Lexamil Side Effects (Page 4)


Is there anything that anybody can tell me about Lexamil?

215 Replies (11 Pages)

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Been on lexamil for 6 months. Weight stayed normal but sex drive hit zero. My greatest problem is memory. People tell me things and the next day I can't remember what they said. Please help.

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I have been on Lexamil 20 for the past 10 months and I seem to be the same as before I started using them. Can I increase the doses?

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I have received a subscription at my home country as I did not want to be classified as suffering from depression in the UK. It has been crushing and I have not been able to even get out of bed...

For me it took a few weeks of use and the changes were very gradual, almost imperceptible, but I started feeling better, positive and planning life with enthusiasm.

One side effect I did notice was a profound increase in libido and erection stamina. I am surprised that some contributors say that their libido dropped. But I did notice this only after a few weeks of usage. When I stopped treatment (it is expensive if self funded) the change lasted for at least 3 months after stopping usage.

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I've been on Lexamil 10mg for 3 months. I have terrible insomnia and have to take Alchera sleeping tabs every night. Not happy about it but the Lexamil works for me. No reduction in libido, just takes very lone to eject those climactic fluids. My wife says I'm wearing here out.

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I've been on Prosac (been much better then) for many years but recently a psychiatrist prescribed first Cipralex and 3 mnths later my GP prescribed Lexamil after my husband's death (although I'm very lonely). I am agitated, irritated and restless, have muscle spasms, nightmares and mood swings, lack of co-ordination, aggression and anger outbursts; also memory loss. I have just read on the web Antidepressant medicines - what you need to know about depression medications the antidepressant warning signs and also that your serotonin level cannot be tested although Peachy says her GP tested hers. I also gained weight since being on Lexamil. For some it works - for others not. Sometimes I really wonder whether all is not a money-making issue. I am at wits end and do not know what to do now. Considering going off any form of antidepressants at a very slow rate and see what happens and put my trust into my Saviour to get rid of all my problems.

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I am a 38 year old male. I have been on Lexamil for about six weeks now. It definitely has taken the edge off of a serious bout of depression after my relationship ended and I feel is helping in conjunction with my therapy, dealing with unresolved childhood trauma.

I experienced quite a lot of side effects in the first week whilst weaning myself on to the drug... tight jaw, anxiety, dizziness, mild disorientation, lucid dreams (which I still have), upset stomach, headaches... not all of them are unpleasant though. If you have ever taken recreational drugs, one could liken the initial side effect sensations, familiar to a come down.

Its the sexual disfunction thing that really bugs me the most. My libido seems normal, if not slightly increased, but this may also have to do with the fact that my girlfriend has moved out and we always want more what we cant have...Anyway, I get my normal chubby in the morning which I'm happy about. Its really hard for me to reach orgasm through normal intercourse. Because of this I can carry on for a lot longer than I normally would. Quite suddenly he goes soft. There is an overall desensitization or almost detached feeling to my penis. I would say as much as 50 or more!

Wish I had done some research before taking these meds. My Dr. never mentioned this side of the story. I now understand why people stop taking Lexamil.

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Ive been on it for 5 days. My sex drive has skyrocketed , loss of appetite and i feel great. One day at a time i say.

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I started lexamil 10mg Tablets today doctor said i must take half every morning so far its okay i hope it dosent make me gain weight and i dont have a sex drive normally so i hope it increases it LOL

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I've been on Lexamil for 3mnths..it worked great but the nausea has increased over the weeks. I'm really worried on what effect this is happening on my body-is this a comman sympton?..I've stop it for the last few days to see if i feel Ok without it - but am a bit worried stopping it so abruptly. Thankx for any advice.

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Been on Lexamil 20mg for 7 months. Gained 10kg, lost sexdrive, increased naseua. Want to start weening myself by taking 20mg one day 10mg the next for one month. After that 10mg per day for 1 month and then 10mg every second day the month after that. As suggested by my doctor.

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Been on lexamil for a week now the side effects are terrible but last 2 days its been great,i hope this medicine really works for me

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i started with the 5mg and now im on the 20mg ,some say's i take 2 20mg pills,ive been on lexamill now for almost 2year and gained 15kg's..i cant live without the pill,if i dont drink it each day ,i start to get heavy panic attacks,is there any other brand that's good for panic attacks?

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I am on Lexamil 10 mg for my second week. It seems to help me for my tiredness. Does not affect my libido but i cannot ejaculate!

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Just started with Laxamil 1/2 tablet for 2 weeks then 1, 5mg tablet the next 2 weeks and then 10mg for the next month thereafter and so forth. I'm scared. Suffered from depression since 2001 but never really got it treated. Now I hear I have to be on this for at least 1 - 2 years. I just hope this works for me. Don't like the side-effects I'm hearing about, but I guess I'm just going to have to give it a go. For Myself! I CAN DO THIS!!!

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Ive been on Lexamil 10mg now for a month and a half. I cant seem to concentrate at work. Im on medical leave and find myself extremely fearfull of everything and sensitive to noise. I cry out of the blue. Strangely enough when im with my fiancé i dont experience this. I have very good days, but they are limited. Every day its different. In short im confused, i just dont feel at peace yet.

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Was on other anti-depressant, doctor changed to Lexamil 5 days ago - what a relieve to feel myself again, not just lying in the bed and can't get up to go to work. Hope no weight gain!

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Do Not ever every stop drinking this. I stopped for 2 days and I was back to square 1. Won't make that mistake again. After 2 weeks, No weight gain yet. Sex Drive is definitely lower. Poor Hubby! I am still a bit shaky at times and scare easily, but otherwise I think I'm doing much better. Good Luck to you all my friends.

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Go for it Stephanie! I feel so much better. It's like being a new person. But no climax yet.
I could go on for hours if I wanted to but I am considerate towards my wife. I also experienced the clenced jaws in the beginning but it is better now.

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I’m a 44 year old mail and have just been placed on Lexamil. I was referred to this sight. I am concerned about this low or loss of libido everyone is talking about. I will die if this is the case. When you talk about the weight gain is it a sudden gain and then stabilises or is it over a few months.

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Hi Ray, I've stopped using Lexamil. The lexamil made me feeling great! It was fantastic to be on top of the world again, but when I couldn't keep the weight off and lost my sex drive, I was not so happy anymore. I've started drinking bio-strath and I feel fantastic. Started loosing some weight and got my sex drive back. yeh!!! BUT, not everyone is the same. You won't know if you didn't try it.

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