Need Help Finding A Doctor To Prescribe Me Xanax (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Please give me a list of doctors that will prescribe me xanax? I have bad anxiety.

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I so agree with you! Who would ever want to go through this again! I do have an anxiety disorder and back in Janurary I started through the most horrific time in my life. I went into treatment but was not tapered off correctly and I do not believe it was understood what I was going through. I know it scared the HELL out of me! I never took the Klonopin other then what was prescribed but I started having problems with sleep and I didn't know it was the beginning of my HELL! But what do people who truly have anxiety disorders do? It seems like once you've been on this medication, there's no other med's that are going to work. I have an appointment with my Pshycologist tomorrow and I'll talk to him about this because the anxiety and panic attacks are driving me nuts but I know I never want this medication in my body again! If you are taking Benzos, I suggest you get help getting off of them. Unfortunately, you will be told it's more difficult getting off of this medication then H. I think it's weird there's medications for H addicts but no meds to help people get through the Benzo withdrawls...

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Billy, I just moved back to NY, and in VA i had it down to 2 prescripions to ease my anxiey.. Are you a local physician?

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Orlando fl

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Seems almost impossible to get meds in the Memphis area.

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I live in Fayetteville Arkansas and am bipolar type 1 with severe anxiety and also a vet but cannot get xanax from the VA I've tried it before and it works wonders for my anxiety so any help finding me a local physicianwould be greatly appreciated

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you know, as much as you abused the drug, using it for anxiety purposes, and not everyday wont put you into withdrawal, if you use it when panic attacks ensue, then there wont be an issue,. unless its being used severely longterm, which xanax is not used for longterm, but for use of immediate anxiety relief. the fact that you abuse the drug, gives us people who actually DO need it a hard time getting the one drug which helps us. i have a thyroid disorder and i need xanax for the immediate relief, and because people like you abuse it, makes it that much harder for us to get the things we need to work and live with out worries. period.

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@Dr Joey OMG you and I would make a hell of a team LOL. Your posts are beginning to be one of my fav things. You and I broke the molds, I was always one of the smartest kids in the class in fact I was going to law school but after hearing the horrors of the LSATS I chickened out and went for business, I really like the fact that you treat the LGBT community. I have some really good friends in my town who have finally gotten married and we have a pretty big gay community. Our downtown is full of artsy stuff and all kinds of galleries all within walking distance. But very little treatment for all of the inner city problems. We are an hour from NYC and an hour from Philadelphia so the gangs and dealers make the hour run drop off the goods and come back and pick up the loot. And we are left to pick up the pieces of the broken mess. Monthly waits for shrinks Mental health is a joke and the homeless rate has skyrocketed. So where do they turn, Drugs. Your posts give an air of hope and sound advice. How can you not respect a Doctor who has openly admitted to being an addict and who hires addicts. Not here in the Lehigh Valley of Pa. All of the treatment in Allentown is either medical assistance or cash. And with the DEA on the mission to control your practice no one will treat addiction. Hell Pa does not even have medical marijuana but you can cross a bridge where I live and be in New Jersey where they are starting some clinics. They have plenty of methadone clinics so a lot of people go there but it is a chain of for profit clinics and very expensive. I ask why and the rationale is if you can buy dope you can pay for methadone. I was also diagnosed by a shrink as bi polar after 5 min into the session. I ask him why he thought that and his reply was he could bring up a subject and I could discuss it. Now where did he go to school?? Buspar and I seem to be doing well together after my car accident I developed PTSD and fight it on occasion.Yoga helps and meditation,Early on I found exercise released those endorphin's so that is a part of my daily routine. Eating healthy is also a good rule, try and stay away from caffeine, it just makes stress worse for me. So those are my thoughts for a rainy Sunday morning. peace and to all of those who are still searching for the miracle cure. Look within, we all need help for your sake and those who love you get it.

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Depending on what you go through everyday and have to live with is different to everyone.

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Philadelphia PA. I need a Dr. to help with my anxiety. My family Dr is useless

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Re: Annette (# 749) Expand Referenced Message

Possibly try ol' Doc Dennis Dasher over at the Hollywood Health Center, a private walk in center. Sure am having problems posting, keeps on saying ERROR

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I just proof read my last post sorry I am trying yo say klonopin not linoleum...

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Just because someone is addicted to drugs doesn't make them a scumbag you ignorant ass! Its a real mental disease. Addicts have a disorder that makes them become addicted. Someone who is anorexic is an addict, fat people who became fat due to their love of food are addicts, addiction comes in different forms, and who are you to judge anyone, im are you are not perfect judging by how ignorant you are acting! As for the girl in NY looking, the only one I found that has a reputation of pushing benzos on people is in New haven, CT Barbara orrok.. shes a sure thing apparently... read this link if that'll help

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@Keyswhitedove. You need to press your doctor a bit for the truth. I don't believe the DEA has stopped him/her from prescribing Xanax. There is now new Federal regs. which is requiring most doctors to be accountable for what they prescribe. It's pretty simple. The doctor has to have you sign a "medication plan" contract.Basically it says, you won't go to another doctor to get that same script, you won't try to purchase it illegally. You will only take prescriptions this doc has prescribed to you. You won't take more than prescribed. And you are subject to random pill counts & random urine drug tests. I think your doc. just doesn't want to deal with this BS. If this is the issue, then possibly you can contact another office & get a copy of their contract for your doctor to use with you. Good Luck. Remember it is the Abusers that make it so difficult for Us people who don't abuse and Need the med to Live Life and function daily!

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Susie, Thank-you for the information and for your reply. At this point after having years of Doctors who knew me and watched my decline and helped me in one State and then to go to another where the Doctors do not know me and only assume the worse is a battle that I have given up on. I am half-way in to withdrawing from this medicine that I used long term for many reasons and one reason was a bad panic and anxiety condition, but I am very sick with a host of conditions that simply feed off of one another. I have had extreme headaches and having difficulty focusing and concentrating. There are no Doctors available to help me with a medicine that I was put on by one of our Nations leading Psychiatrist who was also a neurologist and this medicine was the only medicine that I had ever used to help with a compilation of symptoms. There is not one Doctor available who will even tell me the safest way to take myself off of this old school benzo that I have been on long term. I have been cutting back at .05mg/week, but my withdrawal symptoms were so bad that I needed to take more just to help alleviate this terrible, pulsating headache. I take meds to help get through each day. I don't want to take them. I have learned that no help is available unless you say your a drug addict and need to go to a unit. I do have a physiological addiction from long term use, but by no means do I take them for the enjoyment of it and wish I were not sick and some days I wish I were dead due to a host of medical issues that continue to make me decline when I have a zest for life and want to live it. I want to see my son grow. I want to be a good Mother and wife, but as time goes on with little to no medical treatment available, I find myself being forced to spend more time in bed not feeling well and would give anything not to be sick and would give anything to find a Doctor who would be willing to be my primary and want to treat me because the primary that I have now does not want to treat me and tells me to find another Doctor and go Doctor Shopping! I often think about going back to where I came from because the Doctors know me there. I was the person who worked with the children in the Church and took them on Mission trips. I traveled abroad and worked in missions out of my love of Christ and wanting to see a poor child who was starving smile. I tried for years to play tennis until my Doctors told me to stop. The last time that I was off of my medicine, I was in bed for four months. I take medicine to get through each day and without it, I am facing spending my life not in the mission field, but in bed to sick to live. I have tried so hard to get help and there is none. I have grown tired of fighting for it and looking. I have shut the door on trying to seek help and the internet was one resort and outreach that I tried. Calling and begging for help in the local community is something that I have tried. I am tired and can not find anyone to put me back on my steroids that gave me strength. I have run out of hope and weaning myself finding no help. I do want to say that not everyone is an addict, but the addicts have made it impossible for the people who are truly sick to get help. Our Nation is in a Medical Crisis and I am merely another victim. My door is shut and I will suffer and my suffering will not be out of choice. My suffering is due to the actions of addicts and because there are very few Doctors that have compassion when back in the old days, becoming a Doctor was because a person had compassion and now they see it as a way to make money. They want the easy patients and not the complicated patients, the patients who need the most help are shoved out the door to quietly suffer alone and then many wonder why a person would want to be dead? Would you want to live each day of your life suffering when you knew that a few chemicals were around to help you get through each day, but you can no longer get them because to many people have abused them? Why should the sick people in this Country suffer when we go to other Countries to relieve symptoms of the chronically ill with our medicines? I am not suicidal. I want to live, but how do I live when I can no longer get treated for chronic conditions? There is no cure, but I could be treated and now there are many days when I lay in agony wishing to be taken so I don't have to continue struggling with no help. I have reached out endlessly to no avail. No answers. Only a reality that I live a slow march to death and this all comes from someone who wants to live, but is slowly climbing closer for a wish to die due to not being listened to and not finding any help or answers. They can write on my tombstone, " I told you that I wanted to live." I am slowly being tortured and killed and do you think that one Doctor has compassion or wants to do the extra work involved? No, not when there are so many "easy" patients. How sad to see what our morals and values have turned to and many of them say they are Christian? This is not healing the sick. This lack of care is called killing the sick and shame on anyone that has been a part of this puzzle of a Medical Journey that has been ripped apart from the lack of compassion and the fear of having more work to do. Many, MANY are suffering quietly alone and there are no answers and if you read this and suffer with me then know you are not alone. If you read this and you are a Doctor then I do hope that your heart opens up more to those who suffer. Compassion = what is that? Is that something that exist? If so, then I sure would like to know where it can be found in our Medical World. Peace to all of you who quietly suffer.

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Hi Sarah.
I have also just moved to New York and need to find a doctor who will prescribe me xanax and adderall. I have been takin this combination at the smae level for 12-15 years, for a serious nerve condition, and need to continue... but need a doctor who is in New York.
I thought, perhaps, that by now you might have found one who works well with you and hopefully would with me, as well.
If you finda moment, please email me privately, and
Thank You! TCH

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need xanax the only drug that helps 2mg a day

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My pain management specialist stopped taking my insurance.
At first visit new country doctor just out of Osteopathy School says he 'doesn't believe in narcotic meds' - not a good sign for his patients. He took me cold turkey off time-released morphine I'd been on for 6 yr from Pain Mgmt Specialist. and I suffered terribly. Yet he continued my Xanax for panic attacks/anxiety.
He replaced 1 pain pill with 5 new ones including Cymbalta, Ultram, Neurontin,, Elavil, Arthrotec and a Ketamine compound cream - I'm having negative side effects from them but he doesn't care. I am in so much pain I cannot function. Some days all I do is lay in bed trying not to move. My pain is so bad I have clinched my jaws w/o realizing it and I've lost 3 lower jaw teeth cuz of it.
After messing everything up, this new doc saw me once and then stopped accepting my insurance and left me completely without a doctor, just a recommendation for next doctor not to put me back on ANY narcotics but continue meds he started - he's just a family doctor, not a Pain Management Specialist. Who does he think he is to change what 2 nationally recognized Specialists thought was right and worked for me 6 yrs? For no reason but his opinion.....
One visit with young know-it-all progressive doctor has ruined my medical regime of 6 yrs perhaps forever.. I still hurt before with the morphine 1x/day, but not nearly as much as I do now. I don't think it should be allowed but I believe it's what we'll see more and more.
I have to wonder if BigPharma has anything to do with this since so many meds replaced one. I never abused my medicine, asked for more even tho I was in pain, never ran out early, nothing to deserve such treatment after 6 yrs.. How unfair is that? Because of 1 green doctor brainwashed, I feel, by his medical school. He knew he was only seeing me once before he stopped accepting my insurance - seems almost malicious. I believe he should have just continued my meds for that month and let the next doctor, one I'd see on longer term, make those type decisions. Too late, he's got me all messed up. Very frustrating.

AND I came to him because my doctor of 11 yrs stopped accepting workman's comp, then saw this idiot once before he stopped accepting Comp - so I'll have to go to another doctor that accepts Comp. Mr. Green Doctor had nerve to mention I might be a 'doctor shopper' ? What? It's the doctors & insurance causing the uproar, not me.

Xanax DOES help with pain - look it up, it helps relax muscles; It also helps decrease frequency of my migraine headaches, too. I can tell when I skip a dose that my muscular pain is worse.

As RN for 25 yrs I agree we've gone back 30 yrs in Pain Management. Used to watch cancer patients die in agony because doctors afraid to prescribe (or ignorant or uncaring). Then there was a big push to relieve patients' pain, no one should suffer (or we received a 'deficiency' on our inspection).
We were supposed to assess patient's pain at least every 4 hours and document what we did to relieve their pain. Now it has come full circle to allowing people to suffer, to using multiple drugs that often don't work. Being new, how do we know long term effects of combining all these new drugs? Since they don't work, I'm not taking them. I found a source for Xanax and just suffer the rest. It is so bad that if the rest of my life is to be like this, I'd rather go ahead and die. This is after 6 months off my narcotic pain med, Avinza.

They want to legalize marijuana but make it impossible to get even weak opioids for pain.
Bet celebrities and govt officials get whatever they want, whether they need it or not. We pay the price for people who want to overmedicate or get high.

I know of along--standing excellent mental health clinic where state came in and told them to switch ALL patients from Xanax to Klonopin, Ativan or the state would shut them down. My hometown is where it happened.

They've tried every benzo on me past 20 yrs and for whatever reason only Valium, Serax & Xanax work for my panic attacks. If I was still there, I'd be in big trouble, I guess.
What are non-medical people, untrained and not familiar with patients doing dictating what a psychiatrist trained for years does to patients?????


Did you know they want Medicare to stop treatments like cancer, Vit B shots to people 76+ yrs old? Those 76+ must pay themselves or do without. I thought govt was going to cut fraud and waste, make Medicare more efficient to save money??? Not kill people over 76 yrs old.

I read the entire bill. You are in for many unpleasant surprises. But I'm off-target.
GOOD LUCK to everyone out there who genuinely needs Xanax or pain medication.....

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I'm in Hastings Michigan, and i need to find a Dr that will prescribe me Xanax. I have been taking it for years, I'm new in the area, and i want to know if anybody can help me with this and a Dr here. Any help would be appreciated asap!

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Vixie post #107 I had a thought being in the medical field nursing for so long, can you remember any docs that you worked with? that maybe you can talk to maybe get a reference? there is a legitimate eclinic you do have to see the dr. face 2 face it is cash only butthis service will make the appointment for you well locate he closest doc. I used this service for a year before I got insurance. I as soblessed cux th doc I had referred me to a clinic that she oversees/owns/manages something like call ask uestions I do know the most they write is for lortab 10 and Xanax (I've heard not 100%)

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to starryeyes no your wrong i had a doc that was giving me xanax and klonopin for night time. they are both Benzos bUT very different

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