Norco And Valium Should Be More Freely Prescribed (Top voted first)
UpdatedHi, i was on yellow norco and valium for severe anxiety and very bad pain all over my body. Could barely walk. I'm 71 years old and have never ever abused my meds. I had many operations in past. I'm also a cancer survivor. When i lived in ny i had a wonderful Dr and he knew i never took my meds more than i was supposed too because they really helped.
I moved to sacramento and found a decent Dr but she refuses to give me norco or valium. So she sent me to a psychiatrist. I couldn't believe the med he gave me. 3 days in bed i didn't know where i was. Long story short i ended up in ER with ambulance for severe pain. It was withdrawals. They gave me norco and valium. The new white norco was the worst, it didn't work at all. I just don't understand why pharmaceutical or government is doing this to people?
All the new meds are poison!! I also don't believe people die from norco. The only people that die are the ones that want to commit suicide or they are taking other drugs or alcohol with it. If you take it the way the Dr tells you nothing will happen and at least you can function. I haven't gone for a walk in 3 months, just cant move. They should be ashamed of themselves what they are doing to us. My withdrawal was so bad I almost killed myself but I love my kids too much. I guess I have to go to back to damn tramadol. Of course no valium or ativan, so i have to live in fear and anxiety. I'm sorry to say this, but i wish my pain on who ever made this decision. You think for 1 minute they care if we die or live? ha ha thank you I actually made my story very short. It was sooo bad I can't even bring it to words! And they can take their white norco and you know what they can do with it!!!! thank you
11 Replies
Totally agree. I never abused norco and it was the only thing that I took that helped me. No side effects but I could get through the day without pain.
I wish you the best of luck in finding a Pain Management Center! When my doctor retired I went to 3 new doctors, till I found one that I felt comfortable with, one I could talk to, who didn't Judge Me for being Injured, and one who really has nothing to do with my prior spine injury, she leaves that to the Experts, and Pain Center! I had never had a UA or gone to a Pain Center, prior to my doctor retiring, with the exception of the 1st year of the injury, as I was Deemed Stable on my Meds (It was working, no signs of Abuse! Doctors are Trained to Look For Signs of Abuse, but every so often there is a Doctor who is Not, but thinks he is, as with the Ashland Or. Pain Center.) I am on Meds but for a Spine Injury! Like you I am older, do not abuse my meds, never failed a UA, ect., and have been on these meds for 23yrs! But recently a doctor started reducing my meds! Not because I was taking more, to much or abusing, but because of Fear Of Losing his lic. Sadly because of the Abuse & Deaths, the Government is Controlling what the doctors do! 120mg per day, so in my case I have taken the same 2 times 60mg of MS for Spine Injury, the only thing MS is Proven to help with, and even thou I was given 3, decades ago & reduced my dose for $$ reasons! I have Never Taken more or ran out, same 2 pills daily, 4am/4pm! I was also given 4 Norco a day for the Injury to my leg, MS doesn't give pain relief to my leg, even tho it's all part of the same injury! Not sure why, but that's how it is! Now I been reduced to 3 a day because Gov Brown of Or., is dictating my Quality of Life from her Office in Portland Or,. I hope she Never Lives in my Pain, but it would be a Good Life Lesson for her?? Or my doc could lose his license & Works in Fear! My doctor has told me so.... So even if your going to a Quality Pain Center, this is happening & getting worse since 2015! This is Why many GP Retired in 2015! I can tell you that what you need to do is be referred to a Good Pain Center, not Psyche Meds! You are not Crazy! Pain is Real! And Pain Mang., can give a Person Who Is Living in Severe Pain, back their Quality Of Life! I did go threw what you are going threw for 17mos, when my doctor Retired! But Pain Drove Me To Find The Best Pain Center in Southern Oregon, and Even they Fear for their Lic.. No Doctor will Mix Vicodin with Norco because the combination is Deadly, even for People like You & Me! I to took it Carefully for 17yrs w Norco, just the way it is now! One last thing, when you are taking Norco Request Brand, even if you have to wait a few days, the generic if full of Fillers, less Pain Med, more of something that the Junkies like because it makes them feel Wired! Just a Thought! Best of Luck! One last thing, Thank You to My Doctors & The 1000's who are Risking Their Lic Everyday to Help Give Back A Quality Of Life that Somewhat Resembles Normal! I say this even as my old Pain Level is Increasing. I can't blame by Doctor only our Government! And the Neighbor 2 doors over who Faked a Spine Injury, for 2 yrs, who hid in her home, walked with a cane (I don't walk with a cane, I pride Myself on Years of PT and doing my damnedest to Look & Walk Normal!) who was Pushing A Car UP Her Driveway and Ever Other Person Who Is Abusing Their Meds! k in Southern Oregon
Yes they should. My grandfather was a sergeant in two wars shot 3 times scar tissue developed so he couldn't walk anymore from the pain military was prescribing morphine heavily in his one he saw what it did to other soldiers. So he refused morphine. He took valium in stead for yes 20 years when his wife died he had to move back to West Virginia when the drug war started had to get new Dr. Told him he was addicted to valium at 80 years old put him on what I call new synthetic rat poison and he died of heart attack in one week.
Like I've said on numerous other posts about synthetic opioids. They removed the chemical chain that caused oxytocin to be released by the pituitary gland which instantly made all synthetic opioids 75% less effective in as fas as the analgesic effectiveness! This happened in 2014 under the Obama administration. Trump continued this insanity! Basically all doctors were told to prescribe less amounts of an inferior drug...
The government also destroyed all the other types of narcotics too! This was their answer to a drug abuse issue they helped to create! Now heroin, illecit fentanyl and other street drugs abuse are out of sight because of what the government did to pharmaceutical narcotics... The addicts weren't punished, they just found another substance to abuse. While legitimate patient were severely punished instead of drug abusers!
We the patients are the REAL VICTIMS of an over reaching socialist government who pretends to be all seeing and all knowing goofballs who couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag with a chainsaw!
The governments grand plan in a nutshell... Let's get Big Pharma to destroy the analgesic effectiveness of all synthetic opioids and destroy all other narcotics!, but what about legitimate patient for which these drugs were intended for? The government, tuff luck!
They'll believe whatever we tell them! These drugs are all still the same you lowlife citizens who take these drugs, their answer... and I have ocean front property in Kansas going for cheap if you buy the governments gaslighting propaganda...
Re: Cindy (# 3)
im SOO SORRY , i truly understand there are days between bad pain and severe anxiety i feel like im gonna have a heart attack, the pills that are giving today are really poison , i wish all my pain and anxiety and other people like us, on people that made this decision i just cant get over it , thank you cindy , take care of your health !!
Always helpful to fellow sufferers if you mention the manufacturer of the ineffective Norco. Thank you.
Re: Cindy (# 3)
I'm so sorry for your loss!
I know this is out of the ordinary, but can you file a lawsuit of elder abuse for them taking away your quality of life? I recall a family doing that in Calif. for their father and won their case.
I know it's part of government purge. Sell out to insurance companies, don't spend their money, leave us without value of life.
Re: myst (# 8)
That's exactly what I was thinking. I know messing with my grandfather diazpam ,which he took for 20 years after being shot 3 times in the 2 wars he knew he did not want to take morphine then when government and ins companies decided to push their new synthetic rat poisoning he died of heart attack from having his regular medication taken away I can vouch he choose to take the least of medication and was by no means a drug attick
Yep govt buracrasies appointed bureaucrats make policies that end up hurting the public that support the countries prosperity ... these policy makers such as cdc epa atf & dot bureaucrats are not elected yet their policies are followed like they are laws by puppet sheep followers of some great epiphany ... the people have allowed it for so long that they continue hurting those that follow the instructions & laws because they would rather cripple those of us that have supported the growth & prosperity of the country rather than doing their job & go after the laziest that play the system & abuse the drugs available I worked roofing for years then expand to easier construction trades till I was in to much pain to do that job then started driving truck (yes dot does the same thing log hour makes drivers drive tired rather than hit those companies & drivers with penalties so harsh they wont drive tired they risk your life by telling drivers when they can drive) well I got hurtin job while I was a driver after about 10 years of going to drs we finally got my meds to the point I was having at least a mediocre life instead of no life I was losing the weight I needed to lose close to 100 pounds then the cdc came in with their bureaucratic ""suggestions"" that doctors took as gospel and cut my meds over 80% mind you I was on these meds nearly 10 years without a single close encounter with an od (funny how when ya take as directed ods dont happen [I was on high fentynal patch & 6 opiod pills a day no problems with overmedicating] funny how that works) now I am only on 5 hydrocodone 10/325 a day gained a lot of weight back due to inactivity (except my elbow it seems but food helps with pain) ..... govt needs to go back to do n their job no where in the constitution does it give the govt power over medical field ...
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