Need Help Finding A Doctor To Prescribe Me Xanax


Please give me a list of doctors that will prescribe me xanax? I have bad anxiety.

752 Replies (38 Pages)

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You'll get better responses if you were a little more specific, since we do have users on the site from many different countries.

Where are you located?

There are also no guarantees that any doctor you go to will prescribe the medication you want them to. That is entirely up to them and dependent upon their diagnosis.

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Does anyone know any doctors in Las Vegas, NV that will prescribe me Xanax????

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i desperately need a dr to presribe me xanax in new york city..ive recently moved here and am out of what i brought with me..i have insurance but dont need to use iit...i keep hearing anout chinatown but theres so many any help would be appreciated

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I live in the Philadelphia and Delaware County area and I have a Doctor who bitches about keep giving them to me. I love them and need to find a doctor in my area who is easy to get them from. Can you help me?

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Why are you doing this to yourself? I was on Klonopin and Xanax for years until I went into rehab and suffered through agonizing withdrawals, worse than any nightmare you can imagine. Severe, intractable insomnia, horrific headaches, muscle spasms and twitching, seizures, brutal anxiety and paranoia, vomiting, really, the list is endless. I ended up getting tossed into a psychiatric ward for a month because of benzodiazapine withdrawal syndrome, not because I was mentally ill. If you really want all this, then I wish you the best of luck. The quick high you get off Xanax, or the release of anxiety isn't worth it. In the end, it will come back 100 fold. These drugs destroyed my life, there is no happy ending with Xanax.

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I live in philadelphia I don't have insurance I suffer from bad anxiety my doctor recently retired I'm looking for a doctor that will give me my medicine alprozolam I don't have the money to go doc to doc searching 4 a doc to give me what I need and want and used too takeing for my condition please help if you got the correct info

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Hi Nicole. Is this doc in the new jersey, new york area? Please help!

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I have a lot of back pain. is there a doctor in las vegas that will prescribe me pain pills?

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I suffer from high anxiety and panic attacks on a daily basis. I am just looking for a doctor in my area that will RX Xanax or alprazolam.

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u must of ate xanax like none stop if they want or need it let them be... u cant help unless they want it ???

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I live in Wilmington Delaware. I just lost my pain doctor who was giving me oxycodone 15mg and opana er 30mg. I am having a hard time finding a doctor in the area who will continue where my previous doctor left off. Does anyone know of a doctor who can help me. I don't have the time to go from doctor to doctor. And my health insurance might not allow me jumping around. Can someone help?

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Email me at [email protected] [1]

[1] Editor's note - In order to protect privacy, we do not allow individuals to post their personal contact information on our discussion threads (except in some very rare cases).

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The best way to find a doctor who will prescribe Xanax is to look for a psychiatrist, NOT a general practitioner. Specifically, a psychiatrist who specializes in anxiety disorders or phobias. I may not live in the same area you do, but I managed to find a doctor by looking online for a local anxiety clinic. I read the reviews of the doctors there and some of the patients mentioned being given Xanax (they were complaining about it, but that's how I found out it was being dispensed there). You must be under their treatment and supervision on a regular basis to continue getting prescriptions, which may be tricky if you don't have insurance. Keep in mind the younger you are, the harder it is to get it; some doctors may be concerned that you might be too immature to use it responsibly, or suspect you are using it recreationally. I'm almost 40 and have a long history of psych med use, so psychiatrists tend to trust me. To address some of the nightmare benzo-withdrawal stories I hear: I have to wonder how much these people were taking, and if they were abusing it or increasing their dosage on their own somehow. I take three 1mg tablets a day (if I need that many) and if I decide to stop taking it, I taper my doses gradually over a week or two until I stop altogether, and have never experienced withdrawal. If you take it exactly as prescribed and discontinue gradually, you shouldn't have any problem. Remember not to combine it with alcohol.

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I'd like to address the user comment about withdrawing from Klonopin and Xanax -- there is NO doctor who would prescribe 2 benzos simultaneously. I don't know how you could possibly have been taking both these medications at the same time legitimately, unless by "I was on Klonopin and Xanax for years" you meant that you had taken them each separately over that time period. If you were on both at once, you were either seeing multiple doctors without mentioning what you were already taking, or you were acquiring one or both illegally. Obviously if you choose to abuse a substance, you take the risk of becoming severely addicted, but you can't insist that everyone will have the same experience you did. Cigarettes are far more destructive, yet people ''self-medicate'' with them for very similar reasons and have unlimited access to them once they are 16 years old. Is it better to rely on something that endangers your heart and causes lung cancer, or something that is habit-forming but relatively harmless if used correctly?

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Yes I need advice for a physican willing to help, any can e-mail me. I get so worked up, My heart just about pushes out of my chest, this is the best thing for me, thanks anyone, don't want a heart attack just yet, I live in Allentown, Penna

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I'm north of Philadelphia and also looking for a new doc who will prescribe xanax. If you can help, please let me know!

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my boyfriend got prescribed to both at the same time. one was for a 'baseline' for the day and the other was to be taken as needed for panic attacks

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I knew a lady in WV that I worked with that a dr. prescribed her both xanax and klonipan and pain pills. I couldn't believe it.

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I live in ocean County NJ.,I need to find a Dr or Psych that can continue me on, my prescription of xanax sure to my dr. moving, can anyone help with a Dr or Psych in my area... Preferably a Psych...I am on 3Mg xr twice daily sure to never problems and ptsd, panic attacks and shaking from the nerve damage received in a accident. Thank you for all that may help.

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I'm curious what doctors in the memphis metro area would be more likely to perscribe benzo's : ( xanax, Valium, klonopin, halcion ect.

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Re: Mrs1717 (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I need help I have anxiety problems

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I also have life-altering anxiety. That doesn't seem to be helped by the medications. I've been prescrimemphis grab which have been adamant. And I've grown a tolerance to it as well. As it doesn't work. As well as the next does

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Re: Annette (# 749) Expand Referenced Message

Possibly try ol' Doc Dennis Dasher over at the Hollywood Health Center, a private walk in center. Sure am having problems posting, keeps on saying ERROR

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I am a 62 yr old woman. I a breast cancer survivor , I. just lost my mom I took cere her every day for a couple years it was hard , and now my dad he is not feeling that good a lot more now he’s 86 I am trying to be there for him and now my son needs me to babysit my 2 year old grandson 12 he day every other week . I have a 70 year old husband at home that I try to take care of when I’m around he has sone health issues himself. I need something to help my anxiety it gets so bad my throat starts to feel like it’s closing up I get to shacking inside my my body and my heart will start to race and I start to hyperventilate a bit it the awefullest feeling overwhelmed I feel so bad at times . I have had Xanax in my past for cancer days but then they went away when I got better. The xanex worked so great for me helped so much . Now with all this I’m going through now I need them again so badly and I need a doctor that will help me . Please help I live in Torrance California thank you Annette Still

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Re: Theodore Parker Aka Teddy (# 747) Expand Referenced Message

Current records or a recent bottle is more likely in today's climate to dissuade the provider from prescribing them. This medicine is intended for short term use. To ask for both Xanax & Klonopin, and at the higher 2 mg dose, in Alaska of all places would be tough, I'm sure you know this

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I need a new dr or nurse practitioners in anchorage that I can make an appointment with who will prescribe me Xanax 2 mg bars and Klonopin with my current records of getting them.

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Re: chelsea (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Dr. James Marx.

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I do suffer a lot with anxiety and very bad panic attacks. Please could you find me a doctor who will help me? I've tried therapy. That's all my doctor says I need, but it does not work at all.

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Re: Mario (# 744) Expand Referenced Message

Everyone in this forum is looking for something. Most of the time it is helpful information. Do you have helpful information for the group?

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Re: White (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Alliance Mental Health...Ernesto Isman will provide you with xanax...good luck

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