Methadone No No No!!!!! (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Methadone is the worst drug and most wicked drug in this entire world. They give it to people like me with pill problems and then you can never get off the stuff. I made the worst mistake of my life going into a Methadone program. The people at these places pretend like they are there for you but they are not. They are there to keep you on this drug that rots away at your mind and body, and they do it well. They want your money. Do you know how cheap liquid methadone is? They milk off your addiction and act like they are doing something good for people like me. I HATE Methadone. I hate what it's doing to me and I HATE that I came in this place for a pill addiction four years ago, at 22, told I had one year and I would be weened off and here I am. I fight with these people all the time about this but they come up with a million excuses for why I should STILL be on this crap. It is going to kill me, just like the other pills, maybe just slower and more agonizing.

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I'm 10 yrs on methodone no bad ua s in 4 yes at one pain clinic almost 4 at this one that brutally and cruelly cut me off based on a borderline UA to have to cold Turkey is so horrid it takes along time to ever feel right. Alaska sucks for not enough treatment for people now I'm screwed and suffering

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So glad to hear another success story. I have been on 11 years as well and do believe I would be dead if I hadn't signed up for Methadone treatment. Too many people begin the program just to avoid withdrawal on days they can't find dope. It's unfortunate that the majority still use even while in treatment but there are those of us who truly want to be well. I'm tapering slowly as well and hope it goes well. It's been fine so far and I've been doing it for the past year or so. I personally would rather be alive on Methadone and be healthy, happy and clean, than risk death by using illegal drugs. good luck to you and your children!

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If you want someone to take your advice seriously, you may want to learn how to use a period once in a while. Ever hear of a run on sentence? I honestly will not even read a post that is written that way because it's quite obvious to me that the individual writing it is a bit lacking if you know what I mean. I wouldn't take advice from someone like that. A personal opinion yes, but it makes sense if you think about it.

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Don't give up....Tell them you want to ween down..2 to 3 ml a week.It works...And they will let you skip going down a few weeks of if you start to feel it..It really works...But you are right about them wanting your money...A good counselor knows how to do it right.. Good Luck you can do it...

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What? Are you kidding me? I went into a clinic to see how easy it was, and i was dosed within 3 hours. They started me out on 40mg, and my u/a was as clean as an athletes. About 15 min after i took that 40mg dose i barfed my brains out for the next 4 hours. almost died, it made me so sick. But don't lie and say clinics are so great and care, because i proved they are full of it. Methadone is garbage and so are the doctors that peddle that s***....get a grip.

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They lie to people. They completely omit the FACT that you will gain weight with no hope of loosing it, no matter how disciplined you are. They omit the fact that you can loose your teeth, and loose your hair from this. Healing from wounds is slowed, and I am not in any way sure that I was better off before Methadone. What I am sure of is that they do not meet standard of medical care. You should always inform your patient of the risks. What is more, they force you to take the drug at regular intervals at a regular dose, which means your body becomes hopelessly addicted. Yes, they will ween you off if their money is cut off, but you will probably be begging to go back on the program because it will be terribly painful. And they know it. In what world is being obese, bald, and toothless better then being addicted to a pill? I was better off for the first few months. Then I realized that I had gained twenty pounds, then I gained five more. My husband didn't say anything, but I could tell he felt completely differently about me. I started lowering the dose little by little, and they always make me jump through hoops. They act like they are giving you medication instead of a poison. I am not saying NA is for me, because it is not, but I don't think Methadone clinics are ethical. They should let you know the dangers. I doubt that being obese is any healthier then using opiates. I am now down from 86 mil to 45 mil, and I feel good, but it is going too slow, and I know if I went on a taper I would be in screaming agony.

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Most people can barely afford one child, at least without government help. What would you do with nine kids? Probably should be grateful to God, that you do not have an army of children.

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Can a person take methadone while withdrawaling from morphine sulfate? I am currently taking 105 mg of morphine sulfate daily and my Dr wants me off morphine sulfate.

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In fact, methadone is used primarily as an opioid MAINTENANCE drug, and not for 'weaning off' whatever opiate/oid you presented with a problem of dependence. It is not recommended as a drug to ne used in withdrawals, except by agencies who completely misunderstand the stuff, and its extremely high lipid solubility and long half life. If you simoly can not live without opioids then methadone ensures that you do not suffer withdrawals or need to resort to street drugs which could be adulterated with God only knows what. There is also a trend amongst doctors in the USA to prescribe methadone for chronic pain, which only causes dependence on it, and addiction to methadone is a lot worse than morphine or other opiates, and a lot more difficult to come off; if used for reduction therapy with the ultimate aim of becoming opioid-free, it is likely to take two or three years - using buprenorphine high dosage sublingual tablets is a much faster and easier method. There is a version available which contains naloxone as well as buprenorphine for patients who are likely to use on top of their prescription, so that taking any opiate or opioid will not give the sort of effect that a dependent is looking for, but that is liable to be needed only in such a type of patient, usually those who have made several attempts, unsuccessfully, to withdraw from their opiate/oid of choice. A reduction using buprenorphine can be achieved, dependent on the severity of the addiction, in as little as three months, but often six months may be required, which is still a vast improvement on the several years the average withdrawal from methadone would take. It is not cumulative, and has a shorter half life, and is a partial antagonist as well, making taking on top often quite an unpleasant experience.

Of course the most important factor in any attempt to throw off an addiction to opioids is the motivation, which must come from the patient, and certainly NOT from pressure from a partner or family. I completely agree that methadone is a dreadful drug, which should be used only in a maintenance program, to prevent or lessen the chances of using filthy street drugs. Most projects use it as first line treatment, which in my view is a mistake, but nowadays they are becoming a bit more clied up on it and prescribing buprenorphine as the primary method for a withdrawal schedule. Once you have achieved zero opiates, you will go through a period where symptoms will still be manifest, during which a standard nine day course of lofexidine should be used - it negates any after effects such as prolonged restless leg syndrome and physical effects such as raised blood pressure, which is commonly encountered, followed by a short (3-4 week) course of reducing anxiolytics, as severe anxiety follows withdrawal in the majority of opiate addicts who have just completed their course. It's about time that methadone was reserved for those only who would benefit from it, mainly those who have no intention of letting go of opioids all together and require soke sort of safe alternative to the drugs they buy on the streets. Otherwise, it is, in my opinion, a dreadful choice, certainly for a withdrawal schedule.

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First of all, I am in the medical profession, and have been on MMT for a number of years. You do realize that obesity and weight gain are a direct result of the foods and/or drinks you consume on your own volition. Craving sugar IS a common side effect, but the choice to consume it is yours and yours alone. And sugar can cause weight gain if the calories are not burned off. As far as tooth loss/decay? Methadone is one of MANY MANY medications that can cause dry mouth, which in turn causes bacteria overgrowth in the oral cavity, which in turn causes tooth decay. There are many solutions to this particular problem including mouth moistening mouth wash, mouth moistening drops and even tablets you can use at night that stick to the roof of your mouth. As far as hair loss? That's a new one. I've never heard of that before nor have I seen a multitude of bald methadone patients walking around the clinic. I would get a physical to look elsewhere in the body for the cause of your hair loss. I am certain that methadone doesn't cause hair loss. I can tell you that the friends I have who went on methadone are still alive and most of the ones who continued down the path of opiate addiction are no longer on this earth. I don't think I would be here if I hadn't made the right choice (for me) to get help and go on methadone.

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I have been in Thailand for 6 years and collect methadone every week, but I am 61 and I wouldn't know how to get it if I didn't go to the hospital. I have been thinking about moving to the Philippines, but am always worried in case I just get refused. I have been on methadone for almost 40 years, and get a paltry 30 mls of diluted mixture/linctus. In Thailand they dilute by 10% to try and wean people off, but mine has never changed. Very few months I go to a private hospital and pay $150 for 280 mls, which is crazy but I just cant get by on the 30ml. I don't drink, and don't know anyone in Thailand who even uses cannabis, so it is impossible to find, and If I took yaba I would surely die, as I have heart and liver problems. I just want to know how long it would take me to actually get a prescription. When I came to Thailand, my doctor in the UK gave me 6 months supply of methadone tablets, so waiting to be processed was not a problem, but now I only have this awful sickly linctus, to carry with me.

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Hate to say any of the following but you need do whatever it takes get off the methadone. I know everyone is different so the medical team tells us..I agree with everything you wrote and you want to get off this poison but we all know it is easier to say than do..the story I am sharing is that of a 33 year old female family member. She was an only child, never married, had so much life left. She suffered from chronic pain along with severe depression. Her story started with back and neck pain. Went to several doctors all told her surgery was not an option and to treat with medications. She followed doctor orders ..wasn't long before she was in pain management the doctor had her on Fentanyl patches and 6 per day of the #30mg oxycodone. She was on pills from doctor for several years..the pills became her partner in life..she depended on the pills to get thru a day of pain. She ended up being approved for disability from Social Security during this time. Then along came Obama Care ..and the state medical insurance that had paid for her doctor and pain meds came to a stop. No warning..just one month told her next month they would no longer see her due to insurance changes. She was being discharged. Ok..just find another doctor, right? Nope..the state changed policy and would now only pay for narcotic medication if patients are currently in treatment under an Oncologists care..Wow..this hit her hard..emotionally and she was sent to Methadone Clinic. From the first day her mother had so many doubts and begged her consider detox and maybe rehab..Rehab? She wasn't mentally addicted..her body could not function without the meds..she could not bear the thought of returning to life of pain again. So she started the methadone journey. And did I mention her mother was willing to pay cash to keep her on pain medication but the doctor and the pharmacy told them they would not take cash payments for controlled back to methadone hell..they told her she would be off meds in one year..and would be easy and then she could be reevaluated for possibly surgery or PT for pain control.

The methadone was hell for her..She would get up to use bathroom middle of night and fall asleep standing in hallway, her constipation was so severe her stools could not fit in the toilet pipe..had to bury in back field..she was passing stools size of small basket ball..she would scream like giving birth and this was with stool softeners. What the methadone was doing to her body was cruel..she gained so much weight she looked disfigured. She started taking less of the methadone..only taking what she really had to so she could get the day. The clinic evaluated her and she didn't have the level she was suppose to have..she tried explaining so many times all the horrible things but clinic staff could care then she was required to go in for them to stand and watch her take her required dose..Even then she begged for the dose to be lowered..all her pleas were ignored after all they are the professionals..She tried so many times get less dose but they threatened her with discharge..she was so scared to end up with nothing and be in pain and sick from WDs..She went in on Friday for her dose..the Saturday..and Sunday morning she didnt want to go..she was so tired..she had slept all day Saturday..She could barely wake her self to take care of clinic for sunday..but the thought being discharged scared her. Later we would all come to understand how long methadone stays in your body..She could of skipped Sunday which she should of done but her fear being without any help at all was just too scary.. She came home from sundays poisoning dosage..went to bed and never woke up..Died at age of 33. Toxicology report came back ruling her death drug overdose from methadone. Not at her own the clinic staff..the professionals..They were forcing 150 mg per day on was building up..Friday and Saturday's doses were still strong and loud in her body. It is a state funded agency protected from litigation. Not much the family can do from a legal stand point after all paperwork was signed giving the staff the right to give her the toxic liquid. What is so hard to understand is when the patient is saying it's too much they should of listened.. the state claims the new laws were to protect and save money but how many other lives did they take in the process? If you're taking methadone please take charge of your choices..your body and your mind..these clinics are all about the money..they don't care about is legal drug dealing..Drug dealers can be charged when someone ODs..even doctors now yet State funded methadone clinic is protected.. Wish they all could be shut down and find other options..These places are not our answers.

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First off, I am in the medical profession and a MMT patient. Sorry about the passing of your loved one but I am almost 100% certain there are things being left out of this story. Blood evaluations are a MANDATORY part of MMT and you stated she HAD blood work done before. So the clinic isn't being negligent in that respect. These doctors know what they're doing. They are not there to overdose people, keep them there longer than necessary or intoxicate patients. These clinics are HIGHLY regulated by the state and federal governments and they will not hesitate to pull a license if a random audit shows malpractice. Most clinics are for profit so it's in their best interest to do everything they can to NOT get shut down. You say they were watching her take her dose so if that dose was too high, BLOOD WORK WOULD SHOW THAT and BLOOD DOES NOT LIE. It's impossible. Even if the blood work was taken before she was up to 150 (which really isn't a lot for most opiate addicted patients, I'm a split dose at 189/twice daily for the past 5 years) the doctors know exactly how much is a safe increase. Sorry, but I have a very strong feeling your loved one had either something else in her system in combination with the methadone or she was taking illicit methadone along with her dose over that weekend. Sorry for not buying this story but I have A LOT of experience with these kinds of issues and everyone wants to blame someone else. It's actually part of the grieving process in drug overdoses. It's just unfair to lie like that on a forum that should be used to help others suffering with addiction make informed decisions. Lies like that just freak people out and make them paranoid.

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F***, I had a really bad experience with the stuff too, I f***ing hate it. It ruined my life, not to mention the dentist bill. I was young like you. I'm thirty now, I only have one more week left on it. Every one gets so defensive about it too when you say it didn't help you. I hate the stuff. Apparently it's really hard to get off in America, they let you decide where I am. It's your body and they can't tell you what to do with it.

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Unfortunately, I have been on methadone since 1977, and I live in Thailand but have to pay a lot to doctors. Nobody uses or knows what it is here. The problem is besides the crazy prices, it is laced with glycyron and alcohol,which is not good for my dodgy liver.

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Nobody needs 190 twice a day, in fact that sounds like a misunderstanding, amount per ml, or just wrote it wrong. Who in the world is going to prescribe 400mg methadone a day? It sounds silly. Nobody on this planet needs 400mg a day. When I was young we used to get stuff from a pharmacy or hospital, and the May and Baker Diamorphine was 42%, and people used to OD all the time, same when we had some methadone powder from the war and people OD'd on 60mg. Obviously, inj. will increase the effect, but 400mg a day, is someones mistake. What would be the point in drinking 400ml? It would just be wasted and the user would sleep and have a constant headache. If you changed to 100mg twice a day you would hardly feel a change. 190mg twice a day will have little benefit, other than making you fat, and a huge user, which is nothing to feel proud of.

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I know what you husband has been on methadone for well over 25 yrs. And looks like he will be on until he dies...he has asked to be weaned, but that was months ago and they have not even tried to wean him. He has come down 20 mgs by himself but is still taking 160mgs a day.

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I hate methadone as much as the original poster. Thus when I started treatment never went higher than 30mgs and at this dose still felt groggy and a little loopy all day. Drs. Depending how the clinic is setup don't give 2 s***s about you or have a good clinic with psychologist and social worker available along with Dr. and support groups. The ladder is sadly usually only found in bigger cities where funding is available. In the town I'm in now costs money to just see Drs. in clinic unlike in bigger cities along with drug costs. When you are in recovery and working it makes it harder because of all the costs to get clean. If you are on assistance it's free. It almost doesn't pay to work of you want to recover or have someone financially supporting you. Also town I'm in now, don't think clinic likes I'm almost at the end of my treatment. Everyone I ever see in clinic or picking up their script you can just tell they are still using or on high dose. It's quite sad that nothing will change for these people because public support isn't there even though your own family may be going to these clinics and are addicted. Everyone just has to pull together and help each other out.

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Re: 446 (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. They play games with you. They don't understand that you work. Also they expect you to walk in and put you on hold and make you wait there for a half hour to see the so-called supervisor. They are all rude at every Clinic, they don't care if you have a job or not. If you tell them that you're working, show them the pay stubs and you can't miss one day a week for a so-called group, they write you up, then you end up getting disciplinary detox and usage of, and then they tell you to come back in 90 days. Has to be some sort of type of guideline that every Clinic should follow, it's crazy. They all privatize and do what they want with you and it can make you addicted to more things than you were before you got there. Methadone is the government to have a piece in every drug out there in the market from their so-called medical marijuana. They're just breeding addicts. I was never on any medication, got to the clinic and they got me on eight different medications, from benzos for anxiety to sleeping pills. I never took any pills and now they give you a screaming methadone habit it and give you a benzo habit and then they tell you good luck come back in 90 days. Because of missing groups, you end up becoming a pill addict overnight and missing or losing your job.

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Re: VeteranExUser (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

They are telling the truth, it’s a lot harder to get off stuff like Methadone and Suboxone than it is to get off pain pills that you have just been taking for pain. If you are IV'ing heroin, it’s probably a really good idea to trade that for a Methadone or Suboxone habit.

If you have just been taking pain medication for a medical problem and you want to be done with it, changing to Methadone or Suboxone is the worst thing you could do for yourself. If you quit pain pills after taking them for years and years, the withdrawals go away after about a week. The third night is the worst so as long as you have something for sleep and anxiety and diarrhea, just do it.

This is not the same advice for someone who has a heroin addiction who has cravings, for you substituting with a new addiction that is safer is harm reduction and that is a smart thing to do. People who are looking to get off meds don’t need harm reduction they need to know that the withdrawals are going to take a month if they switch to Suboxone or Methadone where is if they just get off the pills they’ll be done in a week.

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