Linzess Weight Gain (Page 3)
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I was just prescribed Linzess for my IBS. I am wondering if others on this medicine have experienced wieght gain?

102 Replies (6 Pages)

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I only took Linzess 2 times and I have not lost the bloat or weight gain yet and it's been 1 week since off of it. My stomach is more distended than the other day. What do you think happens with this drug?

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Yes. I gained over 30 lbs. and I'm still trying to get it all off. I thought it would help me and, initially, it did. I could finally have a regular bowel movement but then it stopped working as well. Then came the weight gain. I still can't fit in my jeans. I'll never take Linzess again

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I had such issues with constipation I had been taking Miralax for 2 years and it had caused unimaginable joint pain every night which stopped after a month on Linzess. I have regular movements and have been on Linzess but steadily gaining weight. I was evern running 3+ miles a day and still gained weight which didn't make sense to me. So I started all organic and whole foods, nothing fried, very little sugar and lifiting weights and replaced runnig with elyptical. Im' still gaining weight. I am afraid to stop linzess but think I should......

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Same ! I want to go off. This is killing me. I worked so hard to be in shape and all my arm and leg muscles are gone. Did you go off ? What did you take instead?

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Same here ! I thought I was crazy my trainers have no clue how I'm gaining and I am a Tiny tiny frame ! I feel horrible swollen. 5 - 7 lbs. I'm going insane have you stopped the medication ? What did you take instead ? I'm stopping asap I'm so upset

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New medication out called Trulance. Appears to lack the side effect of weight gain.

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Same for me. Started Linzess last May 2016 gained 20 lbs by the end of June. By Sept added another 4 extra lbs. It's been 10 months & I am unable to loss any weight. I have no appetite, eat very little. This has never happened to me before. I've worn size 2-4 forever. And now I have had to buy new clothes because nothing fits. Had I known about possible weight gain, I would have never taken it. But I was desperate for relief of constipation. Now I'm bloated & fat & still severely constipated.

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I have being on linzess for about 5 years and I have gained weight my stomach is so big that I look like I am pregnant. I have mentioned to my doctor about my weight and my stomach and she tells me to keep taking probiotics. After reading all the comments I am going to stop taking linzess.

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Hi Tia! I never had a weight problem either nor was it in my genetics. I gained about 20 pounds. Stopped the Lizness about at year or two ago and still have not lost the weight. I eat very little. I have just never seen anything like this. It's awful and will NEVER take the Lizess again.

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I have been on Linzess for 3-4 years and have gained 35 pounds on it. I work out, eat a strict diet, and even have a trainer and a dietician. I have been to a weight loss center and have had every lab drawn that could possibly attribute to this. I thought it was due to the Linzess and called the company 2 years ago and reported it. They said they have NEVER had this happen. Well looking at all the posts, this is not true. I was always thin and lost weight easily. Weight gain is not in my genetics. I am stopping the medication. I want to know or hear from those that have stopped it and would like to see if they lost weight after stopping Linzess and how long it took to lose the weight if so. TIA.

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I've been taking it for about 2 months and not regularly since i work a retail.schedule. I've been gaining weight.I'm not eating more then i usually do. The weight gain really upsets me. I can see if i was over eating or something. Then i decided to check and now I've found others are having the same problem. The only thing linzess had done is give me bad diarrhea. I got better results taking miralax without the weight gain.

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Yes I did gain a lot of weight and even after getting off it I'm still gaining weight. It helped me a lot I thought and I went several times a day everyday probably too many times a day. But then I had to have a hysterectomy bc of my iron levels and was having issues after my hysterectomy. They decided to do a ultrasound bc of the issues I was having and the lady that was doing my ultrasound asked me if I had been having bowel movements and on that day before my ultrasound I probably had at least 6 bm and she told me the reason she was asking is bc I was completely full of stool. And then 8 weeks later after my hysterectomy I had to have a total hemmoriodemy and I was still taking Linzess 290 mg everyday through both surgeries like instructed by my doctor. The reason for the hemorrhoidectomy was from straining so much before Linzess on the years. After all healing from both surgeries and I was still taking Linzess everyday at a dosage of 290 mg I started noticing my stomach remaining swollen. It was extremely bad even after having 10 to 15 bowel movements daily. Now today no matter how many bowel movements with a laxative i never feel empty. I have stopped taking Linzess for over 2 months now. I look like i'm still 6 months pregnant and still gaining weight. So today i've been off Linzess for 2 months and am still having issues. I will always believe my issues come from using Linzess 290 mg everyday. Bc I shouldn't have been full on that ultrasound and I think with my bowels just sitting inside me caused some type of infection. After my 3 antibiotics I finished yesterday I'm still passing infection and blood and so much bloating I feel horrible. I'm not sure if I will ever feel good again or if they will ever find out what is wrong, causing me to pass blood and infection. Bc they sent off 4 stool samples and nothing came back. And I took my last two antibiotics yesterday and still passing infection and blood and bloated so bad my stomach hurts so bad and I'm not sure what to do. I hope this will help someone and if you had these issues please reply.

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I also started linzess a week ago. First week I had explosive diarrhea, and this week its more soft. Today I tried to put on the exact same jeans I wore exactly 1-week prior(with thermal pants under them), and i struggled to get them on with no extra layers under them. Dont know if I even want to continue the medication anymore. Im on adderall so my appetite is the same, so Im not sure how you gain weight on medication that helps you with discarding waste.....

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There is a coupon on line for 30 a moth for a year

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Thank you all so much.. I recently started a new gym and boot camp x3 a week... doing great eating clean up my exercise and weights everything after 1 Month my weight went up ( as did my body fat%) which should of went down... beacause I am now eating more protein and fewer carbs... so today weighed in for our 21 day challenge and I'm up 4 more pounds and body fat went up again... so by this time I'm in tears, the coaches and I go over my food diaries, water in takes everything.. I get home BAM...... Started on Linzess end of September... Not worth it! Stopping today. I did notice a BM regularly, for first week or so, but my stomach would be bloated.. but I don't understand if you go to the bathroom and so much is coming out.. several times a day.. How are you gaining weight????

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Yes I have been on this site for about 3 weeks and I gained 15 pounds and I don't eat much. I'm not taking this medicine anymore.

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It's weird how it works. I actually quit taking it completely. And I am feeling much better WITHOUT it. Give it a try and see if it works for you. The medication works differently depending on the person. And ALWAYS talk to your doctor about your conerns first!

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Can you tell me how u lost the weight
I just started today, I don't understand how these people gain so much if it cleans everything out.
Please let me know your thoughts on it thank you

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I'm on WW too and just started Linzess this week. I'm worried about all of the reports of weight gain and since I am diligent about my points and rarely touch my weeklies, know it is not my food intake. I have only gained one pound so far but am still concerned. I've worked so hard and am almost at my 10%!

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I do not weigh myself and I haven't in 5 years, so while I feel as though I'm gaining weight and feel puffy... When I went to my doctor to talk about this, he weighed me and told me I weighed the same as the first time I met him (pre ALL medications). That being said, he prescribed me Amateza... And for the first 2 days of that stuff, I felt amazing (minus a crazy headache), but then things went south... ESPECIALLY my mood! I got really depressed, crying for NO REASON- I mean, I had a FLAT FLAT STOMACH, why would I cry about that? And you know what? The second I stopped taking it, BAM, my mood was happy as a clam again! It's crazy how these drugs can truly affect EVERYTHING. I've been taking Linzess again for the past 2 days and I am able to have BMs... We shall see what happens in terms of weight. I am starting to feel a little all around puffy again though.

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