Methadone Maintainance & Weight Gain!!! Help!!! (Page 7)



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Your absolutely right, I was in the same situation you were in!! I was on pain pills too and started taking Methadone. I always weighed no more than 120, but since I started taking the medication I gained 30 pds. I weigh 160 now, and I've been on it for 1 year and a half. But you shouldn't care if you gain weight as long as your drug free is all that matters.

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sweetie 240 mgs is way to much methadone for any human being to be on. the human body after 80mgs to 120mgs just piles on the medicine with each dose. say your 240 mgs then in one day 80mgs 120 mgs is what your body processes then the next day your not just taking your 240 mgs but you still have whats left of the previous day minus 80mgs to 100mgs. so its like taking 320 mgs to 360 mgs and so on.because the medicines half life is 24hrs to 36hrs depending on you metabolism the slower it is the less your body will get rid of the methadone. the faster it is you'll get rid of a few mgs more, but you will still have always some left over from the day before always. this is one reason why people don't start to swell until they've been on methadone for 2-3 months. even people who take methadone for pain management only go up to 40mgs well any real doctor should give you no more than that. the reason for the sugar cravings is that methadone strips you of vitamins and minerals that your body needs. if your craving sugar your lacking protein. the weight gain is not only from giving into the sugar cravings but its from your body retaining water from not processing other things like salt your thyroid and or pancreas not working well also you start to become blocked which starts to poison your body from feces sitting in your intestine track because you are taking this medication and it stripping your body of the vital things it need to survive. your doctor nor the fda is going to tell anyone that this medicine does this. they'll give you the side affects but not tell you why you have the side affects. the only way to be healthy is to not take any medicine at all eat right and drink plenty of water. not just eat right but you need the right stats from your bodies make up to do so not everyone should eat the same. your blood type and other factors are in play when you want to be and feel healthy. i know it sounds like a crock of crap and it sounds all conspiracy theory but its not doctors wanna get paid the diet industry wants to get paid and most of all the drug companies wanna get paid with all of them together its a multi-trillion dollar scam.

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I have been on methadone for 4 years now. I was pregnant with twins. I had a bad infection from time staples they used in my c-section. I had to have thee staples removed and then re stapled which led to another infection. I was prescribed percs and oxy for pain. I was only taking these pain pills for a few months. I had never done drugs in my life. I was 24 years old. I side not know that these pain pills would cause me to go through withdrawal. When I stopped taking the medication I began to get sick. I was taking care of 2 baby's and could not deal with withdrawal so I checked into a methadone clinic. Methadone is far more addicting then these pills could ever be. I have tried several times to detox from methadone and have been unsuccessful. I have gained 50 pounds and have no energy. I am at 60 mg from 95 mg. I am on my fourth try at detoxing. I have been using vitadone for a couple months now and I have to say it works miracle s. I do not sweat anymore I don't wake at 2 am with the need to eat sugar, I have so much energy now. I am writing this to tell of my findings with vitadone, to tell how a innocent person gets screwed over by ignorance and trusting doctors and also to see if anyone has a successful detox story. My dream is to have my life back. I do not feel like I deserve to be in a methadone clinic I have not had it as bad as other people by far. I feel like a lot of people would tell me to suck it up. I have a very low pain tolerance. I started going to the methadone clinic because I could not deal with the withdrawal from opiates. I did not know how much worse the withdrawal is when taking methadone. I feel so sorry for people that go through addiction. People look down on us without knowing our story. Honestly it can happen to anyone. Please any advice would be great. I would love to hear some successful detox stories or anyone who wants to share their story with me. I am a great listner and I can sympathized.

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Hang in there,ur story is very similar to mine. After i had my Dr switch me to oxycontin 40mg tabs x3a day from methadone 40mg x3a day...I had a hard time with methadone withdrawal and felt as if I was still in pain. I lost from 160 to 100pounds n 3months (which was to much weight loss,120pounds I look healthy at my 5foot 4height and frame). I pray this works for you! I gave in and started methadone again and although my pain is better maintained and I'm not suffering withdrawals...iv gained more weight this time, to 165(in11months). I wish the Dr would have helped me more or I could have fought harder but I was withering away and very sick. How are you doing today?

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Drink dandelion tea..takes away bloating/ water weight...and cleanses the liver!! Tatses great on 70mg for 2yrs now..just started the tea..lost 10lbs...good stuff

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Me to im4ft 10inches tall i weighed 216 when i started the clinic 9 months later i weigh 173lbs im so depressed and i keep searching the inter ner how to loss weight whike on methadone and theres not much info how to

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You will have to go to a clinic at first everyday but if you stay clean& come everyday,, you will be able to receive take homes! Before 90dys you get 1& after 90 u get 2& so on& so on! So if u don't want to go everyday just do what ya have to do until u begin receiving your take homes& it won't be long!

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Mineral oil for the constipation. It works like a charm. The weight gain is pretty normal (30 pounds for me) but I also know that if you keep away from the bad food and eat healthy it can come off.

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I am currently on vitadone going on about 3 wks. I havent started losing weight but i havent sweat since the 3rd day taking it! No sugar cravings! No constipation! No more awful side effects! I do really want to get off of methadone ive been clean going on my 5th yr but I suffer from severe back hip and leg pain so idk what to do about that but.. try out vitadone so much energy

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I gained 60 lbs im so depressed i was on 120mg now im on 70mg and i thought i would lose some weight and nothing ive tried everything to lose weight nothing works im going to try this and pray it works im only 4ft9in i now weigh 175 i cant take it anymore

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I think your talking about nutridone/vitadone, I've been on methadone for 2 years and always been skinny 120 the most, after having my son I was 139 and with my older kids I lost the weight instantly but wasn't on methadone, so instead of losing weight I gained 5lbs every month and haven't hhad my period since 2 months after having him, I'm 4'11" and now 187!!!! I want to either try vitadone or Herbalife but I have no idea which works or how to get them...any1 with info, advice anything plz let me know! Thanks

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Hang in there. Methadone slows down your metabolism. Not to mention your respiration rate. I, too, gained many pounds the first year I was on it. It kills your libido too. Everyone is different. It took a while for the weight to go away and my body to adjust. It's so worth it. Life sucked so badly before maintenance. Treatment was a revolving door and I was a chronic relapser. You are never alone. I wish you the very best life has to offer. May good karma always be with you

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This seems to be a severe problem with both Men and Women, if you are on more than 120 mg for longer then 2 years it can cause Edema or Water retention in your Legs, feet and hands!! The Doctor has me on 2 water pills a day. I have had all kinds of blood work and there is no doubt the Methadone is the cause. So i was at 180 mg for three years and he has rapidly taken me down! I have gained alot of belly weight. I cant breath and my feet ache!! It cause you to crave sweets Methadone and like all Opiates it drys your mouth out so Ice cream is now a problem. Anyone else? Im not the only one where i live and for U/A's there is only one washroom for everyone. Men and women have to share and there isnt any Nurses up here so men are being watched on Camera by the Doctors Secretary!!

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I am on 55 mg for the last 4+ years. I have been on a steady dose. I would like to get down to a very low dose to help with pain but I no longer feel need it for S/A. I am currently having a separate issue with workers comp and it is causing some issues with me being able to start a decrease... Long story... Anyway for the last month I have been taking Vitadone and it truly has made a huge difference in such a short time. I recommend it to all Methadone clients. Of course speak with your own dr first but I swear by it now and will continue taking it as long as I am on Methadone, which just might be forever due to chronic pain. I am going to get to the lowest dose possible that will still control my pain.

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How do u get Vitadone? Is it thru prescription or ordered online?

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Have your thyroid function tested. I was on it for 14 years. After 3 years I blew up to 298 from 140! My thyroid had shut down! Once I started my thyroid medication, I lost all of the weight! Good luck!

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Hi, I so know how u feel I've been tiny skinny my entire life never weighing more than 110lbs. And also in my teenage years and as a young adult suffered severe anorexia and bulimia. I was totally against methadone maintenance BUT I AM A CHRONIC RELAPSER and couldn't find a SUBUTEX provider because I burnt all those bridges with each Doctor :( So while in rehab it was HIGHLY recommended that I go on Methadone so with long thoughts and talks with my family and counselors I decided to start it, I gained over 150 lbs. in 6 months! I instantly began retaining water after just 2 days of dosing at 10mgs. I did ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I COULD TO STAY SOBER AND GET MY LIFE BACK AND IM DOING BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE!! Methadone is GREAT for treating addiction if u r willing to put in the other work involved and some people do NOT retain water or GAIN ANY WEIGHT! :( CRAZY WISH I COULD BE LIKE THAT! After getting and staying at a therapeutic dose of methadone I started HERBAL LIFE (diet) joined PLANET FITNESS and STARTED TANNING & getting my nails done again and since then I've lost a lot of weight! I'm also on a prescribed diuretic through my PCP & am still working very hard at continuing my weight lose goal, staying sober, and feeling good about me again! It's NOT easy BUT what in life is, especially those things that we want very badly! I wish u ALL THE BEST AND AM SENDING POSITIVE THOUGHTS AND ENERGY YOUR WAY!!

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Rei, Please share the name of the expensive multivitamin, I'll spend anything for something that works, I take 6 vitamins a day all from diff threads I read on Google saying it would help with weight, metabolism and getting my period back as its MIA for a yr & a half, instead of getting it every month I gain 3-5 lbs, eat healthy, drink slim fast 2x a day when craving chocolate, I'll try anything!! Is it vitadone or nutridone??

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I had the same problem. Went from 165-235lbs in 2011. I have had the constipation problems as well. Try upping ur fiber Iintake. Methadone attacks your calcium levels in your bones. It will make you damage your teeth. After three yrs I got kicked off the program. Rapid detox. 160mgs minus 10mgs every 3 days. Never touched it again. Went to the dentist for my teeth, back to normal. I have to say it was the hardest drug I ever had to deal with. It ate me up and spit me out. I'm 6 mnths clean of everything illegal U CAN DO IT!

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I had the exact same problem with methadone Anthony. Very dangerous drug unless absolutely needed and prescribed. It did make me weigh more. It did make me crave sweets. And that s*** is sweet enough. I wonder if anyone's on Dolphines and has the same weight and sugar craving side effect?

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