Need Help Finding A Doctor That Can Prescribe 30mg Oxycodone In The Ny / Nj Area (Page 10)
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My doctor has been giving me 15mg Oxy's but now wants me to go see a pain management doctor to get 30mg's. I have chronic pain from severe scoliosis- have all MRI's documenting this. Does anyone here have a doctor in the New York metro, North New Jersey area that they can tell me about? Thanks.

265 Replies (14 Pages)

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Hey, having the same problem. I know this thread is from a long time ago but I'm having a big problem with my dr. Just got shut down and now I can't get my medication. can you please help me out

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My name is Anthony. I was in a horrible Mac. I have 2 compression fractures 3 bulging disc 4 herniated discs.My dDr was prescribing me 30 mg and can no longer write prescriptions . I live in Suffolk county. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Is this real? What doctor? I need the help

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I also have mri n all.... doc cut me off cause of stupid f***s selling scripts outside of the office...... my email is {edited for privacy}. please i need help..... i was getting prescribed 60 30mg oxycodone.... also i want xanax . But i dont push luck for my bipolar manic depressive high anxiety.....

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If anyone can share this information with me as well. I have had chronic pain (too much to list) for years, 4 kids and am in so much pain....its so frustrating and depressing ;( please help I haven't had the best experience with my doctors

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Saw your response Frank, if you have any help. At all,I would compensate in kind..pls, got tucked up in service, played every sport, 4 knee2back surgery. And w 3 kids no more surgery. I'd appreciate pal

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If you could ease help me find a doctor who writes 30's freely it would really help. I was in a bad skiing accident and in pain all day everyday. Anything would help

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Hey I am in the same boat take prescription for a legitimate reason but my doctor is moving to a new office far away I am having a tough time finding another one if you know of any in the nj area It would b greatly appreciated if you could help me out thanks

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Hello, I suffer from chronic migraines. since September they have been unbearable. I have made many emergency room visits and have gotten mris but my current doctor will not prescribe me any more than scripts of of Tylenol 3s every 2 weeks which do not help. the pain is unbareble. if you could please give me a doctor than can help me {edited for privacy} I would greatly appreciate it

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Hey what Dr was that ?

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I'm looking for a Russian doctor in Brooklyn, NY who would be willing to prescribe me 240 oxycodone 30 mgs. I'm in hell pain so being willing to do it based on descriptions is important.

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Please help me with your dr ! I have chronic pain w 16 screws & rods In lumbar back., I live In old bridge nj {edited for privacy} & id be grateful for any help ASAP - I'm In chronic pain.


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Hi.. i have 6 bulging/herniated discs from a motorcycle accident a few years back.. i need a doctor that will prescribe me oxycodone 30mg for legitimate reasons as i have the MRIs to prove it.. can you please post a doctor's name that i can go to? Thanks!

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Hi Danigirl, I have been suffering from herniated and bulged disc, have a few MRIS to back it up. Looking to change my doctor, too much attitude does not care about my pain; please email me at {edited for privacy}

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{edited for privacy} just looking for a doctor that can help. I just started to walk again after 2 years and my doctor wants me to go to pain management but I don't have insurance and not working because of my injuries. so could someone put me in the right direction? thank you.

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Hey I have cancer and the treatment killed my body I've been in pain all day long everyday n it's been so hard for me to find a doctor that freely writes oxycodone 30 mg in nj I saw ur post can u help me I just got a job n in scared Iwill not b able to support my family BC of the pain so if u would b able to forward the info to my email n I'll report back to u if I received them or not n I'm willing to pay u when if it works

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Hi I saw u might be able to help I was in a car accident and just started to walk after 2 years but my doctor wants me to see a pain management person but don't have the money to keep going to different ones to get what I need to deal with every day stuff so please help I don't know what to do

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Have bulging disks n herniated disks in necm but I'm 25 so apparently I'm a lepor... any1 know any doc that can help in SI or BK

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Who's the doc?

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Hi, my name is Sonya, I'm 67 years old. I was in horrible excident that left me with tremendous pain and metal all over my body. I have all the X-rays and all the right paperwork... My Dr who was prescribing me 30's for 3 years went and disappeared, now every doctor I go to treats me like a junky and I have only a few days of medicine left before it runs out, please help, give me a name of a doctor that is a human being and will understand that I am legitimately in need of this medication, please

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