Lyrica Terrible Side Effects (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedLyrica has ruined my life. It wasn't bad enough with the pain from my back injury. I only took Lyrica for 2 weeks. The weight gain was bad. I lost 1/3 of my hair in 4 months. I have had a rash for over 1 year now. I mean a bad rash. This was my first side effect. And they warn you of this. Get off Lyrica asap if you get a rash. I thought I was having a stroke the first week on Lyrica when they rushed me to the hospital. I had read on the internet of how many young people have died from strokes from taking Lyrica. My vision is so bad now. I can barely drive at night time and I have to were glasses to see the tv. The worst side effect I've had and still have is the terrible, terrible pain in all my joints. My knees are so bad and my hands and fingers & joints pound and throb 24-7. The swelling in my arms and hands was so bad at one time, I thought I would lose my limbs due to non circulation. The pain is so bad in my knees, I can barely walk everyday. I am self employed and I type and write all day. My hands hurt so bad. I can barely hold anything in the mornings to pin my hair up or put on my makeup. As bad as my pain was and is in my back and cyatic nerve the Lyrica did help. It was a miracle. But I only took it 2 weeks and after 1 year I still have all the terrible side effects. I've been looking on the internet for other peoples bad reactions and I was told by my doctor and the hospital, I had a very bad reaction to it. I've seen a lot of people say they have never got rid of the knee pain and joint pain. Very scary. I called the drug company that makes Lyrica. I told them the side effects that I was having and the first question they asked me was how was my eye sight. I had a fit. I told them the double vision and blurry vision was bad. They made the comment to me that Pifzer was doing a study on this side effect. I was in an automobile accident, that was bad enough, but this drug Lyrica has ruined my life and there is no cure. There are numerous law suits against this drug. I will never be the same again!
Hi All
I sent my last post on May 30th, 2012 and decided to wean myself from almost 600mg a day. By August - I was Lyrica free !!
I cut the dose in half for a week - 150 in the morning & 150 at night. This worked. The following weeks I reduced by 50mgs to 100 & then 50 & then stopped. It was nothing like the cold turkey / withdrawl I went through in the past when I didn't know what the hell was wrong with me. I am so much more educated and feel almost normal again !! The joint pain - especially my knees is almost gone, no more swollen joints, the weight is coming off slowly - oh and my hair is looking better than ever !! It's stopped falling out !! People at work are commenting on my skin & overall appearance - looking brighter & healthier. The emotional difference is huge - no more crying jags & I'm not having nearly as many "blue" days. I now understand I was definitely going through menopause & didn't need to take this medication in the first place !! The only issue I have now is insomnia but have resorted to zoplacone in a low dose which is working fabulously - very gentle / normal sleep. Melatonin / exercise wasn't helping at all, so after almost a week without sleep, I had to see the doc and no regrets.
You can do it !! I did it & believe me - I was the worst wreck for a long time. Hugs to you all & I will be in the front row if this issue ever gets recognized in Vancouver Canada as a cause for court action.
My husband and I took Lyrica fop nervous breakdown, as it is used in GAD, because first four people tried to kill us, with a petanque ball inside a long wollen stockking, that can kill with a first blow and 3 men with knives, my husband is master in six martial arts, so we dealt with the situation well, but there is no self-defence in my country in pracktice, so, we had to tell lies, but the injured psychopath, the head of the whole murder idea, convinced the police and judges, nobody got any sentence, but it was very stresfull to wait for a year with a charge that could lead to from 6 months to 10 years in prison, so we starded getting really high anxiety and only Lyrica helped. We know TCM and other alternative medicine and treatments well. I got nerve pain that felt in an elboe when hand moved,an ointment from Mexico helped, that contained rattle snakes poison, honey and menthol, it helped instantly. Centro botanico azteca is the maker and pomada de la vibora y abejas is the ointments name, we got it in Mexico. My husband got it a bit worse, he got a small paralysis, he can't raise palm of his left hand, we don't know what can cure it and he also got bad memory loss, that was cured by rosemary and he starded saying things that sound like comments made in the Blonde and Blonder movie, but he's very clever IQ over 160 and in more complex things, he sound the same, it's he's common life comments that he makes mistakes with. I hope this is helpfull to someone.
I'm on lyrica and I've had no problem with it.It takes away my cronic pain.You could never get it away from me.
Sounds like you're body is going through withdrawl, but know it will pass & you will slowly start feeling better. I did the same thing & it was terrible. The 2nd time around, I weened myself over several weeks. No regrets. This medication is deadly & the side effects far outweigh any benefits. It's been a year now & I can't tell you how grateful I am I got off before it was too late. At 48, I was almost crawling from the joint swelling & the damage to my vision is now permanent. Never needed glasses before to read, but now I do. Hang in there....
I have been on Lyrica for 2yrs now. L was given to me for a mood disorder which had not been helped in the past with previous drugs. My brain was to the point of no return. I could not go outside for anything. My husband did all the shopping, dog walking etc. I was off work for 1yr+. I also suffer from low thyroid disease. After taking L I was able to converse with people, I came out of my shell. Lyrica has helped me in alot of ways, but has lost its effect to the point of increasing the dose to over 700mg per day. The L has definetly been bad on my eyes - blurred vision, unable to drive at night etc. My hair is now falling out in large amounts. I realized the other day my decision making since on L has been bad and I say and ask things of people that are really none of my business. Yes, Lyrica feels like I've had tooo many glasses of wine and its time to leave this stage of my life, I don't like feeling drunk and disorderly all the time, walking in circles running around like I have ADHD. I have losty 3yrs of my life but also believe without the L at the time I would not be here today, I would have done away with myself. So farewell my fairweather friend its been a slice.
Who that sounds like me
It has also ruined my life just like everything ur saying my pain keeps me from doing everything it's so bad the doctors say it's fibermyalga but the things there telling me I don't think it is
I was on 900 mg for 3 years my life I have no life at all anymore what can I do about that please help
I think lyrica is fantastic !.....I was on Quetiapine and Diazepam for 6 years..when I woke in the morning I felt comatised. Quetiapine is a terrible drug. When I finally did get up I was moody as hell. My partner had to put up with me being snappy and moody for about 2 hours every morning. I felt so guilty that she had to go through that but I couldn't help the moods...anyway, one Friday I go to collect my routine prescription of Quetiapine and Diazepam. I get home put the meds on the side as I do. Bed time comes I open my box of Quetiapine and there's pills ive never heard of before called pregabalin! I cant go bk to the chemist till monday and I can't sleep without my Quetiapine!! So I take 500mg of pregabalin...not only was it the most euphoric, enjoyable night of my life but the next morning for the first time in years I woke at about 7am with a big grin on my face as fresh as a daisy . My gf couldn't believe the second night I took 500mg again and the same results ! I went straight to the docs that monday and told the doc...he started me on 75mg a day and increased it gradually and im now on 450mg a day. I no longer take them awful Quetiapine, ive halfed my dose of Diazepam and no longer take it every day, only as and when needed ( usually 3 to 4 days ) and most importantly my relationship has blossomed.... looking bk I dont know how my gf stuck by me. But she did and im thankful for that. She now gets to see the real me....happy bubbly and not moody.....I think it was no coincidence the pharmacist mixed my prescription up on that day and im eternally gratful she did ! Pregabalin works wonders for me..:-)
I take Lyrica for Fibromyalgia pain. It's been my saving grace. I am on 150mg 3 times a day. The first week of starting Lyrica I felt a little lightheaded, forgetful, and emotional. Now I feel human again for the first time in years. There is good and bad with all medications and we make the choice to put them into our body. The warnings of Lyrica are very clear and unfortunately some suffer the bad side of the drug. This alone is not enough to pull the drug off the market. Any medicine can cause a reaction for one person and then work great for the next. Lyrica has literally given me my life back. I wish it was that way for everyone.
I have COPD and since I have been on Pregabalin I noticed that I am wheezing more often with shortness of breath and tightness in my chest. Has anyone else complained about the same issue?
Re: michelle (# 4)
I’m glad to hear you are getting better. Would you mind sharing what are you taking for pain? I’m suffering from some type of nerve pain in my feet, legs, buttocks and spreading up my body. The pain has altered my life. Doctors do not know why they just keep trying different drugs. After starting Lyrica I started having electric shocks in my left hip and buttocks. I lost muscle tone and I noticed I have muscle and joint pain. My memory has gotten worse so I’m going to get off it. I’m down to 50mg and need something for pain. I’ve tried everything.
I guess I am among the lucky ones. I have been on Lyrica 50 mg 3 xs a day for close to 10 years and have had no side effects whatsoever. It helps my peripheral neuropathy and my legs start tingling if I forget a dose. Great drug as far as I am concerned.
I forgot to say, My eye sight is still be bad. Im still having trouble focusing and I still see blurded dark images and bright spots, crazy. But Im not seeing four tailights on every car at night time anymore. But Its really hard to see at night still, Also my memory (short term) is messed up still. It does affect my work. My hair has all come back. thanks googness. I also wanted to mention again about my pain medicines. I stopped taking hydrocodine and soma. I went to a new doctor. as bad as my pain is she only perscribed me a small dose of flexaril for my Levator muscle pain and Ultram with an additive for my pain. Its help me so much. Its non narcotic. and beleive it or not works better than the heavy drugs. I dont looked messed up all the time. Its cheap medicine. the hydrocodine makes your nerves more sensitive. the doctor told me that my Ultram had an additive in it. It is a fake narcotic. As much as I have been through this simple medicine really helped me. My main pain I still have from my back injury is my really bad leg and hinnie pain, the Lyrica made it 10xs worse. I havent slept for 2 yrs, my new meds have helped me sleep better since its helped alot with my pain. Also alot of people dont know Lyrica was made for seizure pateints!!!! kinda a warning there, but nobody tells you. Really bad medicine. My last trip to the hospital due to a Lyrica caused/semi stroke cost me over 4000 dollars. what a waste.
After being off of Lyrica for over 3onths still continue to have lingering side effects.. my blood pressure started climbing through the roof and my regular MD ,not the one who prescribed Lyrica to me, swears it is from the fluid gain from Lyrica..I gained more than 20 lbs in 2 months. He stated he never would have put me on it because of the known sideeffects. Many water pills later that is beginning to go down but the lingering feeling of disconnect from the world and the intense pain in the solesof my feet after remains unchanged. i contacted the manufacturer who wnats me to get the prescribing doctor to sign off that he feels thses problems were from Lyrica. Well duh, I was fine until I began the drug after complications from a nerve relocation surgery.
i just got out of the hospital. I had a stroke while taking lyrica. Im thinking of getting a lawyer. I cant see worth a crap any more and my face is all droopy. This really makes me mad.
I am totally with you.This drug is the fing devil! I am 3 days off so far and would rather smoke crack than go back.
taking lyrica has left me with severe pain and an unbelieable rash on arms,hands feet and legs. I have been off this drug for well over 1 1/2 years and still the rash and itching, scaring and repeated daily breakouus. The drug was deadly to me ans had to quit it and went cold turkey because the rash and itching was so bad. Wish I coulld sue them for all i have been through andd still dealing with daily.
Lyrica is a great medication! It has helped allieviate the pain in my leg from degenerative disk disease. Thank the Lord for Lyrica
I feel the same way ,, **LYRICA** Ruined My Life!!
I took this medication only a few times .. I never could walk correctly again.. I guess I have a difficult time explaining what happened.. when I don't have an understanding myself..
Thank you so much for your post please respond back I have been wanting to make a claim for so long.. I also had a bad accident back in 1990 .. though I did well because I work out at least 3 times a week, I also played many sports too. And I was very afraid of this medication and wouldn't take it for about two months ..I also was afraid of a stroke !! I decided to go ahead as long as it didn't affect my heart,, I had a different surprise :'( **I never walked correctly since**I lost my life** I was unable to understand **It just happened** .. I felt a stange tightness it went through my lower extremities . It has never stopped.. A sad experience-- I'M AS UPSET AS YOU!!..
I later slamed my head in the bath tub went to hospital .. I stayed away from this medication for 2 years.. I never regained my ability to walk again .. I worked out with a friend for many years at Sport & Health before all this happened .. even after my accident and did extremly well until a new doctor wanted me to try this so confident hmm (?).. I also worked out later at Baily's after taking this medication **it was over **I could not get up the stairs ..ankles swelled And stayed that way "One doctor told me to get off of this medication you are allergic to it"" I did just that ! A doctor gave me *Phenobarbital* to stop another medication But, I remembered what this doctor told me. *I was able to use this medication slowly for about four weeks and four more weeks and the swelling went completly down **
One good thing out of this...
I also had numerous falls from this medication :'( I have serious injuries from neck down to spinal cord.. all extremely serious.. even before this fatal day my new doctor said many of his patience love this medication..** It was my nightmare** And a new medication Baclofen - ** Spasms doctor wanted me to try -- **a new nightmare** on top of not being able to walk correctly -- I won't take any **NEW MEDICATIONS** again!
I can't stop having spasms in my legs I hate this! I'm extremely sad I've had nothing but nightmares and have gone through a lot of ****PAIN**** and trying these crazy medications. I need a lawyers help with this... I only will stay on Vicodin 4 x a day!
Is there a doctor that would help me (?) A NORMAL MEDICATION** so glad someone else is having unusal problems -- I really can't believe this has happened I was so active! I've lost my life! I stay in all the time. Please again respond back or if you know a lawyer !!
I have been waiting to see anothers response to this medication! I'm in a serious condition! HELP! I am disabled now I never would have thought this.. wow,, I am normally upbeat but it is taking a toll on me. online :') I have never giving up.. I rest. I normally have come back from everything .. I unsure what else to do.
I wish you well and hope to hear from you. G,J in Bethesda
Please do not lose your faith in GOD. Even though Doctors recommended 75 mg , 3 times a day , i am only taking once a day for my pain in leg after Heart attack. Soon I will stop it . Please shift to alternate medicine and start breathing exercises. Please post back to me if there's anything I can do to help.I am in India and survived Heart Attack and many other complications by pure DIVINE Intervention.GOD BLESS YOU--
Hello everybody!
At first: Sorry für my poor Englisch, I'mm from Germany and found this thread googling for "Lyrica & joint pain". In the german web I didn't find anything at all. So I was relieved but also very shocked when I read about your experiences with lyrica!
I'm taking lyrica for my anxiety since 1,5 years. Started with a dose of 225 mg per day and now reduced it slowly, taking still 100 mg per day. While taking the higer dose I felt pretty good: no anxiety at all, "balanced mood", I never felt better before! But I decided that this was long enough and so I began to reduce the dose. And: my problems began. Shooting/growing pains in arms and legs, like I had the flu or something like that. I already knew this kind of pain since my early childhood: the doctor told us it's normal (something about growing...). This pain (I'm 34 and I think I don't grow any more ;-) ) appears once or twicy a year, I don't know where it's coming from; but usually after a few Hours it desappears.
Ok, I thought it was a withdrawal syndrome. But I reduced the dose 4 months ago and the pain still remains! In addition I have terrible joint pain (wrist, ankle). It mostly hurts day and night. My pain specialist mentioned it's FMS, but I think it has something to to with the (reduction) of the lyrica. I'm only wondering why this symptoms/pain first emerged when I began to reduce the dose.
Now I don't know what to do. My doctor advised me to increase the dose from 100 to 225 mg per day. But i don't think that's a good idea. In fact I want to gett off this drug but I'm very very afraid of what is happening when I discontinue!
I have widespread muscle pain since many years (myofascial pain syndrome, NO FMS) and I'm not interested in extra pain, especially I never had this kind of joint pain before!
Thanks for reading, I hope it was comprehensible to you ;-)
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