Multiple Sclerosis And Oxycodone (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2008. Over the years my nerve pain has gotten a lot worse. The pain has gotten so bad that it's ruining my life. I cant walk due to my legs not working correctly and experiencing a loss of all balance. I have pain everywhere but it's the worst in my feet. My Dr. has me on 10 mg oxycodone for about 5 years now. I was on percocet prior but I worried about my liver with all the acetaminophen. My problem is I'm not sure if I have built a tolerance or if I should be taking more at a time but it's not doing much for me. My pain never goes away. The pills slightly take the edge off for about an hour. That's it! I have tried 3 different types and strengths of pain patches and they didn't do anything. I tried morphine with the same results. I even went to a pain specialist who took me off oxycodone and put me on methadone and gabapentin. I had to stop those after one dose because I was in so much pain and wondering why, so I called that dr. and he said it takes a couple weeks to work. There's no way I can miss any pain med dosage. Let alone a couple weeks. Can anyone steer me in a direction to help me not be in misery all day? Thanks for your time.

42 Replies (3 Pages)

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I can never imagine how you feel or find anything to say that would assuage the torture you find yourself in. Although my mother died of cancer and medication was used to end suffering quickly (as in 5 minutes) you are a very brave person, I myself would be introducing a large amount of diamorpine and sodium Pentothal (or Amytal) into my veins and ave many the duty of caring for me. I hope you find your peace my friend

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Have you tried suboxone? I was on 120mg of morphine and other meds. Then switched to oxycontin @ the same dose. I was on it for yrs. But was having bad side effects, so I was switched to suboxone. Mind you, you have too go through withdrawals for a night, which sucks. But the suboxone you take the next day and works right away. Its a tab that u put under your tongue for quick delivery. I find im more alert but my pain has come back. I take cymbalta, clonazepam which is for anxiety and pain. But for pain you can go to a pain clinic and request lidocaine infusions, which is a freezing, that you get done by intravenous administration. I was to start treatments but again other health problems arose and I havent been able to get treatment yet. But it is suppose to work for around 6 wks. Then you go back for another treatment. I have heard that it has lasted longer in some people. Hope this helps. Its unfortunate that we always have to go through the medication route, which works for awhile then our bodies tend to get use to the doses, then you have to go on higher doses or change meds. Wish there were a better, permanent treatment. Feel free to write me back anytime.

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Ok, first I will go into the RX suggestion which is Oxycodone is available without acetaminophen and it is not Oxytocin. The thing I would suggest is cannabis oil or CBD oil. That does not have THC in it so you will NOT feel high. I have a friend with MS and she swears by it. Go to the website Charlotte's Web and make sure you get it without THC.

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Hi ! I too have a chronic pain condition and have suffered for the last 4 years. I hurt literally from head to toe. Chronic pain is one of the worst things someone can go through and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Their is no light at the end of the tunnel.
However, their are alternative treatments that I am currently finding that do work! I have been on super high doses of narcotics and have dropped my dose by half in the last 9 months with the unlimited goal to get off all long acting narcotics. Don't go the long acting route. What Drs don't tell you is that your pain receptors basically drowned in opiates which caused them to fire more causing more pain. So you keep going up and up on opiates when you physically become more and more debilitated. I am speaking from experience. I thought people who were getting off opiates were crazy not that long ago but I understand so much more now.
I am seeing a fantastic Chiropractor who really knows what he is doing and has opened up my spine and nerve pathways therefore decreasing my pain and increasing my activity. Going to him has been one of the best things I have done. Be careful who you go to because some are out there for money and not actual treatment. My chiropractor treats his patients like he is a real MD. He documents everything. If you don't feel one you go to is doing all they can then find a new one. My chiro says you shouldn't need to see a chiropractor more then 2 times a week even in the beginning. We have a chiropractor here in my town who will diagnose your problem without even getting x rays or seeing you in the office, this is not someone you would want to see.
Anyways, try and take the oxy only when you need it. Get into a chiropractor. I am a fellow sufferer and I wish I had known the horrible risks of being on long acting opiates. Now I am having to withdrawal on my own and it's hell.

Oh also when the Dr changes your meds around you don't feel the relief because you are actually withdrawing off the previous opiate as well. Again something they don't explain besides stating it will take a few weeks. Lyrics did wonders for my nerve pain but it caused nasty headaches. It's not an opiate but the withdrawal is just as much hell when getting off as when getting off a real opiate.

Good luck and God Bless!

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You don't know me but I know the level of pain you are in. Not too many people do, but I do. If the methadone & Gabapentin didn't work, that means you were not given the proper mgs. Get the doctor to put you on 110mgs of methadone & 1200mgs of Gabapentin and I promise you will be out of pain.

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I looked into some research articles, and am not going to use scientific jargon for you, I would need to know some answers first, like the dosing levels of the opiate/opioids. I seems clear you were not given a large enough dose. There may be reasons for this, reduced liver function is usually a reason. However you are here for help, and help is what I will attempt to give you. For first line pain I suggest dihydrocodeine tartrate, it comes in slow release (60, 90 and 120 mg) These may be useful later. But first you may try instant release 30 mg., you must ask if there is any reasons you cannot take it, I do not want to be responsible for inducing damage. Try a 30mg, if no good after 20 minutes try another, basically titrate (up the dose) until you are feeling relief.... it has to be Dihydrocodeine, not simple codeine which has a ceiling effect which is when your liver cannot metabolize the codeine into morphine in your body quick enough thereby giving not enough therapeutic effects.

Next you will try a benzodiazepine (diazepam, Flurazepam etc) now opiates and benzodiazepines have a synergistic effect and if you take too much of both you are dead. You must start small, and work up, benzodiazepines themselves do not cause overdoses, it's mixing with opiates that causes overdose. So I am asking you to be careful. Then as I suggested before.... CBD...... this is acting like a miracle cure on me. Years of research into the amazing (yes I say amazing) benefits of cannabis as DuPont, the maker of nylon, seen hemp as a threat to profits, and demonised hemp products. We could have had a cure for all cancer today. But I very much suggest CBD..... and do we care if there is a little THC in (the psychoactive part of cannabis) it's your body, your pain. Incidentally dihydrocodeine is the closest chemical substance to diamorpine. I hope this helps. And I wish for your situation to speedily improve, just be careful and have someone who can give resuscitation when mixing benzodiazepines and dihydrocodeine..... please..... and use sense. Start small and work up. If my feelings are correct, a day should give you an idea of the doses required. Best of luck.

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I was on 3200mg of Gabapetin and it just made me more miserable! I
Topiramate (Topamax ) 200mgs twice a day + I found out I have Vitamin D &B12 deficiencies
contributes or mImics additional nerve pain.

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I've got nothing but empathy for you
It's become so hard for Doctors to help people like us with our pain, do to so many others becoming addicted and ,abusing these meds,causing a stigma for people with our chronic pain issues
I don't suffer pain from same issue as you
I was involved in a very serious motorcycle accident&have had so many surgeries,procedures(as the medical. Professionals seem to prefer to calling them)

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What a helpful person you are, I also seen this and cannot for the life of me remember, it's these damned meds ;-)

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Get yourseld in direct sunlight for 15 minutes every single day without fail. Spring is here than Summer so make sure you do this. Under "NO" circumstances whatsoever should you allow yourself to misout on the direct sun every single day and I hope you get my insistence and follow thru with it as it will otherwise be down right unfortunate for you if you choose not to follow through with this very simple necessity. Also as soon as you read this, make appointment with your doctor for vitamin B-12 shots (quick injection in your arm and probably every two (2) weeks but your doctor will decide.

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Be careful with the ginger root , although great for pain and inflamation if you take high blood pressure medication make sure you check with your doctor first.

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Try that curmin it work for me you have to take 6 capsules when you take it but keepp it up until it gets better please try it

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Hi. I was diagnosed with MS in 2012. I was prescribed- Lioresal 25mg at night and Stilpain 2- tds mainly. It workded very well for pain. Until 2016.Because my MS progresed to 'Progresive' MS. My Neorologist now increased my Lioresal to twice a day/Stilpain dosage remained the same,but added Prednisone 2 tablets twise per day,IF and when the pain gets worse some days. It works 200% for me and i'm pain free. Stay strong and God Bless.

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Re: Hennie (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

God bless you Hennie and your personal journey through this horrible disease called Multiple Sclerosis. I hope that your doctors aren't scared to prescribe pain medications in sufficient dosages to help you tolerate this insane disease... I had a close relative that had MS and I'll never forget the courageous battle they fought for many years to live a life in a body that fought against them hour by hour. Reading your post brings tears to my eyes remembering them and their struggle. A lot of us here on Medschat that have bad injuries sometimes forget how lucky we actually are to not have a horrible disease like Multiple Sclerosis...

Hope you have the best Thanksgiving you possibly can Hennie, bless you.

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Re: Hennie (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

I'm not sure if I have MS I have many of the symptoms. I have a an appointment to see my neurologist on Wednesday to discuss the possibility. I'm more than a little concerned, but I want answers. I'm not even sure I should be posting on this page, but reading all your information you are so knowledgeable about the illness. I'm familiar with pain as I have numerous illnesses for which I've been seeing pm drs for several years. It's the new symptoms that I have been having for the last few months that have me concerned. I'm curious as to how some of you we finally diagnosed with MS. I'm? sure you all would rather I not be posting, but I'm trying to find someone MS that could maybe guide me.

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Re: Nosie Nellie (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Several decades ago they did a spinal tap on me. Which involves placing a needle in the dural sac(contains the spinal cord) to remove fluid for testing. They did this to test me to see if I had MS.
I don't know how they do it these days...

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Re: Don (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Don. I do agree with your input,regarding most Pain-killers and that ones body,however does develop resistans and addiction. In my case i have been on Stilpain for 6 years now. Yet,regardless of the high addiction capebility of this particular pain killer..only after SIX years,it now started to loose it's efectiveness. My only and last resort,in South Africa,is Morphine or PREDNISONE. The huge problem with Prednisone,is that it has severe side effects and can turn fatal,if used for more than 6 months continiously.It's very efective for pain,espesially MS patients.Was sugested that i stick to Stilpain for as long as i can,even if i drastically increase my daily dosage.(including switching to Morphine also)

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I already wrote but examined options for you, these are backed up by some of the top professionals in their field.... I will write shortly on the safe options given, please allow me 3 hours.

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I have written answers to this for a solution for you, but I have been in touch with a medical professional for you, and I go by my own experience as I said I was injured with constant chronic pain and do much testing on myself. I was told to reccomend you try pregablin.... not the less developed gabapentin which has to metabolise into pregablin in your body and this is inefficient. Pregablin (Lyrica) works for many. I suggest you try it as it can be indicated for your condition.

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With any ongoing use of any opiate pain reliever you develop a tolerance to it. If its oxycodone, hydrocodone, or morphine your body builds a tolerance. Thats what addiction is all about. In old time thinking 70s, 80s, 90s early 2000 all drs just prescribed more pills to cope with pain. Adding to the addiction of opiate painkillers. When many people start off they may have been on 30mg total per day...then to be prescribed 60mg per day 6 or 12 months later to end up in triple numbers 100 to 200mg per day plus after 2 years.

You're not in the eyes of doctors an addict because you're not seeking out law-breaking things to obtain painkillers. But your body is certainly chemically addicted to pain medicine after your first 30 mg per day prescribed habit. It's getting detoxed and reprograming pain receptors in brain to be able to use the least amount of painkiller to be comfortable. Remember painkillers were not designed to kill all pain but to make pain manageable. There are many non opiate medicines that can be prescribed that make living with pain more comfortable. Prednisone a great anti-inflammatory medicine. Along with many other nonaddictive medicines.

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