New Activis 30 Mg Xr Adderall Not As Effectice For Me


for the last two months 2 different pharmacies gave me some new all orange capsule, supposedly a new generic adderall xr 30 mg. these make me fall asleep and i do not feel the same as the amphetamine salt combo i have been on for three years now. anyone else having the same experience?

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Hi Shaun,

When you switch brand names or manufacturers, the drug itself doesn't change, but rather the binders or fillers that they put with it. For this very reason, I believe the differences and side effects you are feeling have a lot to do with certain "inactive" ingredients that may or may not be present in each brand.

I'm frustratingly surprised that doctor's and pharmacists don't mention this to their patients, after giving them a completely different script without prior notice.

Have you tried discussing this issue with your doctor yet?

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i called and left a v/m earlier. im sure she wont mind putting whatever it is that the pharmacy is asking for. im just so angry that the pharmacy initially gave me 10 of the salts that they confirmed having prior when really they only had 10 in stock and now are saying that i have to have something written on the script? than why did they take it and fill 10 that i asked for then turn around and give me what i specifically said I DID NOT WANT? makes no sense. i could have taken the script back to the dr to have her check whatever box they are now saying needs to be checked! second month of feeling like s***!

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It is possible that there may be some fluctuation in the amount of the active ingredient in them, so they don't work as well for you.

Learn more Adderall details here.

Have you tried asking your pharmacy if they can order the other one in for you? If you're a regular customer, they'll usually be happy to do so, if they can.

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hi, 30 mg is way to much. that kind of dose is what causes most adderal deaths and should be illegal. it has killed many people and if your tired then you need to see a medical professional fast. i dont want you to hurt yourself, only take it if you actually have adhd, you did not menchine so making sure. please get help. i take it too and i also struggle so its very difficult to change fast like that i know but do it. before you end up with a heart disease that literally haunts you for the rest of your life.

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Finally, after months of wasting a good script on Teva 30 mg generic IR (edgie, agitated, anxiety etc) tracked down a Costco here in Tucson that carries the overall favorite of blog writers Sandoz manufactured adderall same med as mentioned. Down the "hatch" 1 hr ago, well get back after drawing a conclusion. $28 for 30/30mg's. No need to be a member also! Also new 30mg xr Teva (all orange, no beads, all white like salt), CVS, knew something was up now I know after reading blogs they did the "switch a roo" with no mention to me. Here we go again, "Whoring " the patients and messing with a good thing probably to save more and make enormous profits, like it's not already expensive enough! Big tip, big savings, helps me, go find a prescription savings card, take it to the pharmacy with your script and give it a go, nothing to lose!!

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The all orange 30 mg xr adderal sucks so bad i now call pharmacies making sure they have orange and clear those are the best these orange 3061s also put me to sleep and i don't want to even get out of bed they should make these a sleeping pill its so bad horrible anyone who's had the clear and orange I'm sure can relate

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30mg IR may be too much for you, however saying it is too much for everybody is a ridiculous, uninformed statement.

I take 30mg IR generic Adderall twice a day and my experience has been exceptional.

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