Northstar Adderall Reviews (Page 2)
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My usual generic Adderall 10mg pill is usually a round blue pill. It's manufactured usually by Aurobindo and sometimes the pharmacy will give me one manufactured by IMPA (I'm assuming it's an abbreviation). This time, I was given a round light green pill with the numbers 443 and what looks like a smushed letters MP on it. The manufacturer is Northstar (formerly Sun Pharmaceuticals). Is this safe? I had some unrelated stomach issues last year and I'm concerned about side effects of this pill since other dosages of this manufacturers generic Adderall has given people bad side effects. My pharmacy isn't really addressing my concerns. Any info would be great.

41 Replies (3 Pages)

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Re: thepope504 (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I think Hamster & HCStymie are the same person or at least have the same objective...and it's not to give an honest, objective review for the benefit of consumers...looking into this.

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Re: Hamster (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

WOW!! Are u a lobbyist or just good?

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Re: HCStymie (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

I am curious as to why you would consider seeking that brand if:

1) If your previous experience was negative (ie.. taking > 2x amount versus another brand to have same effect)

2) The plethora of other brands available that you already know work.

Also, I noticed that you mentioned in your reply that your decision to seek this brand would be dependent on Hamster #5's analysis...but it is 2022 and he posted his reply 2019...he might not be getting back to you..just saying.

You seem to know a lot about the business dealings of Sun Pharma, Aurobindo, McKesson, Northstar etc.

Do you or have you worked with any of those companies or subsidiary?

I'd love to chat with you more regarding this.

{edited for privacy}


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Re: Hamster (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

All amphetamine based meds in U.S. like Adderall are made in the U.S. It is illegal otherwise. Indian companies that sell in the U.S. manufacture it in the U.S. The DEA regulates the raw materials for it and provides it to the pharma industry. Aurobindo/Aurolife, for example, is manufactured in the U.S. Sun which is also an Indian company is manufactured in the U.S. Aurobindo manufactures it for Sun, which helps explain why Sun is so bad. NorthStar which is Sun's subsidiary in the U.S. used to get it from Aurobindo, but changed their formulary to a new manufacturer. Which may explain why it is not as horrible as the regular Sun brand. Not sure if Sun changed to a new formulary or not more recently or is still supplied by Aurobindo. I was taking 120 to 140mg a day of Aurobindo and it wasn't as good as 50mg of the current Teva generic and didn't last as long. Will consider NorthStar after your review if I can't get something I know is good that I have tried.

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Re: Louise (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Omg seriously thank you for talking about hives/allergic reaction for the past two or three years every now and then I get a terrible itchy rash on 1 side of my breast/ribs and it comes on and goes and I’ve tried everything to stop it from coming but when you said about the corn starch etc In adderal I’m wondering if that’s why I’m getting it I hardly ever get the same type of adderal every month it’s different and I also use baby powder with corn starch I’m totally asking my Dr to test me so thank you you might’ve just helped me with an embarrassing problem that it looks like I have a disease when an itch attack comes on in public LOL

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Do you think anyone who is on this thread hasn't been told of the side effects of this medication by their doctors, pharmacy or the label itself.

The OP is addressing a specific manufacturer...duh

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I've been on adderall / generic mixed amphetamine/dextroamphetamine salts for 20+ years.

A good while back, I had received the yellow 30mg generics mfg by Sun Pharma. They were absolutely worthless. I filed an FDA form 3500 and never received them again. In fact, Sun Pharma discontinued them in 2018. I remember also reading several other complaints.

Yesterday, I received an rx from a pharmacy I dont typically visit and was shocked that I had received the same yellow trash again with identical markings! But this time they were "mfg" by Northstar, LLC.

Interestingly enough, Sun Pharmaceuticals discontinued the product in 2018. In early 2019, Northstar began marketing what looks like the identical product which costs them 31 cents to produce.

My best guess is that Sun Pharmaceuticals could no longer market the product due to the amount complaints from consumers to FDA and/ or pharmacies themselves. So then Northstar, LLC (owned by McKesson) somehow inherited the product and obtained marketing rights and began selling the same trash but under a different manufacturer name.

I plan to do more research on this when I have time and am going to make a YouTube video with my findings to try and expose them. In the meantime, I will be filing a FDA 3500b again and suggest everyone who had adverse reactions to this product to do the same.

Here is the link: https:/­/­­scripts/­medwatch/­index.cfm?action=consumer.reporting1

Best Wishes.

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I think Aurobindo finally stopped making their fake adderall. Look on the FDA drug shortage web page. I believe last time I looked they discontinued making adderall which is good. Theirs was trash, like those old crossroad pills gas stations used to sell in the 90s.

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Yellow 30mg Adderall from Sun Pharaceuticsls, inc. is awful! It made me worse! I’ve taken Adderall for 15?years. I felt like I was losing my mind and then I got my next months prescription of my usual brand and I’m still not 100% is there like something different with the ingredients in it

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Re: Hamster (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in agreement about the yellow former Sun pharma, now Northstar 30 mg ir generic Adderall. The only thing that I can add on side effects is that they leave an odd metallic taste in my mouth about 30-45 minutes after I take them. The good news is that it is brief and not consistent. I get them at Safeway in AZ. Right now I'd say they are the #1 generic out there at the moment with Sandoz in #2 but those are very difficult to come by in the past year. In addition, if anyone out there ever has a red rash that resembles a stress rash or mild hives it's likely from a generic manufacturers' inactive ingredients. I found out that I had an allergy to the inactive ingredient corn starch, after a couple of years of misery and practically overdosing on benedryl just to get about 30%-40% effectiveness & potency for my ADD. But gelatin starch is not the same so I've had great success with the old Sun pharma/Northstar yellow 30 mg ir. And if you notice a difference in the potency or if you ever get a rash or any other side effects that could be considered to be an allergic response you can ask your pharmacist to give you a list of all of the inactive ingredients and compare them to other generics that have not given you that issue and through trial and error you should be able to figure out what inactive ingredient is causing anykind of adverse effects or allergic ones as well? I've also had better absorbsion if I take a magnesium supplement with my morning Adderall dose. I also do not take them with grapefruit or orange juice within a hour or two of my Adderall dose because the acidity destroys some of the potency. I hope this helps everyone out there struggling with this very real & sometimes debilitating problem?
Take care and stay safe.

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Re: Hamster (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Anything with amphetamine has to be made in the United States if sold here. Indian companies create or buy U.S. companies as subsidiaries to be in the amphetamine business. The DEA regulates the amount of amphetamine raw materials to make medications. And are part of the problem when it comes to shortages.

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I've had a number of generic adderall brands over the years. Teva, Shire, Barr and probably some others all worked fine with only minute differences between them. Aurobindo is useless. And so was Sun Pharmaceutical when I tried them. If anyone usually takes Aurobindo, Sun will probably be the same reaction. But be aware, if you get one of the decent brands, it might be too strong for you. I usually take 40mg in the morning and sometimes 10 or 20 more in the afternoon if needed. I have Aurobindo now and take 80mg (not exaggerating) in the morning and still struggle to get out of bed. And 20 or 40 more 4 hours later because it wears off really fast. Even then, still not ass effective as the good brands. Getting a good brand from a different pharmacy tomorrow. Can't wait. Also, I took some Teva 10mg ones I had in the drawer from 2012 and they still work better than Aurobindo or Sun brands. Aurobindo used to make me a little nauseas, give me a slight headache and feel "yucky", the best way I can explain it. Still feel off but getting used to their budget ingredients.

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You should look for a new pharmacy! Part of their job is to listen to patients; especially if they are having a negative reaction to a medication so that they can possibly find an alternative & speak to your doctor about it.
I know there’s only so much they can do legally, but I do know that they can get in contact with your doctor to discuss this as my pharmacy has done this in the past. I’m just not sure who to bring it up to 1st. The pharmacy or my doctor? So I’ll probably contact my doctor & then the pharmacy.

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Re: Jimbo81 (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

This is true! Everybody’s body responds differently. So what works for one person may not work for another.
However, these ones do not work at all for me personally & are causing the opposite effect of what they’re intended to do. Although, I’ve always had some sort of backwards reactions to meds. All antidepressants make me MORE depressed!
I was on Lithium for Bipolar Disorder & usually makes people gain weight. I was losing too much weight so they had to take me off since it can be toxic in that case. Luckily I was prescribed a different mood stabilizer that works with no negative side effects.

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Re: Molo (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I was actually looking to see if they accidentally got mixed up & put in sleeping pills by mistake. However it says they’re generic for Adderall. I’m on quite a high daily dosage (legitimate RX from psychiatrist) & I had a bad reaction one of the other manufacturers so my pharmacy was supposed to put a note in my file to only use 1 specific brand. And it’s definitely NOT theses! These are even worse!
I take a 30 mg in the morning & cannot wake up/feel groggy. Kinda like I’d just taken a sleeping pill. I didn’t think anything about it until my 2nd pill in the afternoon. I was still barely able to keep my eyes open. Then my evening dose basically puts me to sleep. I can’t function like this! Not to mention the cost for an RX that is doing the opposite is not ok with me since I’m on disability.
I’m glad I’m not the only one.
I’m not sure if I should bring this up with my doctor or the pharmacy & what they could even do at this point? But I am going to at least bring it up. Cuz I do not want these again!

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Re: Hamster (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Dear Hamster, we are contacting from Aurobindo pharma and we are concerned about your complaint. We would like to know further details about your complaint. You can report an adverse event experienced after taking Aurobindo medicine at

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I have tried every brand and generic Adderall with the exception of Sun Pharma (now NorthStar in US).

After my Doc appointment, enroute to my usual pharmacy, I called ahead to ensure they had my usual 30 mg Teva in stock. "No," the pharamacy tech said. "We have them on back order and are using Northstar." "Northstar", I said. "I've never heard of them." "any issues with complaints/not working?", I ask. "No, we have had no issues."

OK, as I'm Googling "Norhstar" enroute to Pharmacy, there is basically nothing there. Go to Northstar website and see its there (but website looks like just a disibutor type site for the products.

Anyway, to cut to chase. I get to pharmacy, they fill order, they call my name to pick up/pay - and I ask them to open bottle before the transaction. Pharmacist opens Pills are yellow with MP447."Never seen these before," she says. Do a quick Google and it is Sun Pharma but manufactured at Frontida BioPharm in Philadelphia- not India. "Ok" I say. I'll ty them." Pay and leave.

As its well documnted here - and personal experience- the India Adderall (Aurobindo is only I have tried)- has very mixed reviews (mainly negative). I havehad really decent, working batches one's that just pain suck.

So after 1 week, this is my take:

1. Very Speedy. They seem to have larger Levo portion to Dextro portion in the pills.
2.. Seemed more like the old Teva that increased my anxiety.
3. If you normally take 30 on Teva, start with 15 on Northstar.
4. Very good concentration and motivation.
5. Decent mood enhancement (but nothing like old Core).
6. Normal dry mouth, lack of appetite.
7. No headaches like Teva or Adderall.
8. Seemed like a mix between the old Teva and the old Core.
9. These Northstar have differnet NDC #'s than Sun but are same (but made in States!).

Bottom line: Considering whats been out there, not bad. Gave me ADD relief with minimal side effects.

Would I get them again: Yes.

Anyway, good luck to you all...

And as protocol, this is not an endorsement or recommendation, just my personal experinece (as we all know, everyone reacts differently to meds.)


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Re: TommyKnockerz (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I’m sure you figured this out by now...I just want to complain. I got sun 20mgs. Took one at 7 am and went back to sleep for three hours. Worst generic I’ve ever had

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Verwon, I've noticed that my Sun Pharma. 12.5mg tabs don't work worth a crap. I have been increasing week by week beginning with .5mg and this is worse than the 7.5mg tabs. I have had no noticeable increase in attention with these Sun Pharma. tabs. I took the blue 12.5mg tabs last week and they were fine but these are not even close to those.

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Sun Pharmaceuticals does list this as containing 20mgs of mixed Amphetamine salts, but the only way to see how it works for you is by actually trying it to see.

Have you started taking it, yet?

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, insomnia, anorexia, and nervousness.

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