Lo Loestrin Weird Period (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I've been on lo loestrin for 2 months. I take my second brown pill of my 2nd pack tomorrow. I've never missed a pill & take them within a few hrs diff a day every so often when it has slipped my mind. ( have a phn reminder now). Anyway, I've never had a bc where I've missed a period. I have been spotting very lightly to where a thin pad/liner will do the job. I've been cranky & bloating & cramping like always but have had no real bleeding. I don't think I'm prego but I am concerned. Everything I've been reading is talking ab where girl's are bleeding like crazy & I'm hvn the opposite effect. I mean, it's kinda nice not really hvn a period this month but should I be concerned? Also, does anyone hv to pee a lot on this? I mean for the past 2 months since I started I constantly have to pee. Is this a side effect?? I also thought that might've been a side effect but idk. Any advice would help. Ty!

43 Replies (3 Pages)

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I have also had breat tenderness. Now i have only been on the pill for about 20 days. I also have a question what can I excpet to see when I take the placebo pills?

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I started the pill a month ago and never got a period at all starting my new pack and still no period so I guess it s normal

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I have been on Loestrin for almost 3 years. I have not gotten my period in over 2 years. My doctor says it's totally normal to not get a period at all. I do spot every now and then.. the past two months I have experienced minor spotting and cramps that happen when I'm supposed to get my period. That was another thing my doctor had mentioned.. a lot of people will get cramping or bleeding around the time they usually get their period. I'm definitely glad I don't have a period, although it is weird to me that I haven't had it in over 2 years. I never experienced weight gain when I took it. So far I don't have any complaints, but it is the only one I have been on.

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Omg me too..except I'm Always protected...I doubt you're pregnante but still use protection because of ore ejaculation...because that happened to me a 6 moms ago...:( always always use a condom. It's just safer. But yeah my periods gone and I'm nauseous because in stressing myself out really bad:/ go take a test to ease your nerves <3 hope that helps...

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I am also on Lo Loestrin FE and have weird breast tenderness. Did you ever find anything out about it?

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I am currently in the middle of my second pack of Lo Loestrin and have been experiencing non-stop spotting, as well as extreme breast soreness and tenderness. They feel so hard and heavy; it's very very uncomfortable.

When I was on Loestrin 24Fe for the last 6 years or so, I've never had any of these issues. I only recently switched to Lo Loestrin because I wasn't able to get a coupon for Loestrin 24Fe.

These pills are so expensive, how is everyone paying for it? Do you know how I can get a coupon for the original Loestrin 24Fe if my obgyn doesn't have coupons anymore? Help!

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I am 22 years old and finally started taking birth control. Loestrin seems to make me really moody at odd times. I haven't gained any weight and my boobs do feel a bit tender. However, I haven't stopped bleeding since I started my first pack which was 2 1/2 weeks ago. I know it's my first month and I should let it level out with my body, but everyone is telling me the bleeding might last for over a month...is this true? Plus the whole moody and crying part is anyone feeling that way too?

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I missed Lo loestrin pill Friday and took it late Saturday should I start a new pack?

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I have been on loestrin for years and I never have a period unless I allow myself to have one by skipping a month of pills. I get off the pill about once a year so that I will have a normal period. And I do. I never take the brown pills but I wait until the following Sunday after my last white pill to start the new pack. It's really nice to have control over my periods. I've been using this pill for about 7 years. One thing... I still get PMS every month like clock work lol

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I am on my second month of lo loestrin I'm basically half way and I didn't have my period last month is that normal? If so how long would it be before I'd have my next period?

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I will be started my 4th pack today. Before I had my period for two weeks and it was extremely heavy. but when I started this pill I only needed a liner on the white and brown days. On the 8th was my last blue pill before the white pills and I lightly spotted. And then spotted again on the first white pill but then nothing after. I took my second blue pill of the 4th pack today and I've been ovulating for te past two weeks but no period. Should I be worried? I've never missed a period and I was suppose to meet my dr. But he's been booked for the past month. I don't know if I should take a test just to be sure or wait it out until the end of the 4th pack. Is it normal to skip periods when you get to this point in the packs?

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I'm 25 and just started taking birth control 4 months ago. I was spotting, but honestly it's heavy enough that i feel like I'm having 2 periods a month now...... Now I'm on the fourth month and in the 2nd week of the pack and I've been bleeding for the last 3 days. My period is suppose to be in the middle of the month. My doctor told me my body is just adjusting to it but I dunno

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I've been on lo loestrin fe for about 3 weeks and getting ready to go onto the white pills. Was originally on the nuvaring but was causing issues with ph balance and blood work. I feel worse now than I did then! Bloating, constipation and frequent feeling like I have to urinate no uti either and moody and anxious. I keep having to use Azo tablets. Has anyone else had this experience? My doc said it could be from the fluctuation in hormones.

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glad to hear.. I have 2 kids and know I'm not preg but after mirena started this amd haven't had a period yet either. started lo lo just under 2 months ago! I feel better!!

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I'm glad to have come across this. I started Lo Loestrine June 21st (first day of my period) after NOT being on a pill for 2 years. I have not stopped bleeding (light to moderately ) since for more than 12 hours. I called my Dr. with this concern and the nurse told me that is normal for the first 2-4 months. I am still very concerned because I was getting my period regularly (same time every month, with breaks in between) while not on the pill however, it was heavy, painful, and cause me to become anemic. My experience with lo loestrine has made me a lot more level headed (hormone-wise) but still feeling anemic, tired, fatigued, and my breasts have nearly doubled in size while my waist stays the same (no complaints there!) But they are also SUPER sensitive and sore (big complaint) I have not been sexually active for some time so its not a question of pregnancy but I am concerned for other things such as endometriosis and PCOS. Both of which I had been checked for and still no sign, thank God. Let me know how you end up though. I am still nervous even after speaking to my Dr.

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lo loestrin low dose of estrogen available in any birth control pill.Few total bleeding days per month lasting less then 4days on average.butDo not use Lo Loestrin® Fe if you smoke cigarettes and are over 35 years old. Smoking increases your risk of serious cardiovascular side effects (heart and blood vessel problems) from birth control pills, including death from heart attack, blood clots or stroke. This risk increases with age and the number of cigarettes you smoke.You should not use birth control pills if you have or have had blood clots; breast cancer or any cancer that is sensitive to female hormones; a history of heart attack or stroke; high blood pressure that medicine can’t control; diabetes with kidney, eye, nerve, or blood vessel damage; liver disease or liver tumors; certain kinds of severe migraine headaches; jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes) caused by pregnancy; or if you are or may be pregnant.

Birth control pills increase the risk of serious blood clots, especially in women who have other risk factors, such as smoking, obesity, or age greater than 35. It is possible to die from a problem caused by a blood clot, such as a heart attack or a stroke. The most common side effects reported by women taking Lo Loestrin® Fe in a study were nausea/vomiting, headache, spotting or bleeding between menstrual periods, painful menstruation.Know more visit: avinandan.in

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I feel exactly the same way

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Hey I'm also taking lo loestrin fe and by the middle of my last period it was really light but didn't think anything about it but this month I was suppose to started my period 5 days ago and I still don't have my period and I'm really concerned

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Am on d microgynon an on the seven day brake an no period as yet wats wrong a take the pill the same time every morn

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Since these are hormonal contraceptive tablets, they can affect everyone in different ways and yes, it is perfectly normal for someone to have lighter periods or skip entirely, sometimes, while taking them.

There is really no need to worry, unless you think you may be pregnant or start showing unusual symptoms that could signify another health problem.

And as to more frequent urination, that is also a normal effect of changes to the hormones in your body. Any woman who's been pregnant can tell you that frequent urination starts, usually way before she knows she is pregnant and before the baby is big enough to be pressing on the bladder.


Are there any other questions?

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