Misdiagnosed: Permanent Side Effects Of Risperidone? (Top voted first)
UpdatedHello forum members. I have a question about psychiatric medication which I was wrongly prescribed. Firstly, I suffer from Chronic Lyme Disease. For those who don't know it is a quite serious bacterial infection that causes profound physical fatigue, muscle pain, cognitive problems, and depression and derealization. However, as I have just learned recently, the physical and psychological aspects of the disease are completely due to the bacteria infection of the brain and body, and will disappear completely once treated with antibiotics, which I am now taking regularly. I was unfortunately only diagnosed properly 3 months ago, after having suffered 5 years of debilitating physical illness. Ok, so my problem is this: Before I was diagnosed, I was suffering the severe psychological effects of this physical illness (Lyme), but I did not know what I had and whether it was real or not. I went (a decision I now regret) to see a psychiatrist to see if they could help me with the psychological side of things. After explaining everything, I was "diagnosed" (mis-diagnosed), with depression and somatic symptom disorder. All along I knew I had a physical illness anyway which was causing things, but had no idea it was affecting my mind too, as the bacteria burrows into the brain causing psychological symptoms. I unfortunately trusted the psych diagnosis. I was given a combination of Cymbalta for depression and Respiradone 0.5mg for anxiety related to my apparent somatic symptoms. It is the worst decision I have ever made in my life and I am only 18. Ever since taking the Respiradone, I have felt permanently emotionally disconnected, numb, void of any real feeling, and my libido has decreased, even though I have been off of it for 3 months now. I stopped it immediately when I got my Lyme diagnosis and realized I actually did not have a mental illness. I have been to see my friends recently and I'm not the same person since before taking it. I've lost my sense of humor, I can't seem to interpret others emotions the same anymore, and I just feel completely numbed out and horrible. I feel dead inside. I am very annoyed I was given such a strong drug which is used for schizophrenia, a diagnosis which I am nowhere even close to. My question is do these side effects of Respiradone wear off? Or are they life long and permanent? I've heard stories saying that it's a very strong anti-psychotic that can do permanent brain damage, and I seem to be experiencing this myself. I have never felt the same and the drug should be completely our of my system by now. I took it in combination with Cymbalta for around 4-6 weeks tops. I have also read that Risperidone is known for its permanent or rather irreversible blockage of the 5-HT7 receptor. That sounds frightening to me, although I do not understand the science. Would anyone happen to have an answer? I do not want to be a zombie forever, especially after the already nasty ordeal of Lyme disease. Before answering, also note that I will not be involved in any argument with someone about the legitimacy of my physical condition. It is real, blood work has shown. I am only inquiring about the medication. Thanks in advance.
Quoted from other forums:
"I was forced to take similar meds as a kid (zyprexa) for at least two years. Once I stopped I felt like I would never be normal again. After about 4 to 6 months I finally started to feel ok again. After about a year or so I started to feel like my pre med self. It takes longer than you want it to but to, but it is what it is. "
"Here's the bottom line: it has been 11 months. I'm still messed up from the drug, but it has improved dramatically over time. I would say I was devastated through July (6 months out), transitioned from devastated to "heavily impaired" from July to October (9 months out), and since November I've been "impaired" (11 months out). I'm plenty messed up now, with cognitive issues, libido issues, anhedonia etc., but its nothing next to the hell I was in in February. Each month I can notice significant improvement in my cognitive function, my mood, and emotional sensation ... my libido and testicular function, twitching, weight gain (20 lbs), dizziness upon standing, restlessness, inability to think or focus or engage watching tv, listening to music or playing games; difficulty conversing, feeling pleasure and being generally in perpetual deep boredom, having no motivation at all. My only experience with feelings as low as suicidal ones, in my entire life, was in January-February. That has certainly passed. Some of the effects in that incomplete list went away before others. And I didn't feel that great or aware about my improvements each months until after about 6 months. At the very beginning I was urinating every 30 minutes and couldn't move my face. Most of the list was ongoing after two months. Anyway, I didn't feel like I was appreciably improved until around September - so that's 8 months later before I personally felt any real hope of recovery. I hope knowledge of that date helps you. This (11 months) is the first month where I feel I can "pass for normal" to an average person. They might think I'm tired, but would never think I'm way off/drugged, even if they know me, actually. I can still tell I'm messed up, of course. But I can also tell that I've gotten a lot of abilities back. It's very exciting actually. I also lost the 20 lbs I gained from the drug through vigorous exercise from July to September. (recommended) I still have many of the same feelings you have: I'm hoping I'll improve all the way, maybe 90% or something, maybe more. And I'm very worried about the permanent effects. I'm personally very focused on the cognitive effects, but I'm also wondering if my tongue will stop twitching when I stick it out and so on. Thinking was the name of my game, 24/7, and it was just snatched away. But I can tell you that you won't remain devastated forever; that it at least improves to "impaired". And in 6 months maybe I'll be able to tell you that you'll improve all the way or almost all the way. Also, DO NOT be discouraged by people telling you that you're exaggerating, that there is nothing wrong, or that they can't tell (which may be true); that your complaints are actually of the condition and not the drug, etc. These people have no idea what they're talking about. I have a supportive and attentive girlfriend, who was able to see many of the subtle things (to an outside observer) of which I complained. That was very helpful to me. My father on the other hand, thinks this has all been exaggeration and a hypchondriac's prattle. So I had to deal with that and it's tough. The drug is devastating for real; don't be BSed out of knowing that."
"Last time we pm'd he was still experiencing the post-effects (about a month ago). As for the success stories, well after almost a year I feel ok, really. I can't say that it is 'my old self' back because I don't exactly remember my pre-med world perception and concioussness, most likely it isn't. But again the state when you are bothered by it (what's worse - bothered by it every second you are awake) is completely gone. But I enjoy music, series, cinema, reading, studying, working out again to a certain extent, I can wake up at 6 am again to get s*** done and remain motivated through the day. My aesthetical perceptions are kinda back. I distinguish kinds of music again, it's not that sharp perception of greatness within and association with a tune, but at least I can say that I like and enjoy something and produce an emotional response "
Hi. So sorry that your boyfriend was another poor citizen to meet with the injustice and stupidity of the western worlds medical system.
As for me I have noticed no improvements at all. However I have been to see a group of neurologists that specialize in specific brain stimulation exercises that have been used (successfully) to treat/cure stroke victims, autism, brain damage from trauma, PTSD, and long-term drug users. After explaining my situation and ailments they believe that they can fix the problem in time. They performed an Eeg brain scan which showed exactly that the areas of my brain that are involved in emotion and emotional understanding, were underactive, obviously due to this god awful Respiradone. I believe a similar thing happens with stroke victims where certain brain areas are damaged or shut off. BUT in time they have been able to completely cure these patients.
My point is that while antipsychotics are terrible for the brain, a stroke is even worse (EG more brain areas would be affected in a stroke) and that has proved completely fixable under this treatment protocol. As an example I was speaking to a guy at this neurology institute and he told me had had a stroke, was completely paralyzed, and went there and is now fine, which was obvious because he was able to have a perfectly normal conversation with me standing upright.
Although I have not noticed any change, I have only been doing this treatment for a month and a half really so not very long given how long it usually takes to cure brain damage. Its a slow process but works and is usually permanent once in effect.
I have no idea if there is anything in the area in which you live which resembles this however I would suggest looking at something called "Functional Neurology" which is the kind of field that these people are involved in. If you can find anyone who practices this then it would be worth a try. They use simple brain exercises repeated daily for months/years to stimulate the brain to work normally again.
Hope that is helpful.
Sorry that quoted post above may not have been that helpful written as a long quote. It sounded helpful and concise when my sister read it out.
There are others out there who seemed to have regained hope for recovery.
Hello thanks for your reply. You said you'd found 2 or 3 examples of people who recovered fully. If possible could you send/link me these examples?
I have no idea how to fix this myself which is why I am inquiring. The effects are not that extreme to be honest though I do notice them, and I am thoroughly pissed off because I did not deserve this kind of treatment. I don't even have legitimate depression, just exhaustion of my immune system leading to me feeling crap 24/7.
My main worry is that I am currently treating chronic Lyme disease, and from what I have read the drug in question here (Respiradone), robs your body of the ability to heal itself, and suppresses the immune system which is the last thing I need.
Neuroplasticity sounds interesting, I will look into it.
Btw brain seems to be compensating by making extra receptors, weirdly sensitive and overly-vast-area-of-sensation anxiety response seems to be coming back into perception, seems as if extra receptors made to try to compensate for lack of stimulus (and, warning tmi, I climaxed for the first time since this med, was weirdly sensitive+intense, like an over-climax where went beyond the usual threshold and hit a ceiling of high, was worried for a sec that could be damaging itself).
But still underlying clogged access to brain+emotions worsening. It's as if the underlying clog/block of neuronal pathways is still progressively worsening but in terms of emotions the brain is trying to compensate by making more receptors.
I have noticed a similar thing yes. I have been using Marijuana regularly which seems to be helping with repairing some effects, however the part of my brain that was affected feels as though it is continually shut off. I took a very small amount and so I hope it improves over time.
"pat and wisemeat antipsychotic meds are notorious for irreversible side effects"
thank you
"for those who need them the benefit outweighs the risk"
I disagree, no one needs them, and the benefits likely hardly ever outweigh the risks.
"when they were diagnosing my little brother he went thru a number of meds."
There is plenty of evidence of far greater recover from scitzophrenia (which the med is usually prescribed, neither of us were prescribed for this reason it seems although I don't know wisemeat personally) in third world countries where people don't use meds therefore meds probably mostly do more harm on net than compared to no meds so meds probably shouldn't be involved, obviously your brother is already taken them now, he knows whether he would rather have taken meds or not in hindsight in his case
"he is now well controlled but has residual effects from some of the meds and its permanent."
thank you
"sounds like you will probably [*not] come out of it [*and] it [*will] take some time [*before you can be absolutely certain it's not going to reverse and you probably have passed that point]"
I think the evidence suggests no chance of recovery, I may know some clues towards understanding the reason behind womens (dishonest) postive (negative) thinking, I think from an early age women are praised for withholding truth and so learn to think they are doing well to tell guys and others things /will/ get better when they are only saying that because they've been praised for withholding truth since very young, and logically things /won't/ get better often when they say that and that's ok that's all the guy wants to know they will feel okay knowing the truth, it's not knowing the truth and saying things /will/ get better when they won't that leads to a false sense of hope and therefore hopelessness when nothing improves whereby the women continue to reinforce doubt about the truth which is frustrating for guys.
"also the effects of the lymes disease takes awhile to get over too. I [*dont (- it's true though)] know the fogginess is very frustrating but it [*wont] pass, [*no such thing as luck so I can't actually wish you luck but I wish I could]".
You see my reasoning for the corrections being same as below the above above quote. It could be frustrating me correcting this and talking about this because you've learned people being lenient with you so you don't expect this kind of correction.
Nope. I've had a Q-EEG done by a neurologist. Waiting for results, because that will tell if there is damage to the prefrontal cortex (the area I'm told these drugs affect).
Risperidone or risperdal/Olanzapine and aripiprazole were developed by Dr. Joseph Mengala (AKA "The Angel of Death") a monster that murdered and mutilated thousands of jewish people during WWII in Nazi concentration camps. He developed a treatment to chemically scarify away the sphincter that the body needs to get an erection - and to hold the intestines in the abdominal cavity. The research in the development of abilify and risperdal involved live human dissection of young men which Joseph Mengala was well known for.
Abilify is administered for a 10-14 period to melt the disc that protects this sphincter from the urine stream. The victim is then switched to Risperidone or risperdal which washes the flesh of this sphincter away when the victim urinates. Risperidone or risperdal causes unbearable back discomfort in some victims which lead to the development of olanzapine, which has the same effect but the back pain side-effect is somewhat mitigated.
The recent murder/suicide of billionaire philanthropist Barry Sherman and his wife Honey are directly related to the campaign to get the truth out about aripiprazole and risperdal. They were devoutly jewish and Apotex Pharmachem Inc was a major distributor of these two drugs. The campaign I began to drag these Nazi castration chemicals out of the closet is causing wide-spread panic. All people that are decent are profoundly affected when they face the truth. Law-enforcement officers, medical professionals and social workers are quitting their jobs and some have even moved out of the country.
Re: pat789 (# 20)
Risperdal public info is a total fabrication. This chemical was developed by Dr. Joseph Mengala in the Nazi concentration camps which, undoubtedly, involved live human dissection and is formulated for chemical castration. If preceeded by a two week course of Abilify(also a Nazi chemical) the result is scarification of the sphincter needed to obtain an erection.The recent death of Dr. and Mrs Sherman was a direct result of me making this info known to the Jewish community.
So a couple of women sat down and devised a plan:
"The more you resist - the more we take away from you" is it's mantra.
When I was initially given the news the shrink was "accusing" me if I would have taken the referral, gone to the next shrink, broke down crying and admitted to being a pedophile, I was cured. They rattle a bag of chicken bones under your nose and you are no longer a child-molesting murderer. It's a miracle.
It's impossible for a man who believes in concepts like the truth, innocence, and due process to proceed past this point - apparently.
Then begins the castration. This is an illegal and inhuman treatment that is the reason for secrecy. The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that the forced administration of MPA to CONVICTED child-molesters is unlawful. Comparing MPA to this Nazi treatment is like comparing tic-tacs to heroin. MPA causes breast enlargement - no permanent effects. Just because a treatment has not been deliberated by the courts does not make it lawful by any stretch of the imagination. The police know this - they have been ordered to stand down.
"All you have to do is admit you are a pedophile"... Well, I've had this argument with no less than three shrinks. They are not accusing me of being a pedophile since 99% of pedophiles are not child-molesters. They are accusing me of being a child molester - which I am not - and I can PROVE it. They cannot.
So I "admit" to being a pedophile and they go to court, tell the court I am a "child-molester" (a lie) and get an order to forcibly treat me. They want to write my epitaph "He was a murdering child-molester but we stopped him before he could strike" - not gonna happen.
On with the insanity - if you "resist" long enough - read (make these women mad enough) they straighten your urethra. Once again they have no idea why this occurs but it is a widely held belief that it is inconsequential to mental health. This involves strapping you to a bed and ramming a steel rod up your penis - an excruciatingly painful procedure even under heavy narcotics. I have not yet undergone said cruelty but I've been to the psych-wards. I've heard the blood-chilling screams followed by the hours of maniacal and/or somber looks on staff-members faces.
Normally painful medical procedures are performed under general anesthetic but it's not done this way. This can be summed up in one word - torture. Now I don't know about you but I believe torture is unlawful in the civilized world. All this because the shrinks "don't trust me". I wasn't aware the trust of the clinically insane was required to avoid inhuman abuses.
There is much worse but I have yet to determine if the threats of lobotomy are real or fabricated to terrorize me into submission. You see, once you enter this protocol, medical professionals, cops, pharmacists, and even councilors will give you nothing but lies, manipulations, and terrorization (FUD). This creates an atmosphere of mistrust and anger.
So I go to a doctor seeking help with my anger issues and he refers me to the mental health association. Turns out there's a cure for the anger - castration - and the circle of insanity is complete. Shrinks will not give me any treatment because I'm too angry. Well no s*** - wouldn't you be? This is why I ran into men so screwed up they could barely remember their names in the psych-wards. This will stop.
There is a system of "outs", if you will, that have been put in place.
If I had a family doctor he would recommend me to a shrink that would treat me humanely. Unfortunately my family doctor gave up his practice years ago.
I could "find Jesus" - there has already been a Pastor make inquiries into helping me and they threatened him with jail - to lie to a pastor - there is apparently no limits here.
If I am indeed the murderous heathen they accuse me of being - why the "outs"? The answer is simple to me - they know I'm not. So here's how this is going to work:
Show me the data:
Show me data that proves that there is a significant risk I will hurt a child. Two in one-thousand is what I call insignificant. I'll save you the trouble - no such data-set exists. If they manufacture a data-set that supports this lie then I insist that the MAJORITY of men that escaped this brutality by conveniently "finding Jesus" after the accusation be hunted down and taken to the gulag along with me and I will accept the treatment. Furthermore there has never been any investigation into how many of these men that turned religious still worship. If they stop worshiping don't they turn back into murderers? Logic dictates they do.
Get a court Order:
Take your pack of lies into a court, get a community protection order, strap me to a table, and inject me with that nazi crap. I will put the facts and truth up against the lies in court and I will get compensated for a destroyed career, all the lies, and yes, the pain. Let's not forget I can prove my innocence on a polygraph. The lies state clearly the reason I'm a threat is because I've done it already or "planned thousands".
Destroyed my career, told roughly 761 lies about how "all" men offend, and get erections caused by lights, laundry, sirens, full moons, and hundreds of other made up scenarios ... criminally assaulted me, inflicted an unimaginable amount of mental abuse and caused my poor sister an undetermined amount of mental distress.
There is roughly 34 lies about what I get if I'm a "decent man" and castrate myself - everything from a new car to "millions", but one must remember this is about lies. Put it on paper - I want a treatment plan I can review with a doctor to determine my quality of life. I want a number that describes the abuse I've been put through "just in case".
Newsflash - I'm 55 years old and I've never so much as behaved inappropriately with a child and never will - this I can prove.
Do a little research - My position can be easily proved while the shrinks position is strictly "Statistical Abuse", wild assumptions, and flat-out lies. This is why the secrecy.
The research they use is based on sex offenders and recidivism (the re-offending criminal). Now as I have pointed out a hundred times I have never harmed a child and I never will. This can be proved beyond a doubt easily but I am not allowed. It proves this maniacal plan is lies.
Now if the news of these criminal offences and torture does not effect you in a deep and meaningful way, I strongly suggest you invite a mental health professional into your life. Your position is indefensible.
The most prominent paper (a direct quote): "Further research is needed to better identify clinically significant differences among the different types of pedophiles. Such knowledge, it is hoped, will result in better treatments, improved allocation of medical and legal resources, and a
reduction in the number of abused children."
Ignoring this communication only strengthens my position. I have a right to be heard and you have an obligation to address my concerns.
Yours Truly,
PS - If your physician has put you on these chemicals STOP taking them and demand an alternative. There are literally hundreds of anti-psychotic medications that are formulated to effect just the brain.
The second-generation drugs include olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine, aripiprazole, ziprasidone, lurasidone, cariprazine, and paliperidone.
Re: Jools (# 31)
Your comment made me cry because my mom was going through this. She was given shots of this stuff & she would get huge panic attacks. Didn’t know walking would help. I told her doctor the meds were not helping her mentally, they were making her anxiety worse, and giving her huge physical side effects. In response they increased her dose mid May. She ended her life this week. I am so angry at her doctor. This med hadn’t helped ANYTHING. It made it all worse so they increased it?
Any replies would be greatly appreciated.
I'm experiencing this right now too.
I took one dose of Risperidone 10mg, and a dozen doses of Olanzapine/Zyprexia 2.5mg-15mg. Clogged access to thinking was the only noticable effect at the time and wore off between doses, then about 1 week after I stopped the medication, I noticed the effects of the medication were increasing in intensity and have continued to increase in intensity with no signs of reversing or returning to the way things were before. Now it's been 4 weeks since stopping, where I find it hard to access my brain and my emotions.
I don't know which of the medications caused this. It could have been an effect of the Risperidone which has creeped up since without me noticing until recently, or it could have been an effect of the Olanzapine, or both combined.
I have sifted the internet looking for whether or not others have recovered from these symptoms (finding examples of people who've taken Risperidone and Olanzapine resulting in these symptoms), and in the sea of people wondering the same as us (will things go back to the way they were) I found 2 or 3 examples of people saying they've recovered fully after months/years and encouraging others that they will recover in time.
I also found this post earlier today which I found quit good:
"Best way is to avoid withdrawal symptoms as much as possible by reducing very slowly (see Ashton method for Benzos and treat Neuroleptics the same especially if been on them for long time at high doses)
Main healer is time. It's frustrating and hard but this is what it takes to heal what can heal and be left only with what cannot.
Avoid further use of meds or any drugs if possible (even caffeine etc) - but especially psychotropics - brain and nervous system need stability to heal. Beware all meds, they can act on a destabilised system in very unpredictable ways. If must take start at ridiculously small dose and build up slow to limit severity of any reaction.
Avoid stress as much as possible
Avoid activating, noisy, and overstimulating environments if you need to.
Sleep (blocking out blue light can be important here)
Meditation, Yoga, Acupuncture, Massage
Exercise (build up slow and don't push to far, when very ill from withdrawal getting out of bed to go downstairs can be exercise)
New, interesting and novel activities
Human connection and social interaction if possible, nothing too stressful or activating till feeling a little better.
Brain exercises - not necessarily official ones but reading, writing, chess etc
A whole foods diet free of gluten, wheat, vegetable oils, sugar and all processed foods. Look up paleo and ketosis (not sure if ketosis helps but it might)
Explore (potentially) helpful supplements: Vitamin D, Fish Oil, Vitamin C, Natural vitamin E, Tart Cherry Extract, Passion Flower Extract, Evening Primrose Oil, Magnesium (Natural Calm drink is good), Coconut Oil or MCT Oil, Vitamin K2.
Beware B6 - can be too activating. Multivitamins can contain activating ingredients as well as calming ones - prefer to take individual supplements so can analyse effects.
Add supplements one at a time so you can analyse effects on system and start small and add nothing else for a couple of weeks at least - body can react in unpredictable ways after withdrawal.
Peer support be it online or in person, and emotional and practical support from genuine and authentic caring individuals
Look up Neuroplasticity for how brain can regenerate and how to encourage this.
Remember you're not going mad, withdrawal exists even if it's denied, as do persistent side effects. You can't make a system which denies your experiences help you but you don't have to believe it when it tells you that the drugs don't do what you know they have done to you.
Good resources of information are Beyond Meds Blog and Surviving Antidepressants forum. Much of same info applies even though Beyond Meds is mainly Benzos and other Antidepressants.
If I missed anything that has worked for you please let me know, this thread got a bit derailed at times but this is a scenario where people can really need help - me included!"
How are the effects for you atm?
A lot of people blindly trust psychiatry + drugs (and in case you believe similarly):
Have your effects subsided at all, or are they the same sort of thing as mine, wore off between doses of med, then since stopping got stronger?
No the effects have not, and in my case this is an absolute joke because I have never suffered mental illness in my life. I am a normal young person with a serious physical ailment, I even gave the blood test results to the psychiatrist whom I saw.
The effects have continued to increase despite the fact I have not taken the drug for 3 months. I fear it is causing me brain damage.
I want to know how to fix this.
Same here :/ (effects continue to increase, fear it is causing me brain damage, as if my frontal lobes are shutting down over time).
And same that I've never suffered mental illness besides OCD.
Btw I did link the forum posts of people who reported improvement+recovery (btw not all posts were convincing in the way they said they recovered but did seem to be improvement at the very least and some definite hope of full recovery), but the moderators I guess removed it from my post because they don't allow links to other forums here (weirdly they allowed the youtube video though).
Your dose was less than half of mine (counting risperidone+olanzapine), and mine was relatively minute compared to most, so if anyone should recover it should be you first.
I asked a question on an online medical question website this evening, to see if I can get some answers as to what is going on, got one response from a GP, and waiting for a response from a neurologist.
Thanks. If you could post what the GP said it would be helpful.
What the GP said was a load of predictable stuff, tbh nothing of use, (healthy diet/exercise/antidepressant).
I must have read upwards of 100 posts from people who've experienced these zombifying effects after an anti-psychotic, most of whom after olanzapine or risperidone, and many of those posted they'd tried loads of supplements + drugs (including legal + illegal), all of which reporting no effect at all (including one guy for 6-9 months on the anti-depressent the GP suggested).
My theory is that the neuronal pathways are clogged, but I dunno, that's my best educated guess atm.
I still taste the floury acid metallic flavour of the olanzapine from time to time, so it must still be in my system, contrary to the seeming assumption made that its' supposed blood serum half-life indicates its' bodily presence, all its' blood serum half-life tells you is its' blood serum half-life, nothing else (and I haven't even been through the studies of its' blood serum half-life so I've no idea whether those are even reliable, and I did ask my personal GP but apparently no drug analysis on blood serum levels can be done through the NHS to check anti-psychotics, apparently no standard publicly available diagnostics).
I would stay away from anti-depressants if I were you, I only see that f***ing things up even more, putting more foreign substances into the body with no idea of its' short or long term impact within the body. Unless there is substantial specific-to-people-after-anti-psychotics proof that it will have a clear net benefit, or a mass of reliable examples on forums where people say it is working for them, I wouldn't go near or endorse any form of substance humans didn't evolve ingesting.
No response from a neurologist so far. Might be hopeful to think I will get one tbh, just found out private neurology appointments cost a couple of £100 so I doubt I'll get a good answer from a neurologist on this online site for under £100.
Btw brain seems to be compensating by making extra receptors, weirdly sensitive and overly-vast-area-of-sensation anxiety response seems to be coming back into perception, seems as if extra receptors made to try to compensate for lack of stimulus (and, warning tmi, I climaxed for the first time since this med, was weirdly sensitive+intense, like an over-climax where went beyond the usual threshold and hit a ceiling of high, was worried for a sec that could be damaging itself).
But still underlying clogged access to brain+emotions worsening. It's as if the underlying clog/block of neuronal pathways is still progressively worsening but in terms of emotions the brain is trying to compensate by making more receptors.
Have you noticed any change in your emotions compensating like that at all or not?
I'm the same progressively worsening. Any improvements your side?
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