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White small round pill with an R one side and 153 on the other side. Not scored. What kind of pill is this and what is it used for? ## This tablet is manufactured by Dr. Reddy's Laboratories and they list it as containing 4mgs of Ondansetron, which is most commonly used to treat or prevent nausea, and vomiting. Its typical side effects are listed by the FDA as possibly including dizziness, drowsiness, and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Do you swallow it or let dissolve in mouth like Zofran?
I found a pill in my daughters backpack. its round and yellow. One side says CG, and the other side has the number 20 ## Hello, The closest match I've been able to find is Ondansetron hydrochloride (8 mg). It is a round yellow pill with the imprint GG 928- Maybe the imprint got damaged so that it appears to be CG 20? Ondansetron is used mainly as an antiemetic to treat nausea and vomiting -sometimes following chemotherapy. Manufacturer: Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Inc. National Drug Code (NDC): 00781-1681 You can learn more about this drug on the page for Ondansetron Details If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you. ## I don't know if you are still wondering about this or not... The pill is actually appears to be "Option+ Ginger...
Are these pills for anxiety or pain? I have severe anxiety and I also am in severe pain. Can I take this pill? Will it help me with one or another reasons I want it to help? Please let me know if it will help. ## Hello Yvonne, I was able to find the pill you are describing. According to the National Institute of Health the pill is a ondansetron 4 mg oral tablet which is used to prevent nausea and vomiting. I have linked a picture and some additional information on the drug below. Product Code: 62756-130 Ingredient(s): Ondansetron Hydrochloride Inactive Ingredient(s): - Anhydrous Lactose - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Starch, Corn - Magnesium Stearate - Hypromelloses - Titanium Dioxide - Polyethylene Glycols Imprint: 130 Label Author: Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited Color(s): Whi...
It's an anti-nausea & anti-vomiting pill. The med itself starts with an "O" but I can't recall the full name. ## Hi Philipok, The white round pill you're describing with R on one side and 153 on the other, reportedly contains 4mgs of Ondansetron - used for nausea & vomiting. For verification, the manufacturer is Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Inc. and the pill itself carries a National Drug Code of 55111-153. You can also view an image of the pill by clicking on the NDC link above. I hope this helps! ## A white round pill imprinted with R 153 is ondansetron 4mg, a generic for zofran. I take it everyday for nausea. The downside is it's extremely bad for your heart. However it's helpful if you take a lot of medicine that causes vomiting. ## Zofran/ondan...
what kind of pills r they ## For nausea ## How often do u take this Ondansentron 4mg to treat nausea and vomiting?? ## What is Ondansetron 4mg used for? I was going through my meds to discard the old ones and found this. NDC: 65862-390-10 Markings: 5;E Shapes: Round Colors: White Size (mm): 5 Inactive Ingredients: -Mannitol -Crospovidone -Lactose Monohydrate -Cellulose, Microcrystalline -Aspartame -Silicon Dioxide -Magnesium Stearate ## Hello Chrissy, I would like to be clear with what you are asking. Are you asking what the pills are intended to do? If so they are used to prevent nausea and vomiting. If you were asking what types of administration there are available (i.e capsules, tablets, chewables, shots etc.) then according to the NIH they only offer orally administered tablets an...
I'm trying to identify a round white pill with 08 on the front and nothing on the back. I want to know what it is used for, please? ## Sandoz Pharmaceuticals manufactures a tablet that matches this description, which contains 8mgs of Ondansetron, which is most commonly used to treat, or prevent nausea, and vomiting. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, and sedation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## pls what the name and usefulness of a white round pill with "J" and "08" imprint
a big white oblong pill with 1 3 on one side nothing on the other. ## Based on the description provided, the closest match I could find is a white oblong pill marked "130" on one side and blank on the other. I haven't come across a photo to verify the presence of a score line, but this particular pill is identified as Ondansetron hydrochloride (4mg). Manufacturer: Caraco Pharmaceutical Laboratories Ondansetron is used mainly as an antiemetic to treat nausea and vomiting following chemotherapy. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Ondansetron Details Is there any possibility of the number being "130" as opposed to "13"? ## 1. (score)3. Is gabapentin...either 600 or 800 mg.... similar to neurontin....
Is ondem safe for the person who is vomiting Continuously after drinking alcohol ## This contains the active ingredient Ondansetron, and it used to treat, or prevent nausea, and vomiting, but it should only be taken with a doctor's approval. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, and dry mouth. How much alcohol has the person been drinking? Are they on any other medications? Do they have any diagnosed medical conditions?
What is a tiny white pill with F on one side and 16 on the other? I have checked a few other sources with no luck. ## Is the marking possibly F 91? If so, Aurobindo Pharma lists its as containing 4mgs of Ondansetron, which is most commonly used to treat, or prevent nausea, and vomiting. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth.
Is this medicine used for fever and cough or vomiting? ## Ondem syrup contains the active ingredient Ondansetron, it is used as an antiemetic, to prevent nausea and vomiting. It will have no effect on a fever or cough. Common side effects may include: drowsiness, dizziness, constipation and headache. Read more here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## Is Ondem syrup ok for a 2 month old child if he spits out too much of milk? ## my Child(5 month) 8 kgs weight is suffing from vomating approxmetely 22 hours.Is Ondem syrup can control it ## Yes Ondem Syrup can control vomiting. See your doctor about the dosage as it depends on the weight of your child. My daughter took at 5.5kg at 1.5ml There is also another medication called Domstal which is milder and I would use first. You ta...
Can anyone help identify a small 1/4" length, white, oval pill with 91 on one side and F on the other? ## This tablet contains Ondansetron Hydrochloride 4 mg (NDC 55154-8176). Ondansetron is used to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Ondansetron is in a class of medications called serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. It works by blocking the action of serotonin, a natural substance that may cause nausea and vomiting. [1] Inactive Ingredients: - Anhydrous Lactose - Microcrystalline Cellulose - Starch, Corn - Magnesium Stearate - Triacetin - Titanium Dioxide - Hypromellose 2910 (6 Mpa.s) Ref: DailyMed ## Do you take this with water or is it supposed to be dissolved under your tongue?
This is a white oval shaped pill. The ON is facing me, when I turn the pill over a 4 is facing upside down. I'm told this is a .25mg xannax, but I need to be sure. ## The pill is a longer oval shape then most oval type xannax, and is .25 mg as I had suspected. They are nust a new manufacturer. I called poison control, for difinitive answer, because the Pharmacy was new and the pharmacist didn't speak good english. ## Your best bet is checking with your local pharmacy since their may be many different MFG's of this medication and they take what is available from the supplier. Some are generic. So, I check with your pharmacy to be on the safe side. I have had a one time where the pharmacy put the wrong meds in the wrong bottle before. They do make human errors. ## I believe th...
I'm trying to identify a really small white oval pill. On one side there is an F and the other side shows 31... What is this? ## Is the marking possibly F 91? Can you please double check and post back? Thank you! If so, it is manufactured by Aurobindo Pharma and it contains 4mgs of Ondansetron, which is most commonly used to treat, or prevent nausea and vomiting. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, drowsiness, and dry mouth.
White oval imprinted with plond on one side and 8 on the other ## ONDANSETRON (Zofran®) helps to relieve nausea and vomiting, especially when associated with the treatment of cancer (chemotherapy). Ondansetron may also be used to prevent or treat nausea and vomiting that occurs after surgery, and occasionally is used to treat severe vomiting during pregnancy. ## This tablet is manufactured by Sandoz Pharmaceuticals and they list as containing 8mgs of Ondansetron, which is most commonly used to treat, or prevent nausea or vomiting, as Jules has stated. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, dry mouth, and headache. Are there any questions?
My wife is 34 Week Pregnant and has vomiting sickness.. is it safe to take Ondem MD 4.... will it harm the child inside... ## ondem md is safe during pregnancy? ## This contains the active ingredient Ondansetron, which is used to help prevent nausea and vomiting and, while animal studied have not demonstrated fetal risk, there have been no actual studied done in humans. Learn more Ondansetron details here. Has she discussed the concerns about using it with her doctor? ## I'm 9 weeks pregnant. My doctor prescribed me Ondem 4 for vomiting. I have taken it twice so far. Will it be a problem for my baby?? And regularly I vomit a minimum of two to three times.
Small white pill with r on one side 153 on the other side I dont know what it is ## This tablet contains 4mgs of Ondansetron, which is used to treat or prevent nausea and vomiting. Side effects may include: drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness and constipation. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## Found small white pill R on one side 153 on other is it Subutex and is that like methadone?
My baby is 7 days old and absolutely normal. doctor recommended ondamac oral solution 30 ml 5 drops three times. Can somebody tell me what is it for. also what may be possible side effects of drug. what if we stop uses of this medicine. Thanks for ur reply in advance. ## If your child isn't sick, then I'm not sure why they would prescribe this medication. Ondamac contains the active ingredient Ondansetron and it's mainly used to treat or prevent nausea and vomiting. Learn more Ondamac details here. And it has not been approved for use in children under 6 months of age. Did you ask the doctor why they wanted you to give it to them? ## My child is 1year old, and suffering from ometing and loose motion. Somebody's help me to which medicine should I give.
I was cleaning and i found this pill and dont know what it is so i looked it up but i am not finding anything. Could you please help me figure out what it is? {edited for privacy} ## Hello! How are you? This tablet contains 4mgs of Ondansetron, which is most commonly used to help treat or prevent nausea and vomiting. Side effects may include drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Oval White pill g1 on one side nothing on the other ??????
What kind of pill is oblong with 131 on one side and nothing on other? Its light blue ## Hi Hope, Sun Pharmaceuticals makes an 8mg Ondansetron hydrochloride tablet that fits this same description, with the one exception of being yellow and not blue... I would just question if they've recently or previously altered the color of their pill? You can reach this drug manufacturer directly at: sunpharma.com/contact If you don't mind my asking, whereabouts did you get it from?
I have a peach oval pill with F on one side and 92 on the other and I'm not sure they are in the correct bottle, does anyone know what these are ## Hello, Tammy! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Aurobindo Pharma and they list it as containing 8mgs of Ondansetron, which is most commonly used to help treat, or prevent nausea, and vomiting. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, drowsiness, and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with?