Lisinopril Side Effects
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Was on Lisinopril for at least one year. Over time developed bad asthma (at first thought must be having anxiety attacks due to feeling shortenss of breath as though breathing with only partial lung, but have never had anxiety!) and Reynauds Syndrome. Told Dr. about worsening nerve symptoms making my feet feel as though freezing, couldn't even sleep at night from discomfort despite rest of body felt normal. No useful or focused response. Progressed to up to my knees and feet and toes turning awful colors like a diabetic with no circulation. Asthma progressed until waking up gasping for air so hard my back hurt for days afterward. Finally, happened to see my ENT who called me 30 minutes after I left her office and told me to stop Lisinopril right away. Stopped it and symptoms cleared up 90 + percent!
2 Replies
I was rushed to the emergency room with very rapid heart rate, confusion, post nasal dripping for almost a year right after I started taking the lisinopril. I had never had that before. My blood work showed that my kidney was acutely malfunctioning. This is scary. This medication is very very dangerous. The emergency room doctor told me to stop the lisinopril right away. My doctor had kept refusing to admit that it was that medication prior. Something should be done about this medication. I am praying that this medication leaves my system soon. I don't know whatever else damage it has done to my body.
Unfortunately, these symptoms are experienced by some people who use this class of medications.
They are warned about in the medication monograph, some are even listed as serious side effects requiring you to stop taking the drug immediately.
I had a similar experience with Metoprolol.
How are you feeling now? Have you found an alternative medication?
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