Levothyroxine Side Effects (Page 4)


I was recently diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. I have been taking levothyroxine for almost two weeks. For the last four or five days I have had a weird feeling. It is hard to explain. I don't really feel dizzy but I get a strange feeling in my head. I guess you would describe it as a head rush. Has anyone else had this feeling and will it go away as my body adjusts to the levothyroxine?

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I think a lot of people do not allow the medication a chance to work. It takes months and sometimes over a year to get regulated. Many people don't research what their levels should be at and when their dr says they are therapeutic at 5 (tsh) they go with it (although the medical associations and labs have changed what is normal many still go by the old numbers which were erroneous) In reality normal is .25-2. I felt like ick for a year and a half until I finally got to 2.5 and now another half year and I am finally felling amazing at 2. If your thyroid has been bad for years you will NOT grow your hair back. Once it is gone for a year or two not matter what medication you go on for your thyroid you will not get it back. However you can try rogaine. I am a woman and I use the 5% foam that says for men only. I am not going to have children and by dr has said that this is fine to use as long as you are not planning on getting pregnant. With my thyroid regulated all the things you are all describing as being symptoms from the drug (heart palps, sore muscles, weight gain, dizziness, brain fog) are all gone, I think in many cases they are a result of an under medicated condition, people don't give the medication a chance to work and don't get their tsh low enough to feel good. A great source of info on this is the About.coms thyroid page. She has some good info. I hope you all feel better!

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I've been taking Thyroxine for 2 months, but I am also taking a contraceptive injection. Has anyone else had problems with this mix? Have had symptoms which could be confused with early pregnancy, sore breasts, nausea etc...would appreciate any feedback if someone else has had similar problems.

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For low Thyroid, in 3 days I took 3 Levothyroxine @ 50 mg. I reminded my doc that I get migraines from ANY hormones, but she thought this was a low enough dossage. I ended up projectile vomiting 3 times in a movie theater hallway. I felt like I was starring in a zombie movie. I went home & slept for 12 hours. I'm more-or-less Ok today, but the toes in my right foot still ache (I've had Osteoporosis for 30 yrs. & Levo increases Osteoporosis!). Anyway--I'm certainly not taking the medicine anymore.

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Ok, so Im almost 18 and i've been diagnosed with hypothroydism since the 4th grade. usually its not found til youre in your 30's or 40's so that sucks for me. i still get head rushes almost everyday and i can feel my heartbeat slow down every once in a while but y doctor says its nothing too serious. but im pretty sure he's full of sh*t so maybe you should talk to your doctor or wait another month and you'll be able to tell if you need a higher dosage or lower just by feeling it.

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I have found that I feel funny even though I have been takign the meds for about 4 months now, my face is sensitive and it breaks out a alot , with read spots on my cheeks and my skin gets really dry.

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Hi, My wife has depression and panic attack , she has bee taking anti depressants for 4 years, now her blood test shows mild high TSH. Her docotor has started 25 micg levothyroxin since 3 days. I am not sure it will help her to reduce her mental problem or not, please share your expierences.

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Im taking lithium, and klonopin for for anxiety, panic disorder and bipolar decease . Today my blood work showed I have hypothyroidism he wants me to start on 100 MCG every morning (Im really scared to take it since reading all the comments! my once beautiful long hair is becoming course and dry, and Im loosing it by the handfuls ive also read this is a symptom of hypothyroidism) Im always tired and frustrated. My ? is ,Is there anyone out there that has had good results with this drug ? does anybody out there know of a safer med. synthetic or natural that may work without all these side effects? thanks and god bless

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To anyone taking synthethic thyroid medication (i.e. Levothyronine, Synthroid): the following info may change your life. Try natural (plant-based) bioidentical thyroid replacement. I have hypothyroidism and have been taking T3 Triiodoliothyronine (plant-based) for a year. If you live in Southern California, look up the Holtorf Medical Group in Torrance or Whitaker Wellness Center in Newport Beach. If you can, schedule an appointment (ask re:insurance coverage first). Also, read Suzanne Somers' book,Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones. It will change your life! If you don't live in SoCal, call Whitaker Wellness and/or Holtorf Medical and see if they refer you to somewhere to go outside California for bioidentical hormone replacement. If I can help at least one person with this info, it's very much worth it to me posting this :)

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To anyone taking synthethic thyroid medication (i.e. Levothyronine, Levothyroxine, Synthroid, etc.): the following info may change your life. Try natural (plant-based) bioidentical thyroid replacement. I have hypothyroidism and have been taking T3 Triiodoliothyronine (plant-based) for a year. If you live in Southern California, look up the Holtorf Medical Group in Torrance or Whitaker Wellness Center in Newport Beach. If you can, schedule an appointment (ask re:insurance coverage first). Also, read Suzanne Somers' book,Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones. READ THIS BOOK- IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!! She explains how how hormone levels (DHEA, Thyroid, Progesterone, Estrogen, Testosterone, etc.,) are the cause of side effects including hair loss, anxiety, depression, increased anger, etc.,). If you don't live in SoCal, call Whitaker Wellness and/or Holtorf Medical and see if they refer you to somewhere to go outside California for bioidentical hormone replacement. If I can help at least one person with this info, it's very much worth it to me posting this :)

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REVISION; I meant to write how LOW hormone levels, not how how hormone levels. Sorry for the typo.

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I had no idea the buzzing/vibration was a side effect of levothyroxine. I am so glad I found this site! I hugged my niece the other day and asked her if she could feel the vibration and she could. WEIRD!! I too am losing hair every day. It is very freaky. Is it the meds, is it the condition (Hashimoto), or just stress, or what?? But I can't NOT take meds because before diagnosis and treatment I just got sicker and sicker. Couldn't breathe, swelled up elephant legs, soooo tired all the time. Should I switch meds? I see my doc next week. I'll see what he says.

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I am taking Synthroid for about 6 or 7 years now. I've never experienced any of the side effects mentioned above. I feel perfectly fine and my thyroid is functioning within normal range.

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When I started thyroid treatment in Sept 2007, my TSH level was 85 (yes - near 100). My MD started me on Synthroid but my wonderful pharmacy changed it to Levothyroxine, (insurance reasons or whatever - I hate when they give you generic instead of brand - there IS a difference). As of 5/5 blood work, I am down to now the other end of the spectrum @ .003. I am currently on .30 mg/day and they lowered me to .25 so we'll see. My body aches, sleeplessness, irritability, etc., but all are also signs of menopause & at 48 I'm not surprised at all. So, if anyone else is in my boat - give me a shout out with ideas.

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Was so relieved to read Incognito's post on the very day of my total thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer. Taking meds will be my life so hearing someone say something good was refreshing! I have been searching for something positive on the internet about levothyroxine. I've been prescribed the generic Eltroxin and start it on Monday as I am only 4 days post-operation. Hoping not to have all these horrible things happen!

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can the mediation levethyroxine affect the memory my partner has been on the treatment for nearly 11 weeks and has developed a slight memory disorder causing her to speak half sentences and being forgetful almost like drunk .which is very frustrating..noticed by myself and family members...the doctor said the treatment would bring her levels back to a level of feeling herself again but is far from it- from what i can tell- especially after 11 weeks..is showing no signs o improvement apart from eating better and her body temperature has went from stone cold to extreme hot. she lives her life as a non energetic couch potato who has no get up and go - her interests are 0.0 in anything...her thyroid problem was discovered after taking a ceasure ( epelectic fit ) which she has never had in her life is there a link- that thyroid problems causes epelism as well would apprciate any information on my subject.....brian

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I have been taking Levothyroxine for two weeks due to underactive thyroid, I have been giggling more than ever, funny feeling in my mouth, can't sleep throughout the night but sustained weight.

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I've been on it since 2003, increasing from 75mcg to 175mcg, and I have never felt normal. Sometimes just getting through the day is a major task. I work outside, and can never regulate my body temp. In summer I burn up, and in winer I freeze. Being in surveying, I struggle to keep a clear head long enough to calculate simple numbers.

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Just had my thyroid removed and now on Levothyroxin only been on it for 3 days. I feel so much better now, I didn't want to have the surgery but I'm glad I did. I feel a little displaced but overall better.

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has anyone found that viagra does not work when takinglevothroxine??since taking this medicine viagra has not worked for me!!

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i was taking armour was a pig gland lost lots of weight then when swine flu came cant find any where so went to tj and they gave me synthroid200 mcg no weight loss 2 .5 now have been taking moody all the time skin dry i look unnaturally puffy from the low thyroid anyone know a thyroid med that actually prduced a signif.weight loss?

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