My Doc Will Not Refill My Xanax Im Feeling Sick (Page 5)


I was prescribed Prozac & Xanax 10 years ago by my psychiatrist for depression & severe panic attacks. He started me on 1mg 3 times a day. Around Dec 2005 he increased my daily dose to 1 mg - 4 times a day. I have been a patient of his now for 10 years where I see him every 3 months. Through the years, there has been a few times were I had to call to reschedule my appointment and a couple of times he had to do the same. He would call in my meds for the amount I would need to get me through to my next appointment. This month I had an appointment for May 27th I called to reschedule due to transportation. I do not drive now and my ride canceled on me. so, I rescheduled my app. for June 17th I then requested my meds be called in until my appointment, a 3 week supply. She said she would call me back when it was called in later that day. Not hearing anything I called back the next day to find out what was going on. I was told my doctor feels uncomfortable due to liability reasons to re-fill my medication, until I see him again in June. I asked her what about the liability to take me off medication I have been taking for 10 years? She told me to go to my primary physician to get my meds. I told her my primary care doctor will not prescribe me those medications without my medical records from this office and I just signed a medical release form a few days ago at my first appointment with this new primary doctor, so she told me to go to an urgent care if my symptoms became to uncomfortable for me to deal with!! I had enough xanax to last me until today. I took my last xanax this morning and I am already starting to feel sick, my head feels cloudy, I feel like I'm getting the flu. My heart is racing, I'm feel really anxious & closed in. Has anyone out there gone off xanax cold turkey what more should I expect? I don't understand how a doctor can prescribe medication like this for 10 years and just make you stop so suddenly it doesn't seem fair. I have lost trust in my doctor now and I don't think I can continue to be his patient anymore. I am scared and I don't know who to turn too.

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I just returned from my doctor who informed me that due to The Lazarus Project, drugs that fall under benzodiazepine can now only be written for 10 days max and that I must be put on a program to transfer me to another way to control my anxiety. I am 48, never in any trouble with the law, etc. I have been on Xanax since I was 12. I looked up the Lazarus Project and all I can find is one pertaining to children with autism. I was told at the doctor's office that Duke University and a University in Boston have been running this project for years and now the DEA is behind it and in North Carolina, I can no longer remain on my medication. I have tried many times throughout my life to find other ways to control my anxiety. I did all this under the care of many doctors. I had finally found meds that work and was making great strides to rebuild my life. My doctor was beyond rude to me. She had me crying in minutes. I told her I was not upset with her that she was just doing what she had been told, but that I would like to know some information so I could go and do further research to find out what is happening. To put me through the hell I have already gone through at my own request numerous times in my life is just not right. I have been told by two doctors that someone who has been on Xanax for this long can not be taken off of it because my body would not function correctly without it. I am terrified. I have been searching and searching for information on the Internet and I cannot find anything. I guess I get in my car and with my grocery money for next week, I drive to Duke University and try to find out what on earth is going on. No warning was giving. I have heard nothing on the news or in my reading of news on the Internet. I majored in Political Science and was very politically active until about 10 years ago. I still keep up with on my own and I have not seen one mention of NC and the DEA passing these laws. She said now 13 other states have adopted this policy. At first she said it was due to President Obama's new health care laws. Something very wrong is going on. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I will proceed and never stop fighting this. My doctor made me feel like a criminal this morning. I kept telling her I was not questioning her but that I was questioning the law. She must have typed into her computer for 20 minutes without even speaking to me. Does anyone know what she was typing? Do I have to get a lawyer to find out?

All this came after the assistant had handed me a form that she said I had to fill out to remain a patient. The questions on this form are : Do extension cords always carry their proper load? Are cords in good condition out from under rugs and furniture? Are all small rugs and runners slip resistant? Are lamp, extension and telephone cords placed out of the flow of traffic? Could you access a telephone should you experience a fall that prevents you from standing? Are towels, curtains, and other things that might catch fire located away from the range? Are all extension cords and appliance cords located away from sink or range area? Are hallways, passageways between rooms, and other heavy traffic areas well lit? Are exits and passageways kept clear? Are bathtubs and showers equipped with non-skid mats, abrasive strips, or surfaces that are not slippery? Do bathtubs and showers have at least one (preferably two) grab bars? Are all medications stored in the containers that they came in and are they clearly marked? Is a lamp or light switch within reach of your bed? Are heating pads always turned off before going to sleep? Is there a telephone close to your bed? Are stairs well lighted? Do the stairs allow for secure footing? ... In addition there were numerous questions relating to depression. I was told by one person this is from President Obama's new health care, I was told from my doctor it was the primary care physician's job to make sure my well being was being seen to and this was a North Carolina thing. I am all alone. I am scared and I need to know where to to turn to find someone who will listen to this intrusive insulting document.

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He should report him as I am going to do when I get the rest. I called the state board of medical , but call in your town, tell them what hand for how long he has been giving them to you for, also tell the state board that you will have a seizure that is a guarantee, unless he/she has only been taking them once, or twice a day. you must be running out early, even so he has to give you one more for 30 days until you find a Dr like me, I am terrified the seizure I had I almost died they had to keep me in the hospital for quite some time weaning me off. good luck but remind the nurse that it is totally illegal not to give you at least one more 30 day supply worth, be as nice as possible though, yelling will get you no where. wish us luck!!!!

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I am a testament as we speak I'm dying sometimes is wat I feel .But I do not believe this! The doctors are playing it off.I hv bn on xanex for 10 yrs . Its super hard to get off! I'm getting a lawyer! This hurts real bad I cnt even live and have normal life. ITS ALL I WANT! NO DISABILITY NO CHECK I WANT TO BREATHE AGAIN..FEELS LIKE SOMEONE STANDING ON MY ARM AND CHEST! PEOPLE THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE IN AMERICA!!!!!!!

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I was on a dose 4mg for 10 yrs & I'm now on 6mg, I've gone cold turkey about 4 times, 3 days, it's hell to detox, I've had Drs drop with with no notice & my family Dr did give to me. Until I got Into another Dr, I know EXACTLY how you feel, they can't just pull you off like that, YES they do, I've been off for 2 days so I'm sorry If I wasn't fully clear,

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If you have been on Xanax for 10 years you ARE dependent. It is very dangerous for you to stop cold turkey! It can cause seizures and even death. Alcohol and Benzodiazepines are the only two drugs that can cause death if you go off them "cold turkey. You need to be medically supervised and weened off. Talk to another Doctor immediatly!

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Dawn. You are going to get sick. You will throw-up, and not be able to sleep, It will really be bad for a day or two. Do anything you can think of to help. PLEASE don't climb up on anything (ladder, chair) or sharp objects, because seizure (probably gran mal) will happen. Remember, you're not going to die. I would definitely "Put On Record" that you are not liable for harm to yourself or anyone else because of this by a lawyer.

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Hi Dee. I ws curious as to what the Dr's insurance carrier would or could do? also after I get my last refill I am going to call the FDA, It is also legal for me to get copies of my own chart, he said after letting me go that he will fax my chart notes to my new Dr. ya right! I want my chart notes in my own hand, I have every right to see what he has written about me, which should be nothing bad, the only thing I can think of is he hired a student doing his externship in is office and he need another medical assistant, so he hired him after he graduated, this young 19 yr old guy thinks he is just king poop, sorry, but him and I have gotten in little tuffs before, I accidently called him Andrew instead of André like that Champaign cold duck? well I apologized to him and I have heard the Dr yell at him for screwing things up so much, and I am going to be 59 on the 17th and this little pip squeak is telling him God knows what when I call for my refills, I just don't understand what happened at all? when I ask to talk to the Dr he Andre' always says I know he wont call you back, well like I said I was working in medical until my botched surgery and it's the Law, if a patient needs to talk to the Dr then he must call back, I don't believe he is giving him the messages at all I am terrified. good luck to all of you. also what could his insurance carrier do if I called? and how do you find out? do you mean his liability people or what? thank you

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Very very true!!!! I had been on zanax for 12 yrs. my ex husband wanted me to stop taking them because he heard stupid people call it a drug!! I stopped cold turkey. The third day started with migraine that would not go away. The 5th day still with migraine I laid down. I had a sezuire. I hit my head against a log bed so severe I know have no sense of smell nor taste. I have inflammation on the right side of brain and now disabled. I have sezuire so panic/anxiety disorder/PTSD/ now brain damage. If you have to go to emergency room they will help!!!! I'm now on 8 one mg zanax a day and 4 2mg a day. Plus muscle relaxers and depokote. Please whatever you do don't go cold turkey!!!

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I am going to see my soon to be ex Dr, tomorrow, I am just going to ask for the most pertinent part of my chart, because I would like to know what he has written about me before the New Dr. see's what ever untruth may be in there, wish me luck, and luck to all of you too! God bless you, P.S Those of you who tell some people here on line, let it be in Gods hands, Well then you must of never had to run out out medication, God cant' help this only hopefully 911,

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Jennifer said "I'm now on 8 one mg zanax a day and 4 2mg a day. Plus muscle relaxers and depokote. Please whatever you do don't go cold turkey!!!"

Yes Cold Turkey can kill or you can stroke out. Am I reading this right, you are taking 16 mg a day. Even 8 mg is too much and will make it that much harder to one day be Xanax free?

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i really dont know what to do. im scared to death. i just took the last 4 i had. it will be 5 days till i have my refill. i have the depokote which in fact kills the benzos in your system at times when i was on them everyday i felt the need not to take as many. until i had a sezuire!!! depokote prevents sezuires. i havent left the house, afraid to drive. please someone help me talk to me about getting this panic away!!!

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If you start feeling really sick you would want to go to the E.R. I put it off for a week, had every symptom known to man except stroke or death, walked in to the E.R. on week number 2 in "Walking Critical" condition. The Physician was amazed I could talk with him. I knew what the problem was but I didn't tell him. They did all their tests and I failed every single one. I mean how do you fail an EKG? In any case I didn't get to go home that day or the full week!

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My name is Lori. I have chronic neck pain from bulging discs an it is pressing on my thecal sack. I also have just as chronic back problems. I also have chronic tendonitis in my foot. I had an appt. with my Dr. today at 3 well I took my daughter to a job interview this morning, and my Dr.'s office tried to get ahold of me and couldn't. My oxycodone is due two days before my appt. they gave me three hours notice and I went up there and they said they were not going to give me my meds until tuesday. I asked them if they knew how much pain i'm in, and that it is against the law to make someone withdraw from a med so strong. So I guess I will be going through withdraws in front of my daughter. CAN THEY DO THAT???

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I had the same trouble 2 yrs ago. My drs co pay went up, I couldn't see him every month because at the time I really couldn't afford 180.00 a visit, he was an internal medicine dr. He cut me off with no refills to my zanax and at the time I had only been taking 3 a day. I finally found a psychiatrist and explained to him my symptoms, what I'd been on, what didn't work and what did. Psychiatrists would be the first place to turn. The best part, it's cheaper, and I only see him maybe every three months. Try that first. Look online look for psychiatrists in your city, then look at their rating.

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I disagree.

I know the discomfortable wdrl you describe. And then again, I know WDRL takes on a life of its own, it cannot be predicted. Did God call you and let you in on what scientists themselves are now learning.

ASHTON MANUAL: The truth is supplied best by Dr. Heather K. Ashton and colleages (U.K.).

The U.S. "addicts" out of the system to our wretched end of life.

The U.K., AU, NZ care for their people like the USA cares for ex-H users. We give them methadone for a misery-free ride and spit on the Xanax patient. Misbehave about your xanax here; watch how fast your treatment gets punitive and stingy and contemptuous.

Don't buy the lies. We deserve better than death by "doctors" who cannot possibly know the difference between a drug-seeker and a truly desparate and very sick individual.

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Your psychiatrist is not only irresponsible, he/she is putting your life in jeopardy. There are VERY few drugs someone can actually DIE from...others make you feel like you are going to or wish you would, but alcohol, benzodiazepines(which is Xanax), and a few opiates can cause death from detoxing cold turkey. I can tell you that the brain recognizes alcohol and benzodiazepines the exact same way. That is why they give people in treatment benzos for patients detoxing from alcohol. The likelihood of you going into any doctor and telling them you are detoxing from benzo because of what has happened, it would be highly unlikely for another doctor to write you a prescription for two reasons. Only certain doctors are certified to write prescriptions of controlled substances for the purpose of withdrawing them from a substance. It is a certification issue....the other reason is the doctor may and will probably just assume that you are an addict trying to get pills. The best thing you can do if you are able is to go into a short term detox facility.....5-7 days and they will place you on the medicine again and wean you off gradually and safely. If you are unable to do that due to financial reasons or you do not want to go that route, you can drink alcohol in MODERATION every 4-6 hours....and drinking less and further hours apart as the days go by to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms and in the process being safe about it by not going cold turkey. I am an addiction specialist by trade now and a former addict. I am NOT a medical professional, but personal experience has made what I have told you something that I know to be true from the personal experience...the knowledge of the brain not knowing the difference between alcohol and benzos is from schooling....

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I'm sorry but what type of Medical Doctors are not "Certified" to write for Scheduled Drugs? The only Schedule a M.D. Can't write for is Schedule One to the best of my knowledge. You know things like Methamphetamine & Cannabis. (How sad Methamphetamine is right up there with Cannabis!)

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no they cant if they said tour meds are there and you got there a little late the nurse should still have the rx to hand you unless you had an appointment, and didn't keep that, but there should be a dr in the office that could give you enough till your next appointment that's rude, mean, and they cant cut you off like that if they are due, you really didn't say if you had an appointment or not but until your next one they could of gave you enough till he/she see's you again. you can call the state board of pharmacy and tell them, they will tell you they are supposed to give you your meds, and even if you violated a contract or something they have to give you 30 days worth of your meds, and also treat you for 30 days until you find a new Dr. call back Monday hope you have enough till then I am going through my own heck, after 10 yr my Dr dropped me and I was on a lot of medication. I a terrified good luck Also I am a retired medical assistant so I know.

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why did they change the date did they say? I know the FDA has a lot to do with all these new Not sooner then 2 day refill law now so Dr's are getting scarred but I hate to tell you a hospital is only allowed to give out 10 vicodin if in pain from an injury, but if you are withdrawing they will put you in a room and give you a puke bucket and check on you now and again, but will not help someone withdrawing even if it is from a legitimate Dr I have been there done that, they just called my Dr asked what they should do and if your Dr said not till Tuesday then the hospital wont go against him go Monday or call and see if he is on call and ask what happened? good luck sweetie call Sunday.

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yes and also I don't think he understands the insurance rules you have, I would pay for the 5 and tell the pharmacy he is going to call you in more when you go see him , and he gave you 5 to hold you over, they will let you do that, so pay for 5 cash it cant be more then $6,00, and wait till he gives you your normal refill. good luck

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