Need Help Finding A Doctor To Prescribe Me Xanax (Page 2)
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Please give me a list of doctors that will prescribe me xanax? I have bad anxiety.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I need help finding a doctor to prescribed me canax
Re: Karen (# 735)
You are quoting someone from 12 years ago? Extrasensory perception or ESP, also called sixth sense, is a claimed paranormal ability pertaining to reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses, but sensed with the mind.
If I had ESP I wouldn't take Xanax, knowing how dangerous of a medication it is?
Re: StarryEyes (# 13)
Best advice and information I have read here. Way too many people abuse this medication and aren't receiving the mental-emotional support to deal with the core problems of why they continue to band-aid or even mask what they refer to as anxiety disorders. I am what they call an ESP person because I am wired to be extra sensitive to outer stimuli like sounds, smells, crowds etc. I am also very shy. The Medical reason I was started on benzos was for horrific panic attacks after being exposed to black mold in a saturated apt building that I couldn't move out of fast enough to save my nervous system from neurotoxin damage and partial blindness in my right eye. I ended up being placed on high amounts of gabapentin, celexa and Ativan to deal with both the pain and the high anxiety that was overwhelming my whole system. It nearly killed me and I also ended up in a neuro-psch clinic to help me detox and withdraw from the gabapentin and address the panic because my body was in constant fight or flight and my adrenals were depleted.
I chose to detox from everything after a life change some very effective breathing techniques and simple meditation exercises to use as tools for oxygenation and calming my nervous system for bringing balance and control over these overwhelming attacks. When I was strong enough I found a functional medicine practitioner who had begun as a pharmacist and used some old school medicines, supplements and practices to address my overall health concerns. A year of detoxification of heavy metals and mold toxins helped repair my nerve damage and restored my adrenals. I could sleep again after 10 years of insomnia. I regained my stamina and weight, but still had higher anxiety than before the mold invaded my brain. I told him I needed to stop relying on the Ativan because I knew how dangerous abrupt withdrawal can be with seizures and even possible death. He placed me on 5 mgs of Valium 3 times daily with a taper schedule to follow and the flexibility to decide on my own how long I had to clear it from my system. 3 months in, I asked him to prescribe the lowest dose for me and split it to half dose, which was 1 mg at bedtime for resting.
Once I was used to the half dose, I tapered again to 1/4 dose and still found some relief from panic triggers but by this time was receiving counseling and using daily mindfulness exercises to build up my tolerance for outer aggravations that my body reacts to as threats. It made a huge difference for me to be in control of my own recovery with a compassionate doctor. We are all living in an Extremely stressed world and surviving can be very wearing on our whole selves but relying on a doctor to supply you with a medication that is meant for short-term usage only exacerbates and delays the fragile foundation of protection you are seeking with chemicals. I can totally understand from being reliant on them myself, but I also do not want the added stress of doctor shopping or risking my health by self medicating or substance abuse. It's a one way street to poor quality of life and time you will Never get back. Good luck and prayers for all who are living with high anxiety because I know it is total hell, but I also know you are more powerful than you believe you are.
Looking for a doctor who will prescribe me valum I have severe anxiety and I just moved to Mainville please help
Re: Chad (# 732)
I never heard the reason Xanax was made had anything to do with nerve damage? I have heard of some physicians who refuse to prescribe both opioids & benzodiazepines just prescribe Xanax. I have no doubt that these patients just seek their pain care elsewhere, simply Doctor shopping. Have you tried a muscle relaxant for the Nerve pain ?
Re: bonnie (# 617)
U have severe anxiety and panic attacks and bed depression and nerve damage In my neck and I've been on Xanax for over 20 years please someone help me find a Xanax Dr I really need them for the reason they made
Re: Gail (# 729)
"Benzos", sorry about that y’all.
Re: EDDY (# 725)
My Nuerosurgen used to give me Soma’s but not anymore.
Re: EDDY (# 728)
Yes our County has a great clinic but they will not prescribe Benos or pain meds. I live in South TX ppl go across the border. But that isn’t safe at all. Talk about a pain attack!
Re: Gail (# 726)
I've never had a Doctor say no for Xanax, although prescribing limits have varied wildly. I also take Soma and had many Doctors refuse to write for it. As you're Disabled will your County help you? I know in my State the County has a Psychiatrist at each office, and they give out medications
I’ve had several surgeries and family issues. Also, in two domestic violence relationships. Anxiety had been so bad I grit my teeth so hard I lost two molars. I’m disabled bc I have many physical problems as well. I need help. Dr.s won’t prescribe anything. Only sleep about 4 hrs a night.
Re: EDDY (# 725)
I've been to several and it's always the same.
Re: Gail (# 724)
Have you considered another Doctor or a Psychiatrist?
I was diagnosed for GAD many years ago and was receiving Xanax. Now my Doctor won't prescibe them anymore. I tried many other meds and they did not work. Since my 2 neck surgeries I still get muscle pain and Xanax also helped that. I have many stressful family problems also that doesn't help my anxiety.
I was taking Xanax for a few years, and was very happy with the results. Changed my life! Took away my anxiety completely, and made me a better person in every way. Unfortunately, my doctor died in a car accident almost 3 years ago. I decided that I was ok without it, so I have not tried to get it since. Well, the anxiety is back, worse than ever. Xanax was a life saver for me. I am depressed all the time, and every day functioning is very difficult. Just want to sleep, or cry all the time. My family is very concerned for me. Please, help me find a doctor in my area who can help me.
Re: cokobadonk (# 4)
Any luck? I'm in the Philly area too. I used to be on Klonopin and I need help finding a doctor who will easily prescribe it to me! I’m desperate, my anxiety is ruining my life. {edited for privacy}
Re: StarryEyes (# 14)
Doctors are not your friends. All you are to them is dollars. I was given xanax and valium at the same time from the same doctor, got so fed up i quit taking them by flushing my new scripts, only to wake up in the hospital handcuffed to the bed with a cop outside my door. I thought maybe I killed somebody only to find out that they thought I tried to commit suicide. As I started to put everything together I realized that when the paramedics picked me up they found the empty bottles and assumed that I took them all. Understandable. I probably would have thought the same. But they were wrong. They pushed so hard giving me CPR they fractured my back. I have no hard feelings towards them when the doctor walked into my room, I asked him what happened he said I tried committing suicide. I was pissed. I tried to explain what and said to him that once he did a blood test he would see that i had nothing in my system. My eyes were dilating normally. I wasn't slurring. Being completely straight, he knew that i wad telling the truth. He said the only way he would take off my cuffs was by drinking a charcoal milkshake. I did. Now it once again has come back to haunt me.
Recently my defibrillator went off 7 times and knocked me out when I woke up in the hospital once again. This time I couldn't sit up. Apparently I suffered a fractured rib and a slipped disc. When the doctors finally got me for a CT scan and found out that about 80% of my vertebrae was gone in the center of my back. Now I'm in a rehab facility you need to ask yourself one thing. Was it worth it? Try alternative ways to deal with anxiety meditation music massage therapy and the such. You are grownups. Make the right choice. I will suffer the rest of my life. You don't have to make the same mistake I did! 30 years of legally prescribed meds doesn't make me an expert, but neither am I a novice. It might sound like I'm preaching but I'm not. You know I speak the truth cause I've been there, done that. As I said earlier, take in a deep breath . Now exhale repeat as needed for anxiety. Try it deep breathing will help.
I am looking for a doctor to prescribe xanax. I was in a horrible accident and I I get frequent panic attacks. Please I need help asap.
Re: Lauren (# 718)
This post will need approval and your circumstances can vary, perhaps these providers can help?
I live in Cedar Lake, Indiana. Any recommendations?
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