Medrol Pak Withdrawal Symptoms 3 Weeks Later? (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHello. I was prescribed a Medrol pak (6 days 4mg) for a sinus infection. I felt great while taking it. Finished up on 8/12. Couple days later started getting awful hot flashes Few days later jittery in the mornings and loads of anxiety. Then started having trouble sleeping...tossed and turned all night with waves of hot flashes. I'm 6 months postpartum and nursing a baby. Do you think these symptoms are withdrawal from the Medrol? It's right at 3 weeks now. I've had sweaty hands, jitters, racing heart. When will it end? What will help it?
So you were to take the predisone for 10 days? I took a dose pack last October, with my last pill on October 5, 2016. I didn't complete it, not taking the last two pills, due to a severe anxiety attack which I thought was a heart attack. I had severe side effects, including severe sensitivities to food and food additives, depression, tachycardia, high blood pressure, insomnia which lasted 1 1/2 months, dizziness, nausea... pretty much every side effect listed. It had now been 8 months since my last dose, and I am FINALLY getting over what the prednisone caused. (It also threw me into complete menopause!!) I really hope that you recover from the awful side effects much more quickly than I did. I, myself, will NEVER take prednisone again!!!
Isabella, I am still dealing with some effects, but I put myself at about 98% recovered, almost 11 months after my last pill. Dr's have never actually determined what happened, but they believe that the pack messed with my hormones in a very drastic way. Visits with every dr, including endocrinologist and ob, determined I am now in full menopause... I had pre-meno symptoms for only 6 months or so before! (I am now on HRT, after having very lite pre-menopausal symptoms to going on full blown symptoms within 1 month). Due to these sudden and severe hormonal changes that can occur, it could be possible that the spasms are hormone related. Maybe you should have these checked, including fsh and thyroid function. (Thankfully my thyroid is normal) I have even been referred to the Mayo Clinic!! I didn't take any meds to deal with the side effects of the pack, only the hrt.
Luckily, for me, most of my reactions/issues have resolved on their own, possibly with the help of hrt... and with lots of prayers. Frustrating part is, that there was never any formal 'diagnosis'.
Good luck with those spasms. Having gone through what I have, with all the fear and anxiety, I understand your worries! I will be sending up prayers.
Anyone have an idea on if this can still be withdrawal side effects?
Hi guys so I woke up one morning w a cracked tooth yet no one could tell me it was cracked so I suffered in pain for like 3 weeks I got an IM shot of medrol in my arm that started the anxiety the weird thing is that I've had it in my buttocks before with never a problem I started having just a little anxiety then in a few weeks I went back to the doctor still in pain asking for help she said medrol dose pack I started it and my life has been nuts! I feel totally crazy and out of my mind! My heart won't stop racing my blood glucose is high and the anxiety attacks are insane I'm not able to sleep but like 3-4 hours at a time and I'm just begging for answers it's like how to people live like this this has never happened to me before and I'm a runner. I work out 4-5x a week and these heart palpitations are killing me. I've always been able to control the anxiety but it's like I'm out of breath I wanna go to the hospital bc I'm so afriad. Anyways it was a broken tooth and just got it pulled. Waiting for these sxs of the medrol to go away. From the sounds of you guys they're not going away any time soon :( the craziest thing also is that I'm a pharmacist and to us these side effects are rare and now experiencing them I'm so upset I took this :( feel like a bunch of bugs in my head won't stop!
How longs has it been since the Medrol pak? I still don't know if that's my problem but everything went down hill after the Medrol pak. I just started some Lexapro yesterday to help battle the anxiety as I didn't want to get hooked on Ativan. :(
Stefani. I am now going on 11 past my last dose, and I am still dealing with insomnia. I'm lucky to get 1-2 hours max throughout the night, and the anxiety and pounding heart are awful. Dr said I could take benedryl, but it just got me wired instead. :(
When did you have your last dose?
So literally Ativan is the only thing that has helped it didn't at first while I was still taking it but it seems to really be reversing some stuff for me it's only been 24 hrs since last two doses but I refused to take last pill so I took a nap w the addition of Ativan so idk yet but I didn't wake up w a racing heart beat. I'm hoping and praying to God it's coming out of my system and the Ativan worked.
Today is 2 weeks off the pack. Had blood test yesterday... everything is normal. Yet, I am still dealing with morning nausea/weakness, and fast heart rate. Glad my bp is back to normal. I have an appointment with a cardiologist in the morning. Will update how that goes. On top of all this, I'm perimenopausal, but I was only dealing with hot flashes and minor dizziness. I wonder if the steroids made that even worse.
This really sucks!!
So I went back to the doctor and they tried to give me Valium for the lack of sleep d/t the anxiety my heart rate had normalized and I had an ekg and everything was fine w my heart so it feels like I'm absolutely crazy. They told me to take Benedryl also which completely helped me sleep so much better but I still woke up several times then I took the Valium and I went to sleep and woke up in a panic super early not able to go back to bed with the Benedryl I was able to fall back asleep it's been about 4 days since I stopped the pack and I never took the last one. I'm going to try just the Benedryl tonight and see how that goes I really don't feel like myself still and it's so upsetting :( hoping there is a light at the end of this tunnel.
Racer Deb, are you still struggling with insomnia? If not, how long till you were able to get some sleep? I think most of my lingering problems would get better if I could sleep. I refuse to use prescription sleep aids.
Are you able to sleep now RacerD? It's been about 6 days off the pack and it's getting a little better but I've been using sleep aids :(
I'm sleeping better now but I also had to start SSRI, Lexapro. I did Ambien for awhile shortly after the Medrol pak. I still think it caused some hormone imbalance for me and started a downward spiral. The anxiety and heart palps and insomnia are awful. It doesn't help that I have a 7 month old keeping me up. Lol. I know one thing...I won't do steroids ever again. I wonder if my adrenal is shot or something.
I used Benadryl for awhile too...and tried melatonin. I also drank some herbal tea. Not much really helped.
I have been dealing with the insomnia since I started the pack on 10/1. I may have had 3 nights where I got more then 4-5 hours, otherwise, it's 1-3 hours in 30 minute spurts. I am also still dealing with the heart palpitations and increased bpm, causing it to jump to over 100 just walking across the room. Night sweats aren't helping. I have also started getting these 'head flashes', just as I'm falling asleep. (??) I really think if I could just get some sleep, things would improve.
Are you all losing weight? I have lost 15lbs since taking the pak and it keeps dropping. :(
Yes. I've lost 12 pounds in 3 weeks. I may get hungry, but I still have to make myself eat.
Ditto. I wonder if this is all related. I still don't know if I'm suffering postpartum anxiety or this is all from the damn Medrol. :(
Yes, worse in the morning. On top of that, I'm doing physical therapy.
RacerD, I'm sure you are still dealing with the side effects. I'm glad my nausea is very minimal, (but i still feel unwell) and that my blood pressure is back to normal. My biggest problems are the heart Palps and the fast heartbeat with minimal exercise. (And, of course, my messed up sleep pattern) are you dealing with fast heartbeat as well?
Yes I've been feeling my heart beating and having heart palps. I even wore a Holter monitor and they found I was having PVCs. I was supposed to go get an echo but haven't scheduled it yet. My BP and heart rate are good though. My BP is actually a bit on the low side. So the numbers look good. It's just the feeling of it beating constantly that is driving me crazy.
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