Linzess Weight Gain (Page 4)
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I was just prescribed Linzess for my IBS. I am wondering if others on this medicine have experienced wieght gain?

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I've been on Linzess for about 6 weeks. While I truly appreciate that I can finally have a regular bm, I hate that I've gained almost 20 lbs. and that my sugar has been running high

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THANK YOU for this! I recently felt like I gained weight, which is weird for me because I work out for 90 minutes EVERY DAY and eat the cleanest diet ever. I haven't changed anything diet wise and couldn't figure out what the deal was... But now, just NOW it clicked... Perhaps LINZESS is causing the issue... And low and behold I see everyone saying that it does! Well... I am definitely NOT going to take it anymore. I am going to be GI DOC to tell him the issue... And we shall see. I swear this is a NEVER ENDING battle! :( Plus, Linzess is NOT cheap for me, so why would I spend so much $$$$$ to gain weight? Um. NO.

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My doctor told me to never use the Miralax while I was taking the linzess possibly the combination of the two could cause problems
Maybe you should ask your doctor mine wasn't specific on what taking them together would cause I have gut demotility caused by mitochondrial disorder

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I too gained about 6 months! Never knew about the weight gain side effect until I googled it after NOT being able to fit into clothes from a yr ago. I noticed I gained weight but just a little in the beginning, but then as time went on I was gaining more and didn't realize it until just recent! Not happy! I stopped the med about a week ago! I look 7 months pregnant...clothes do not fit and I still have cramps, bloating, gas, etc. Never taking this medication again.

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The exact same thing happened to me. I have been off of it for a long time now. I've lost a few pounds but not much. I WILL NEVER TAKE IT AGAIN!
Good luck!
Carol Dawn

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I have been on Linzess for about a year. I have gained so much weight!! I have gone up two sizes larger. I am hungry all the time and I can't seem to be satisfied after I eat a meal. I am so miserable.

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So did you loose 20 pounds on Linzess or did you gain 20 pounds on Linzess? I'm supposed to start taking Linzess tomorrow so please help me understand if you lost and are angry or gained and unhappy. Thank you!!!!

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Can I take 2 linezz in a day. One is not working for me. I can't handle this bloating feeling daily

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I took it about half hr after eating drank a lot of water is this dangerous

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My question is can I drink my coffee right after taking lizness

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I was on WW but the drug made me so hungry and i was never satisfied with what i ate .
Its been a nightmare.

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Since I have been taken Linzess for constipation I have notice that I have a lot of bloating and gas rumbling in my stomach I am so disappointed with this medication it helps me in one way but hurts me in another way.

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I have been taking Linzess for OID for about 4 months now. I am quite active and am a senior citizen. Didn't attribute my weight gain to the drug at first but have gone from 142 to 156 in that time. No other changes to diet. Pretty convinced this drug is the reason. Taking the 290c dose and really must start looking for an alternative rather than a new wardrobe. Bloating is evident and still not consistent with elimination.

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Oh thank god it's not just me!!!! I just lost 105, and I'm freezing out. Look like the Pilsbury Doughboys mistress!!! It's not really helping me at all, been 3 weeks and still not on a normal cycle!

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Same here! Gained so much weight so I took it upon myself to stop taking them... Having such a hard to lose the weight and the bloating. I regret taking this pills... So freaking swollen!

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So you gained 20 lbs in July after stopping Linzess or you gained the weight starting in April to July while on Linzess ?

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I hate this f***ing drug. I took linzess for one month for chronic constipation. I was 170 pounds. Now I'm down to 150. In one month I loose 20 pounds. I will never take that s*** again. Now I'm so miserable trying to gain one single pound for the last 3 weeks and nothing. Still weigh 150 pounds I don't know what the hell this drug did to my body.

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I was wondering after you stopped taking them if you noticed your weight and body normalize again. I am going through excessive weight gain and hunger. It sucks and I want to stop taking them today!

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I have IBS - c to my upper testine is fluied and gas and rumble sound in it it fells like I'm going to explore were I'm so full of back up and fluied and gained weight idid weight 140 now I'm 162 I was going up and down on thses noiw I stay the same and I'm 45 can some tell me about linzess will it help with constipation and fluied and back up

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I have been off of the Lizness since my last post on here in January 2016. I have not lost this weight YET! very frustrated and would not recommend Lizness to anyone!!!!!!!

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