List Of Things Not To Take With Lisinopril


What is not allowed while taking lisinopril; food, drugs or drinks.

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Lisinopril is an ACE inhibitor, that is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure.

If you are being treated for high blood pressure, you should be informed to avoid food or beverage products that contain real licorice or licorice extract, since it can raise blood pressure.

The only food/beverage interaction is that you should watch out for items that contain very high levels of potassium. Getting to much potassium, while taking Lisinopril can lead to Hyperkalemia, which can be a dangerous condition.

Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach pain.

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i have been taking lisinopril-hctz for a month and i have had a bad cough, I just realized 1week ago that it could be the medicine im taking.

Can i take mucinex for the cough?

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how much pottasium is to much ? i do not take potassium but i do enjoy bananas!

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what is the lowerst doesage on Lisinopril

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The lowest pill dosage on Lisinopril is 10mg, my doctor has me on 5 mg, just have to cut the pill in half.

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Can you eat Grapefruit when taking Lisinopril?

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I took 2 pills, lisinopril 5 mg Tab, by accident . These were in my husbands night pill cup. What should I do?

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the lowest dosage of Lisinopril is 2.5 and 5 mg.

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I realize this is an old thread, but I thought I'd respond anyways, for future readers. I've been on Lisinopril (20 mg. and now 10 mg. per day) for the past 2 years. My doctors have told me to not take anti-inflammatory pain meds (NSAIDs) like Ibuprofen very often. Also, there are a lot of over-the-counter cold meds that I'm not supposed to take (e.g. Nyquil) or anything that contains pseudoephedrine. And, as mentioned here already, I should not take any vitamins that contain extra potassium and should not eat foods very high in potassium (e.g. bananas, tomatoes) too much on a daily basis. However, eating them sometimes is fine.

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interesting,i have ben taking 20 mg.lisinopril for over 12 years.i am now realizing that a lot of my other health issues may have been caused by this osteo dr.has me taking 4 220 mg.Aleve for osteoarthritis.i also eat bananas and tomatoes almost every day.i am also weaning off of 25 mg.of metoprolol,having lots of issues with that;being hooked up with Holter monitor today.i also have Raynauds,high chlorestrol,sleep issues,acid reflux,depression.just not sure where i go from here.any ideas?

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I have been taking procardia xl 30mg seem to week pretty well. better than the lisinopril. procardia xl work well for Raynauds as well.

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Thanks I will definately look into it

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you should be fine just don't do it again! Your bp might be low tomorrow, but after a couple days the drug should be out of your system.


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The problem with taking NSAIDs (e.g. iburprofen or Aleve) with Lisinopril is that it can damage your kidneys. According to my doctor, it's okay to take an NSAID occasionally, but not very often. She said the best thing I should take for pain is Tylenol. As for the potassium interaction, apparently Lisinopril makes your kidneys store potassium, so there is a risk of developing hyperkalemia if you take supplements containing potassium along with it. Also, one thing I've found is that I need to take my Lisinopril tablet (10 mg. per day) after I eat a large meal, or it can upset my stomach. I take mine in the evening, after dinner. However, I do still occasionally have problems with stomach acid (pains in stomach), especially when I lay down for bed, but I'm not sure if that's related to the Lisinopril or something else (as I had a C-section around the same time I began taking Lisinopril).

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i would like to know why my doctor won't try me on a lower dose of lisinopril i am on 20mg and been exercising and it has really gone down quite a bit. he said he doesn't want to take a chance to see if it would go back up and i asked him and he said he is afraid

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Hey Im 15 years old and I have been taking lisinopril 20mg a day for almost a year and it has been making me really dizzy.Any advice?

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i took 60 mg of pottassium by mistake. can i take lisinopril after 24 hours. i had to pee alot during the 24 hours

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You would need to eat A LOT of bananas to get a high dose of Potassium!

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I took 8 lisinopril by accident not prescribed to me can this harm me

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That's not true. I take a 2.5 mg lisinopril

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Re: Aramei Razo (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Well, I'm not a doctor, but I have taken 20mg ofLisinopril before and had side effects. I lowered the dosage to 10 mg and seemed ok with that. It could have been too strong of dosage.

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Re: tommy johnson (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

if you are adequately hydrated and urinating fine there is no reason to worry about too much dietary potassium intake with average doses of lisinopril. So eat the bananas. It becomes a problem if your kidneys are effected or have insufficiency and your MD should be following it with regular blood tests. What is nice with lisinopril is that it is a second line drug for hypertension and the most often first line drug is a diuretic. Diuretics cause potassium loss directly related to the type and amount of the drug. So a low dose diuretic with a lowish dose of lisinopril offset each other enough that their is no net gain or loss of potassium from each. However, if you are on high doses of a diuretic such as Lasix or high doses of Lisinopril, say 40mg per day-rare. Then certainly be aware of potassium derangement and discuss this with your pharmacist and of course the person subscribing these- your MD or Nurse practitioner.

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Re: Gina (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Lowest dosage Lisinopril is 2.5 which is what I am prescribed for borderline high BP.

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Re: linda (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

It seems to take 48 hrs to change affect. If taking once, try taking half morning and night. Or cut one dose in half. 4 different doctors were over dosing me. Finally dropped the hctz to straight lisinopril. Then 20 mg x2 to 10x2 then 5x2. Finally settled on 5 and 7 1/2 daily. Avoiding excedrin which spikes+20/10.

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I've been having an 8 oz glass of low sodium v8 juice. Turns out it is high in potassium. Hopefully I haven't hurt myself.

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sorry this is gonna be long over the past year ive had several kidney infections and a sharp pain in my right kidney i was told by a freind that its proble my crazy dr and that i shouldnt take so many prescriptions ive had 5 heart attacks and a stroke i currently take lisinopril
20mg metoprolol tartrate 50mg isosorbide 60mg potassium 10 meq metformin 1000mg simvastatin 20mg tizanidine 4mg lyrica 200mg and a couple others and im constantly having muscle pain and kidney pain my dr just looks at me when i mention it and blows it ofg

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I'm taking ligsinopril with vitiman B How much should I take

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I still am not sure about eating bananas when you take lisinopril. Can one banana a day hurt you?

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Re: shar (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Has your doctor tested your PTH (parathyroid ) levels? Your symptoms could all be explained (as my similar ones were) by a non-cancerous parathyroid (NOT thyroid) adenoma (or enlargement). The diagnosis can be suggested first by a blood test, and then confirmed by a Dexascan and possibly a nulcear medicine scan as follow up. Once removed, in a minimally invasive surgery, depression, fatigue, digestive issues, acid reflux, and several other seemingly unrelated symptoms will be reversed!

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I'm taking Lisinopril 20mg for high blood pressure and also taking oxycodone/acetaminophen 7.5-325. Would that cause my blood pressure to go up?

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