Nebistar H
UpdatedI have been advised by my Doctor for Nabistar H 1 Tab a day,instead of Amlopress AT was taken earlier. There was a belief in my mind that by taking Amlopress my both joints were gicing sever pain. My current status of BP IS 140/92. I AM 59 Years this right tab ? How much time i have to continue ?
1 Reply
Nebistar-H contains the beta blocker Nebivolol coupled with the diuretic Hydrochlorothiazide, both of which are commonly used to help control high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions.
Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, headache and dehydration.
As to how long you will have to continue, you really need to discuss that with your doctor. There is no actual cure for high blood pressure and many people do require medications to help control it, for the rest of their lives.
If someone lets their blood pressure get out of control, they face very serious health risks, which could include stroke or congestive heart failure.
Have you discussed your concerns with your doctor?
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