Need Help Finding A Pharmacy To Fill Dr. Bynes Prescriptions (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I live in Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia. Diagnosed suffering from Degenerative Disc Disease, with Cervical Radiculopathy (one bulging disc) and Lumbar Radiculopathy (two bulging discs). These spinal problems are diagnosed by three (3) recent CAT Scans, with radiologist analyses. And yes, I have ALL of the CAT Scan CDs, and radiologist reports. I went to Frank Howard Bynes, M.D., a retired trauma surgeon, and practicing internal medicine M.D., here in Savannah, Ga, for help with severe pain control. I was written valid prescriptions for: Roxicodone 30 mg; Dilaudid 8 mg; Xanax 2 mg; Fentanyl 100mcg/hr transdermal patch; Soma 350 mg; Neurontin 800 mg. ALL, YES ALL local pharmacies, will NOT honor ANY of these prescriptions. I was a previous patient of David M. Nelson, M.D. here in Savannah, March 2010 to March 2013, and had to endure this same B.S. then, also. This medical community, with the exception of Dr. Bynes, refuses to help me- Where is their Hippocratic Oath allegiance??? I cannot work, nor even function normally each day, because of the severe pain. I have been living off of the proceeds from the Workman's Compensation settlement I received in October 2012, from the accident at Georgia Port Authority in October 2009, here in Savannah. About out of money now, and have no income. I need help with pharmacy information.

232 Replies (12 Pages)

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Re: SunShine (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

That's not true... So your saying you seen this happen there on hey 80

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Re: SouthernGman (# 86) Expand Referenced Message

Are you talking to me, I'm just saying I drove by the office on Hwy. 80 yesterday and seen that it was closed down. That's all I'm saying.

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Re: Subutex4pain (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

What good would it due for him to reopen if the pharmacy can still refuse to fill for him

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Re: Max (# 133) Expand Referenced Message

This morning I called the owner of the clinic on hwy 80 (the "after hours" number on the door.) She told me that #1. Dr. Bynes voluntarily surrendered his license. #2. He has no plans to return to medical practice and #3. The clinic on hwy 80 will NOT be reopening with new doctors "anytime soon"

I need to find another pain management doctor for my wife and would appreciate any leads from those of you who have found someone.


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Re: CardiB (# 142) Expand Referenced Message

He was way over confident and he is not in fact ex dea other wise he would not ever had been harassed he over wrote way 2 many narcotics thats for sure

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Re: Tammy (# 151) Expand Referenced Message

I also know him first hand and he will feed u a line of BS in a minute.

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Oh My, this Dr Byrnes worked for our government CLINIC!!!, YES, plus you will pay cash 175.00 straight up to see him. He's been busted 3 times in less than 6 months. He worked in the Hood and the Hood sold them. If you look up his record he was run out of New York. The man is not all there, maybe taking to much of his own medicine. How many doctors open an office in a diabetic shoe store? LOL. True I know it I saw it.

People please, Medicaid pays for these prescriptions then they sell them to supplement their government monthly checks. Believe me, the system sucks but I'm glad he got escorted out of Garden City and they don't play. Matter of fact I think I'll call their Mayor. He definitely won't be back there. He's never done a urine test to even see if the patient even took the drugs. A Rat is a Rat and I'm tired of seeing it day after day and think of the little check I get working everyday with these people. I see it first hand so all y'all know I'm telling the Truth Straight! Take Him off the Street and take his License!! If he even has a Real One.

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Re: unknown (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

SO AGREE with 'unknown'. When your Doc wrote all those scripts all at once the pharmacy said,' Oh heck No"!! FDA is monitoring pharmacies in all states to watch for abuse and the Doctor that orescribed them. I think unknown is correct!

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Re: cardiB (# 156) Expand Referenced Message

What really sucks is that we still need a new Dr. and nobody wants to post a Dr's name online (rightfully so). But this site does not allow personal phone numbers or email addresses.

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Hello. I am sorry to hear that. Have you thought about going to the manufacturer and seeing if there is a program you and your doctor could set up? The doctor will usually have paperwork for most of the drug companies. I only know because I too have degenerative disk disease, fibromyalgia, bulging discs and insomnia. No diabetes from not being able to eat on top of a few other things, but your lucky. I am stuck on a 1/2 of oxycodone every 4 to 6 hours and a muscle relaxer for bedtime. After surgeries, I am wondering what else can get added to my list, but yes talk to your doctor about your medication and see if he can get you that or they will get sent to you and be free of charge.

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Re: Michelle (# 164) Expand Referenced Message

He's not dea that is a police sergeant Badge he does all operations on police officers cuz I asked him about it the last time I seen him which was the 21st

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Re: Allison (# 168) Expand Referenced Message

It is up to the State Medical Board if a doctor has their license suspended or revoked. A doctor has their license suspended while the State Medical Board does their investigation. This happens after a complaint has been made.

If a prescription is not a Schedule II or Schedule III a pharmacy can still fill a doctors prescriptions as long as the State Medical Board has only suspended the doctor from writing Controlled Dangerous Substances. It is common for doctors to work in jobs where they are not required to write Controlled Dangerous Substances while they are under investigation. It all depends on the allegations against the doctor.

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Being there's so much wrong why aren't u on disability while u were getting workers comp. the dr's are there to support your problems if u are in chronic pain and unable to work. if you are still living on a settlement from the Ports it must have beena pretty significant amount, but stills makes me wonder why you are not on medical disability. Responding to dr Bynes he work for a community center government facility for low income and if you have a large settlement doesn't sound like u should have qualified for gov assistance. He has a Bad name all over and no pharmacy will fill his scripts.

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Re: cardiB (# 116) Expand Referenced Message

If you believe all that, I have a mountain in Florida I need to sell!

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Would like to know the quantity. A lot of times, with the scripts already raising red flags, if the quantity seems like to many, the pharmacist can and will refuse to fill fill your scripts. Also the fact that you have two instant release and a long action medication, most of the time, unless very well established, they will only fill one of each. If you used insurance, they would deny you for the same reason. Use only one ir & and the er and see if you can fill them..

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Re: Elam (# 213) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks. It’s so easy for people in general to judge another & it’s sad that it’s just our nature but bc I’ve been on both sides of the coin, I empathize & have realized that judgment goes hand in hand with ignorance. The majority of the time ppl form negative opinions based off things they know nothing about firsthand or just don’t understand. I am continuously praying for everyone??

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Re: Mike (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I am really confused is Dr. Bynes still at this number ot is he really in jail.

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Re: unknown (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Ir try just filling a couple here a couple there instead of all at one place sometimes you freak these pharmacies out with that many controlled at once. Also I would ask your doctor what pharmacies honor his scripts or other patients you see in the office.

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You need to prioritize the scripts because now a days that many opiate scripts with xanax won't get filled by most pharmacies. Maybe if you just fill a couple then try to fill one or two more a day or so later. If you call this doctor's office and they can't tell you where you call fill his scripts then he's scamming all of you. Obviously he had a issue that caused them not to fill his scripts and he definitely knows about it! He should at the very last tell his patients this before they leave his office with scripts in hand.

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He wasn't closed down, I was there! Now the previous office is contacting pharmacies and telling everyone he was arrested and they WONTvfill

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