Methadone Pill Doctors Spokane Wa (Page 3)
UpdatedI was in a car accident when I was 16 and have 2 slipped discs, degenerate disc disease, and Chron's disease. I started taking pain medication young and developed a tolerance so I moved to Washington, Spokane and haven't found a Dr to take me. I got on the methadone clinic paying cash. I lost my job and I got kicked off. I am so sick. I need a Dr to prescribe methadone please help.
Please send me a referral. I just moved here from the westside of the state and am in desperate need of a pain specialist. I can't keep driving back every month for my scripts. Thanks in advance. {edited for privacy}
No doctors prescribe methadone for withdrawal and opiate dependence, they only prescribe in rare pain cases
Everybody that's saying you need help and all this, just go to the methadone clinic and they start you off at a low dose at first which sucked, but raise it overtime, and it's saved my life
Please help with the docs name. I'm relocating from Ohio to the Spokane area. I've been on pain meds for about 10 yrs for broken back, both ankles and right shoulder several of these injuries required surgery and am trying to get everything in order so I don't have to go through withdrawal. I would be more than grateful for your help.
Hello oren1985... If you could please give me a reffereral thatd be so wonderful... If u only knew! Thank You, it would mean the world to me!
Please give me a referral to your Dr. I'm on methadone maintenance but can't afford it and am going through detix
I can not find a doctor in spokane who will renew my hydro rx ...i did not believe they were scared until i started reading all this...i am 43 and 30 a mo lasts me a good amount of time so i am not abusing or selling them. why is it so hard to get a refill?
Hi I was on meds for long time but my doc retired and having hard time finding new one was wondering if you can give me a referral to the doc you were talking about it would be appreciated very much
People are so ignorant. No way in heck would I ever send a flood of addicts to my drs office. You need methadone then go to the methadone clinic. Its rarely used for chronic pain. You guys have a huge drug problem. Get suboxone then. Oh wait never mind it doesn't give you the high you want
Besides try thc if you hurt so bad
THIS person is a joke and will never give their provider up in fear of everyone stampeding in for methadone. I can understand chronic pain because I live it everyday...I have to admit some of these posts for methadone.....this is why it is so hard for people not abusing their medication to get anything anymore... Lets face it they will still get their drugs and we all will still suffer...just wait until they start getting desperate and violent.
Bella doesn't make me a joke at all. Once the stampede comes then next thing you know the Dr's practice gets shut down. So to keep my medical care safe I'm keeping it to myself. Most people on here wanting methadone for chronic pain i guarantee are just addicts. I get fentanyl and want to keep it.
Bella I can give it to you personally and only you. I'm sorry I didn't realize you're in chronic pain like myself
I am sorry I was not referring to you as the "joke" please accept my apology if it looked that way. I was reading the methadone replies and was shocked..... Thank you for your message. I do have chronic pain, I have fibro and raynauds along chronic migraines among other things possibly lupus but do not know yet....yikes!! How do i give you my email to email?
please that would be amazing and take away alot of stress.....I also send an earlier i give u my email??
I originate from Spokane. I live on West Coast. I have Fibro, Diabetic Neuropathy, phantom pain due to toe removed a little over a year ago. The drs. here are paranoid and, for the most part, clueless to chronic pain patients!!
Bella do you still want the # I will give it to you. Chronic pain sucks. I'm willing to help 1 chronic pain sufferer to the other. I just don't wanna help addicts. Let me know if you haven't found one yet.
Please okcgirl, I'd appreciate it as I too, am suffering from chronic pain in my back and neck from a car accident and old hockey injury combo. Thank you very much in advance :-)
No I have not found one yet. I am close to Spokane as well, so this will work out great. How do I give you my email?? Please let me know. Thank you again for your help.
I tried to post my email it won't let me. {edited for privacy}
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