New 2017 Xanax Laws In Kansas (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I've been taking Xanax for a few years now and I've been with my Dr. for 8 years. My Dr. moved in July 2017 and we received a new Nurse Practitioner in late August 2017. I scheduled an appointment with her so I could meet her and go over my history. She completely took me off my Xanax and my Ambien and put me on Klonopin. My daughter whose an RN, told me she did NOT want me taking Klonopin. But I thought I would try it. After only taking 2 doses of it my anxiety was so extreme I really thought I would just explode. I felt like I could hurt someone. My skin felt like it was on fire. My heart rate dropped to 73, it normally runs in mid 90's. I also got flu like symptoms. I let the NP know and she tried to tell me it was just allergies and to give it a chance. So I told her I refuse to take it because I cannot continue to feel that way. I have several health issues as well as depression, anxiety and bipolar. She never messaged me back and that was Tuesday and now it's Friday and no word from her at all. She doesn't know me at all and refuses to go by my previous Dr's orders. I'm on Medicare and it's very hard to find someone in the mental health field that accepts it.

39 Replies (2 Pages)

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I was on Xanax for many years, and truthfully took more than I was supposed to, because .5 mg didn't work.

I was changed to Klonopin 1mg and it works great! My doctor explained to me Xanax can cause rebound anxiety. It's when the pill stops working, the anxiety comes back with more strength.

Klonopin, on the other hand, doesn't do that. I have found this to be 100% accurate. I also have extra meds at the end of the month. :)

I had no problems switching from 1.5mg - 4.5mg of Xanax to 3mg Klonopin. Why did your daughter not want you to take it?

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Re: EDDY (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

& for me marijuana is a terrible drug. But it helps countless millions. All humans hv different chemisries. What works for some doesn't work for others. Stick w what u know.

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Re: Jerry M (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

& for me marijuana is a terrible drug. But it helps countless millions. All humans hv different chemisries. What works for some doesn't work for others. Stick w what u know.

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Re: EDDY (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Evidently I guess people here will still insist on not understanding my point, because I am not arguing the virtues of the drug! But that seems to be all anyone wants to talk about like you, completely ignoring the dangers of the drug if you come off abruptly.

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Re: Susie (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

& Jerry M (# 20) --

Bill Cosby?? What are you talking about?? I live in California and the doctors here have no problem writing a prescription for Xanax. I think it depends on the patient. I take it for acute panic attacks and for me it works. I don’t know why doctors don’t write prescriptions for Xanax. It makes no sense to me.

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I had been on Xanax since the 1980’s. Well I put off going to the doctor and for the first time I ran out.. I want to forget the Hell I went through those few days.. I felt detached my muscles were twitching, I had a horrible headache and I couldn’t even keep crackers down.. When I had my appointment with him yesterday, it was me that decided I wanted off the Xanax and put on a longer acting opiate.. He really did seem surprised,and he told me that was a very wise thing to do, he also said IF I want to taper that it would take a long time but if and when I’m ready he would help me..He expressed to me how foolish and dangerous it would be to just quit taking benzos cold turkey. I don’t know if this will help but let these doctors know. Do the research and tell them how they are hurting you. There are good doctors out there, and the worst thing to do and this. IMHO. don’t ask people for the name of a doctor. You may have to see a few before you get a good one, but the last thing you want to do is walk into a new doctors office demanding Xanax especially with a doctor who is know for handing out pills. You will find a doctor willing and wanting to help you..Xanax is a wonderful medication, but remember it has a 12 half life and that’s how long withdrawals will start.. Klonopin is the same medication only it’s got a much longer half life. If your willing to work with your doctor, he/she will help you

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Re: Patrice (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Patrice, if Bill Cosby was giving these girls Quaaludes, I don't know how he administered it. A lude is big, bitter and would be very powdery in a drink. Plus one should not put them out like they say. I think he probably was giving them Xanax. If not, then somehow he was putting a lot of ludes in their food or something.

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Re: Dogs Rule (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

Man Jerry, I couldn't agree more. I started smoking marijuana in the early to mid 70's and this Mexican stuff was really good and made you feel good. After that was gone, I never got the same feeling with it. The paranoia, thinking stupid thoughts, grades were slipping...too much strong stuff going around or something. I just plain quit. I never want to feel like that again. Some may call me a lightweight but I've been out there on a lot of strong stuff and would barely feel it. Been sober for a good 5 years thanks to the legal drug that almost killed me...Alcohol...Easy to if you don't drive...and cost efficient.

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It would appear the original poster who asked the question, hasn't bothered to check in or say anything so for that reason alone I'm going to stop trying to help :)

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Re: Patrice (# 28) Expand Referenced Message

That should have read a longer acting Benzo. Not opiate. I swear this thing has a mind of its own

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Vinny, How did U wean yourself off Xanax? I have a HUGE ANXIETY problem but I hate Benzos. I decided to try again to get off Xanax. My try was cold turkey and 3 weeks of no sleep etc - was HORRIFIC!! How did U accomplish this?

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Re: Eileen (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

The Medicare website to help find physicians that accept Medicare is at the link below. It is always best to contact a doctors office and verify they are accepting new patients.

Medicare Physicians Compare-

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Re: EDDY (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Some doctors see patients now using Telehealth. Traditional Medicare pays for it in some situations.

Medicare Telehealth-

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I’ve been on Xanax for 15 years. I take 4 one mg/day and one 2 mg xr at night. They keep me sane. You can die if you come off a Benzo cold turkey. I was an RN for 40 years. It’s not pretty to watch what happens to someone who’s family stole their meds then she couldn’t get any for a week. Was in ICU for a week in a lorazepam drip. I have no trouble getting xanax from my psychiatrist and I don’t want any other Benzo. It works for me.

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Re: BL (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

I know BL, Blue Cross/Blue Shield made that an option about a year ago for my plan. I don't have a smartphone though, a webcam yes

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Re: Karl (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

I felt like that in withdrawal but not anymore. They are meant for temporary use, not long term. Many Drs don't want to deal with the withdrawal, keep handing it out like candy. Took a long time but am so much happier out of my system. Years, decades on that s***. Dam, I read these comments and relieved. I have felt like everyone here, thinking I needed it but now I know it was the problem, not the solution. I did taper, not long a month but it was okay. I wanted the drug but only thought I needed it. Very addictive, what addiction is - physical and mental. Anyone who feels otherwise is in their addiction. There are other ways and other non-addictive pills. I just don't take them.

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I’ve been taking Xanax for over 20+ years and I find it hard to keep the same doctor. They expect you to stop medication? That’s impossible to just stop. You’re only chance is to find a local phycologist or psychiatrist. I finally found my fifth doctor and seeing him for over 3 years. I had to change my insurance to keep her. Well best of luck. You can always go to the emergency room.

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Re: Vinny (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I agree. The withdrawls were small compared to the fog-like state I realize I was in. Whenever a problem, pop a pill. I did it years. I had to learn how to live life all over 4 years ago. I have bever been so content in my life and I an 58! Took me about 2 years but I am alert, laugh and realize the symptoms I had were mostly the result of the ups and downs related to the Xanax & wearing off. It is a tenporary fix while long term use ruins one's benzodiazepine receptors. I take nothing now. Eat healthy. Researching foods, herbs, etc are calming. I am sooooo happy I am done with that. Life is too short to forget any of it. I cannot remember so much now. Takes strength to do.

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Re: Jerry M (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Haaa. Try and find a lawyer to take the case. The doctors are being forced to stop giving drugs that make you feel good. Have a glass of wine when you feel overwhelmed and thank the doctor for ending your drug habit.

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