Opana Er During Pregnancy (Top voted first)
UpdatedHas anyone taking opana er during pregnancy? I have been on them and do not want to stop because i will withdraw. I just want to know if anyone has had a healthy pregnancy while taking them?
I felt the need to comment even though this is an old post. I am currently pregnant, very early. I also suffer from CRPS. I take Opana ER 15mg twice a day and oxycodone IR for breakthrough. I was told that stopping these meds could cause miscarriage. There are options such as subutex or methadone but she said if the prescribing Dr is willing to write the Opana throughout pregnancy, that would be safer than switching. The pain we suffer and or withdrawal is much more devastating to a baby in utero. The posts that have been left are very wrong. Made by judgemental misinformed individuals. Of course we would ALL prefer to be pain free with NO meds, but unfortunately that's not always the case.
Ok, first of all not everything that has been said by you guys is true. I've suffered from chronic pain for the pasr 12 years and have 4 beautiful ,healthy children. I was on Opana throughout almost all of my 4th pregnancy. By choice, I VERY SLOWLY and with the help of my doctor weaned myself off the Opana 2 months prior to delivery and stayed on a low dose percocet through delivery. All of my OB (including my high risk OB said it wasn't necessary). Yes, there is a chance that your baby could suffer withdrawals after birth, but not all babies go through withdrawals the same way. Some babies have only minor withdrawal symptoms that need no intervention while others may require a medication that the hospital staff can give narcotic addicted infants to aleveate such symptoms and allow for the child to slowly wean the narcotics from his/her body. There are no certainties in any delivery, and yes there is always the possibility that your child could have other complications like low birth weight, breathing trouble or twiching, but as long as your OB knows throughout your pregnancy that you're on the Opana, they will make sure that the hospital staff will be ready to care for your child upon delivery and trust me they over prepare and are ready to take immediate action if needed. You should definately talk to your OB about consulting with an OB that specializes in high risk pregnancies. More than likely they will want to monitor your child throughout your pregnancy just to be on the safe side. Good luck to you and try not to stress.
Unfortunately my story has an incredibly horrible ending. But i thought you should know as i now live with the guilt and shame of losing my only son...born march 23, 2011...he was sent home on the fifth day from the hospital and had been in the special care unit for three days....ironically enough his toxicology test was negative...but they still gave him 2 doses of morphine...(ionly know this now by finally reading through medical records and autopsy report) which has taken me months to even look at....i am probably not making much sense because i just dont seem to have a functioning brain anymore..(I also can't seem to navigate on this darn iPad, my apologies for the choppiness). Joren was our third child and first boy....he was with us for 21 days and for various reasons ( partly medical negligence ) he stopped breathing in his sleep....I hate myself and my doctor and, pretty much the whole world right about now...husband and I are on the brink of separating and life doesn't seem like it could get much worst...I am definitely no longer afraid of dying as I was before...I am still here for my two darling girls and trying to take it minute by minute....I could go on for days but you've heard the extreme other side now... Who knows it may have not been the opana at all , but the staff definitely treated me differently, and not in a good way whatsoever, from my first two deliveries there..... Btw.I was prescribed opana by my ob/gyn because she didn't feel comfortable prescribing methadone. I also have been a chronic pain patient since 05....I have two daughters
First I must say that I am not addicted to my medicine. My problem persist so so does my chronic pain. I have never used my medicine other than prescribed. Contrary to popular belief people are not addicted to medication because they prefer to have pain relief vs. non pain relief. My level of pain almost killed me due to the stress that it put on my body. I had to be hospitalized to get my pain under control. So anyone that is judgmental against me or anyone in my position, I wish you a week in my shoes without medication and we'll see how long it takes you to beg for help. As for some other things I forgot to address that were asked. No my doctor didn't look at me funny because of my prior history being so traumatic. I have a high tolerance for pain but it take a lot of medication to achieve moderate pain relief. I was 9 weeks with the twins and 7 weeks with the first one. I currently don't know how far along I am. I am guessing around 9 weeks I am going to my appointment on Friday so I'll repost after I hear something worth sharing. Also you said that since your pregnancy your medicine seemed stronger, may I suggest that you try to take less. My medicine gave me the complete opposite reaction it is barely taking the edge off of my pain. I am crippled all over again. So every one is different that is why people need to think twice about judging another. Til I post again. I wish you well.
Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to update all who are interested in my situation. I finally got to the doctor. To my surprise I was only 5 weeks. I was doing fine but i truly felt like I had been run over by a truck every day even up until now. I had had maybe 6 or 7 days that i had felt reasonably better, but I am 40 not 20 so this is definitly taking a toll on my body. I have remained on my blood thinners despite having episoses of uneventful bleeding from then til now. At 11 weeks I had a crisis and had blood clots in both my right and left legs, and before they had preformed a sonogram the doctor told me that I was probably having a miscarriage due to the pain that I was in accompanied with slight bleeding that he had noticed upon doing my internal exam. He also said that he suspected that I had fibroids. Upon doing the sonogram the first thing I noticed was the baby's heartbeat. I was completly relieved. Then I noticed that she started measuring some moderate to very large fibroids. I knew whatb they were because I had them with two of my three living children, but never this early. One of the fibroids were at least 4 times as big as the baby. Needless to say the fibroids were and continue to be the source of my intermittent bleeding and pain and severe cramping, but the baby is right on schedule and doing fine. The bad news is that the blood thinners enable the fibroids to grow. I have been mindful of all of the concerns due to my opiate use for the baby which is not the same as the uninformed people who give unsolicited advice (to stop taking medicine immediatly because you are hurting your baby. ) people need to stop playing God, doctor and judge and get their facts straight, because they may well influce some uninformed person to do something that could cause them to have a miscarriage or be detrimental to the health of their baby. I am vey careful to eat small meals throughout the day even though i have severe nausea and vomiting and I take my prenatal vitamins and folic acid along with b complex and b-12 daily even though it is extremly hard to do. I hope that now at 12 1/2 weeks that I will start to feel better soon. I will continue to keep u guys posted as time progresses because I appreciate the support I recieved during my times of distress.
Until next time, be encouraged and work closely with your doctor.
Have a nice day!
To all the ppl judging the pregnant moms on pain meds go jump off a two story balcony then see how many medical problems arise from that or go crash into something ! Untill you know don't come on here puttin lg ppl down that just come on trying to get support from other mothers or moms to be who have gone through or are going through the same thing. It's scary and stressfull enough they don't need your perfectly sorry ass self comin on here acting like your better cuz that attitude in itself makes you an unbetter person these ppl aren't crack heads or H addicts they are patients with severe Pain so stfu!! Now to the ppl who wana judge me i give two s***s about your comments. I am also on percoset I take about 5 a day I have lots of documented legit issues with my body so ill keep it short i been on these meds for years now I'm in my second trimester dueby end of July. I'm tryning to get off my pills by time I'm 6 months I'm gona Butr the bullet and start weaning off now it's scary but Im off work now so I can just lay around n take Tylenol the last few months. I took myself off phentanyl 100 mcg the day I decided to get pregnat it was pretty crazy. But not as bad as ppl say ! I has trouble sleeping for two or three days sweat & cold at same time sever anxiety aswell I tried GETING off both meds but no way I could do both the percoset helped me get back on track I started with two or three a day after the second day. Now I only went on the patch for four days but cuz I ran out my perks so I put it on a few hours then cut It in half I' got the dry ones ( no gell).,( I need to manage my pills better but they seem not to work the same until my third dose but I take em evry 2 hours then every 4 after my third dose). After I cut the patch in half I left it on the rest if the day then at nite i cut that in half again by peeling off half then cuting. by the morning. I'm on a quarter of it & felt fine no pills just occasional Tylenol in the second day. The end of the second day I cut it into less than a quarter literaly the size of a nickel & still didn't need percoset I would stay busy and I did good;) by the end of that day I was feeling pain so I put on half a patch and did the same routine of cutin off halfs for next three days then I got my percoset refill and took one every four hours but I had already took off the patch piece. I'm not a dr not telling ppl to try this either just saying what I experience that's all. I got two ultrasounds the baby looks well . I need to do more diagnostics to make certain she's A ok. In Gods hands I trust! I'm gona do it. I'm gona give it all I got and I will be off these meds even if I Gota suffer the last three months I will stay doing scrapbooks cleanin or sewing anything to take my mind of pain ( oh yeah I have a tens unit) it helps a lot too ill be on that more often) Good luck to all of you mothers and moms to be have faith and just do the best you can you can do anything no matter what's other ppl say or how they say its horrible withdrawals its gona pass in three days you can do Tylenol extra strength or Motrin we can do this!!
Mothers on medication have normal babies everyday.
You have no right to judge a person wanting to be a mom who suffers from pain. I had a friend who was a cancer patient and wanted to give her husband a baby before she passed. She died right after giving birth but she was on heavy pain meds the whole time she was pregnant and her daughter was perfect. You never know the situation and in fact most doctors will NOT take you off your pain meds but replace them with something different as to not cause WD which will kill a baby inutero in a lot more cases.
Nobody wants to go through pregnancy in chronic pain..I broke my pack 10 years ago..started early menopause and married a man older then I who was told could not have children..we ended up pregnant..I take opana and got pregnant.. advice from my pain dr... MY BABY was born with withdrawals July 19th..I was surfacing for some answers and stumbled Upon this sight AND seen some rude comments ..if your that horrible of a person to bring a baby in this world to addiction by choice ..being pain inside u r mind verses u r body..you need much prayer..I did not choose for my baby to be born addicted and even though I have a huge medical team helping him ...I do not feel better and is a pain a lot of people could not bear because it makes me feel like dying every day..I could not of carried my son with out some level of pain control..I also have 9 other discs out..so when I see comments as to asking someone why they would have a baby if in Chronic pain (I gave an answer for many out there)
Thank you for saying this so perfectly! I have a very long cyst in my spinal cord. Tremendous pain for the past 5 years. I didn't think I could get pregnant (getting my tubes tied!) but I MUST say-To all of you posters that don't know chronic, debilitating, every-minute-of-the-day pain? Shame on you. Casting your judgement onto worried mothers, well let's just call it like it is- disgusting. Most people who are on Opana are chronic pain patients with documented diseases. They don't go around prescribing it to acute patients and for most, it's a last resort for long term pain relief versus taking dbl of something else. How ever you may have stumbled upon this post-maybe you're in my shoes and sick to death about making the best decision that is for the benefit of your baby-hope you can sift through the hateful comments and see you're not alone
Hi.. In regards to pregnancy and opiates,!obviously the best option is always to stop any category medication that has risk. BUT unfortunately sometimes there are circumstances where u can't stop. I was in hospital with a pulmonary embolism when I was told I was approx 11 wks. pregnant. It was unplanned and because of previous radiation treatments I no longer cycled nor thought it was possible for pregnancy. I was currently on dilaudid oral and fentanyl mcg 100 every 72 hours. I immediately went to high risk neonatal dr to discuss options. Dr was VERY knowledgable regarding my situation medically and the pros n cons of stoping and not stoping. Long story short, I carried my baby to 34wks(early delivery due to medical issues). I was prepared for my baby to have mild to severe withdrawal but by the grace of god she had NO medical issues and NO withdrawal issues. I truly believe this was a miracle and if I had it to over again not sure I would've risked the use during pregnancy but at the time I TRULY had no choice to continue.either the pregnancy with the meds or terminante(which I wouldn't do). My advice is consult w specialty neonatal dr, and if you continue meds make sure your medical team is fully prepared at delivery for every possible complication. Take care of yourself and DONT be afraid to talk about these concerns openly regardless what others may say or think. Remember if u r non functional your baby will not b either. God bless
Suboxone is not safe to the last poster. It is far more dangerous if on legal opioids to suddenly stop. You will likely miscarry.
You can titrate down but anyone on a contract is likely in jeopardy. PM's ask if you are pregnant or considering pregnancy. I've seen many fine PM's facing state medical board charges over giving opioids to women who later blame the physician when they signed a contract and got themselves pregnant. The physician did not spread your legs...
I hate to admit it but I was on Opana Er and IR thru my entire pregnancy. My son did come out and have withdrawl which the hospital treated. He is now 6 months old and PERFECT
I am so sorry 4 ur loss. I am now addicted to pain meds from surgeries I have had every 2 weeks during 3 out of 5 pregnancies. I had to have tubes placed into my back to my kidney to drain it every two weeks. I am now on my 5th pregnancy and terrified of what is to come of my addiction. It is a hard thing to go through it pulls u in. I hope I can get through it quickly without causing any damage to myself and my baby. And if anyone out there is judging me by this go to hell. You have no idea how rough it is until u do it. I love my baby more than my own life and would never want to hurt it but it is a hard thing to take back control of. Anyway I am sorry these stories have broke my heart in two. I just pray I don'twrite back on here with terrible news but I am faithful it will work out for the best in time. It takes time. God love u all. God bless
Yes getting in methadone will help, with the pain and all. It's safer for all parties involved for you to get on methadone.
My heart goes out to anyone who needs support from this forum because of misinformed and or the willfully ignorant individuals, professional and non-professional give their opinion on what they don't know. I have a few post prior to this one and I am glad to say that dispute all the odds against me I had an uneventful ending to my pregnancy and my son was delivered 3 weeks early by elective induction because of the need to control my blood situation. He was a healthy 6 lbs 5 oz 20 1/2 in long. Apgar score was 9.9 , he is now 4 months about 16 pounds 26 in long and amazing. By the way he had No withdrawals whatsoever!
I came to be an encouragement to all who need it. Hang in there and do the best you can according to your own situation.
Have a great day!
Duragesic and Methadone are the most difficult extended withdrawal medications to safely taper this hardcore opioids can take well over a year or more with a humane provider to taper you.
If you are on the drug for pain then did you tell your physician you were pregnant? You will likely these days lose your provider if you did not prevent pregnancy. read your contract to the letter for your physician becomes liable when an unborn child is being fed a class 2 narcotic. They do not cause especially old school pain medications birth defects; the one poster who was on Percocet is correct, it is relatively safe and during my pregnancies some years ago before we used long acting in the medical industry at least in most cases the risk of uncontrolled pain on the unborn child was higher than treating the pain.
You would NEVER start Methadone in a pregnancy when already on one long acting, how stupid! Street addicts are a different category but it is the people that are abusing prescription drugs that are killing legitimate pain clients such as myself who will die as I've progressed to Central Pain Syndrome and Odumma and government think they can dictate physician and professional nurses or licensed individuals from doing their job.
Watch what you say here people, a pregnant woman has multiple issues first and foremost a legal responsibility to her physician and unborn child and should be directly in contact with the physician providing her this drug for consultation and decisions.
Opana contains the active ingredient Oxymorphone and its safety during pregnancy has not been established.
Have you consulted your doctor?
In most cases, when a woman is pregnant, the preferred medication to use for severe pain, or addiction, is Methadone, since it has been found to be safe.
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wow thank you i just found this old thread... its been two years almost since we lost our beautiful boy :( miraculously we are all still under the same roof somehow..... but i am obviously still dealing with the guilt of not being more assertive and demandjng i be placed back on 1-2 norco a day as i had been during my second pregnancy ... my obgyn glat out refused my norco request , stating dhe didnt feel "comfortable" with any of it so she was just hoing to keep me on whatever my pain doc had me on... ! FING CLUELESS, why why why? didnt she refer me to a high risk pregnancy doctor?! ill never know , i just dont want anyone to ever have to go thru this .... btw i have since found out that what the brillant doctors thought was mild NAS had they done a chest dray or thorough ultra sound would have realized he had pnuemonia on left lung and a chromosome abnormality 11 bilateral ribs, missing one not a biggy and pretty common , but a bell shaped thorax and 11 cervical ribs on both sides?!!! come on docs! no wonder my lil man was having to work so hard to just keep breathing... as a mom i have also dealt with the why the F didnt i know something wasnt right? denial, guilt, how did so many things go unnoticed? thanks for your kind words and encouragement ..
Glad to hear he good news. I am happy for you. I hope that yore comfort a time goes by. Not forgetting, just able o deal with the pain better and not punish yourself with a million what if's every day. I still have reminders of them for both occasions. My husband says that I'm punishing myself. I don't agree. I will try to never forget them and to keep cherishing their memory because that is all I have left of them. I passed the second set of twins at home and still have them in my freezer. I can't seem to let go of them. It truly seems wrong. So I live day by day wondering If I will ever be blessed to experience motherhood again not really anticipating it but wanting it , too. Either way it goes I have been blessed to have 3 wonderful children and I'm grateful for. To some we are crazy but we have never asked for help to raise our children ad we think that we have done ok. I wish you the best.
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