Ms Contin Prescription Withdrawal (Page 3)
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Im a 58 yr old woman. I'm bipolar, reclusive and my husband is an over the road trucker. 4 years ago i was put on Percocet 10/325. The dr missed a broken shoulder bone so i switched Drs who added MS Contin. I had rotator cuff surgery but within 3 months I went to bed at Thanksgiving and woke up at the hospital on Xmas. I had severe pneumonia - they induced the coma as my oxygen was mid 60s, and after 3 chest tubes failed, they had to go in and physically debride my lung. So besides shoulder to wrist pain I have phantom nerve pain over that scar. My dr told me the nerves cant connect. I don't take street drugs, nor seek drugs, but my vision is bad and my husband left a tablet in a dish by my chair which i thought was a Percocet and took it. Well, it wasn't. I knew i was going to have a UA on my next visit, but due to this, (and there is no way whatever was left in my system was high levels at all) he dismissed me as a patient and will not even talk to me nor offer advice how to quit. My husband took me to the ER Saturday night because I woke up screaming because my calves were cramped like rocks. Last year in a trip that got delayed i ran out of meds for about 8 days and i know whats coming next. I have NO ONE to even keep an eye on me let alone help me. I don't think i can survive either physically or mentally. I've tried calling doctors, the hospital, and no one cares. I'm older, just a bottom feeder in Purdue's pharmaceutical ruin of this country. Other than writing a will, is there ANY help for me? I have no family. Although my Dr knew i needed mental services (esp after the coma), none were provided. What do i do? Im running out of time and energy.. help me please.

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Apparently you are fortunate enough to not have to deal with bipolar, which was passed down to several family members from my alcoholic father and was well documented. As far as the pain meds, i never asked my doctor for them EVER..never asked him to increase them EVER. Maybe you misread when i ran out because i took enough for the length of our trip the rest were at home, because i learned very quickly, friend, neighbor etc will first have a horrible whatever, borrow a couple, then it happens again by time 3 NOWAY. I've had them stolen from my purse before so I am very cautious where i put them and on this trip we were felaued thru no fault of our own. When i went back this last time, on appt day, they wouldn't even let me speak with him however i did notice in the new construction of his partnership involved they are adding there very own pharmacy. Wonder more if this was created by the talk, respectfully, i had with his office mgr the month prior, because although never having ONE outstanding balance she gave me quite the dressing down in front of a full patients lobby. I asked her next time to please pull me aside as i did her. She was oh so sweet until the next month. I knew i would have a u/a that month but it wasn't until after, that, that my husband brought up the method ne and it had to have been extremely low in my urine. Had i known it was there i would have told him prior.

He shrugged off the marijuana he said was in my system. So i went back to the first dr i saw since moving here. He had missed a broken shoulder blade prior to my rotator cuff surgery. I saw him yesterday and while very stoic, not friendly his concern was marijuana in my system and while he took me back, only because they are the only 2 drs ive seen nor did i ever change pharmacies he made it very clear no marijuana. And i let him know if he wanted to wean me that's fine and i also said id do and pay for a u/a weekly. I'll have to study up on adequate pain relief, ive already given up horses my career. Vice TV did a show on Oxycontins new company and name, they are introducing them to. Asia where many Drs remarked that this company wanted to do to their country what they did to america. Anyway not home free, he hasnt received first dr records even tho i signed a release for everything. But God Bless those who prayed for me and encouraged me, i truly appreciate you, and to the people who thought this was all about transportation, i own a car, so im not sure how you thought transportation was my problem but no it isnt. I've looked for pain clinics no luck and am now blowing my left rotator cuff using my left arm to compensate for my right..Due to my lungs, i dont think but dont know if surgery is even a option. But if you have never had bipolar, been reclusive, live with chronic pain dont be so quick to judge or say that won't happen to me.

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Thank you very very much, i got my first job in.the horse bz in Paris and went on to.a successful career.Much appreciayef

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God bless you. Your post about the case mgr was great. If she needs some immediately there are dual diagnostic detox centers that could could also help. I don't know where she lives but there is a center in Paris, My that is one of the best! They take most insurance including medicare/Medicaid. 859-987-3600. Bourbon County Community Hospital. Ask for the detox center. Yes, the name is correct. They were detrimental in my Recovery! They are great with mental health as well. They could probably get her right in.

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Let us know how it goes with the lawyer. I'm thinking about reporting my doctor to the state medical board. He can't figure out how to order my prescription. He'll order something but he'll order the wrong version (capsule instead of pill, a dosage that isn't manufactured) then he never responds when I tell him that it wasn't correct and the pharmacy can't fill it. Doesn't care that I'm having withdrawal symptoms due to his incompetence. When I go in to see him, he tells me he fixed the problem (or he argues with me and tells me that the computer says that they make that dosage--but won't pick up the phone to call the pharmacy (after I spent a lot of time checking with a number of pharmacies in town and online-- the strength that he ordered is not made).

---I got a copy of the clinical notes from my visit this week and had to laugh at his lies when he says he examined me (he never has and he has never asked me any of the health questions that were answered for me.

---If I learned anything from the FBI hearing, I need to write down everything that took place--immediately after I see him.

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I don't mean to be harsh on you but all that you have been through I would think especially being bi polar you would be more responsible about what you put in your mouth the othe point is your body does not know the difference between perceptions and street drugs plus you ran out early before have you ever looked into some of your problems might be disease of addiction just a thought as far as detoxing is there a hospital or psych ward you can go to and can help you through the withdrawl get of the opiates you may find your bi polar get better but they can also help there too if you have proof of your psych meds script and can hook you up with a psych doctor I've been in your situation and have helped myself more by getting off the pain medicine excersizing they helped the pain and helped me psych wise after awhile the pain meds actually cause more pain be honest and see why you have gotten into these situations God bless

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ACTUALLY I take Abilify 39 mg daily for my manic bipolar with 5 mg diazepam 3 x daily. Best medication mix that ive tried in 15 sorry it was so horrible for you...

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26 shouldn't have a problem with getting another month refill as long as you're taking is as written.
Also the reason why doctors are not wanting to Rx what we NEED for pain it's because of the CDC is SO concerned about the ADDICTS who get their hands on pain meds that were legitimately prescribed to someone else. So they figure if Dr.'s aren't Rxing as much there will be less for someone to OD & die from. Fun, huh???
I hope that after you heal from your surgery you won't have to deal with this BS anymore.

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You don't say how many oxy 5 / 325 you're taking a day. I am not familiar with Tramadol. You say you've been on it for 3 weeks and you may need it for another month. I do not see how you could possibly get addicted to that medication for taking it that short of period of time 2 months said.Even at four, - 20 mg. a day, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I commend your caution that's smart.

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Okay, I keep thinking about your post and did you try your doctor again? Did he talk to you? No matter what happened your doctor is doing you wrong. You were kicked out of the program and I believe you did not realize you took the wrong meds. Any rate if you can't take the withdrawal please go to the hospital and tell them to call your doctor. This is not right. Your a human being you should not be treated like this. You still have legit pain. Medicare covers rehab center but your not a addict!!! Your a pain patient and you didn't ask for this pain. None of us want this pain. So please go to the ER have them call the doctor and they have to treat you. Doctor put you on the meds for a reason. Don't bother ordering withdrawal meds, you need to be seen. Withdrawal can kill you. Yes it can. I don't even know you and I'm deeply concerned with your well being. You are not a junkie you were in a program you have nothing to be worried about. The Hospital will treat you. Explain your situation and if they don't believe you. Then have them give you pain meds on a weekly basis along with drug panels to prove that you just made one mistake. You took the pill your husband gave you. Regardless. The pain clinic can do weekly meds and drug panels for you if they don't believe you. I'm so sorry you're going through all of this. Please don't suffer, go to a hospital and take it from there.

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Thank you but not happening in Mich..there are no such thing even a rehab that takes medicare is invisible

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Like another poster recommended, please order yourself some kratom. It will completely alleviate your withdrawals and help with pain. I order from Kratom one and it arrives in two days. Please do yourself a favor and give it a shot! I use kratom ones tri-force.

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You'll be okay in withdrawal it'll be uncomfortable for about 2 weeks my worst withdrawal have been benzos OMG that was so hard I grinned and beared it! Another was Abilify it was horrible! That drug should be off the market

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Sounds like you need a pain doctor. You have been getting your meds thru your primary Doctor right? Well he can recommend you to a pain clinic. Don't worry. I'm sure you are okay. You can't just stop meds. I mean you need them. Not like your pain is going away. In your case you don't need to be off of them you need to find pain management doctor. Good luck.

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If it's just transportation she's in need of can she call UBER or LYFT?? I imagine alot cheaper than an Ambulance or Taxi.

The doctor probably let her go because she didn't tell him about the new medicine--usually when you're given pain medicine you have to sign a "PAIN CONTRACT" saying that you'll only get pain meds from ONE doctor.

If she can't explain that to that doctor now--make sure she lets the next Doctor know what works for her & maybe he will even prescribe both MS CONTIN (for your main everyday pain) AND PERCOCET for breakthrough pain.

As far as withdrawing from an OPIATE--it can be done on your own--
Like if you take 4 pills a day switch to 3 pills a day for a week--then the next week go to 2 pills a day & so on & so forth (or how many you have left you'll have to figure it out to get you to your next appointment)

Good luck #BACKSADDLE. I hope I understood your question

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That is rite does don't care they get you on it and stop it when it interferes with them

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I really hope you can make it through Dr.did me the same and I.went through so much pain countless hours of shaking not sleeping and taking my on life Doctors don't realize how much withdrawal symptoms we go either they don't know are they don't give a d"m the only thing that he did was to have the police to visit me twice I thank God am still here I never misused my medicine once I was feeling better I said that he is not going to get away with this so I got a lawyer because who give them the right to gamble with our life we're human beings for God have never never treated us so unkindly .you do what you need to do it's going to be OK good luck

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Her problem is nobody is there to help her in transportation or simple watch her. Thats why i recommended call 911 its a now brainer. She has enough brains even with bipolar to post a question on internet. So she has a means for outside communication . you can contact many citys towns countys via internet for help also. You need medical attention if your as bad as you claim . i had seeked same avenues when on medications that i was physically addicted .

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God Bless this wonderful lady who is scared, feels alone, struggling with severe and chronic as well as a Bipolar Disorder. Either of these two conditions puts a person through torment and life is a daily struggle. I will be praying for her. Sweetie, you might consider going to a mental health clinic....not just for talk therapy...which is helpful in the emotional support you will receive; but also because you can request a case manager. A case manager primary job is to advocate for the client. That means finding you the pain clinics or drs. needed to help you in this situation. A case manager is trained to know ALL of the resources in the area where you live. They can make the phone calls, do the legwork, provide you with the transportation and resources needed to get your needs met. If your case manager does not immediately display the empathy you deserve, or does not immediately put you in touch with appropriate professionals....go to your therapist and request another case manager. Help is out there. Help is available. Please keep the faith. If a miracle is required.... just know that one is coming your way.

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You must get Kratom. Go on line and google Red Bali Kraton for withdrawal. You'll be find within 15 upon arrival. It will arrive two days after you order it. They also sell it in smoke shops or head shops. Completely legal in most places.

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Well she made a mistake I believe she is still in pain so hopefully she can find a doctor that can give her back her medicine because of one mistake should not cost her her quality of life. She has legit reasons for pain management. She wasn't abusing her meds and from reading her post it sounds like she just took the wrong pill and unfortunately that happened. She has problems with her vision so hopefully a hospital will understand that she will be going through much withdrawal but she also needs meds for pain control. I wish her the very best.

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