Lyrica Side Effects Results In Loss Of 13 Teeth (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am the patient of a pain management physician because there is nothing else that can be done for my back other thantry to manage my pain. I have had 19 back surgeries, including rods, broken back and rods on right side. My last surgery was the insertion of two morphine pain pumps, which caused my body to reject the plastic or some component thereof. They also inserted two dual-lead dorsal column stimulators, and even though all four of these pumps worked successfully, my body also rejected come component in the stimulators as well. One of the largest problems, second only to the pain, was the fact that I had 5 deep wound that went all the way down to my rectus muscle in my stomach. I had a staph infection from the pump as well as the stimulator. It took 6 months of wound care from the pain pumo, and now I am left with the most hideous scar. Same problem with my back, Oh well....this was supposed to be about LYRICA! Since January 2005, my doctor placed me on Lyrica and I thank God for it, because it has helped a great deal with my pain, however, after having to make an appointment to see an oral surgeon to remove all my teeth because of the Lyrica, I am LIVID!! No one eluded to the fact that Lyrica cound cause my teeth to rot out of my head, when I had the most wonderful white straight teeth. I just celebrated my 46th birthday a little over a week ago and I am facing dentures right in the mouth! There out to be a disclaimer, of which there were one. I am a label reader, and read instructions implicitly. At any rate, that won't help the halth of my mouth at this point. Is there a class action law suit out there somewhere, that would at the very least pay for any dental work, or at least warn those in the future? BE WARNED! You deserve a right to be informed. Signed, Oh My Missing Teeth in Oklahoma!

162 Replies (9 Pages)

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Re: Kishan Vasekar (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Be prepared to lose your teeth! Horrible Lyrica side-effects. I am on 225 mg p/day, although i have been takingfor 10 years, my teeth began breaking, & rotting after about 3 years of Lyrica. Horrible side-effects aside, it helped with nueropathic pain.

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43 here on lyrica for one year. Lost 6 teeth in the last three months alone. The others are all bad as well and have to pulled next week. Full set of dentures as there are zero available to keep.

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i also took lyrica for several months, and lost 7 teeth to decay during that period. it started about 2 months after i started taking it, but i didn't realize (nor did my dentist) that it was due to lyrica, so kept taking it, and ended up losing 7 teeth. and others were affected too, and i have large fillings in those. i am livid that still, there is no mention of tooth decay as a side effect of lyrica. i even filed a report with the FDA.

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Re: PFIZER BLOWS (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

It's says dry mouth on the label. Someone on this site made this reply and said dry mouth causes tooth loss. I never knew that dry mouth would cause tooth decay. I asked my cousin who's a lawyer about Lyrica law suits and he replied no.

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Omg! I was put on gabapetin which is another form of Lyrica! My teeth were beautiful, & now they started falling out from the root! Chipping & they look awful like I'm a drug addict! I am ashamed to smile! I was put on gabapetin because I had such horrible pain in my feet I couldn't walk! I have congenital cervical & lumbar stenosis, degenerative disc disease, levo scoliosis, & non diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Once I started gabapetin I could walk, however I had a negative reaction from it. My feet swelled up like balloons! I was prescribed diuretics, & that didn't help. I tried to tell my Dr's it was the gabapetin but I was handed from Dr to Dr like a lab rat! I had to wear slippers for 3 months! Sent to a vein specialist her 1st question for me was how do you get out of bed everyday? Which broke my heart! I was put through so many unnecessary tests & not 1 Dr looked at my feet! I found a podiatrist I had horrible plantar fasciitis.

The Dr that prescribed gabapetin ruined the nerves in my feet! I had to see an edema specialist & get my feet & legs wrapped to my knees to remove the toxic fluids up & out of my body! First time I was wrapped my kidneys ached from the toxins! Then I was put on amitriptyline for pain! That was even more of a nightmare! My hair fell out when I weaned myself off of it! I gained 28 lb in 2 months, my breasts swelled up to my chin! I literally couldn't wake up from that medication. Put me in such a fog, and my system couldn't get acclimated. I would sleep 18 hours straight! Now I just take my pain medication, & stretching helps, along with ibuprofen. My spinal canal is half the size of a normal adults. Anytime your spine has arthritis, bulging/herniated disc it takes up space in spinal canal. It's causing my spine to flatten. I can literally feel my spine being squeezed. Only way to describe it is I feel like wizard of oz's tin man. Like my body needs oiled to move properly. It has been a truly humbling experience. My back is inoperable, & I had my neck fused. Which my surgeon wants to go back and fuse c1-t1 (currently c2-c5 are fused). By grace of God & trying to keep a positive attitude. My husband divorced me. I'm still standing! Hoping for a miracle to end the pain I've been dealt. The government needs to be ashamed for taking away ,reducing our pain meds. Obviously they have never been on the other end of the stick! Not all pain patients are addicts! Some of us actually need our medicine to function,& have normal day to day activities. Shame on them! God Bless all who know exactly how I feel!

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Re: Linda swisher (# 152) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Lyrica for nearly 2 years my teeth have just started doing the same thing rotting and falling out I just had my first one extracted this past Friday as it broke off and was rotten from the inside out... Within the space of four days I have started experimenting pain from other teeth... I returned to the dentist today as I thought I might have an infection from the extraction. Had a full head scan done and have several others that from the outside can see no visible damage but are quite literally rotten to the core and will now have to be removed... I 100% believe that Lyrica is to blame... F#@k This Poison

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It is very disheartening. I just started Lyrica for Nerve Pain subsequent to Heart Attack and Surgery . Rt leg is badly affected and neurologist prescribed Lyrica--75 mg --2 times a Day.I wonder whether I should continue and how long.
I am convinced that Doctors are carried by Multi nationals and make more money in prescribing such medicines and send All of us to Dentist and other specialist. We need to look for Alternate Therapy like Magnetotherapy, Ozone Therapy . Meditation and Prayers can help Lot to relieve Pain. God Bless you----Kishan from India--

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I too am having the same problem with my teeth. They're rottening out at the gum line. By the time I noticed it's to late!

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I had a mouthful of straight white teeth at one time. Now I have a full upper denture and lost 1 lower tooth and my other lower teeth are in trouble. They all break, one by one! I was put on Lyrica (pregabalin) about 5 years ago.

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Hi I won't go into the story as to why I am taking lyrics and morphine but its similar to those listed.I am losing teeth as well and would like to be contacted if and when someone has any information about lawsuits pertaining to these medications.Its disgusting that we have to fork out more money for further damages to our bodies when we already spend a fortune on our healthcare from accidents we did not deserve!I too am beyond angry!Maybe we should try and demand that this be looked into since there's so many of us with dental problems and know its the drugs that are causing this.

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I am crying. I have been sick for years, my name is Cathy and I have peripheral neuropathy and every kind of opathy you can dream of. The only things I had left were my beautiful brown hair, and my Beautiful BEAUTIFUL Teeth.. and I have been on Lyrica for years. Now.. I am like TURTLEMAN.. YI YI YI.. LIVE ACTION.. no teeth..and he has more hair then me. My teeth just keep falling out like crackers. crumbling. If Lyrica did this.. My dismay will grow. I have to find out if I have the big C next week... just thought I would join you all.. this is where I will get LOVE and understanding
always your friend

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Well, I am in shock after reading all these depressing posts re losing teeth from Lyrica. I have been taking Lyrica for a number of years now, maybe 5 years but have not had any problems with my teeth as of YET! I am terrified now, I never knew anything about this side effect but will certainly be checking with my gp on Monday. I really have not had much in the way of side effects since starting it, just a wonky head occasionally, but that is it. I am on 150 mg twice a day. This is very scary news, relieved I found this site though, would prefer to know than to be oblivious. Can you all be sure it was the Lyrica?

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yes it is indeed a sad state of affairs for all of us.
We have had enough struggling with pain but when you start to lose your teeth alledgedly through Lyrica it is like the last straw.
These giant drug companies are destroying too many peoples lives.
Am sure others like me would possibly never of taken this drug if it had been mentioned anywhere of the above in the side effects.
We can only hope that perhaps someone will listen to us then we might get a case to be compensated from these rogue companies who put profit before lifes.

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I found this post too.. oh I am hoping with all of my heart that your teeth will be spared .. I had Donny Osmond teeth.
Now OMG.. I feel so down.. nobody including my doctor could figure out.. WHY/???? why at 47 would I be in such bad shape.. well enough of me.. my prayers are with you.. keep in touch.. always Cathy.. You are truly in my prayers!

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I was on savella for quite a few years, due to insurance denying my continue use of lyrica, i found that it did work for pain. due to my depression i went off all my meds, not a great idea, but felt i needed to. anyhow i have just been put on lyrica and find the side effects like blurred vision annoying. i will be calling to go back on savella, and do recommend it.

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Linda, it's Cathy on the post.. I am with you and I would like to talk to you about this.. its a tragedy

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Can you please tell me the information about your dentist including tele number? I dont know what to do. My teeth for the past month have been feeling funny almost like my gums feel like they are receding. Thanks for any input you can give.! I am so very sorry to read about your experiences. )-:

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We need to consult an expert familiar with pharmaceuticals experience and push to have an investigation on Lyrica .If Lyrica is what we all believe causing our teeth to crumble and fall out it must have nerve involvement. Nerves are vital parts of our bodies and they are what inervates our tissues.It would only make sense that it would benefit us all to seek out an experienced well known attorney as it would pay any reasonable amount would help to cover the pain and suffering and embarrassment attorney fees ect... Many pharmaceutical companies have been found to be at fault for other medications why should we wait to see if something can be done lets push Ãnd push hard now.There seems to be enough of us facing the same problem and we are convinced having taken the same drug "Lyrica" it makes sense to get an investigation started than to wait and see what happens.

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Hello Alexander
Thank you for sh aring your experience with Lyrica. I too have been on Lyrica for approx 5 years, first at 100mg then gradually up to 300mg per day. As my pain is in my mouth I find it difficult to say if I am experiencing pain from the Lyrica also. I am very worried after reading this site, I asked my gp the other day, she has not heard of these side effects with Lyrica, I see my dentist in two days and will ask him, and finally my pain specialist in one week...and ask him. Did your dentist say it was the Lyrica?
Thank you.

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Hello Tara
my dentist would not commit to Lyrica as he was obviously frightened that I would quote him . He said he thinks it is a combination of morphine and Lyrica that is drying my gums and could be causing the damage.Basically he was frightened that he would get into trouble saying it was Lyrica . Most of the professionals will not speak up as they do not want to be incriminated in a law suit ( they all close ranks to protect each other).From the posts on this sight it is obvious what is the cause of our problems it is Lyrica there is too much money being made from this drug as it is quite expensive to purchase. Profits before lifes.
I don't think this is a coincidence too many people are suffering and now we are all speaking up about this.

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