Opana Er During Pregnancy (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHas anyone taking opana er during pregnancy? I have been on them and do not want to stop because i will withdraw. I just want to know if anyone has had a healthy pregnancy while taking them?
Forgive yourself. Seeking counciling would be a good idea. Live a full life with your girls, love them, and thank God for them every day. When it is the right time you will be reunited with your son. There are no bad feelings in Heaven. I will pray for you and your family. Please do not let guilt spoil your life and the lives of your girls. I have seen the damage that causes.
The doctor recommended that I start cutting back. By the eigth month try to get off of them. Doctor said withdrawals and pain is much worse for baby than the actual medicine itself. If this is a prescription maybe they can give you percocets instead. If this is for pleasure try to switch to percocets. I know the feeling is not the same but percs are safer. If you use them recreationally try not to let the doctors know, you will wind up being red flagged by the DEA and if you need pain medication in the future, you will be denied. Best of luck to you and CONGRATULATIONS on the pregnancy. I will keep you and your baby in my prayers.
I WAS an addict and pregnant. Correction, I am an addict, BUT, I got on SUboxone and gave up the opiates. Baby was born healthy. SHe is 5, smart, and beautiful!
I am so sorry for ur loss god bless u an ur family reading this has me in tears an I only hope that u learn to live ur life as time goes on I can't tell u that I will ever get better in time but plz don't hate yourself don't loose ur self to guilt stay strong hun
If you're scared to go through withdrawin, think of what your unborn child will experience. I would say no to all opiates during pregnancy.
If you're scared to go through withdrawin, think of what your unborn child will experience. I would say no to all opiates during pregnancy. Also the mother who swears by opana, yes it may be a last resort pain med but for a cancer patient. Hydro-morphone isnt exactly a light weight drug. It is a little stronger than dilauded (hydro-morphone) it is morphine mixed with straight percocet.
No,I haven't&none ofm y friends...I don't think they'd say and However in my early twenties,I did take narcotics while pregnant,my son was a healthy weight,but the docs said he tubes in his throat weren't fully developed& would developi n a couple months,long story short,he died at 6 months.I think you're kidding yourself,u know the truth.best of luck for the baby who has no choice.if I knew you I'd call CPS.
The original post was written 4 years ago. I am sorry you lost your baby but clearly it was not due to your use of narcotics.
You, among others here, are absolutely ridiculous, outrageous, and WRONG!!! You CANNOT withdraw from any opiate while pregnant. The withdrawal effects on the mothers body poses way more harm to the baby than the opiates. The OB Should be informed of what is going on, and a dose should be regulated for the duration of the pregnancy. You should be ASHAMED of telling these mothers they will kill their baby by taking pain meds. It is completely untrue, and you obviously have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
Re: Missing baby joren (# 3)
I hope you're OK. Your kids need and love you, stay strong! ??
I am so sorry for your loss. not only for your beloved son but also for the toll this experience hasnput on your family. i had two miscarriages last year and im still not the same, my husband and i are still together, but thenexperience changed my. i can help but to wonder if the Opana was to blame, My heart and prayers go out to you and yourfamily. I hope that you guys are still together.
Opana cannot effect the chance of you becoming pregnant or not. Scientifically speaking, it is usually the man's fault if there are problems conceiving. If you want a child, then you and your husband should both be tested by and consult with reproductive specialists. Long term use of opioid pain medicines can cause a decrease in testosterone, but that doesn't really effect women.
Also, once again, the idiots are out in droves. There is a significant difference between addiction and withdraw. If you have bad pain and take an opioid, then your baby may be born dependent on the medicine. It is exceedingly rare for legitamate pain patients to be addicted to opioids.
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I hadn't been checking the board. I am here agai because I just found out two days ago that I'm pregnant again. By total surprise. We were not trying. As a matter of fact I didn't think that it was possible again due to the last 2 miscarriages and my medical history. Aside from my injuries I have a disorder that causes my blood to clot uncontrollably. I never got any definitive proof of why my miscarriages occurred but that was the suspect nor the medication. I should have been on heparin injections as soon as I found out and I wasn't. The funny thing is that this time I was on heparin injections because I had just recently suffered a blood clot in my leg. I should have been on it anyway but opted to take it only in a medical crisis. Right now I don't know how the baby is doing as soon as I'm not so sick I'm going to the doctor. I will post again when I have more information.
This S*** is Ridiculous!!!! Why would anyone with a baby n them take Opana?!?! YOU'RE addicted and your poor baby will be too. get off it and I mean get off it NOW. Suboxone is safe. And u can't say that at 6 months old a baby is perfectly normal. U have no idea if he has a learning disability! U could wake up tomorrow and he or she may not. THIS is SICK. DO NOT TAKE OPANA DURING PREGNANCY OR AFTER! The child needs a mother, not an addict. God, help these ppl!
Hey TalsWife I read what you had been thru with your pregenancies and I'm so sorry for your loss. Currently I am 9 weeks and addicted to Opana due to a wreck in 2006. For some reason it feels like the med has a stronger than usual affect on me so I was already concerned. Someone suggested I switch to Methadone thru the pregnancy but I know that wont help my pain issues and I don't think I can come off the Opana's Did your Doctor tell you the miscarriage was due to drug use? What hospital did you go to and how did they treat you after they found out you were a addict? Will I go to jail or will the hospital take my baby if they discover during use? How far along were you when you miscarried? Is there somewhere I can go locally that could help me?
Omg u need to get off pain u asked if its ok to drink opana wile your pregnant no its not good becouse when u diliver your baby the baby will come out withrawing right away just imagine u when u go through withdraw atleast u can tell somebody but a baby can't and the baby can die get hellllp
All of the responses here except a few are down right outrageous! If you are pregnant and on opana, GET OFF!! I am sure that you can try percoset or something lighter but why would you even risk it? I am a CPP but fortunately I wasnt when I had my children and I think I would have opted out of having children if I was a CPP at the time but thank god I didnt have to make that decision. I couldnt live with myself if my baby came out sick or worse died. I would go into rehab if I were you. The baby didnt ask for this!!
I do not comprehend why you would want to go through a pregnancy. Being a severe chronic pain patient that you need opana.
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