Northstar Rx (Page 3)


Has anyone had problems with lamotrigine (generic Lamictal) manufactured by Northstar Rx

76 Replies (4 Pages)

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Just started taking meds from Northstar (Keppra and Dilantin). I've been taking these meds for more than 40 years. Now I'm sick and very tired, pain in abdominal area. Anyone else experience this?

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My pharmacy switched their clonazepam provider to Northstar last month. I've had strong to severe withdrawal symptoms starting two days into this batch. I have no option but to continue to take it. Symptoms include fluelike symptioms, muscle aches, depression, chills and sweats, nausea, loss of appetite. My body feels like it's being poisened. Their website says they are in Tennessee (not India)? I met w/my doctor this week in tears. I am 70 years old and have been on 1mg of c. for several years.

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I just picked mine up and they changed also.haven't started yet OMG I hope I don't have withdrawels

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For three days I've been taking Northstar RX LL's valacyclovir (generic for brand name Valtrex) from Costco's Pharmacy, dosing 1000mg every 8 hours for a herpetic outbreak on my mouth (standard dosage is 500 mg twice daily). I have never had such a bad outbreak that has continued to evolve and worsen even while on "medication." I believe this product to be a counterfeit.
The New York Times, February 14, 2012 (I think that was the year) published an article on bogus drugs, citing the results of a study which concluded that 13% of the generics forced on Americans by their third party payers (government and private insurers) are fake. I wonder what percentage of drugs are now coming from third world countries like India?
Examine even the over-the-counter drugs and often you'll only find a drug company's name and no indication as to the country where that company contracted to have the drug was actually made.
I think this is a dangerous trend. A person should have the right to know where a drug is being manufactured, and the right to choose alternatives generics or the proprietary drug.
So much media attention is given to GMO foods but I can't recall the same being paid to the drugs we put in our bodies.

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I was just switched from North star (which I did well on for years), to zydus (a company in India) at the beginning of May. This past week I broke into a rash which sent me to the er. I thought it was an allergic reaction, but realized since the switch I began withdrawal like symptoms. I thought I caught a flu --but gastro problems persisted though I'm down to a bland diet. I've become increasingly anxious, panicky, had crying jags. I've been nauseated, dizzy, having a sensation of a brain freezes and my hair started falling out in globs. Suddenly, I've taken a swing toward the manic side with euphoria i haven't had in years-- sleeplessness, agitation yet lethargic and when I do dose, my ptsd recurring nightmares came back full force. The manic scared me to the er, my psychiatrist sent me there for the rash. I've worked so hard through hospitalizations, therapy, ECT treatments. I'm so angry that a bottle of pills from some third world s***hole can throw my life into such chaos. I cant trust these companies and have had issues before, but not this serious. I have never been on brand name lamictal but am hoping to have that option. I'll pay out of pocket. I'm already in debt anyhow. I'm going to die owing somebody something. If this is what life is now, I'll die sooner. At times that idea has been ok too.

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I have not been feeling well...stomach trouble..diaherea... just not myself. I've been taking Ambien. Noticed pill and manufacture changed. Its North star. I feel like I'm being poisoned. Calling pharmacy tomorrow.

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Walgreens carries Teva, I have not had luck with any other generic. Teva seems to be close to brand name

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Hi ...I went to pharmacy told them symptoms I've experienced...put me on Ambien w Teva as manufacturer.. not sick anymore. Pharmacy said another person complained as well. Hope this helps others. Meds being filled in India..someone said some are coming from China to India. Don't know if that's accurate. Could be....seems like everything is coming from China.

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Honestly, I think I have taken northsrar before,and it was fine. It's all how you perceive it. If you think it will work, it will. If not, then it won't.

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Lamictal and Ambient Teva. I was on Ambien Teva. Don't take it anymore. Have plenty left too. The doctor has put me on something else now.

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I think Northstar is fine. I have been on others and there are some I don't think are effective. But so far so good.

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I'm also wondering if it has to do w/ the length of time we've taken that certain med w/ that manufacturer? I've been taking clonazepam for several yrs from Teva. Went to another pharm when I was out of town & it was a different manufacturer, but I didn't pay attention. Couple days later, I asked my Doc what could be wrong, bcuz my anxiety was right up there again?! When I returned home, went to my reg pharmacy, back on Teva & I'm ok. I'm a pharmacy tech, but never really paid attention to this; however, since my experience, I've talked to several pharmacists who say the same as someone else posted on here, about certain drugs coming from other countries, so idk if it's true or not?! I don't believe it was 'in my head', bcuz I wasn't even thinking about it.. I care for my mother as well, & she takes several meds for health conditions; I have noticed 'changes' in her personally, when they change manufacturers, & some change like a revolving door...

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What generic brand are you using? I need to experiment bc North Star changed their recipe and I'm not well. Thanks

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Is there any way to hold Northstar accountable for putting out what are obviously ineffective drugs that cause harm physically, mentally, and financially?

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All the sudden I had a bad reaction to the generic brand of Zoloft (Sertraaline). Heart palpitations, raise blood pressure, splitting headache, numbness and tingling and I felt like my brain was on fire.

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Yes! When I was switched from (4)25mg tablets per day to (1)100mg tab per day. I all of a sudden & immediately was back in bed, continually lethargic sleepy, joint pain & the resulting inability to do daily tasks threw me into a mental panic& back to depression, even though these are antidepressants. I'm thinking they compound the larger pills with other fillers that aren't used in the smaller pills. I'm allergic to grains so even rice or cornstarch will cause these issues for me.

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I have been on the Northstar lomotrigine 25 mg for almost 5 years and it helped me My Pharmacy changed to Aurobindo manufacturer and it produces what is called the shield lomotrigine - I have had a high increase of blood pressure pounding in my chest and tremors. Pharmacy tried to get me the original lomotrigine L127 and they do not make it any more so I called the company to ask if there has been a change in the ingredients as Northstar too is making a shield lomotrigine I am having the same problems. . .That stinks. I am sensitive to chemicals and having a lot of problems with this whole thing trying to get a med that will help me

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Re: dapperdog (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

I absolutely cannot stand Teva clonozapham. I went to CVS unknowingly and felf like I was n withdrawal all month I always took Qualitest #1. The best. I filled a complaint with them and the FDA. Thanks to Trump the DEA really monitors everything. Screw them. So I'm taking sandox but recently given Northstar. They are ok.

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Re: Sadie (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

I wish!!! No notifications of changes to Doctor, pharmacy or patient. . . Horrible for some one who might be sensitive to the new fillers!

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My prescription for clonazepam has been changed twice in two months. By the end of the first month I was in withdrawal, it was Apotek. Now I’ve been on Northstar for about three weeks and am getting what I call “brain zaps”. I’m not sure what they are but I’m pretty sure they are related to the clonazepam (so called). I use Publix Pharmacy. They used to special order whatever you needed it whatever worked for you. A couple years ago they started using McKesson to supply them and just got what they got. Now they have dropped McKesson and I don’t know who they are using but they still just get what they get. I’m now getting generic plavix from Auribindo. It smells like cat urine. I’ve never had anything good from Auribindo. I guess I’m going to have to find a local owned pharmacy. I’ve tried CVS. They think they are my doctor, I won’t use them. Be aware folks.. it’s getting bad!

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