Long Term Side Effects Of Harvoni (Page 13)
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I had Harvoni treatment last spring. I am not the same. My nervous system is a wreck. My anxiety problems have increased, depression and lack of motivation. My eyes changed drastically. My thoughts are not focused, I am nervous all the time, can focus or sleep. I had a 2 month migraine. Ringing in the ears is intense. I also was on pigalated interferon and ribivirn, I was pulled off mid treatment because I got so sick. After that treatment, I also had long term side effects. There isn't any back support for post harvoni people, nor are their anyone specializing in the after effect of long term HCV infection, it is NOT just a liver disease, it effects the nervous system and all else. I am at a loss for support with the doctors in my area, none seem to want to do any research and they don't have enough people in individual offices to report they have patients with long term problems. In our groups there are many with long term side effects. The doctor's try to pin it all on other stuff without really knowing. They just aren't listening. I know my body, I know the changes I have experienced. I am just really disappointed that there is not knowledgeable people out there for post HCV and post treatment hcv survivors. I need a support team that listens, they don't. I have extreme frustration to the lack of support after treatment.

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It has been a yr since i finished Harvoni. I suffer from extreme back, knee & other joint pain. I am also extremely exhausted all the time no matter if i hv slept for hrs in the afternoon. I am awake for about 3 hrs before i feel like i am so exhausted i want to cry if i can't get immediate rest. Its just horrible!

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Yes! I am now on drugs for premature atrial contractions. The PACs are so bad they make me feel like I am being choked. Also, I cannot tolerate the outdoors if the temperature is above 86 degrees. I feel like someone has started a fire inside my body, I get soaked from prespiration, and I feel like I will collapse at any second. It's very hard to explain to the people I am around. Also, the fatigue from my fibromyalgia has increased tremendously. My first go round with Inteferon and Ribavarin left me with type 1 diabetes and I had reservations about the Harvoni but my doctor assured me I would be fine. The ironic thing is I'm 65 and never have had symptoms of Hep C. I'll always wonder if I made a horrible mistake with treatment. Think about your options. No one ever discussed the possibility of life altering side effects or complications.

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I have most of the same problems, and of course my doctor says it's something else, they even suggested food poisoning. Who has food poisoning for six months? I feel so helpless

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Try to find a neurologist who is intelligent and caring. I too tried interferon/ribavirin and could not tolerate the treatment and stopped after the first shot. Severe side effects lasted three months and I never fully recovered. I have now been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and I had to pay out of pocket to get diagnosed. Seems doctors and health insurances don't want to acknowledge our health problems.

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My husband completed Harvoni treatment in 2016. Since then he is sick or in pain most of the time. He is moody and forgetful. And I believe it has had a major effect on his ability to get and maintain an errection. Has anyone else noticed this?

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What about my Psychiatrists prescribed /1-10mg of Diazepam(3)times a day for extreme Anxiety, this has helped me with sleep and have no other systems other than waking up every morning at (5)P.M. to per but also have burning sensations in my bowls, but after going to re leave myself, I feel the burning sensations go away, any suggestions?

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Hi Marie, try ENT-otolaryngologist doctor, and ask the doctor to make all possible tests! Also try vertigo exercises, will see what happen!

Good luck!

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I am trying massage therapy with electromagnetic acupressure and it does help..also getting a steroid shot every 3-4 months helps some with the arthritis type pain. I've been diagnosed with RA at this point. Seems like so many of us end up with continued suffering we did not have before harvoni.

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Hi Enoughalready,

I very long ago talked to the pharmacologist and asked what a difference between Tylenol and Advil, he told me that if there were or have problems with the liver, it is better to take an Advil, not Tylenol.

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Ringing of the ears intense after 3 month completed regiment post Harvoni back in Feb 2016! Went to otolaryngologist, neurologist, internal medicine doctor, Gastrointerologist, they all prescribed supplements, after taking them they didn't work, I tried a second round, still to no good! Ringing in the ears is constant 24/7, went back to otolaryngology no cure he stated!

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Those are all symptoms of RA. Hot baths with salts are very helpful followed by deep relaxation meditations while you are lying down. Aqua therapy is the best form of exercise. Be gentle with yourself. Make sure to drink lots of water during baths and Aquatherapy. Go to a good chiropractor who specializes in nutrition and can recommend appropriate supplements. I'm taking a lot of nutrametrix supplements. If you can afford massage, that would help too.

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More concerns from Harvoni, and it's been 1 year since I finished the treatment and am still suffering from side effects...

" Previously Unforeseen Risk Tarnishes Hep C Wonder Drugs

Researchers share their unwelcome realization that liver cancer acceleration may be associated with Hepatitis C treatment.

The improvement in Hepatitis C treatment success marks a dramatic change in the prognosis for most Hepatitis C diagnoses. New direct-acting antiviral drugs boast viral eradication rates in the high 90th percentile, rendering hope that the Hepatitis C virus can be eradicated. Until recently, the only major obstacle surrounding these Hepatitis C medications has been their outrageously high cost. However, a large-scale prospective study has revealed a surprising caveat – revealing that the direct-acting antiviral drugs for Hepatitis C may not be the panacea the medical community had been hoping for. "


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I have been tested for inflammation and vitamin levels all tests come out normal. I am nearing my 24 week post tx lab and I am still suffering from the following: headaches have turned in to migraines (I have not had a headache but once or so a year before harvoni). My feet and right leg are in pain with nightly cramps, wrists are still cramping up on me, now I have had a mild stroke with BP at 169/113/103 and my heart is fluttering at times. I am scheduled for an MRI of my head to look into the headaches. Is anyone else out there suffering with these post harvoni symptoms?

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Sorry your in the same boat with many of us! I wish I could offer some help but I haven't found anything or anyone who will help me either. I have found at least some good people in support groups for post treatment problems. We feel we are not alone now.

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I was treated in early 2015 with Harvoni. I also tried interferon in 2003. I had to stop immediately because the side effects with me were so severe and dangerous. I contracted hepatitis C in 1987 when a medical doctor in China gave me acupuncture with a shared needle. I have been feeling very sick and tired and in a lot of pain. A few months ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It feels worse than before I was treated with the Harvoni but it was pretty bad before I was treated. Since being treated, some of my health problems have resolved, and I am very happy for that. But it is very difficult living with fibromyalgia.

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Thanks enoughalready,

I have a great GP, as my GI specialist got me the drug and offered NO followup ...nothing. I had a blood draw this week for my vitamin levels. GP is checking me every 4 weeks since I started and checking anything I can come up with from forums. I was on hepmag and people got really hateful there about harvoni being such a miracle drug and accusing those of us symptomatic after tx as being hypochondriacs with pre-existing conditions. Hanging in there...looking for Vanessa where is she?

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Hi Scared Mom - I agree with the previous poster that we are worried about you and your son!

I just responded to your message in the other harvoni thread which is far more active. Please read it ASAP. The discussion thread is:

Harvoni Side Effects (newest posts first)

Best wishes and hope this helps!

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Scared mom did you son treat with Harvoni? I couldn't understand your post very well. What can we do to help you....please respond. You have me very concerned for both of you.

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I am also in need of some support. My son wants to end his life. I don't know what to do for help.

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Luna of course work with your own doctor but I used Tylenol as needed which I limited to once or twice per week. Just to get some relief on occasion. Otherwise I just kept moving. I walk a couple miles per day with my dog in the woods. It keeps me sane and helps my joint stiffness. Sitting idle is worse than moving. I stiffen up too much! Now that almost two years have past it isn't quite as bad as the first few months for sure. I saw a specialist and they thought I had RA as well. In the end it wasn't and I do have joints that are deteriorated in my feet and hands. But more test showed no RA factor in blood and not enough inflammation to label me. That is the case for many of us. I feel Harvoni sped up my aging process. From terrible facial wrinkles to joint problems. I had neither prior to treatment. I look like I aged ten years. It sucks!!! Have your doctor check your Vitamin B and D levels please. Many of us were found to be seriously low in both and that can cause a lot of problems with your pain.

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