Not A Pharmacy Pain Management Clinic That Wont Hold The Suboxone Against Me And I Would Like To Know Who Go Get My 2mg Xanax Bars Back In (Top voted first)


Not a pharmacy, a pain management clinic that won't hold it against me that I was being treated for chronic pain for my bulging discs in my back and my RA. I also need help finding a doctor or psychiatrist that will write me back my 2mg Xanax bars 4 times a day for my generalized anxiety disorder.

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I was going to a suboxone clinic several months back and was being treated for chronic pain and generalized anxiety disorder. I stopped going because the suboxone wasn't helping my pain at all. So I finally found a pain management clinic months later and started going there for help or was first starting into the program to see if they could help me with my chronic pain issues from RA and I was also having major pain in my lower back. They sent me for an MRI and an EMG (test where they stick these needles in you and shock you and read the response on a machine). After I had these tests the doctor told me I have two bulging discs that are pinching my nerve and that he could help me by giving me injections and if that didn't work there were other things they could try and that they would keep me out of pain during the process by giving me pain medications until they figured out how to fix it or refer me to someone to do surgery. And that he could refer me to a rheumatologist for my RA issues. I was so happy! I thought that finally I was going to have some relief after 14 yrs of dealing with back problems(accident occurred 14 yrs ago) and 5 yrs of the RA eating at me everyday. So I get my appointment for my first injection and the nurse explains to me that medications are not given until the course of injections are started. He gave me meloxicam , baclofen, and nortriptyline HCL and some Lidocane cream to numb it, all to last me just until I got to my injection day, then after the injection, he would give me my pain medications. I had to sign papers saying I wouldn't get any other medications or see any other doctors other than him and the ones I had told him about already without letting him know in advance. That was fine with me. I took the medications he gave me until the injection day finally came,I was in so much pain they weren't helping at all! The day I got my first injection in back finally came,like I said I was truly shaking I was hurting so bad! I was almost in tears! They took me back , gave me a shot of benadryl and I knew something was wrong I had read in the paperwork that they usually used Xanax or Benadryl so I was thinking why would he use the Benedryl instead of the Xanax when he knew how much pain I was in? They took me into another room where I met a different doctor than the two I had been seeing, this one was the injection specialist(that's all he does there). He tells me to get on the bed in this certain place and gives me a local and says you won't feel this next one now, YES I felt it! It hurt from the second he started and still hurts now and it's been over a month!!! And after the shot this nurse comes in and says we have to pull everybody's pharmacy records before we do this and it shows on yours that you have taken Suboxone during the past year so we can't now and never will write you anything for pain that is a controlled substance. I told her that I was being treated for chronic pain with the suboxone, not addiction. She told me the FDA does not recognize it for that purpose, so neither can they. I couldn't believe it! I found out later that they make a pain patch from bupronorphine which is the narcotic in suboxone, they just took out the naloxone! What BS! I'm in TN though and that's why I can't find a doctor that will help me with my pain and I also can't get anyone to write me my 2mg Xanax that I was on for four yrs then was switched to Klonopin 2mg and it does not help as much. I need a chronic pain doctor, or a neurosurgeon and I need a psychiatrist that will write me 2mg Xanax ,I took it for four yrs it's the only thing that really works for my anxiety disorder. I can't find a doctor in TN willing to do anything for me now all because I was being treated for chronic pain with suboxone! So warning to people who are considering suboxone or their patch as an option , don't or you may never be able to find a doctor that will prescribe anything other than Ibuprofen! If anyone out there knows a doctor anywhere close to East TN i'm willing to drive, please reply to this post! I'm in a lot of pain and I can't take this too much longer, I have to find a doctor somewhere!!!

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Hey i just saw this post and i feel bad for you ! I live in new orleans . jus moved here 2 mnths ago from paris TN .. I WAS SEEING A DOCTOR -(sorry) in mckenzie TN for my anxiety . I'm on the same medicine and it was hard for me to find a dr to write out my barz . then one day after years of trying - i finally found a dr :)) &&& i miss him so mch!! His name is collota! Dr. collota . he is located at McKenzie medical center behind the hospital . when i moved here i called him and he even called me in a refill till i made it to a dr here .. sorry this is a year late but hell maybe u still need a dr who will write u aprozolamss :)

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Re: robin (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Gina: i agree very much. And all this dea and fda is doing is letting us suffer!!! The doctors have put us in this mess cause they dont give 2sh#ts!!!! I WILL TRAVEL FROM V.A. JUST TO SEE A DR.

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I still have not found a doctor and this is now like 6 months later!!No doctor will help me that I can find! I was also diagnosed with PTSD so now my anxiety disorder is worse also.If anyone can help me find a doctor and/or a Psychiatrist PLEASE HELP ME! I feel like my back is being ripped apart from the inside out! And I'm about to lose control of this situation.I NEED HELP ASAP!!!

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I am looking for a pain management in central Kentucky who can help me.. I have degenerative disc disease, a failed back surgery, now bulging or herniated discs from L2-S1, spinal stenosis, had a disecromy at L4/5,, bulging discs from C3-C7 except for fusion at C5/6, osteoarthritis in both knees, hip (had total rt hip replacement last yr and I'm only 47), back, neck, shoulders, fibromyalgia, hip dysplasia, and migraines (from my neck and stress)...the new law last year has drs in ky scared to adequately treat's a shame when the government has more control over a person's pain than their physician...please any help or recommendations would be greatly's am almost 48 and using a cane, can't enjoy my grandchildren, can barely drive or do my own shopping..i first injured my back in 1995 and it all went downhill, I was a nurse and caught a pt, from falling out of bed, I have been on total disability since 1997...This is no way for anyone to have to live.

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You need rehab, detox and then the non narcotic meds will probably work for you again while u wait to get surgery and get the issue taken care if. Good luck.

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Re: Jessica (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I understand your pain...I'm going through the samething right now taking Subutex which has only the buephenorphine in it and here in Va our gvt has made it illegal to even get it prescribed for pain or if you're allergic to the naloxone which is the other ingredient [blocker] in suboxone so due to everyone abusing this i have to now travel 5 hr round trip depending in traffic just to get my medication every month but sad thing is I'm labeled an addict just to get my script to hv a lil relief and on top of that went to a psychiatrist about my PTSD, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY Disorders and he was willing to help me n put me back on the Xanax that I once was prescribed before in 2009 when lost my brother, gma n papa all within 10days not including finding my father 2yrs ago with his face half blown off from trying to commit suicide with a shot gun for which he is alive after 2 plastic surgeries he is ok but I'm not, Emotionally I'm a wreck and just had to put my dog to rest due to mast cell tumor diagnosis last month. So now im really suffering, but back to the dr, he was willing to help me until he saw under the prescriptions monitoring program aww so I see you're taking suboxone... I said yea i take buephenorphine [subutex] for my pain [have to go to an addiction recovery clinic just to get my script may I add]. So he tells me I'm not able to prescribe you anything today while you're in the Suboxone program. I was so upset after paying him $200 for a failed visit and traveling 4hr round trip to just get to the appt. to be let down by a dr who is supposed to help us! He tells me I would have to choose one or the other! I asked him n advised him of all the research I've been doing so I'm aware of the dual diagnosis programs that some Drs provide which they attend to both your mental issues and addiction issues since I'm now labeled an addict, it's all b.s.!! I'm still not able to get any help. If anyone has any info to help me to get my anxiety meds back while taking the Subutex I'm willing to travel out of VA..I hope your situation has gotten better for you and I'll be praying for you as well! I'm hoping someone will run across my blog and have some info for me. Thanks.

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Re: Jessica (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah once you’re labeled an addict it’s actually illegal for them to prescribe a controlled substance to you. Sucks they didn’t tell you that, but that law may not have existed when you started the subs.
When I was having a hard time finding pain management because I was uninsured I considered going to a methadone clinic because at least that would help a little with the pain. My doc reminded me that I would never be able to get help with pain again if I did that.

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