New Suboxone Laws In Tennessee...limits Patients To 16mg Per Day???
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Hello. I am currently taking 24 mgs of suboxone film per day. This dose has worked well for me. I was taking 28mg per day but hav cut back. I live in Va but my doctor is TN. I was told at my last appointment that they had to cut me back to 16mgs per day b/c of some new TN law that forbids the doctors to write more than that. Is this true? How can they do that? It seems like it would be not only a violation of federal law but also a human rights issue. I would understand a reasonable limit but even the suboxone website says this is a reasonable dose. Please help me, I'm scared to death, freaking out & can't find any doctor in VA that is taking new patients. I've searched the web for days about this but can't find any answers. Thank you so much.
Not sure why you are taking 4 strips a day. After 3 your opioid nerves in your brain are completely filled. I mean, I take only take 12mg a day and does me just fine.
I've been on pain pills for 30 +years. I was on three a day and was doing good as i could possibly dom and i got cut down to two a day here in lex ky and it hurts bad. I have a bad neck and back done went to one injectionic and all they did for 7 months was talk about what they were gonna do cause in on blood thinners and im a type two Diabetic. but the first thing they said was no pain pills from this place. And i said i dont want your dam pain pills i want you to fix my back and last visit a nurse practicing came in and said if i had got the injections he was goona give me it would have killed me and i ask her how and she couldn't give me an answer. All she wanted me to do was sign a release form. And i did and three months later the bbb shut them down. So i take the subs for pain and two a day is not enought. What should i do. Please help me. Thank you
Brian Kelsey is a roaring sissy i****. All the legislators are. I met with Johnson City doctors that were were half suboxone doctors and others weren't. They were showing the benefits that were endless. Including people abusing them. It's better than them abusing oxycodone which can kill them. Senator Brain Kelsey gets money from the opioids industry and the liquor industry, but he passes out bibles to small boys In a ceremony that they call, BRIEFS HALF OFF. Suboxone should be sold in convenient stores for a quarter. If someone needs sum, I want them to have all they need. I don't want to come home to find an oxycontin addict (that Kelsey created) in my home waiting to rob me. But Kelsey does, he wants the robber to kill me and then get life in prison where his pals make tons of money. Every single Oxy seat is on the Tennessee legislature. It's us or them.... Join the War on Stupid.
I don't believe you actually have an addicted spouse, but if you do, you've Learned nothing about addiction. Good luck to your spouse. Shaming fans guilting addicts has not worked ever in history, and that's what you're doing when you tell them their money should go to their bills. Yeah, no s***. That's why these people don't want to go off their suboxone dose, because they've gotten their lives back. Your point about Drs. needing to be regulated has literally nothing to do with the dose they are allowed to prescribe their patients. Your spouse will be lucky if they stay sober up against your beliefs.
Not to change the subject but I heard down in Tennessee that they prescribe subutex do you know if there's any truth to this, suboxone give me migraines and make me irritable, But the subutex seem to work very well for meThank you
Man here in ky every doctor is cutting everybody down. Two a day is all you will get from any doctor. They tell me its a new law.
Your lucky you live in Florida , TN has been in the top 5 worse states for drugs for along time now. But they should not punish people that are trying to make it and be clean. Also I'm not sure who said you can only get 16 mgs. That's not true, or the clinics are stretching it out and waiting till that last min. To change. I have 4 friends all get 24 mgs and 90 Klonpins 2mgs at that! A day must be nice.
Yeah it's actually a stupid law. Look up SENATE BILL 871 By Dickerson, no more than 20mg a day.
There not limiting you to 16 mgs a day, that's all you TNCARE will pay for. I know a group of people that go and get 3 8 strips.24 mgs if you want to pay for the extra pill. TN CARE sent out letters that the would only pay for 2 years of suboxone . A lot of people ran out and got in clinic if they have TNCARE it will only pay for 16mg. You can still get 24, but yes they are trying to push 16mgs on everyone.
Your wrong. You think it's easy to pick on the weak. Thank god I live in Florida. We had issues 10 times worse than Tennessee . The pill mills we're closed and NO change to subutex laws.
Board certified physicians can prescribe more than two a day in Tennessee, my doctor is sitting for boards because of this new law
Anyone that's in Tennessee I remember there use to be a suboxone clinic in pigeon forge that took insurance.anyone remember the name of it?
HI my situation sounds a lot like urs so ur getting subutex ? I have no doctor and 2 weeks left to find one due to mine not writing it he will put me on name brand and it will cost me 1200$ monthly can u talk with Meveryday via email and possibly help me get in wth ur doctor ?
Yeah you have to go to a specialist, that's not your prescribing doctor and take some kind of crazy skin test that don't even tell them if it makes you sick or not man how to they know what side effects your having just because your skin didn't react to the nalox in the test. In the Great Words Of Sweet Brown AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT or the money when they can't hardly pay for there tex as it is with no insurance. Because like with this med the Doctors that give it to you are even ignorant about it. You don't have a voice war veterans are being treated as nobody's right now with pain management, what think they gonna for a recovering addict nothing. We are the scum of the earth to them.
That's crazy cause my Dr told me i could get proof of an allergy and he could still write it otherwise you have to be pregnant or breastfeeding.. the allergy has to be documented I've also heard, from other people not my Dr, that it has too be notarized not sure if that's even true but my Dr did print me out the forms they were sent specifying the only reason to prescribe subutex and it can't be above 16mg daily which is what I've been on anyway but I don't know all i do know is I got a good Dr and I'm happy i was there when this law took place.
I'm in Tennessee and was told by my doctor a few months to ago laws have changed and I go to a pain clinic that you are only allowed a certain amount in milligrams of a controlled medication per month and that includes the pain meds along with my Klonopin I take. She told me in order to even up or switch my meds I would have to go see a interventionist that would go over my meds with me and they would decide if I needed to be switched or even lowered. I told my doctor that I would just stay in what I'm taking because I don't want to risk what I'm taking to be lowered because you never know the way I see it. I've been on Norco 10's for over 10 years and I know for a fact they don't work as well as they use to. I had a friend that went to the interventionist and they switched her from the Norco 10's and put her on Percocet 5mg. There is no way that is even comparable to the Norco but they told her it was. So I guess I will just ride it out. I'm also taking morphine 30mg er which does nothing for the pain I have. I suffer from lupus, fibromyalgia, diabetic neuropathy and several ruptured dics in my back from a ex that thought it would be nice after he knocked me out to kick me numerous times in my back.
I don't understand how a doctor can tell you how bad your own pain is. They don't live in your body, we do 24/7. I'm lucky that my pain doctor is a chronic pain patient herself but like she said her hands are tied when it comes to changing my meds. I am kicking myself now because before this new law she offered me the fentanyl patches and I didn't take them.
Hello All
I am not an addict .... only by the grace of god. I am and have been physically addicted to pain medication however for the past 15 years. What was suppose to be a routine surgery (if there is any such thing) left me worse off than ever. I complained to the surgeon for months but was told that there was nothing wrong with me that drug rehab could not take care of. Within about 4 months of having the surgery I could no longer tolerate the pain and ER became the only thing between me and a casket. After 9 trips to ER in a period of ten nights, they finally discovered that 2 of four the the screws in my neck were broken. I was finally given medication and started looking for a surgeon that could hopefully take them out. After a very long search, I finally accepted that the risk of me ending up a quadriplegic were so great that no one would agree to remove them.
My search then changed to getting the best pain relief that I could find. I have been on many of medications over the years including a morphine pump ..... It was so frustrating to find something that worked at a reasonable cost but have it taken away because they had mandated a new formula which at times would cost me more than my social security check. It is our crooked government that lets thee drug companies cook up what is suppose to be a drug that is harder to abuse when their patents are about to expire of their medications.
Now the DEA has come after our pain management doctors. They got letters from the DEA with guidelines on how much medication that could prescribe per patients. Out of fear the doctors have cut many patients medications way back. If you were lucky enough not to have your medications cut ... then you would not get lucky enough to find a pharmacist that would fill your prescription for you. Their were any number of excuses you would encounter .... anything from; they did not have that medication .... they did not feel comfortable filling for you any longer! WTF
This was happening after they put the drug monitoring program in place so that anyone that a doctor writing a prescription or a pharmacist filling one could be sure that you were only seeing one doctor and everyone was on the up and up. When you think things will get better; they just continue to get worse.
About 8 months ago I moved about 120 miles away and could not find anyone that would fill what I thought would be my last prescription from my old doctor since I was looking for a new one closer to our new home. On New Years eve, I ended up at ER with my prescription and explained my problem. I was told that they would not write a new prescription for the Fentanyl patch that I had been on since they changed the formula of the long acting Oxycontin which I could then no longer afford.
They sent in a pain management doctor who told me the same thing but told me that he knew of a medication that was much better for me. I agreed to try the drug Subutex ... which at the time I had never heard of. It was cheaper that the patch but gave me little relief. When I made an appointment to see the doctor again about a week later, he refused to change the medication and accused me of lying. He told me it was a good pain medication. Oh ... but he did increase the medication and the number of times I could take it again without any help.
I finally started to look for a new doctor but had a difficult time because I had been prescribed subutex. I was told on numerous occasion that they do not prescribe it for pain.
I have finally found someone but am not given enough medication to do much of anything. I get half of what my patch use to be and NO break through meds at all.We are all in the same situation. They do not want any of us on these meds unless it is one that big pharma is endorsing and paying our political appointees to press for.
I am not sure how this got this long but I was outraged to see what they were doing to people who have done everything that they have been asked of you ... and which has helped you to get your lives back on track ... and now they are pulling the rug out from under you by limiting the medication that you can get and by changing a formula so that no one will be able to afford it and not have the option of a generic.
May God bless each and every one of you .... we all have to work together because we really are all in the same boat and are about to drown if we are unable to get our faithful life preservers which we know work and we can afford!
In 2 weeks I will be switched to suboxone my pharmacy for 60 will cost $1250 I can't afford that compared to 300 $ I'm screwed
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