with doctor who then submitted a form to the manufacturer. The form stated that no other medication would work and that this patient required it.Don't know what the income requirements are I do you know my friend gets almost a thousand dollars a month in disability for a family of 6. I wouldn't let ur income stop u from perusing it...who among the uninsured cud afford $1209 for just ONE if their meds. Hope this helps!! Regardless, the manufacturer approved they are now getting their 240 80 mg oxycontins for free delivered directly from the manufacturer to either their home Or their local pharmacy... They weren't sure at the time... So I highly recommend you look into that. And for those of you in similar situations with brand name drugs I would recommend that you speak with your doctor or go on that manufactures website in the office in offer patient assistance. The assistance will vary on your current insurance status. your income and in some cases require your doctor's approval. My suggestion is to do the leg work on your own... Your doctor is more likely to help if they don't have to do as much paperwork. Good Luck.

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first of all, let me say that I am sorry to all of you that suffer from chronic pain. second of all, if you are on this site to call us drug addicts we have all heard it all before....have any of you not seen the judgment in a drs eyes the MOMENT he walks into the room????( If you are not here to reply to someone's often times desperate pleas for help and offer valid advice or info please save yourself and us time and data usage and find a site where you can join other ignorant folks out there who have been blessed without chronic pain. f.y.i... Studies has significantly shown that approximately only 90 percent daily opiate users actually become addicted. They do however become dependent. Dependency means that without the medication after a relatively short petlriod of time, our bodies will begin to suffer withdrawal symptoms which cannot kill you in this case however during withdrawal you will wish it would I would not wish it on my worst enemy. for those of that run out of our meds early it does not necessarily mean that we are using them. Most often is because we are being under medicated and on our worst days have to take more meds then that I have been prescribed for that day. as they say, walk a mile in my shoes...
For the past 10 years. I have chronic migraine which means that without medication I suffer from severe migraine over 20-25 days per month. I'm not talking headache I'm talking migraines which are in bed all day throwing up super sensitive to touch, light, sounds, etcetera. Not to mention the feeling that there is a vice squeezing into your templesthat appears to get tighter and tighter and tighter until sometimes your only option is to go to the emergency room without insurance unfortunately to get a shot off pain meds because your stomach can't keep it down your oral meds and because of that it pain level is now that was a 20 in oral meds wouldn't help now anyway. In addition I suffer from final stenosis of the upper neck in the degenerativedisc disease in my Dr spine. If you have never had a migraine before I ask that you not even pretend to know the debilitating Effects of it in every area of your life so that the quality of your life is so diminished you are unable to hold down a full time job. When I discovered I was going to be a first time grandma I was so excited unfortunately my excitement turned to anxiety. wondering I could be grandma to my precious grandson cuz since my short acting has been lowered I have so many debilitating days. I too was on the generic 80's 1 every 8 hours along with 6 30 milligram oxycodone for breakthrough and I had my life back it worked wonderfully in the only had maybe one ER visit every couple of months when it has been 2 times a month and would have been more if the ER hadnt refused me for more than that. for you haters out there I never used my 80's except as prescribed. When they switched over to the brand OC they bother to my stomachto the point where I had too much pain there. I switched to 100 milligram morphine extended release 3 times a day. Not as effective. but manageable.again I can't expect you to emphasize if you never experience chronic pain but perhaps a little sympathy. My older sister in the best friend is my world took her own life because the pain caused by her fibro my algia and she was sensitive and or unresponsive cue any and all medication she try... I was extremely angry at her until my pain doctor put it into perspective and asked me that it would I want to live if I had to suffer my worst migraine every single day of my life? That really helps put things into perspective and I was no longer angry and her but even more sad when I read the autopsy and other than the fibro she was a completely healthy 51 year old woman. So you see I don't understand the pain of fibrobbut I can definitely be sympathetic.
now my problem is that a year ago I tried to we on the meds to see if I still really needed them unfortunately it turns out I do during this time I spent two months in bed running every single day in the next 6 months barely functioning I am finally in a great relationship after 12 years single after a difficult to force I have 3 beautiful children who got to High School with good grades and you are sober and now of course a beautiful grandsonmy big problem is I am financially in dire straits since I can no longer work. After I weaned myself off I've seen several different pain specialist and while they all keep me on my morphine 100 milligrams 3 times a day a day I'm finding that they are hesitant to give me much of the oxycodone for breakthrough. At one point believe it or not 2 years ago I was on 13 30 milligram oxy's a day and I thought that was too high I even went down to 10 30 milligram oxy's a day that was too high finally settled at 7. However after the weaning I have only been able to been prescribed first two then three then for then finally tapped out 5 TEN milligrams of oxys per day and its not cutting it. I run out of the oxys way too early. I've never had that problem when I was on the 30's. I don't want to appear like I'm just shopping. I live in the Denver Metro area in for the love of God I wish I could find a doctor that would work with me. My current pain doctor will not update me on the short acting but would rather change my morphine to you either the fentanyl patches or exalgo....both of which have a high rate of overdose. For those of you unfamiliar exalgo is a time release dilautid. Taken once a day. Currently there is no generic so cash price is $5000 yes 5OOO. Medicaid covers it. I was willing to give it a try til she said she shud only give me Vicodyn for break thru. Vicodyn is like sugar pills for me plus I refuse to put more burden on my liver. I told her I'd think about it. For those of u interested..Google it. Also there may be a generic coming on or before mid-Nov...July '14. If I could just get back on my 30s 4-6x a day, stsy on the Morphine..Id be fully functioning again!!!

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To LIZ: Lots of good points! It can't be said often enough how much damage addicts/abusers do to legitimate chronic pain patients, both because of their misuse of narcotics and because of all the so-called "helpful hints" they pass along on how to abuse pain medications more easily. I am blessed with a doctor who has been a friend for 20 years and my primary physician for 5 years and who trusts me and believes me when I tell him how severe my fibromyalgia pain is, as well as the pain from my arthritis and the pain from other issues. He believes me when I tell him whether or not a medication is working at the dosage I'm taking or if I need more (or sometimes less!) But I did experience 15 years of other doctors, pain clinics and specialists who gave me that "look" you spoke of--the look of judgment, disbelief and condemnation. It's so discouraging and exhausting to be constantly struggling to convince your doctor (or anyone else) that you really do hurt that badly and that needing strong medication to get relief from terrible pain doesn't make one a drug abuser. And you're trying to do this WHILE you're in agony and while your life is already falling apart because of the pain--can't work, can't socialize, can't clean the house, get groceries, etc. because the pain is just too severe. It would be great if instructions or advice on how to use medications like Oxycontin incorrectly (abuse it) simply to get a high or a "better" high were banned from these sites and communication was limited to conversations between legitimate users of such medications. Just a thought!

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In fact the are not bioequivalent. The originally OC Oxycontin extended release matrix was strictly an erosion matrix surrounded by a bolus dosage. IE when you swallowed the medication the first 30% of the dosage was released immediately which means tMax was about 20 minutes. The drug then slowly eroded what was left of the pill over the next 6 hours. Again, the first 30% of the pill dissolved instantly and the rest dissolved slowly through water hydration and opening of the matrix via gel erosion allowing the active ingredient to diffuse out at a controlled rate (with diffusion rate = sqrt(total time in body) aka the longer the controlled release pill is in your gut the faster the substance diffuses out at time increases). The original oxycontin's were made with a erosion matrix but not a gel polymer that needed to hydrate and dissolve before matrix erosion was possible. Thus, as stated above, the external part of the pill (not the coating... which btw was neither the release system nor active ingredient and existed only to make it easier to swallow the pill) dissolved instantly giving you an immediate dosage of 30mg (assuming the 80mg pill was used) and then eroding releasing continuous levels of the drug after about 3 hours.

The new Oxycontin's (OP's) have a polymer coated polyethylene oxide matrix which only releases any of the drug once the polymer is dissolved and the PEO is hydrated. This takes about 2 hours before you even begin to feel the initial effects. So right there is a big difference. The OP's take about 2 hours before you reach cMax whereas the older ones took 30 minutes. The OP's release rate also depends on various conditions in the gut since it is a PH dependent drug release matrix while the old OC was PH independent meaning it dissolved no matter what was in your gut. Feasibly if conditions were right, an OP Oxycontin could release less than 20% of its total dosage. Hence why so many people complained. The original formula gave them relief that reached max levels within 30 minutes and stayed there for 8 - 12 hours (metabolism depending) while the new one reaches max levels at a minimum of 2 hours and only releases the rest of the dosage in the pill under ideal gut conditions. And that's not even getting into the characteristics that come into play when the PEO has such a high molecular weight. The pill literally turns to slime not gel which can end up getting stuck in your throat, can end up wrapping itself around and preventing the release of other medications you take, or may coat your GI tract and stay there for a long time (we're talking days) without releasing any medication should the gel get caught in a fold of your intestine (and on opiates this is much more likely since those on opiates have decreased intestinal motility thus a higher chance that the pill sits without eroding and releasing medication).

Maybe you're one of the few people who have had no side effects and the drug works great which is good for you but you're in the minority. Again even if gut conditions were ideal the bottom line is the new Oxycontin does not release any medication until after it has eroded which takes at least 2 hours whereas the old Oxycontin released 30% instantly. Bioavailability is obviously the same via a PO route since it's the same API but bioavailability takes into account absorption of released drug from pill not dosage contained in pill. cMax and tMax are both much different though. Don't go around saying otherwise. The pills are NOT bioequivalent. Generic manufacturers are held to a higher standard than purdue was in releasing a different version of their own drug (generic's must have the same cMax and tMax and AUC as their brand counter part... OP's and OC's do not).

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