Methadone Maintainance & Weight Gain!!! Help!!! (Page 6)



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Same here I gain weight n lose it fast. I get to 140 n next month im at 110". i love to gain n stay at that weight. I hate being skinny. dnt like people who talk s*** as u know but I just feel right being skinny. good luck

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Methadone causes many different distinctions in your body. Did you ever have all these edema weight gain or other problems before taking the methadone? The thing is of course it was your thyroid and if we are to check the other people it will be theirs too. Its a dominoe effect once you start taking the meds. Your protein levels start to deplete which causes you to want more sugar then your pancreas starts in which in turn doesn't help your thyroid. The thing is sweetness is that there not going to take this drug off market anytime soon. Also my cousin went to drug counseling courses he was told no matter what the patient says that the methadone was doing with their body deny it send them to the doctor at the clinic and let the doctor handle it . he in turn ask the doctor play in up to her she said its all true its one of the most toxic medications for the human body and it should be replaced with the new med. Subutex. But methadone makes more money in the long run with subutex the side effects are minimal so you really don't require anymore visits or medication. That's why they make it more expensive and more difficult to obtain. With methadone well as you said you were never so big till you start the meds then all of a sudden this thyroid thing came along and well there's more visits and meds you have to take. So blasted no but don't believe everything a doctor is telling you thyroid problems by the way don't just appear out of no where your either born with the problem or it is created so if you didn't have problems before the problem was cause by a poor health back round or the methadone and if you weren't having the problem while on the other drugs you were on until you started the methadone IT IS THE METHADONE THAT CAUSED THE PROBLEM....

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I have been on methadone maintenance program 3 separate times. Right now I am on methadone and have been for about 4 years straight. The first time I was on it I started noticing fluid retention (pitting edema) in my lower legs. I also gained a lot of weight. The second time, about 1 week after starting my legs puffed up again. And right now, 3rd time, I have the leg edema. When off methadone the fluid retention resolves. As far as weight gain....yes! But I have to consider that while taking opiates I was also taking coke pretty much daily. So I do believe methadone causes edema. The weight gain? Maybe but I think if you are on methadone now and you are not using're probably gaining some weight due to the fact that your lifestyle is way different. As for me....when I was under the influence I was constantly rippn' and runnin' and hardly eating. I believe it's some side effects but also lifestyle and each individual's body chemistry.

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Hi I had the same problem and my doctor prescribed me miralax and citracel everyday along with a tablespoon of some pink stuff in a blue bottle sorry I can't think of the name. Suppose to take that in every few days. Malox I think. But stool softener are a waste of money. I tried that for years. I even had to have a x-Ray of my colon and he said it was severely impacted. He also wrote a prescription of golighty. It for when you are about to go in for a colonoscopy but my insurance would not cover. Just take what I told you and you'll do great!!!!! Also get and do the suppositories the first two day to get you going they are called ducolax! You will feel so much better! You will have to do the miralax and citracel every day while on methadone. If u miss a day u will know!

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I was first introduced to the methadone clinic to get off of morphine. I was taking anywhere from 7,100 milligram tablets each day. terrible addiction. the withdrawals were plain awful. I heard of the clinic and knew some friends in the past that it did help so I thought I would try it. I've been there for two and a half years. I am on 240 milligrams of methadone tablets and I have gained almost 35 pounds. I want to lose weight. I don't know what to do and at the same time all the energy is drained out of me. it's like I have no motivation to do anything but at the same time I'm scared to quit using the methadone cuz I'm afraid of what I might go back to doing. I just need answers. I need to know what I need to do to lose weight; terrible constipation. I mean its bad so I started buying the fleet and it works a little bit but not real good. I'm just wondering what I need to do to lose weight and stop the constipation? thank you.

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I thank you so much for this! I too have gained while taking methadone however i believe i gained because i speed dating healthy. The way i always did because u just stayed eating says all the time because i did crave them to an extent but recently I've speed reading this way and am returning to my old ways is eating. I also believe the methadone makes us tired which can cause us to become very inactive which plays a role in weight gain! I do believe it's all in what and how much we eat!

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Hi Lesha, I am right there with you! When reading your post, I felt like I wrote it. Anyway, i have only been on Methadone for 1 year and have gained 25 pounds. I am miserable. All I do is crave sweets...I compare it to when I was using and would obsess over the drug!! Everyday I wake up and tell myself that I am going to eat healthy, then I can't take it anymore and binge on junk...then I feel depressed and fat...blah blah blah. It's a vicious cycle. I joined a gym but feel extremely unmotivated to even get there. I have been lowering the Methadone and hope to be off soon...I can't take constipation, weight gain, etc. Plus I feel ready to stop it. I have to take 4 extra strength xlax once every few days or I would NEVER go to the bathroom. I suggest seeing a doctor...Again, I am almost off the Methadone or I would see one myself. It's a tough situation because you say you are afraid to start using again, so getting off the Methadone for you does not sound doable right now. Perhaps try the prescription Miralax that someone here suggested and drink plenty of water. I wish I had answers for you. But you are not alone on this one, I am in the same boat and many others are as well. It seems to be worse for females (weight gain, constipation) then males. I am on these threads often so if you want to vent, I am here for ya!!

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Well, I truly believe it is the methadone 100 percent. I been on it for a year I have gained around 60 pounds I feel super fat, ugly, depressed and sometimes I feel like using so I can be skinny again yeah how selfish and stupid that sounds but yeah I more heavy now than when I was pregnant I feel so nasty! And all I have read here is gotten me so confused I just think I need to get off the methadone once and for all!!

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I feel the exact same way you do Mia! I hate looking in the mirror...none of my clothes fit...I weigh more than I was when I was pregnant too. May 31 2015 (end of the month) makes 1 year since I have been on methadone. My highest amount was 90mg and I am now at 5 mg and working on getting off it in the next couple weeks here. I feel like I am ready and am extremely focused on not ever using again. It has actually been very very easy. I was so nervous because I had heard these horror stories about how miserable it was to get off it. It was a breeze for me but I did it slowly and the right way, lowering from 5 mg each week and once I hit 20 I went down even slower to 3 or 2 mg per week depending on how I felt. You gotta be ready for the right reasons but if I can do it...ANYONE can. If you need help or support, I would be glad to help!!

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What did the doc give you after he found thyroid problem?

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Thank you Stacee and all the girls a least I dont feel alone. I totally understand what your saying about craving sweets and trying to not eat that everyday is a struggle is like dealing with the drugs is crazy!!! So right now Im on 136 mg Im going down 1 mg a week yeah I know is going down super slow but is just a start to see how Im gonna feel. But my goal is too eventually is to be off methadone and hopefully loose this weight. I really have to stop eating all these sweets because I feel like Im still in active addiction but with food. So I will keep updates. For everyone whos on methadone you are not alone.

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Have you heard of nutridone? I'm looking into buying some. They are vitamins specially made for methadone patients to help with sugar cravings, constipation, energy and stamina, weight loss, libido, etc. I think you should look into it as well!

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Thank you Kelsey!! I will try anything. I have been off the methadone for about 3 weeks but am feeling the effects of PAWS and have probably lost 3 lbs if that. I find myself still craving sugar??? I will give that a try...thank you!!

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FOR CONSTIPATION: Magnesium at 300/600 mg daily with water (3qrt) + 1000mg vitamin C (emergency works good) mmt dries out intestinal track & it takes magnesium and mag & D3 to get calcium in bones. Why is it thought that methadone gets into bones? 20yrs on mmt. I gained A LOT, STILL WORKING ON THAT NIGHTMARE. Magnesium will help constipation. So will a drug called LIZNESS. WORKS LIKE A CHARM BUT COSTLY.

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It's a legitimate side effect, look it up, that is why everyone on here says they have sugar cravings, don't be ignorant. They even make medicine to help with sugar cravings, etc its two completely different side effects.

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I am having the same problem!! I have blew up like a balloon! I was taking water pills thinking it would help but it is not. Any suggestions?? Please help??

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Methadone does cause WEIGHT GAIN.... I have been losing weight for the last 3 out of 5 that I have been on pills and opiates.... I have gained over 20 pounds in 2 months.... I've also had cravings for a lot of candy and my teeth has also decided that they want to come out... I've been very strong on how i brush my teeth and they still come out.... I've also seen a difference in attitude... Change the people in your life before its to late ??

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I'm an addict and I want methadone, I just don't want to have to go to clinic everyday

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Methadone isn't evil. Methadone doesn't have an agenda. It can't. It's not alive. It's not the best opiate to take for maintenance. If doctors were honest, poppy tea would be much less toxic but they can't admit that and keep their careers. Given the ridiculous drug laws in most countries, methadone is what is available that works. Suboxone is fine if it works for you but I don't even like being in the same ROOM with that stuff (talk about evil, KIDDING). Look my point is that methadone has been the only realistic chance at becoming stable again for many thousands of people since paying for a less toxic, more suitable, and more effective opiate to take everyday (i.e. Morphine) just isn't realistic. If it didn't work out well for YOU, just leave it there. Frightening people needlessly about a drug that could very well help them by proclaiming that it is EVIL is silly and irresponsible. I know the short comings of methadone well. But it's still the most effective way to stop having to be labeled a criminal because of my affinity for opiates that I and countless others have found. I'm glad you've found what works for you. But remember that what works for some may not work for everyone. It sounds like someone didn't tell you that when YOU first started methadone treatment.

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Take water pills for the water retention. I have the same things going on. I gained over 100 pounds though. For the constipation use stool softners. It helps.

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