Levothyroxine Chest Tightness (Top voted first)


I had a THYROIDECTOMY on Jan 2006 and was taking 50MCG levothyroid hormone ever since. I was doing well untill Apr 08 when I told my doctor that I was planning to get pregnant, she increased my dosage to 75MCG. It turned out aweful to me despite the doctor said that TSH falled into a lower safe range for pregnancy. I felt palpitation and sweatering in the first month and starting October I had trouble sleeping becuase whenever I laid down I felt palpitation and tight chest such that I had to put a pillow behind my upper back to get a whole sleep for a few days, And these symptoms scare me most because It's like haert failure, which could be a side effect of thyroxine! My BP--once measured in clinic 110/80-- scared me off because it was 90/60 for my 30 years of life and never changed before!

I had to cut back my dose--just cut the tip off a bit--not precisely controlled. I still feel palpitation and my HR has been constantly 80/min in contrast to 60/min where I used to be before my surgery and when I was on 50MCG levothyroxine. My menstrual period has been delayed for 8days, it never happened before also. Starting one week ago, I felt chest tightness, esp when I want to jog, I just can't do it because I would feel chect pain if I run. >_<

I just made an appointment with the doctor for next week, but I am so depressed and I'd like to hear suggestions from you.

6 Replies

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I know how you feel I also have to take the same med as u & my pulse went up to 100-my doctor gave me a med called-ATENOLOL & it has really helped a lot. Please talk to your dr & mention you need something to slow your heart rate down-it would scare me when my heart would pound I would think I was having a heart attack which would only bring on a panic attack I would get chest pains,sweating & it was anxiety from me worrying when my heart pounded,it also made me short of breath-but this med ATENOLOL stopped all of that. I hope you feel better soon & God bless.also maybe the doctor hasn't put you on it already because a pulse of 80 is about average.you must be athletic if your pulse has been 60-mine hasn't been that low since I had my children & I also have microvalve prolapse which I need surjury to fix & a leaky valve.I have no health insurance & do not qualify for medicaid so I am stuck with this & many other health problems, I have been active in different groups & one now is to push for health care for all americans at a low cost-of course it won't happen over night but sometimes I feel so bad it is just hard to make it from 1 day to the next-I am 44 yrs old now & I feel I have missed out on a lot of my life since I have been ill since my 20s.

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I had similar symptom, did some research on internet and discovered 75mcg Levothyroxine has coloring from Tartrazine, which some people are sensitive to. I also found out 50mcg non-generic Synthroid has no coloring and so I take it (you can take 50 + 25 or 1/2). I do not recommend adding a heart medication to address a side effect of another medication as the person above does.

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after taken levothyroxin,in the mornning for about 2 to 3 hours i am panicy,and then i feel better after that goes away

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I had a thyroidectomy in June 2008. I am on 100 mcg levothyroxine 5 days a week and 112 mcg 2 days a week. I have the same symptoms, racing heartbeat, pre-hypertension, panicky after two-three hours of taking the dose in the morning etc. I have found some relief by taking half of my pill first thing in the morning and the other half in the evening, an hour before dinner. My endocrinologist okayed taking half the dose in the morning and the other half in the evening. This has helped the hypertensive symptoms. The only irritating side effect that I am currently left with is an odd flushing sensation in my left ear and left side of the head.

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I wouldn't worry about your blood pressure. 90/60 is actually very low while 110/80 is more in the normal range.

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I feel your pain I've had my thyroid taken out in Jan. 2016 started off with 75 mcg was upped to 125 mcg levothyroxine. Every time it got upped pressure on my chest got worse. I noticed trying to breathe in was harder then the doctor lowered it back down to 100 mcg still have pressure on my chest but not as bad as it was. But the down side is feel like crap all over again.

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