My Doc Will Not Refill My Xanax Im Feeling Sick (Page 17)


I was prescribed Prozac & Xanax 10 years ago by my psychiatrist for depression & severe panic attacks. He started me on 1mg 3 times a day. Around Dec 2005 he increased my daily dose to 1 mg - 4 times a day. I have been a patient of his now for 10 years where I see him every 3 months. Through the years, there has been a few times were I had to call to reschedule my appointment and a couple of times he had to do the same. He would call in my meds for the amount I would need to get me through to my next appointment. This month I had an appointment for May 27th I called to reschedule due to transportation. I do not drive now and my ride canceled on me. so, I rescheduled my app. for June 17th I then requested my meds be called in until my appointment, a 3 week supply. She said she would call me back when it was called in later that day. Not hearing anything I called back the next day to find out what was going on. I was told my doctor feels uncomfortable due to liability reasons to re-fill my medication, until I see him again in June. I asked her what about the liability to take me off medication I have been taking for 10 years? She told me to go to my primary physician to get my meds. I told her my primary care doctor will not prescribe me those medications without my medical records from this office and I just signed a medical release form a few days ago at my first appointment with this new primary doctor, so she told me to go to an urgent care if my symptoms became to uncomfortable for me to deal with!! I had enough xanax to last me until today. I took my last xanax this morning and I am already starting to feel sick, my head feels cloudy, I feel like I'm getting the flu. My heart is racing, I'm feel really anxious & closed in. Has anyone out there gone off xanax cold turkey what more should I expect? I don't understand how a doctor can prescribe medication like this for 10 years and just make you stop so suddenly it doesn't seem fair. I have lost trust in my doctor now and I don't think I can continue to be his patient anymore. I am scared and I don't know who to turn too.

649 Replies (33 Pages)

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Dawn, I am right with you. Nurse practitioner just refused filling my xanax that doctor put me on 8 years ago, cold turkey. It's my 4 day feel awful but just had a major panic attack while driving and had minor accident.That's one reason I was on it. So upsit and don't know if I should go above her head and call doctor. I wonder if someone was hurt if a doc could be sued for something like that happening because of refusal of meds.

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It's fine that you have a desire to help and obviously possess a laymans degree of knowledge on the protocols for benzodiazepine class pharmacology and the dangers of rapid onset Withdrawl syndrome. I do however take offense to suggestions that procuring a substitute benzo class drug to starve off symptoms should ever be proffered .Immediate medical intervention is the only feasible reply one should ever make.Your willingness to assist is admirable.

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That's horrible of her and completely unprofessional in fact Are you certain that you didn't suffer a brief seizure while driving ? With an 8 years history of benzo use frequently causes a Abstinence syndrome provoked seizure. I would most definetly suggest you contact your doctor ASAP these symptoms can lead to a life threatening condition. Please post back to let us know how you are doing.
Warmest regards,

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I am going on my 3rd day without my klonopin that I have been on for many years my family Dr was giving it to me until l got a new Dr seen him and he would not give them to me and my family Dr said she wouldn't give it to me because the new Dr should be giving it to me so I have withdrawl real bad and I dont know what to do this is aweful how can they let me go cold turkey I shake my head is racing I can't do anything I just want to stop this feeling nobody cares and if something happens to me I hope the Dr's are held responsible I hate this good to you I hope its as bad for you

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If things are so bad you believe your life is in danger you have the right to be seen at your emergency room they must treat and stabilize you until you can recieve alternate care. Withdrawals from benzodiazepine class drugs can be life threatening .Im sure no one wants you dead but most doctors wouldn't risk their license to just cut you off for absolutely no reason . Even if your dismissed they traditionally refer to an alternate prescriber or issue a limited amount to hold you over. Do yourself a favor and seek emergency care cuz this cold turkey Withdrawl is dangerous.

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That's so heartbreaking that you made it through those 12 days then returned just at a reduced rate? That's so unfortunate. These benzos have such a a grip on the mapping part of your brain that no matter how long your abstinent from them that whisper remains. I have had some relief with valerian root (sp) and hops.magnesium and a multivitamin .Its been 4 years without any anxiety or anti depressant. Coping and stress management is a Challange but it beats the alternative especially with this restrictive benzo free environment we live in god knows when the next legit anxiety patient gets cutoff it's only a matter of time. I suffered the worst anxiety leading up to my taper being told eventually all users would lose their legit scripts eventually and that is what motivated me to taper down 4 years ago for fear id be left cold turkey in the future had I not. I firmly believe these drugs serve as a useful tool to folks with unmitigated anxiety, panic and PTSD. I only hope they won't live with the added stress that fear of losing access to meds envelop. Peace to all

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Barbara, when your life is on the line you don't need to take your medical advice for a NP who isn't trained in addiction or withdrawal of Benzos. Go to another professional

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thank you its bad I was thinking about going to the urgent care but the withdraw is so bad I am scared to drive I called the drug store and they are going to call in the morning to see if they can get me something to help with this I dont know and I am scared to leave the house but I do have somebody with me in case something goes wrong

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I myself have been in your position but it wasn't Xanax, it was a different medication. I had my Drugstore fax my Dr. for my pills, I believe it was a Saturday. I called the Dr's office to find out if indeed they had got the fax. Receptionist said "yes". So I waited, and still didn't have my script. This kept going until the next Thursday. I had severe Anxiety Attacks. I had to call my Pharmacist to see if he would give me some pills as a loan. They would take that many off of my Prescription. I had a hard time sleeping. I have Social Anxiety Disorder and w/o my pills I was a mess!! You could possibly call your Pharmacist as I did, its' up to them to say yes/no. If you feel that badly and can not get in to see your Dr. I would go to the Emergency at the Hospital. I know exactly how you feel and it sure isn't fun. I don't understand how Dr's can just say well you have to wait. Just as you I have been on my prescription for 17yrs. So yes I was in panic mode, big time. Go to your nearest emergency if your Pharmacist will not give you your Xanax for a period of time!! I wish you so much luck! Take Care my Dear and I hope all works out for you!

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If you misinterpreted my last post as intended for the OP, I apologize I should have referenced the post I was addressing in which there was a direct question regarding herbal remedies to alleviate w/d symptoms. However, a Benzo equivalent CAN be substituted for alprazolam, including any other benzodiazepine, most frequently lorazepam. Perhaps you thought the recommendation was to replace, but this was to accompany withdrawal, so, read it again. As suggested, it also states that consulting one's medical professional prior to implementing any drug- prescription or herbal- is recommended.

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I have been prescribed the same since the mid 80s. I am currently working outta the town I live in. And recently ran out of my xanax. After calling my doc and rescheduling my appointment I am in the same boat. No pills, no doc and in very bad shape. I didn't ask to become dependent nor did I ask for this type of medication, guess I trusted what I was told by docs. I've never abused the pills or sold em so why am I treated as a criminal? Recently my doctors come and go frequently, in a crappy health clinic I use. I self pay because my insurance doesn't cover physical treatments. Any suggestions?

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Yes, it's horrible. My doctor basically done the same thing. Watch that racing heart. I have gone into tachnychardia before,thus Xanax detox is only starting,your blood pressure could go onto the 200'sur pressure is already pretty high. Don't play around call 911 get urself to a hospital. I have lived with this demon for 30 :years. The anxiety will surely turn to fear. Get off here and go!!!!!

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OK,but seriously don't hesitate. Does anybody have any clonidine? If so take one,it will ease your pressure in turn will ease the anxiety. Damn I feel ur pain. Been there so many times.

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General information. I research many topics on a research site called PubMed. Although some research is not new, (I recently had a colleague scoff at results from the year 1993, totally inappropriate - If i can't trust the studies, then what can I trust?), but I was so deterred. One important study I came across was performed on a large group of people taking benzodiazepines - namely alprazolam - for panic, anxiety disorders, etc. This study showed that MOST people taking medication for these issues were not likely to abuse their medicine. Granted, none of us are recreational users, and as several people have pointed out, we were not the origin of prescription. To a degree, it is an outrage that the recent tide of the medical opinion toward taking all people off of this medication, is adversely affecting those that need it most. However, if you are a candidate for this latest attitude, try to take it with somewhat of a good nature. (Yes, it IS hard). I suggest this because the more your protest and argue, the more you will be accused of being an addict. Instead, ask your physician what they plan to replace this medication to avoid the worst of withdrawal effects - namely, seizures. if you are interested in stoping this medication, or you are experiencing problems with new prescriptions, ask your doctor what seizure medication they plan to use in light of this sudden withdrawal. Normally, the lower doses may not require this, but a dose of 4 mg or more will definitely require treatment to avoid the serious consequences of sudden withdrawal. another study I had read speaks of carbamazepine to replace alprazolam. This is an anticonvulsant and is very effective in avoiding seizures. However, it is not effective at stemming the other symptoms of withdrawal, including the nausea, shakiness, and irritability. For these symptoms, I have suggested looking into Valerian Root, and benadryl for sleep during the crucial first several days. As aways, consult your doctor for safety, and suggestions that they may offer to help during the withdrawal period.

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Girl, you need to find a script fast! Cold turkey from xanax means seizures_ grand Mal seizures. Myself and others i know had them when in your situation. Also depends much on the dose you are taking. I ended up hospitalized for running out. Get help soon. Good luck

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Dawn, the exact same thing happened with me. I have been on xanax for eight years. Mentioning to my nurse practitioner I was planning to change doctors she immediately denied any more scrips for Xanax Today is my 14th day off of Xanax cold turkey. I must say it has been rough but luckily I have been able to baby myself since I have no family. I was like you and very scared but this was forced on me and there was not a thing I could do. It only got real bad once and I almost went to emergency but felt a bit better the next day. I have made it this far because I keep telling myself it will eventually pass. It seems like a very slow process but I started reading all I could about the very downside of Xanax and I think in the long run it was probably a blessing in disguise. Look it up on the computer and it will tell exactly what it does to your brain. I still feel awful But I think I will live now after 14 days. I am a 65 year old woman so if you are younger it will probably be a bit easier but it can be done. I don't mean to minimalize the withdrawal but I wish I could put something out there to tell people don't just blindly trust the doctors as most of us do, research before taking any controlled substance. Hang in there Dawn and when the depression hits keep reminding yourself that this will pass. Hang in there because it WILL pass. Good Luck!

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Your NP really shouldn't be prescribing that medicine in the first place. No one should ever experience a Cold Turkey Xanax withdrawal and I wonder why you mentioned you wouldn't be coming back? In any case you're not "safe" yet, be careful

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Michell you need to find a good medical plan sounds like Dr. searching to me and doctors without a DEA number get a good medical plan

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Yes a NP can prescribe Xanax I suggest as an ex-boyfriend told me before, that was a psychiatrist not to lean on one antidepressant such as Xanax switch them up between Xanax and Valium back-and-forth back-and-forth so that you won't become chemically dependent your body won't be used to either one .

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No Name: can you elaborate on the deaths you mention? You make a good point in bringing up liability, but my doctor explained it is due to any other medical emergency that may give rise to questions about all medications. Normally, it is a Psychiatrist's job now, to prescribe sedative hypnotics. Some regulations allow the psychiatrist to make their recommendations to your General Practitioner, and in states that allow Nurse Practioners to work independently, they are also allowed to prescribe medications that are part of your treatment plan. In states where NPs work independently, they are highly educated, they work in conjunction with a Dr, but don't let the title of'Nurse' give an impression that their role is diminished. If an NP or Dr refuses to prescribe your medication after you mention you will be changing offices, this may be due to other cases where a pattern of more than one Dr. - meaning multiple prescriptions for the same drug- were established. If your plan is to change offices, it's best not to mention this until you need your record transferred.
I will emphasize the point again that the trend is to move away from benzodiazepine use. I wonder, though, if the entire picture, and severity of withdrawal is also presented as part of this movement. Yes, ideally pts can move away from this class of drugs, but-#1 It doesn't mean everyone is a candidate, and#2 that protocol for withdrawal isn't equally important, and should be considered in each individual case. All pts, including myself, face an uphill battle in maintaining therapy, and as a Nurse, myself, I think it's unfair to assume that every person prescribed this drug simply takes it for a high. What can the medical community expect when pts receive any long term therapy? Even antidepressants have a weaning protocol!

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