Misdiagnosed: Permanent Side Effects Of Risperidone? (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHello forum members. I have a question about psychiatric medication which I was wrongly prescribed.
Firstly, I suffer from Chronic Lyme Disease. For those who don't know it is a quite serious bacterial infection that causes profound physical fatigue, muscle pain, cognitive problems, and depression and derealization. However, as I have just learned recently, the physical and psychological aspects of the disease are completely due to the bacteria infection of the brain and body, and will disappear completely once treated with antibiotics, which I am now taking regularly. I was unfortunately only diagnosed properly 3 months ago, after having suffered 5 years of debilitating physical illness.
Ok, so my problem is this:
Before I was diagnosed, I was suffering the severe psychological effects of this physical illness (Lyme), but I did not know what I had and whether it was real or not. I went (a decision I now regret) to see a psychiatrist to see if they could help me with the psychological side of things. After explaining everything, I was "diagnosed" (mis-diagnosed), with depression and somatic symptom disorder. All along I knew I had a physical illness anyway which was causing things, but had no idea it was affecting my mind too, as the bacteria burrows into the brain causing psychological symptoms. I unfortunately trusted the psych diagnosis. I was given a combination of Cymbalta for depression and Respiradone 0.5mg for anxiety related to my apparent somatic symptoms.
It is the worst decision I have ever made in my life and I am only 18. Ever since taking the Respiradone, I have felt permanently emotionally disconnected, numb, void of any real feeling, and my libido has decreased, even though I have been off of it for 3 months now. I stopped it immediately when I got my Lyme diagnosis and realized I actually did not have a mental illness. I have been to see my friends recently and I'm not the same person since before taking it. I've lost my sense of humor, I can't seem to interpret others emotions the same anymore, and I just feel completely numbed out and horrible. I feel dead inside. I am very annoyed I was given such a strong drug which is used for schizophrenia, a diagnosis which I am nowhere even close to.
My question is do these side effects of Respiradone wear off? Or are they life long and permanent? I've heard stories saying that it's a very strong anti-psychotic that can do permanent brain damage, and I seem to be experiencing this myself. I have never felt the same and the drug should be completely our of my system by now. I took it in combination with Cymbalta for around 4-6 weeks tops. I have also read that Risperidone is known for its permanent or rather irreversible blockage of the 5-HT7 receptor. That sounds frightening to me, although I do not understand the science.
Would anyone happen to have an answer? I do not want to be a zombie forever, especially after the already nasty ordeal of Lyme disease. Before answering, also note that I will not be involved in any argument with someone about the legitimacy of my physical condition. It is real, blood work has shown. I am only inquiring about the medication.
Thanks in advance.
pat and wisemeat antipsychotic meds are notorious for irreversible side effects, for those who need them the benefit outweighs the risk. when they were diagnosing my little brother he went thru a number of meds. he is now well controlled but has residual effects from some of the meds and its permanent. sounds like you will probably come out of it but it may take some time, also the effects of the lymes disease takes awhile to get over too. I know the fogginess is very frustrating but it should pass, good luck
Still worsening, as if metallic cement blocking through the neuronal pathways and receptors beginning to burst and die losing the sense of buzzflow in those areas, I almost can't think creatively at all now. Any difference Wisemeat?
(I've no zest for life and I don't /feel/ anything, the other day my family said it could be worse you could be paralyzed from the neck down at which point I broke down [as much as my emotionally cemented state could] because being paralyzed from the neck down with brain and emotion intact would be 10 times better than how I am now, my only desire now is for suicide or euthanasia as is now the only logical solution besides my neurologist which I'm still waiting for)
Thanks Wisemeat. I wanted to add for anyone reading (now or in the future) it's like any minute now I'm going to forget who I am. This, what seems to me like a neuronal pathway to the prefrontal cortex clog or something, strengthens every minute of every day. Anyway hope your neurology can figure it out for you Wisemeat and I'd love to hear more from you or anyone who finds clues as to what is going on or (what seems barely a small possibility at this time of writing) a solution or hope of a solution :/
Cheers Wisemeat. I wanted to add for anyone reading (now or in the future) it's like any minute now I'm going to forget who I am. That, what seems to me like a neuronal pathway to the prefrontal cortex clog or something, strengthens minute by minute of the day. Anyway hope your neurologist can figure it out for you Wisemeat and I'd love to hear more from you or anyone who finds clues as to what is going on or (what seems barely a small possibility at the time of writing) a solution or hope of a solution.
Hi, I've just come across your post, my boyfriend was misdiagnosed and given this risperidone he's not the same sweet loving caring person he was he's lost all this he's also been off this drug for 3 mths and still nothing better, are you feeling any better since you posted this?
Hi, thanks for your reply, that is positive to know though I'm not sure we do have one in our area, it's so sad as he should never of been given this through misdiagnosis and a new doctor has clarified and taken him off useless drugs that have now only caused damaged to his brain and damage to both our lives I have read and read about ways to fix this or time it's so unfair not knowing he just tells me now he doesn't feel anything and he doesn't understand why, I'm praying time will help but we could wait forever, he just feels numb and exists through days he has no excitement for anything anymore.
It keeps me optimistic with what you said about stroke sufferers I'm just so sad we've lost his sweet heart, he wasn't on the meds that long possibly three months and it's just not the same.
Btw in hindsight I had an epiphany moment where I realised I was being hypochondriac and actually there was no lasting damage. Not saying that's whats happened to others but I was certain I had damage then realized I was just over interpreting a bunch of things and basically yeah nothing was actuallly wrong with me.
Just thought i should post that so that any others reading in future will realize if they were like me.
Actually having said that.... not so sure... thinking about it again I think maybe I do still have the effects.. I'm not sure. Wisemeat, how are you atm?
Wisemeat, you know I said how the effect on me was like the taps of my blood flow seem to be blocked up, is that how it seems to have affected you? If this is not me being hypochondria after all then I would put money on my neuronal pathways being clogged or something because that's literally how it feels.. did you ask the neurologist about whether it's possible to check for that? I missed my neurology appointment in the end because I was suicidal and readmitted to hospital a few days before where they gave me another f***ing antipsychotic which I reckon may have just piled on more problems... fml you are right about the drug industry being full of s***.
I'm pretty sure if I had that evaluation done it would show I was under emotional as well, I think I'm gunna do that.
So how are you doing? How long were you on risp.?
I know that my son developed a tar dive dystonia from taking a similar drug for only 5 days. I recognized it immediately and called his neurologist. I was instructed to stop the medication and give him Benadryl every 6 hours until dystonia went away. I think it took at least a week or so to reverse the effects. Maybe see a neurologist and see if they can help u. I might want to pick ur gp and RPH or PharmD.
I was given risperidone for anxiety. I was in what the GP called a whiff of this drug. Upon cessation I developed akathisia, the most awful affliction I have ever been through, I was going to kill myself. Akathisia is a condition where you feel complete agitation and fear and my only way to stop it was by walking but I mean constantly walking, I was walking for up to 12 hours. No benzodiazepines helped at even huge doses. Luckily, after around 6 days, it stopped. I felt like peeing and evacuating my bowels all this time too. I was definitely going to end it if I had one more day of it. This drug is what makes the people in asylums keep shuffling. They cannot find a peaceful moment if they stop. Stay clear.
I took this drug for 4 years. I was very ill and used it with at least five other similar drugs at the same time. No side effects were so bad that I said I could not take any of them. Of all the drugs I was taking this drug was the one my psychiatrist asked me about the most. After four years he did take me off of it. The permanent side effect it could cause was after five years a tic in the side of your face. I will say after taking many, many drugs, be careful of this one. It is an old drug. There are many newer ones that may work just as well. Find out. Ask your pharmacist. They are may know a great deal about drugs. Perhaps more than a general practitioner.
Re: karen (# 15)
Sorry, you’re not exactly correct. My mother was put on this medication. It didn’t do a damn thing for her delusions and actually made her psych symptoms worse, in addition to making her completely unfunctional.
I complained to her shrink in early May that it wasn’t helping at all and was debilitating her. In response they increased her dose.
She killed herself last week, not because if her mental illness as much as this shot was killing her and she couldn’t get away from it.
Re: Diane (# 32)
This happened to me. Five medications. I had no effects that I would have considered stopping any of my drugs including this drug My doctors asked me all the time if I was having any twitching on my face. I never did but, after four and a half years he said the chance of twitch was too great.
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