Maximum Dose Of Suboxone/subutex & Chronic Pain (Page 25) (Top voted first)
Re: Bethany (# 11)
I've taken suboxen once, an 8 mg strip, it helped alot with my pain and I have a very high tolerance to everthing as it is, even like numbing agents you get at the dentist, so it helped but it was recreationa use just as I take percocoet sometimes mainly for my period cramps, which I'd rather birth another child that have the cramps I do, so i get percocets each month for the cramps, l but what is roxycodoiene?
Re: Leaves (# 8)
You have clearly never suffered from intractable, chromic pain!
I started at a suboxone clinic 2 weeks ago and have messed up on my dosing twice. Is this normal?
Re: Alley Cat (# 20)
You are so right.
I was wondering if Suboxone or Subutex works differently for chronic pain. I asked my doctor to take me off oxycodone and put me on Suboxone for my chronic pain because my tolerance was getting pretty high and I was up to 60 mg a day on the oxycodone. I'd much rather be taking two doses a day of medication than six. I'm on the Suboxone and it is helping with pain but just wanted to check, does anyone have any experience with either of these drugs in use for chronic pain?
Re: krips78 (# 5)
Anyone who says it doesn't help with pain doesn't know what they're talking about. I take it for pain and it got my life back. Pain pills suck.
Re: krips78 (# 4)
Good luck getting off it though. I have come off regular pain meds after long term use and off of short term suboxone use (6 months taper) and the suboxone withdrawals were so much worse and they took weeks compared to days to get through.
Good luck.
Re: RPhd Houston (# 6)
Yes and I hope these people are looking at their medical records to make sure they aren’t also diagnosed with opioid use disorder. If a future pain management doctor sees they were on Suboxone they’ll never get pain meds for anything ever again. Some states have laws that make it illegal to prescribe pain meds to “known addicts”.
Re: RPhd Houston (# 6)
Can you explain why this is your opinion? I’ve heard with every other opiate that they help treat pain. With this one, I’ve only heard it helps some people, or it can treat pain. Which makes me wonder why. I’ve heard pain patients boast claims that it works and others that it’s “hogwash”.
Re: Angel (# 536)
I started out at 8 mg of Suboxone a day and I'm now up to 24 mg a day. It used to work stellar for my pain. I could not believe how much better it worked than the actually code on I had previously been on which was 50 mg a day. My doctor and I are not talking about switching me back to the 60 mg oxycodone to see if that will help but I like the Suboxone so much better because there are no peaks and valleys physically or mentally like there are with the opioids. I was thinking of asking her to just give me Subutex instead of Suboxone as well. I wish you the blessing of healing and relief. Pain is awful, life-changing and it just explains sucks.
Re: Leaves (# 8)
I have been on suboxone 8mg a day for 10 years and they have changed me for the better. They do change the way I think about things like partying. I don't want to do those things anymore and it's the suboxone, nothing I've done. They are a lifesaver. I would be dead or in prison if I hadn't started suboxone. I have a ruptured disc and they help my pain.
I too am taking 3 of the 8mg Suboxone each day. I was taking vicodin, norco,methdone,oxy ( not all at once!), anything that would help my back pain. I found myself running out of my scripts early & going broke having 2 buy these pills off the street! 11 years I've been taking meds for degenerative disc disease & chronic back pain. I just turned 30 yrs old& let me tell y'all.. I'm just tired. I've only been on Suboxone for 2 days & it is incredible!!! Now, paying for it... that's a whole different story. I am prescribed 90/ month but can sometimes only pick up 3 strips at a time. I paid $27 for those 3. I'm indigent & have " free" insurance, so to speak, but the drug is not covered, of course. The Dr gave me a discount card for $50 off, but it can only b used once a month. Like i said, just really works for me (24 mgs/day) but i can hardly pay for it! Anyone know of a company or whatever that can help Mr pay for my prescription? I live in Williamson County, Texas.
Thanks, hope this helps someone!
The ceiling of suboxone is 24mg. I know this for a fact. The info came from SAMHSA!
you scar me
I want to know what the average dose is for subutex not suboxone for severe pain?I just want to know what people have been subribe?
Aflec will pick up anything ( most anything) not covered or covered fully by insurance...check out there different policies. And one door leadsto anther until you find insurnace that will cover. Disabled people can get it for pain. And as you mentioned,the discount card for 50 and that each month....scripts are usally filled for a months supplies in most cases..$50 is better than nothing.....hope some of this helps and know you are not alone in all the angst of having to cough up that kind of money each month,( and pray you did do something stupic like take more tha prescribed ) to pay for this. That kind anxiety is just pure hell to a chronic pain sufferer.when worries arise...Pain can be all consuming, and suck the life out of you....and having to deal with that and Money for script is pain mean. Nothing not a thing feels "good and happy" in tst type of environment. Good luck.
I totally agree with you
I was addicted to oxycodone oxycotin ect. I just went to doc last week and was prescribed two 8mg subutex twice a day. I have been takin more like 3 or 4 and been feelin alright! Idk about the ceiling effect! Heard about it just dnt know how true it is! I would also like to know how much does it take before the ceiling effect happens?
Yes, at times Subutex causes constipation .. I find if I drink lots of water and an occasional fibermax i will be reqular ... way better to have these issues than all the issues from being addicted to opiates .. Keep with it and you will find that it works .. I SWEAR by it ...
amen!! Ditto, got addicted to opiates because of a chronic pain problem. Needed pain meds but couldn't trust myself with them. Got my life back with Suboxone!
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