Nuvigil Crash And Effects
UpdatedI have been taking Nuvigil for a week to treat shift work sleep disorder. The first two times didnt have a huge effect on me but the third did and it was awesome. I stayed awake i was very productive and i experienced mental clarity beyond explaination. However, it only lasted about 4 1/2 hours before i felt the crash. The crash caused me sever anxiety, a killer migraine(i am prone to them already), a racing heart and pain in my chest and fatigue both mentally and physically. I get an overwhelming rush of depression, extreme memory losd, and a feeling that im forgetting something that i can not shake. I get extremely dehydrated which im determining to be the cause of the migraine. I cant sleep through the crash and when i finally can, i feel as though i were awakr the whole time. I dont know maybe i was awake and i just got lost in my thoughts? I just remember all these thoughts racing through my head and then looking at the time to find that two hours have passed. Yesterday i took an over the counter sleep aid after my shift which helped but i can still feel the confusion lingering. Its like im in a fog as soon as it begins to wear off. Can any one relate? Tips or tricks? I just need advice
16 Replies
I forgot to mention yellow diarrhea and incredibly frequent urination
Also loss of appetite but feeling very hungry
My husband took one dose of Nuvigil on Friday last week and still feeling a lot of the same symptoms you had. Are you currently still taking Nuvigil? If so, how long did it take for the confusion, depression, fatigue, headache, frequent urinatin, etc to discontinue?
Hi Cassie,
Have you spoken with a doctor about the problems you are experiencing while taking Nuvigil? Some of the ailments you mentioned are serious side effects of this drug and it is recommended that you do speak with a doctor as soon as possible.
Here is a link to Nuvigil's webpage:
I hope this helps, feel better soon!
I love love love this medicine. I feel so much better. I too, have shift work disorder (law enforcement dispatcher) and had been having horrible fatigue for months. I can now go thru my day with no naps and feel "on top of my game" again. Finally. My house is clean, my husband likes me, and I have the energy to be social. It lasts about 6 hours or so for me before I start to notice the tires creeping back in. I have been on it for 2 solid months now and don't want to be without it. Hang in there. The side effects do lessen. I had rapid heart rate issues prior to this med, and I haven't really noticed an increase or decrease. I just like me me again oh, I have gained about 10lbs since I started it, which I was reaaally hoping not happen.
Hey there ncc369!- here it is march but I hope you get to read this. NUVIGIL HAS SAVED MY LIFE! This is what I've been praying for. I take cymbalta, lamictal, Lyrica, hydrocodone, & another 12 hr opi, it hasn't affected any of them. Also I'm taking phentermene 2 1/2 months now and have lost 31 pnds. I cannot believe for the last for years ( after I broke my neck 3 vertebrae and crushed 4 vertebrae in lower back transferring an angry person from wheelchair to bed.) I had been so tired constantly. I could fall asleep anywhere- it was to the point where I was afraid to go somewhere lest I had to lie down or just doze off. I couldn't even drive! I've fallen asleep in theatre, AND THE DR. OFFICE! How embarrassing. I would also get very nauseated if I tried to force myself to stay awake. My family just couldn't grasp it. THEN THE DAY I FELL ASLEEP WAITING FOR THR DR.- he ask how often it happens. WOW! I GOT THIS MOST MAGNIFECENT PILL! A little nauseous first week but lots of energy. AND I LIKE MYSELF NOW TOO! Life is good, I feel like a normal person and I'm not so afraid to go out and do things. It was depressing me so bad. I just thought I had become lazy and so did every one else. I suggest to others, give NUVIGIL a chance. It's a miracle for me, peace and love out to all from a 53 yr old woman.
I have sleep apnea and am always exhausted. So my doc put me on 250mg of Nuvigil. Today was my first day taking it. WOW! It was great! LOL It was a little too speedy for me so my doc said I could cut the pill in half and take that. Overall the day was great, even felt happier. I know, I know, it's a narcotic. But I'm not a pill popper really. The thing I didn't like is the "crash". The "speediness" subsided a lot but have gotten very dizzy (scary dizzy), felt really anxious and some headaches. I'm going to try half a pill tomorrow and see how that goes. Hope you feel better!
I started out taking Provigil (modafinil) and it eased me into energy then I felt tired by the end of the day. Normal. That was 8 yrs ago. Having issues now so requested it. But the new thing is Nuvigil (armodafinil). I go way way to high and crash within 6 hours. You feel the crash coming on. Anxiety is awful. Rapid heart rate. Slight paranoia. One foot on brake. One of gas feeling. Then depression. Bad irritability. Can't rest. After supper when kids and family taken care of can take half Klonopin to calm down but it's a long ride in between that time. It's tough. So I am picking up a RX of provigil again today. There is something about nuvigil I can't handle. Never noticed any weight gain. These are appetite suppressant drugs. Must b something else making you gain.
I have found that taking an antihistamine, e.g., Allegra, really helps decrease if not eliminate the crash symptoms about 2 hours after your last dose.
You've got meds on that list that should never be combined. Obviously you don't get them from one provider. I can smell an addict who doctor shops a mile away.
Be careful.
Nuvigil isn't a narcotic. It's not amphetamine. You won't get addicted.
That is the most stupid thing I've ever read NurseyNurse.
Anyways, Julie, I experienced EXACTLY the same thing as yourself with Armodafinil in comparison to Modafinil. Everything about Modafinil for me was mild. I did get a bit of shaking on Modafinil but I wasn't sure if that was because I was stressed to the max and might of had a bit of exam anxiety.
Anyhow when I've recently asked for Armodafinil, started on 75mg, did nothing for the first 2 days. Upped it to the normal dose of 150mg and my head felt like it was a similar feeling to dexamphetamine. So there is no confusion this is just a sensation, not the focus and energy etc like dexamphetamine.
Anyhow the crash which I didn't get at all on Modafinil was exactly like dexamphetamine, I mean in almost every single way but perhaps just a little less severe? But in other ways more. 2nd day without Armodafinil and I still feel SO damn depressed. So again that is like dexamphetamine which takes a long time to bounce back from.
I've read now in several places people MUCH prefer Modafinil and others MUCH prefer Armodafinil. So I really do think it depends on the individual person as everyone's biochemistry is different.
I've been on Nuvigil for three years, I have noticed that if I take it for five days then take three days off that it works best. If I take the medication every day after about 7-10 days the drug has zero effect. The dilemma is that for five days I am able to be engaged and social and active and for three I am asleep. When I start back in the medication I get terrible ache on my chin, (I'm 46, type one diabetic, Gastroparesis and Parkinson's) the kind some kids suffered through in high school. I urinate less frequently, have to remind myself to both eat and drink. I become constipated and am constantly vomitting. Not sure if it's the Nuvigil or the Gastroparesis. Then there's the worst side effect of all the dry mouth which leads to mouth sores on that are awful. Anyone else suffer like this. I wonder if I should stop all together.
If someone has taken Nuvigil that wasn't prescribed the medicine, what might be some of the effects that I would notice? For example, rapid and non stop talking, itching nose, etc.
As a nurse, It is a CDS so the addiction factor is there and actually it IS a pharmacy grade Amphetamine. Just wanted to clarify that from a REAL RN.
Re: RealRN (# 15)
From another REAL RN. Nuvigil is not an amphetamine.
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