Levothyroxine Side Effects (Page 25)
UpdatedI was recently diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. I have been taking levothyroxine for almost two weeks. For the last four or five days I have had a weird feeling. It is hard to explain. I don't really feel dizzy but I get a strange feeling in my head. I guess you would describe it as a head rush. Has anyone else had this feeling and will it go away as my body adjusts to the levothyroxine?
Hi all, I also struggled with all sorts of symptoms for the past 8 years. I will share some things that helped me get almost back to normal in hope to save everyone else the pain.
I had my thyroid removed and now I am on 150mcg levothyroxine. I had side effects like:
- anxiety & panic attacks
- easy to get tired
- trouble sleeping
- muscle cramps
- joint pain
- inflammation
- mood swings
- depression
Doctors were for the most part ignorant as long as the blood tests were fine. I did complete blood work (not only thyroid) and looked perfect but I was feeling like crap. I tried myself multiple things to improve my life quality and the things that worked are:
1. Try different brands of hormones, even though all have levothyroxine, the body reacts differently to each one. The best I found for me is Levothyrox [Image]. At first I was on Euthyrox and it was completely bad. This helped improve things by 20%
2. Split the dose during the day. I take 150 as 25 in the morning, 50 before lunch, 50 before dinner, 25 before sleep. Also at lunch I take it with a complex supplement of magnesium, calcium, D3, B6. This helped improve things by 20%
3. Exercise to burn all the extra adrenaline. Gym, sports & jogging work very well, yoga also helps, but better to have action exercises. This helped improve things by 20%
4. Eat properly. I gave up all animal protein a couple of months ago and that has been going very well so far. No refined sugar, less salt, no dairy, no junk/fried food, no alcohol is a must. Meat I choose to gave up for moral reasons but try to reduce at least. Plant-based food is what I eat (fruits, legumes, veggies, smoothies, juices, grains, seeds). There are plenty of resources online for plant-based cooking recipes. This helped improve things by 20%
5. Try to get good sleep. For me, the sleep quality decreased on this medication. Get a quiet, dark room, try some stretching before sleep. Use plant-based tea/drinks to help you get deep sleep. I also use an anti-inflammatory cream for some muscles that ache. This helped improve things by 20%
Good luck and I hope my experience is helpful.
Thankyou for your information. Helpful information
Regards Annie
I was prescribed levothroxine 100mcg felt horrible on it and stopped my doctor is very upset with me said it was something else bothering me. I felt better not taking it. Do not know what to do.
I havevto put up with it. Neva liked it but what do we do. Give it a month see how you feel
Be careful with armour.i was on it about a year started having anxiety attacks and racing heart. Had to go back to levo.
Hypothyroidism is under an active thryoid. Meds can help so if you don't feel that your doctor is listening to you, change doctors or get an endocrinologist.
I am a 24 year old female and I have been taking this medicine since June 30th 2017,I had a period last month but haven't gotten one this month and I've had a lot of pregnancy symptoms but keep getting a negative not sure if its to early to tell or if its something a lot of women have dealt with and is it normal? And yes I would know a lot of early signs of pregnancy due to have two kids already but only one living the other ended in a miscarriage before I started taking the medicine... Oh and I take 0.05mg...
I've been diagnosed to have thyroid noodles. But until know I'm still on observation. I've never taken any conventional medicine, and no doctor has given any drugs to use. But I've had thyroid storm several times and I thank God who has really kept alive. Pls what is it that can bring lasting solution to this double double thyroid noodles?
I've been taking levothyroxine 75mcg for maybe 2 or 3 years now. I have been experiencing dizziness at times since I started taking it. Some people said it's Vertigo that comes from the ears?
I recently started taking Levothyroxine three days ago and I feel the head rushes too! You’re right it’s not really a long dizzy feeling but it comes in bursts. Very strange.
I too am concerned as as was on levothroycin made by Sandoz. I took that for years with no adverse effects. Now, I was switched to Lannet manufacturer, but too soon to tell if I'll effects. Let me stress that it is absolutely critical that you see an Endocrinologist! My regular doctor just about killed me. Do not expect an MD to help, as they are trained to look for a normal range. What is critical is the T3 and T4 levels are. My endocrinologist got me back on track, and I have been fine for well over 10 years
Levothyroxine 112mcg with yellow dye makes me feel bad. Am I allergic to Levothyroxine or the yellow dye?
Re: LAHs (# 411)
Thank you for your post! I was taking synthroid (Canada) for approx 5 1/2 months. I started off with 50mcg...& over the years they bumped me up to 100mcg. In about a months time I got so sick, that I actually called an ambulance. I felt so weak, that my legs felt like they would not hold me up & horrible nausea. It was the EMT asking questions in the ambulance that made a light go on in my mind. She had asked me, "Has your doctor adjusted your synthroid medication recently?". It hit me...I went downhill in that month, after she put me on 100mcg. My Hubby did some research & found out that I had every bad side effect of synthroid. I quit cold turkey. I have now been off for about 6 months now. I am not getting better, but I have not felt the need to call an ambulance since. I found this forum, while researching a natural form. I am interested in trying the Armour. Is it still working for you?
Re: urbanangel (# 9)
Sounds like an allergic reaction! I would have stopped the med immediately!
Hello everyone.
I had thyroid cancer back in 1992. When I lived in my home state my doctor had me regulated and I felt great. Moved to another state and they have me on 200 MGs and when I start getting heart palpitations I take myself off of it for about 2 days and then I go back on it and I feel great. So you just have to almost experiment with yourself because some of these doctors are just stupid. Where I live before my doctor told me to never take anything higher than 150 mgs and the doctors were I Live Now are just so ridiculous. Good luck.
Thyroid medication is tricky and serious. There is a saying, "thyroid low, please go slow because if thyroid high, patient may die." You should not have weird feelings on Levothyroxine. Call your doctor. You may be bumped up too much. Never take thyroid with food. It 100% negates the effects. My thyroid is really crappy. Runs in the family. I've got 22 years of thyroid treatment and education under my belt.
Re: Margret (# 489)
I’ve had vertigo from an inner ear infection. It’s your balance when it affects the inner ear. I had it years age when I was young and before I was ever diagnosed with any thyroid problems. It’s awful when you’re in bed and turn your head to one side and you feel like you’re sinking into the bed!
Re: Christina (# 496)
I need to ask some questions. I have no thyroid now since I allowed a doctor to convince me that it MIGHT be cancerous... and the doctor said it would be easy to just take this tiny pill for the rest of your life. Well, it is not so simple as that. I now have osteoporosis caused by the hormone... and now I find that my hormone levels are too low, got to increase the dosage... and the brochure says that calcium can block the hormone....and I don't take pills but eat spinach and drink almond milk to make up for the low calcium... but I'm really low on energy and depressed at this point. If I take my pill at 2 a.m. that will give me a 5 hr window before I eat... and maybe that will work to not have the calcium interfere with the hormone? Any ideas?
Re: stacyn (# 15)
Hi. I have been on the meds for 3 weeks and I'm sooo tired. I also get the strange feeling in my head that my heart flutters sometimes. I am always thirsty and hungry but I am not overweight. Is this just side effects?
Re: susie (# 8)
I stopped completely 2 weeks ago. Feeling so much better. Not touching this. Why should you take a med for 1 problem and create half a dozen more? Crazy.
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