My Son Had Two Injections Of Invega
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Hi, my 20 year old son had a psychotic episode and the doctors aren't sure if it was from years of smoking marijuana or him insufflating what he thought was coke a few days before he got really paranoid. He was hospitalized for two weeks and given the first of two Invega shots three days before his release and the second Invega shot on the day of his release. Two days after his released we had to take him to the ER for a high heart rate and chest pain. He has been out one month and is very terrible. His doctor said he will not get another Invega shot. After reading all the stories about how bad Invega makes you feel, I'm sure it is having the same effect on him. He is in hell, can anyone tell me how long he will feel this way? He only took the first dose of two shots.
2 Replies
im gonna tell you what i know from experience and going through with my 19 yr old daughter whom now has schizophrenia dont continue these injection yr son will only get worse these injection harm you more then good they will cause you to hear voices and your child will be depressed and walk around like a zombie his personality will be out the door he may not even recognize you as his parent anymore all im gonna say is take charge and do not allow these drs to keep injection yr child with this poison its a killer wing him off slowly not cold turkey cause then the side effects are even worse please please listen to me a parent who cares and is going through i dont wish what ive been dealing with on no one its overwhelming for any parent to watch yr child suffer like this
Be careful when dealing with some of these drs and psychiatrists. They're all about money no matter how bad the drugs harm your child. One dose of invega sustenna runs 1,700 dollars for each shot. Imagine how much they make off each dose especially if we're allowing them to keep increasing our milligrams when they can convince us they need more when we really don't. Trust me, ive been dealing with this myself with my 19 yr old daughter. Just be careful.
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