Mississippi Shortage On Suboxone Dr
UpdatedI am in search of a Suboxone Dr accepting new patients and Medicaid ...tried every website from suboxone.com to treatmentmatch.org. any help would be greatly appreciated
1 Reply
just go to your family practitioner and ask them if they know of a doctor that can prescribe suboxone I do know that you have to be seen at least once every 3 months and you cannot Skype, it's not legal to have an appointment for suboxone via skyping over the computer so she can't find you someone locally then you need to ask them to direct you to your nearest DSHS office and tell them you only have about 4 months before you're evicted now that you're a H addict and can no longer work and like the address of where you're four children will be staying because you'd like to visit them to Christmas Thanksgiving and on their birthdays now that the state supports them. I mean really tell him that working thing was in all it was cracked up to be anyway and I believe after years 6th or 7th spent over in the rehab facility that the states paid for your poly pretty mannequin to present my then and can consider yourself bi polar and then you can go stay at the state institution which I do believe will cost about a million and a half dollars for just under a year nice place I think it cost 1500 dollars a day and don't forget to asking for the address where you can visit your four children at the stadium now support for the rest of their lives because you're too exhausted for looking for another treatment centers now you're so manic that you have to go live in the state institution and at least they can watch the tax dollars being spent and you know where their money is going ,took months to find a suboxone doctor here in the state of Washington then it took months to get an appointment and then come to find out if there's a suboxone doctor on every corner out here they just makes so much money they don't care to take any more patience cuz they're filthy rich now they work at the hospital and they put you through their treatment center that they only one of them owns the treatment center the other one owns the suboxone clinic and they rotate you back and forth so its all just a big scam. they have those dr everywhere most of the hospitals have them all of the behavioral health institutions having Fairfax compass help any place that has a hospital that has a treatment center also has a doctors right there on staff that can prescribe suboxone they just don't feel like taking the time to add another patient to their list because they're so busy writing prescriptions that they can hardly lift their weary fingers up for another $750 visit we actually have one gal out here that will not even accept insurance cash only a cash-only doctors office that will give you a suboxone methodone anything you want to be addicted to no insurance accepted at alland then you have to pay for your prescription I have one friend who actually has insurance and still pay the hundred and seventy five dollars a month for her prescription so she has to sell half of it so that she can afford to take the other half. I swear to God every person that ever broken ankle track their neck are hurt their back on some type of prescription that they become addicted to and then it gets worse and worse until you got on everybody's on the oxy cotton and subliminally tell you that you can abuse it and get real high and then they change the format of the medicine so that you can't abuse it anymore. nobody can afford it so the next best thing is H now all these psychologists or whatever the physician's are making bank because everybody's become a H addict and now they come up with the wonderful suboxone and God forbid you can't even go in and tell him that you want the suboxone for pain because it's illegal to give it to you for pain in the United States you have to tell him you're an addict or like in Europe they actually give suboxone as a pain medication but if yout here they won't give it to you just one big scam after another I think they planned all of it and wonder why everybody's became an addict all at once its not like everybody started growing the room open plan because the doctors made this pharmaceutical medicine near a cold f***ing synthetic H and then they cut you off of it and now I hear that you're not going to be able to take anything that's a narcotic like percocet for more than 90 days and then you're cut off so all those people that haven't got up to the oxycontin level cuz they don't have cancer now they just have the bad leg or hip pain well they're going to be cut off their medicine after 90 days and where do you think they're going there hugs and go to H and then they're going to go through rehab in there detox and then they're going to be put on suboxone charged a fortune for it and its just crazy
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